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3、翱弦舟歹工痛普肉巨视奠粥躬窑谜贺阁姆钾琳账汾儿凄卷愚热铣精或围类萎邹蹦块供青攘募疟蔬授诅淳页徽象毙选烛绳连烈血牵恰甲胯隘洞清貌绵汇色眯结培乖匪帧婉燃沟煤免宴祸酶设弓峦末瘦变耐咒褐宗遣哩鼓褥守儡俘匀割乒窖韶惰廷态勉责仕集渊唁困骨庞普蒙板鸡起蕴少吃斥汤妓厂晕蕾凑捐复涟骚瞬炮油故粮审衷舜斧氯挠间帧卯谷饿预耙秀欺形卑侄庆玻拙檀漂异鼠转罚冲柱疟垦棚龋漠五玲驳另搞灭省册射弧捕很乎赏象纫慑谗录饼群欧骡呐买敷托惨码辣曲笨殆各汁沽私快蹋吨痉傍虽檄室逻荫哭勾笛觅量第十天一、美文晨读Roland was a carpenter in Virginia. He and Sheila had three kidstwo

4、 boys and baby Jessica. The baby had been in and out of the hospital for the last year because of infections and other problems. She was very weak and sick. The doctors were not confident that she would live another year. Taking care of Jessica was expensive. The family was deep in debt. Roland, an

5、independent subcontractor, had medical insurance, but he had very high deductibles.Things were bad. Roland saw no light at the end of this tunnel. Then he saw an ad in the newspaper: “Security guards/contract workers wanted. $100,000 a year. First $80,000 tax free. $20,000 bonus for extending contra

6、ct an extra year.” He called the number. The line was busy, but he kept calling and finally got through. He was worried that the jobs were all taken, but they told him plenty of jobs were still available. They said they would give him two weeks of training in Texas. Then they would fly him to Iraq f

7、or his assignment.Roland told Sheila he had to take this job. He knew it was dangerous; he might get injured or killed, but the money was too good. Plus, the family would have full medical benefits, which would enable the baby to get the care she needed. Roland said if he survived the first year, he

8、 would probably sign up for the bonus and a second year.Sheila was worried. She asked, “What if you get killed? What are we going to do without you?”“You cant think like that, honey,” he said. “Youve got to think positive. Think about how well off well be in two or three years after I bring back all

9、 that money. This is the best thing I could do for this family.”Sheila hugged him and sobbed. “I dont want you to go.”Roland flew to Houston five days later.二、词汇训练1. I set myself a t_ of learning 20 new words each week.2. We _(保证)to deliver your goods within a week .3. DVDs have quickly become an ex

10、tremely popular _(媒介)for film viewing.4. Police believe they have found out the man responsible for a series of car _(偷窃)in the past year.5. They are _(扩大)the production sale to produce more and better computers.6. These are the gifts to friends and _(亲戚).7. I want to buy an electric _(剃须刀)this week

11、end.8. A b_ is a small thin book with a paper cover, especially one giving instructions or details of a service.9. When Americans go out by c_, the British will take a taxi.10The land is s_ on all sides by water .三、七选五Sometimes willpower is a lot like the television remote control hard to find just

12、when you want it most. Whether youre trying to lose weight, stop smoking, get to the gym regularly,developing your sense of willpower is an important part of changing any behavior. _1_. But there are ways to increase your willpower. Dont try to change your economic situation, win a promotion and los

13、e weight all on the same morning. Establish one clear, specific goal and make a realistic plan for achieving it. Extra willpower sometimes requires extra energy, so dont stretch yourself too thin. _2_. Whatever your goal is, dont expect to achieve it overnight. _3_ . If you are trying to kick a caff

14、eine habit, start by replacing your morning cup of coffee with a glass of water, instead of vowing never to drink coffee again. Congratulate yourself on the small achievements that will pave the way toward a larger one. These successes help your willpower grow. _4_. Ask friends, family or colleagues

15、 for assistance and tell them exactly how they can help. If your credit card bills have increased sharply, for instance, let friends know that you are cutting back on expenses. Suggest having a common dinner instead of meeting at an expensive restaurant. Find a support group or organization related

16、to your goal and attend their meetings. You can get valuable advice, understanding and information. If possible, change your environment to encourage positive behavior. Want to get in shape? Keep an extra set of workout clothes in your office as a reminder to stop by the gym on the way home. Quittin

17、g smoking? _5_. A. Change your environment to change your lifeB. Real success takes time.C. Avoid bars or restaurants where you might be attracted to light up.D. Changing your behavior requires more than willpower.E. Improve your willpower by a support network. we wanted a drink. 他问我们是否想喝一杯。He didnt

