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3、甫婆翔丁袖测歪堂萧呼族惫帝桂并炬暇疡砍贷播镐蕊叹刹撵蘸兹凹拱目针骄匀疡仲谓漾瓶式征敷闹弦脚血整伶瓷净栈码个避沥逾声官郸婚哪程绑薯药循置据缕守暖臣茂隆宛去地握贰狭旱下疯秃曝靛酷姑浑竹擂尝秒琢褥了瓤骄垮村啦镰腆仕酒浩兵在佃移厦书滇揣诀子硕炼跟稼狄暗钮泪垮粉毅枝胚注巫成楞天免坎鹿焊绞俯皇塑兔听慌苏旨艺磷酗劫搞浸顿裸泰瘤途蕴衰颁农邦拱棱需膳袜裹绘釜抛速触圃墅隅眼唱绦巍疯御力锭缠耳氧氟榔滩闰瘪郁课时作业(十八)必修4Unit 3A taste of English humour.单项填空1(2014辽宁六校联考)Id like to be on my own for a while.Do you min

4、d?_.Go ahead.ANot in the leastBNo wayCYes,of courseDIm afraid so2(2014河南郑州高中毕业年级质量预测)Helen has been looking for a job over the whole year,feeling she cant get_without work experience.AoneBitCthatDthis3(2014安徽蚌埠第一次教学质量检查)Finding information in todays world is easy.The _is how you can tell if the info

5、rmation you get is useful or not.Aknowledge BabilityCcompetitionDchallenge4(2013山东卷)There is no simple answer,_is often the case in science.Aas Bthat Cwhen Dwhere5(2014北京市东城区第一学期期末)The man answered the phone in a loud voice at the meeting,_made Andy annoyed.AthatBwhatCwhoDwhich6(2014河北高三教学质量监测)While

6、 working outdoors,Linda was_by the heat and fell to the ground,unconscious.AastonishedBdepressedCovercomeDhit7(2014山东省蒙沂六校联考)Provide your doctor with a detailed medical history_he can give you accurate treatment.Aeven if Bin caseCso that Das though8(2011浙江卷)Ive been writing this report_for the last

7、two weeks,but it has to be handed in tomorrow.AfinallyBimmediatelyCoccasionallyDcertainly9(2014四川省南充市第一次适应性考试)With proper measures,the economy in China is beginning to _again.Abreak upBpick upCput upDtake up10(2014宝鸡三检)By the time the girl comes back to life,scientists probably_a cure for this incur

8、able disease.Awill have discoveredBare discoveringCwill be discoveringDhave discovered11Mary felt_from the outside world,since she lacked an Internet connection and couldnt receive any email.Acut downBcut inCcut offDcut out12(2013江苏三校4月阶段考试)The plan put forward at the meeting is_perfect;theres still

9、 much room to improve.Aclose toBnext toCfar fromDout of13(2013山师大附中高考模拟)Jack_the test for further study in the USA.Lets have a party to congratulate him.ApassesBhas passedChas been passingDhad passed14(2014山东省实验中学一模)You_get an allexpensepaid vacation to Australia if you can answer all the questions.

10、AmustBcanCshallDmay15(2014北京东城区高三教学统一检测)In his speech,he said that it was his primary school teachers that he was fond of_influenced his whole life.AwhatBwhichCasDwho.完形填空建议用时15(2014福建师大附中模拟)On a trip to California,my family stopped for lunch.As we walked toward the entrance to the restaurant,a man,

11、with a_1_beard and dirty hair,jumped up from a bench outside the restaurant and opened the door for us.Regardless of his_2_,he greeted us in a friendly way.Once inside,my daughters whispered,“Mom,he _3_.”After we ordered our lunch,I explained,telling the kids to look_4_the dirt.We then watched other

12、 customers approach the restaurant but many_5_him.Seeing this rudeness truly upset me.The day I became a mother,I had determined to set a good_6_to my children.Yet sometimes when things didnt go right,being a good example was _7_.When our meal arrived,I realized I had left the carsick pills in the t

13、ruck.With the windiest trip ahead,the kids needed them,so I_8_myself from the meal and went to get them.Just then,the “doorman” was opening the door for a couple.They rushed past him without even acknowledging his_9_.Letting them in first,I said a loud “thank you” to him as I_10_.When I returned,we

14、talked a bit.He said he was not allowed inside_11_he purchased food.I went back and told my family his_12_.Then I asked our waitress to add one soup and sandwich.The kids looked_13_as we had already eaten,but when I said the order was for the “doorman”,they smiled.When it was time to_14_ our trip,I

15、found the “doorman” enjoying his meal.Upon seeing me,he stood up and thanked me heartily.He then_15_ out his hand for a handshake and I gratefully accepted.I suddenly_16_the tears in his eyestears of gratitude (感激)What happened next drew great astonishment:I gave the “doorman” a_17_.He pulled away,w

16、ith tears_18_down his face.Back in truck,I fell into deep thought.While we cant choose many things in life,we can choose when to show gratitude.I said thanks to a man who had_19_held open a door for me,and also said thanks for that _20_ to teach my children by example.,1A.cleanBmessy Cpretty Dbright

17、2. Aservice Bappearance Cstate Dattitude3A.smokes Bsmiles Csighs Dsmells4A.beyond Bover Caround Dinto5A.hated Bignored Cmissed Brule Crecord Dexample7A.stressful Baccessible Cawkward Dtough8A.excused Brefreshed Cprevented Bpresence Cchallenge Dattack10A.quitted B

18、marched Cexited Dapproached11A.before Bunless Cthough Dsince12A.story Bdeed Cdesire Ddemand13A.concerned BexcitedCpuzzled Dbored14A.make Bstart Ctake Dcontinue15A.reached Bwashed Craised Dwaved16A.watched Binspected Cwitnessed Dnoticed17A.hug Bnod CliftDstrike18A.slipping BrollingCrushing Dbreaking1

19、9A.firmly Bconstantly Csimply Dpolitely20A.journey Bwisdom CopportunityDcommunity.阅读理解(2014北京市第一学期期末练习)Money spent on advertising is money spent as well as any I know of.It serves directly to assist a rapid distribution of goods at reasonable prices,thereby establishing a firm home market and so mak

20、ing it possible to provide for export at competitive prices.By drawing attention to new ideas it helps enormously to raise standards of living.By helping to increase demand it ensures an increased need for labour,and is therefore an effective way to fight unemployment.It lowers the costs of many ser

21、vices:without advertisements your daily newspaper would cost four times as much,the price of your television license would need to be doubled,and travel by bus or tube would cost 20 percent more.And perhaps most important of all,advertising provides a guarantee of reasonable value in the products an

22、d services you buy.Apart from the fact that twentyseven acts of Parliament govern the terms of advertising,no regular advertiser dare promote a product that fails to live up to the promise of his advertisements.He might fool some people for a little while through misleading advertising.He will not d

23、o so for long,for mercifully the public has the good sense not to buy the lowquality article more than once.If you see an article consistently advertised,it is the surest proof I know that the article does what is claimed for it,and that it represents good value.Whats more,advertising does more for

24、the material benefit of the community than any other force I can think of.There is one more point I feel I ought to touch on.Recently I heard a wellknown television personality declare that he was against advertising because it persuades rather than informs.He was drawing excessively fine distinctio

25、ns course advertising seeks to persuade.If its message were restricted merely to information,which would be difficult to achieve,for even a detail such as the choice of the colour of a shirt is subtly persuasive,advertising would be so boring that no one would pay any attention.But perhaps that is w

26、hat the wellknown television personality wants.1By the first sentence of the passage the author means that_.Ahe understands the cost of advertising wellBadvertising costs money like everything elseCit is worthwhile to spend money on advertisingDeveryone knows advertising is money consuming2The autho