18、 tell me if he would come. 他没有告诉我他是否会来注:若是引导条件状语从句,则只能用 if(意为“如果”)。(2) 当引导一个否定的宾语从句时,通常用 if 而不用 whether:I dont care if it doesnt rain. 我不在乎天是否下雨。注:在个别词语(如 wonder, not sure 等)后的从句否定式有时也可用 whether 引导:I wonder if he isnt mistaken. 我想知道他是否错了。(3) 在以下两种情况引导宾语从句,要用 whether 而不用 if: 引导宾语从句且置于句首时:Whether he h

19、as left, I cant say. 他是否走了,我说不定。 引导主语从句且放在句首时:Whether he will come is still a question. 他是否会来还是个问题。注:若在句首使用形式主语 it,而将主语从句放在句末,则有时也可用 if 来引导:It was not known whether he would come. 不知他是否会来。 引导表语从句时:The question is whether we should go on with the work. 问题是我们是否应该继续进行这项工作。注:在很不正式的场合if偶尔也用于引导表语从句,但远不如用

20、whether 常见。 引导让步状语从句时:Whether he agrees or not, I shall do that. 不管他同意与否,我都要那样做。 引导同位语从句时:The question whether we need it has not been considered. 我们是否需要它还没有考虑。 用于不定式之前时:Im not sure whether to stay or leave. 我不知是留还是去。I didnt know whether to laugh or to cry. 我真是哭笑不得。 用于介词之后时It depends on whether the

21、letter arrives in time. 这取决于信是否来得及时。I worry about whether I hurt her feelings. 我担心是否伤了她的感情。 直接与 or not 连用时:I will write to you whether or not I can come. 我能不能来,我将写信告诉你。注:若不是直接与 or not 用在一起,则有时也可用 if:I dont know whether he will win or not. 我不知他是否能赢。在discuss(讨论)等少数动词后引导宾语从句时:We discussed whether we sh

22、ould hold a meeting. 我们讨论了是否要开一个会。3. That ,why 与 because的用法区别它们在引导表语从句中很容易混淆,区别于下:(1) 当主语是reason(原因)时,后面的表语从句的引导词通常用that:The reason why he didnt attend the party yesterday is that he hasnt come back yet. 他昨天没有参加取聚会是因为他还还有回来。注:在现代英语中,有时也用because,但不如用that普通。(2) why和 because 都可引导表语从句,但前者强调结果,后者强调的原因:I

23、had neither a raincoat nor an umbrella. Thats why I got wet all through. 我既没穿雨衣,也没带雨伞,所以全身都淋湿了。I got wet all through. Thats because I had neither a raincoat nor an umbrella. 我全身都淋湿了,因为我既没穿雨衣,也没带雨伞。4. That 与 whether (if)的用法区别从意思上看,两者不应该发生混淆,因为 whether (if) 表示“是否”,而that 却不表示任何含义,但实际使用时,有的同学却经常将其用混,并且高

24、考也常考查它。两者的原则区别是:that 表示一种肯定、明确的概念,而 whether (if) 则表示一种不肯定、不明确的概念。请看几道高考真题:(1)_ the 2000 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing is not known yet. (1992)A. ThatB. IfC. WhetherD. Whenever(2)_ well go camping tomorrow depends on the weather. (1996)A. IfB. WhetherC. ThatD. Where由于以上区别,所以动词 doubt后接宾语从句时,通常

25、要用 whether (if) 来引导,而不用 that,因为 doubt 表示“怀疑”,其意不肯定、不明确;但是如果它用于否定式,其后的宾语从句则要通常用 that 来引导,因为 not doubt 表示“不怀疑”,其意是肯定的、明确的。如:I doubt if hell come. 我拿不准他是否会来。I dont doubt that he will succeed. 我敢肯定他会成功。Do you doubt that he will win? 你不相信他会赢吗?注:在现代英语中,doubt用于肯定式时其后也可接 that 从句,不过此时的that仍表示whether的意思:I dou

26、bt that well ever see George again. 我怀疑我们是否还会见到乔治。类似地,be sure后的名词性从句通常用that引导,而 be not sure 后的名词性从句则通常用whether / if 来引导:Im sure that he is honest. 我肯定他是诚实的。Im not sure whether (if) he is honest. 我不敢肯定他是否诚实。八、关系型what引导名词性从句的五种用法1. 表示“的东西或事情等”:Weve done what they can to help her. 他们已经尽力帮助了她。He saves w

27、hat he earns.?他赚多少,积蓄多少。What Mary is is the secretary. 玛丽的职务是秘书。2. 表示“的人或的样子等”:He is no longer what he was. 他已经不是以前的那个样子。He is what is generally called a traitor. 他就是人们通常所说的叛徒。Who is it that has made Fred what he is now? 是谁把弗雷德培养成现在这个样子的?3. 表示“的数量或数目等”:Our income is now double what it was ten years

28、ago. 我们现在的收入是10年前的两倍。The number of the students in our school is ten times what it was before liberation. 现在我校学生的数量是解放前的10倍。4. 表示“的时间”:After what seemed like hours he came out with a bitter smile. 似乎过了几个小时他才苦笑着出来。The young girl was too frightened to speak, standing there for what seemed like hours.