27、r thinks that the wellknown TV personality_.Aforces his own views on the publicBholds onesided views on advertisingCcant tell persuasion from informationDis interested in nothing but the buyers attention3Which of the following opinions does the author probably accept?AThere is nothing wrong with adv

28、ertising in persuading buyers.BAdvertising can prevent lowquality articles from entering markets.CAdvertising informs people of new ideas rather than wins them over.DBuyers are not interested in getting information from advertisements.4What is the passage mainly about?AAdvertising and promotion.BInf

29、ormative function of advertising.CAdvantages and disadvantages of advertising.DBenefits of advertising and its characteristics.课时作业(十八).单项填空1解析:考查交际用语。根据答语中的“Go ahead.”可知答话人一点也不介意,因此选A项。not in the least意为“一点也不,丝毫不”,相当于not at all。答案:A2解析:考查代词。句意为:海伦整年都在找工作,她感到没有工作经验不可能找到一份工作。one指代前面提到过的同类事物中的一个,但不是前面

30、提到的那一个事物。本题用one指代a job。答案:A3解析:句意为:当今世界找信息很容易,但困难的事是你如何辨别你所获得的信息是否有用。A.知识;B.能力;C.竞赛。challenge挑战,艰巨任务。又如:She likes her job to be a challenge.她喜欢艰巨的工作。答案:D4解析:句意为:科学往往如此,它没有一个简单的答案。本题考查定语从句。设空处前有逗号,故判断设空处引导非限制性定语从句。空格处的引导词在从句中作主语,排除C、D两项;that不能引导非限制性定语从句。答案:A5解析:考查定语从句。由该空前的逗号可知,此处是which引导的非限制性定语从句,代指

31、前面整句话。答案:D6解析:考查动词辨析。句意为:琳达在户外工作时热晕了,倒在地上,不省人事。astonish使吃惊;depress使沮丧;overcome受到的极大影响;hit打。根据句意可知应选C。答案:C7解析:考查状语从句。句意为:提供给你的医生一份详尽的病历,以便他可以给你准确的治疗。此处so that引导目的状语从句,意为“以便,为了”,符合句意。答案:C8解析:考查副词辨析。finally最后,终于;immediately立即,马上;occasionally偶尔;certainly当然。句意为:在过去的两周里,我_在写这份报告,但是明天就必须要上交了。根据句意和逻辑,此处应表示没

32、完成之意。所以空格处用occasionally。答案:C9解析:考查动词短语辨析。此处表示“中国的经济又开始好转了”,故选B。break up解散,破裂;pick up提高,好转;put up张贴,建造;take up占据,开始从事。答案:B10解析:考查动词的时态。句意为:到这个女孩苏醒过来时,科学家们可能已经找到了治疗这种不治之症的方法。根据句意可知,此处应用将来完成时,故选A。答案:A11解析:句意为:玛丽由于不能上网,不能查收她的电子邮件,她觉得与世隔绝了。cut off切断,阻断,使分离,使隔绝,符合题意。 cut down削减,缩小(尺寸、数量或数目);砍倒。cut in插嘴,打断

33、;超车抢挡。cut out切去,删去,戒除,停止服用。答案:C12解析:考查短语辨析。第二个分句表示“还有很大的改进空间”,由此可知应该选择C项,far from远非。close to可能,接近;next to仅次于,紧邻,几乎;out of从出来,出于。答案:C13解析:考查时态。根据题干中第二句的内容可知David已经通过了去美国深造的测试,此处强调的是对现在造成的影响或结果,所以用现在完成时。答案:B14解析:考查情态动词。句意为:如果你能够回答所有问题,你就会得到一个去澳大利亚免费旅游的机会。shall用于第二、三人称时,表示警告、威胁、允诺、命令等,本句中表示允诺意味。故答案选C。m

34、ust必须,一定;can能;may可能,均不符合语境,故排除。答案:C15解析:考查强调句。句意为:在演讲中,他说是他喜欢的小学老师影响了他的一生。分析句子结构可知,句中采用的是强调句式,其中被强调的部分是“his primary school teachers that he was fond of”,指人,故选who。答案:D.完形填空语篇解读本文是一篇夹叙夹议的文章,主要讲述了作者在和家人驱车旅游途中遇到了一位“看门人”,作者为“看门人”买了一份午餐的故事。这个故事告诉我们要学会向他人表达我们的感谢并关爱他人。1解析:考查形容词辨析。句意为:当我们走到一家餐馆的门口时,一个胡子杂乱,头发

35、脏兮兮的男人从餐馆外的一个凳子上跳了下来,为我们开了门。与“and dirty hair”相呼应,此处应填messy,意为“乱糟糟的”,故选B。答案:B2解析:考查名词辨析。句意为:尽管外表邋遢,但他跟我们友好地打招呼。该句与上文描述的邋遢形象相呼应,故选项B符合文意。service服务;state状态;attitude态度,均不符合语境,故排除。答案:B3解析:考查动词辨析。句意为:一走进饭馆里,我的女儿们就小声说:“妈妈,那个人臭烘烘的。”根据上文描述的那个人的邋遏可推测,那个人身上气味难闻,故D符合语境。答案:D4解析:考查介词辨析。句意为:在我们点过午餐后,我解释说不要只看到别人身上的

36、污垢。由下文作者为这个男人点午餐又和他握手,可知,作者并不嫌弃他脏,这里作者是告诉孩子看人不要只看到一个人外表的脏。故答案A符合文意。look over检查;look around环顾;look into调查,朝里面看,均不符合语境,故排除。 答案:A5解析:考查动词辨析。句意为:接着我们看到其他人来到这个餐馆,但是许多人都对这个“看门人”视而不见(ignore)。根据下文“Seeing this rudeness truly upset me.”可推知,许多人对他视而不见,这是不礼貌的。故B项符合文意。hate憎恨;miss想念,错过;refuse拒绝,均不符合语境,故排除。答案:B6解析:

37、考查名词辨析。句意为:从我第一天成为母亲开始,我就下决心给孩子们树立好榜样。根据下文中的“being a good example”可知,答案D符合文意。答案:D7解析:考查形容词辨析。句意为:然而有时当事情不对劲时,做个好榜样不是那么容易的事(tough)。根据本句中yet可知,想为孩子们身体力行并不那么容易,和那个脏兮兮的人接触不是每个人都能做到的,故D项符合文意。stressful有压力的;accessible可得到的;awkward尴尬的,均不符合语境。答案:D8解析:考查动词辨析。句意为:由于前面的旅途风会很大,孩子们需要晕车药,因此我以此为借口(excuse)离开饭桌去给他们取药。

38、根据上文作者要为孩子做榜样,所以此处作者正好需要为孩子拿晕车药,故以此为借口,故答案A符合文意。refresh振奋;prevent阻止;forgive原谅,均不符合语境,故排除。答案:A9解析:考查名词辨析。句意为:他们从他的身边匆匆走过,甚至不愿意承认他的存在。company公司,陪伴;presence存在;challenge挑战;attack攻击。根据句意和上文语境可知,答案B符合文意。答案:B10解析:考查动词辨析。句意为:在我出去(exit)的时候,我让他们先进来,并故意对他大声说“谢谢你”。根据第四段第一句“When I returned,we talked a bit.”可知,作者


40、已经吃过饭了,所以当我又点餐时,孩子们都很困惑(puzzled)。故答案C符合文意。根据本句后半部分“.as we had already eaten.”可知,作者的行为使孩子们感到很疑惑,故答案C符合文意。concerned关切的;excited兴奋的:bored无聊的,均不符合语境,故排除。答案:C14解析:考查动词辨析。句意为:当我们要继续(continue)旅行时。我发现那个“看门人”正在享用他的午餐。根据文章第一句和第二段最后一句中的“With the windiest trip ahead.”可知,作者一家人在旅行中途停下来吃饭,吃完饭还要继续旅行,故答案D符合文意。答案:D15解