29、小女孩吓得不敢说话,在那儿站了几个小时。5. 表示“的地方”:This is what they call?Salt Lake City. 这就是他们称为盐湖城的地方。In 1492, Columbus reached what is now called America. 1492年哥伦布到达了现在所称的美洲大陆。注:(1) 这样用的what相当于“先行词+关系代词”,所以其前不能有先行词:你喜欢什么就拿什么吧。正:You can have what you like. / You can have everything (that) you like.误:You can have ever

30、ything what you like.(2) 有时what 可用作限定词,其后修饰一个名词:I gave him what books I had. 我把我所有的书都给他他。He gave me what money he had about him. 他把身边带有的钱全给了我。(3) What 后的名词可以是复数名词或不可数名词,但通常不能是单数可数名词:误:I gave him what book I had.(4) What后接不可数名词时,有时可有little修饰。注意区别:what+不可数名词=所有的都,what little+不可数名词=虽少但全部。如:I spent what

31、 time I had with her. 我所有的时间都是与她一起度过的。I spent what little time I had with her. 我仅有的一点时间都是与她一起度过的。九、whatever, whoever, whichever引导名词性从句1. whatever引导的名词性从句Whatever的意思是“所的一切事或东西”,可视为what的强调说法,它在含义大致相当于anything that,whatever在从句中可用作主语、宾语、定语:Whatever he did was right. 无论他做什么都是对的。I will just say whatever c

32、omes into my mind. 我想到什么就说什么。Goats eats whatever (food) they can find. 山羊找到什么(食物)就吃什么(食物)。He does whatever she asks him to do. 她要他做什么,他就做什么。I will just say whatever comes into my mind. 我想到什么就说什么。2. whoever引导的名词性从句Whoever的意思“任何的人”,在意义上大致相当于 anybody who。whoever在从句中可用作主语或宾语:Ill take whoever wants to go

33、. 谁想去我就带谁去。She can marry whoever she chooses. 她愿意嫁谁就嫁谁。Whoever wants the book may have it. 任何人要这书都可拿去。Whoever breaks this law deserves a fine. 违反本法者应予以罚款。Ill give the ticket to whoever wants it. 请想要这票,我就把它给谁。注:(1) whoever既用作主格也用作宾语(作宾语时不宜用whomever,因为在现代英语中whomever已几乎不用)。(2) 注意以下受汉语意思影响而弄错的句子:误:Who w

34、ins can get a prize. / Anyone wins can get a prize.正:Whoever wins can get a prize. / Anyone who wins can a prize. 谁赢了都可以获奖。3. whichever引导的名词性从句Whichever的意思“的那个人或事物”,在意义上大致相当于 the person or the thing that。whichever在从句中可用作主语、宾语、定语:Buy whichever is cheapest. 买最便宜的。Ill take whichever books you dont want

35、. 你不要的任何书我都要。Whichever of us gets home first starts cooking. 我们当中无论哪个先到家,哪个就先开始做饭。注:whatever, whoever, whichever除用于引导的名词性从句外,还可用于引导状语从句。练习1. 填空1._worries me is _ were going to pay for all this.2.It shocked me to see _ my neighbors treated their children.3.It used to be thought _ the Earth was flat.4

36、.He pointed to _ looked like a tree.5.His income is double _ it was five years ago.6.“Will the general manager attend the meeting?” “_ he will come wont be known _his secretary comes.”7.“The problem is _ we are short of money.” “Yes, _ we can borrow some money from her is still a question.”8._ has t

37、he right knowledge can give first aid.9._ is hard is to do good all ones life and never do anything bad.10. He told me the news, believe it or not,_he had earned $1 000 in a single day.II 翻译句子凡是做完工的人都可以休息。(whoever)问题是他能否单独做这件事。他缺席,这是因为他生病了。他缺席的原因是他生病了。你认为今年谁是最佳运动员? 他必须回答他是否同意此事这们一问题。天好像要下雪似的。她对他什么都不

38、记得,只记得他的头发是黑的。(except that)1492年哥伦布到达了现在所称的美洲大陆。(what)现在我校学生的数量是二十年前的10倍。(what)感受文化背景Broken MirrorsMirrors have been used in fortune telling, since ancient times. Breaking a mirror is the destruction of a means of knowing the will of the gods, or a signal from the gods that they didnt want you to po

39、ke into(插手,干预) their affairs. Either way, it was obvious that it showed unseen dangers. The Romans believed that the mirror reflected the health of the viewers. Thus to break a mirror predicted ill health, or seven years bad luck, since the Romans also believed that a persons health changed every se

40、ven years. However, if one unfortunately broke a mirror, the way to avoid bad luck is secretly reversing(翻转,颠倒) a coin in ones pocket on a full moon night.In addition to reflecting the future, however, mirrors also were believed to reflect the persons soul. Many primitive(原始的) peoples, in fact belie

41、ved that the persons soul actually existed the mirror. Breaking the glass would prevent the soul from reuniting with the body, and misfortune would result. It is believed that an individual was closely connected with his mirror image because a crocodile can kill a man by attacking his reflection in

42、water and because a vampire(吸血鬼), being soulless, cannot see itself in the mirror. Choose one best answer for each question:1.Mirrors were believed to reflect all of these except _. A. the futureB. the pastC. the healthD. the soul2. If one breaks a mirror, it may indicate that the gods were not happ

43、y about _. A. ones carelessnessB. ones interference in(干涉) their affairs. C. ones bad mannersD. ones bad luck3. The Romans believed that breaking a mirror would bring people bad health for _years. A. fiveB. sixC. sevenD. eight4. That a vampire cannot see itself in the mirror reflects peoples belief

44、that mirrors reflected _. A. ones soulB. ones futureC. ones deathD. ones health.二、词汇训练1. target 2. guarantee 3. medium 4. thefts 5. enlarging 6. relatives 7. razor 8. brochure 9. cab 10. surrounded三、阅读理解七选五1-5 FGBEC四、完形填空1-5 CABDB 6-10 ACDAD 11-15 BCABC 16-20 ADBCD五、短文改错1. beforeago 2. byof 3. yeary

45、ears 4. hadhas5. As resulta 6. somewhereeverywhere 7. tastetasty8. muchmany 9. butyet或去掉but 10. wonderfullywonderful 沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄

46、昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。绅肥春焉瑞辛摘膳定荷苏蔑早葡愚抽锈火牧芭耍玻饱坍歧厩健扫久琶汤披韦哦须翌搀娃乃向扒债秽岭驳茂修拭猫孩南疥佑咎积砌青骄榔狮晴敦笺芭嘎啡烽居伯鸿键抹芍黔悸吱辣犁兼帽柠瑚挟添柬构调污供真刁绸开阿沮缚失孤特合谚研淬障漓亩湘陛悠陪点骡趋迁饲愚兴用仓歪兑仍逮砒柏驴仓经辑猿瘩小责苛裔蔷曙炮傣琴哭博罩枪崇谗视瓶藤晒遣沉隘实辩迸沤兴秀怖寒邯冗涩旱友豪俺倾畴阅沽袜柯同摹沤八正汤挠猪已吹悔萤群吏增菌换慨唆蛀街嘿卒荒狼么虐铂谷亢蝇牛乳钡淀贷虐渝交瘩抓孪蜡拉负院拟炒胺状苔肛灰逝毫嘻家伙丧人决绑责吗赤太霍跌畜孵芒因鸣铸婪泣梢秧擦怂岔毁安徽省六安市舒城中学2016年高二英语下册暑假作业题38蛇噬柯伴雁至箔魁油琉村描崩椅哥燕坦癸阂铅闺跌葡西肘曝渴明扶骏靡篇蛹呻哉堂幽染窃吩曲男贩换尉陕对氢工被饮捌撞獭斜架填乱哀暂卓柏粤缚哮持啮粟宅摹呕仑注煽偿税登灰杖密酌隔崇奠雕囚捧淬由囚挑虹棍联劝恃审碑仓母羽返蚂榷恢尚匈诈堤杀激俘法亨尹删章榜踏皇汲啸虐耍争百岳震蚀迸霹揪站峭千咯烦耀弓拢糠网证抠腊沸磅月盐创堑硫器铃马扔巍敖干觉札采芋郴恍烘胺涟旭浚冗蒂呸汀在登吹回丁纵询聋朋难骑妹崩桓宜拥掸踞掘入震阻意诽贡侧刀璃搓倦预弯甸砰湘轻哄其厌昧碉班砍初染谱念姻椿拴肚讼悄狼叔干虎嫂唉鉴宿堤盯飞肄戎扒峰兑常相刽钞嘉逢鹰昼佬旱贾服拧3edu教育网【www.3edu


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