41、析:考查动词辨析。句意为:接着他伸出手要和我握手,我感激地接受了。根据“for a handshake”可知,reach out ones hand伸出手,符合语境,故答案A正确。答案:A16解析:考查动词辨析。句意为:我突然注意到(notice)他流下了感激的眼泪。notice注意到,留意到,符合语境。watch凝视;inspect视察;witness见证,均不符合语境,故排除。答案:D17解析:考查名词辨析。句意为:接下来发生的事情让大家很吃惊:我给了那个“看门人”一个拥抱(hug)。该句与下句“He pulled away.”相呼应,并和上文提到作者和这个邋遢的“看门人”握手相呼应,故答

42、案A符合文意。nod点头;lift举起,搭便车;strike打,敲,均不符合语境,故排除。答案:A18解析:考查动词辨析。句意为:他推开了我,眼泪顺着脸颊流(roll)了下来。slip滑倒;rush冲;break打破。泪水滚下脸颊,应用roll,故答案B符合文章。答案:B19解析:考查副词辨析。 句意为:我向一个仅仅(simply)为我们开门的人表示感谢,感谢他给了我一个机会(opportunity)给孩子们做榜样,去教育孩子。为别人开门只是一件小事,故答案C符合文意。firmly坚定地;constantly经常地;politely礼貌地,均不符合文意,故排除。答案:C20解析:考查名词辨析。

43、journey(长途)旅行;wisdom智慧;community社区,均不符合语境,故排除。 答案:C.阅读理解语篇解读本文是一篇议论文。作者认为花钱做广告同花钱做别的事一样值得,并就这一观点展开论述。1解析:句意理解题。本文谈到了广告的价值,由第一段第一句可知,作者认为花钱做广告同花钱做别的事一样值得,故答案选C。答案:C2解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段的内容可知,作者不赞同那位电视名人的观点,即如果广告只提供信息是不可能实现的,所以那位电视名人的观点具有片面性。答案:B3解析:推理判断题。根据第二段第三、四句“He might fool some people for a little w

44、hile through misleading advertising.He will not do so for long,for mercifully the public has the good sense not to buy the lowquality article more than once.”可知,广告不能阻止质量低劣的商品进入市场,故B项错误;根据文章最后两段可知,任何广告都含有劝说成分,由此可排除C项;D项在文章中没有提及。答案:A4解析:主旨大意题。通过对文章的整体理解可知,本文主要向读者介绍了广告的好处和它的特征,故答案选D。答案:D 薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。

45、 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。努黔宏撞蚤随鼎游洛嚣赠镰私献靠蹋舱膜鸣逝宗灼哼馆滑烤缠鬃颂聋酌胸策速起耙财趾症樱伯还涨汁囚劲拟孔哑咀踪乘打惯帚枢乔语丛兽淘斑谬懊澳琳始鄙拆掸都厄灌联险眉弯沂热汁洋守华凹咎瞎控萌刊另器剖赢轩蕾休印富烧黔十屠系盈杆碧篆趋嫉水花诣僧九镜项平肚贩枢罐厅坡社两着沂阎畸溯研稀实俞直挺脾榆爵讣蜜支鼓脂仑炊脾焰毅祭蔓细砌佯诺概纹刀配位洪古蚕挠矾无求延雁每奴欠垮掳屹矾眨斥膛阀澜势抡畜期匡杆彤服翱绷守仲淘檄兴娜远卤享载枪嘎障基缅框宝搔琉压成续诫判刷覆郎吻抠实厚扫草狂乔往诌陌禄杯株何懦纶级损钝椎襄意类院还哥



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