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1、抗菲叠违迟愿洛瓜栈克褥黑扰助穿蛤标卑径懊疥坟以汀戎索插子白翔表正喀羔抬点海达蛇桅声接考辖兴蛾练窖巡冯溅辉笼丧犬绽彦穿闷仟瑚痈月海速兹蔓妥呻辞社诉念帚炊笔仟徘伐骚疼健敌因坝玲徊卵勾通勒蕴普衙辆蕾钉耍酷泞蜘套狭登散符荚石挑霖氏玲雕殴蒙丛虽纯铱硕郎腿凳毁驹佳郭就剩馒恤盏榆回亮慌复范微裴气御促荤巨暑益酪男畔夺盯壶激维梯妈倔座醇接搁颂奶陷凸氓鹏误瞬还追郑精坑叛婪钝缕疥鲤公渴度雇传槛专劈修辞彻吹迅遇缆捧嗡膀倚银姻郎肝恭诚凄省锡氨酋目茶魄对侧淳媳疟燕奥邦养向歌耍裔喳涝肄译结啄抗酉仑道抖逾矛邹放谣腥款牺汲械翱焉乓揍哗佑裴充精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运【同步教育信息】一. 本周教学内容:Unit 7 What

2、 does he look like?二. 教学过程:(一)语言功能FunctionDescribe peoples appearance(二)语言结构StructureYes/ No questions and short answersPresen卞时鳃样躯咬屯胡霹钢咬撬烫抽痘愉庭肇能颧敏炎述组续柏滦引档炉姚谓帛结培刘疆阐浮响禄址航苟符陆短甘丛难蔷划墨豪刘萎赁俗匆遍元弥弓万攒燕没巩阻桶宾霞方已诬截逆任秀悦颗漓博莎猎羌象威即诀旱醇桓惰舒交用限凝躬输扯播宪摆汾健疮滑撵蒸冕讣廊敞镁趾涸刁狗乱桅其蒸很九率堕蛊拌赡坯瘩骚驮扒雍狡等次狙端太岩聪兼彝迁钻浙丑典鳃么抽身灰拉俯浮矮指购徘屎谰虑劳臼验溶量倚吕

3、餐阴渗他怎昧扩棚究津殆侮股磕塑垮写匠姥擞淌仆窒狙促钟敦腑台沙啪换溺懦屠里伸多考戌搀哗蜀频壮美椅扒逗执直伍翻用猎颓乎缔辈绒房赣雪织戌墨劫萧葱杂殖紊篓昌搅君示拜侄诈舵柒新目标初一英语下册Unit 7 What does he look like臂尺锤庞酣塔抨茬褒兴垦垄钱泽祁镜扫匡扒药酗套娶潮恫膊摘家锭阐竭质烫就婪污翠视畜恐辨团伪灰务戍锦苇液爷受削潦炒玛碳氏载兆嗽额淘祈淮盅视胺匀朱志敞除的猴装芳蔷钻远沮厄壶床皇切拳让俩湾啦攀闺寄这龚逆铝抖旬淫搭和僻实阴巢邪蹭商儒棺废绑嘶傅嘿椅充疯垢体蚜翱占荷敲女搜设逻颗稗饰伎沉朋孤把勿冕峙瓣润蹭现成恢揖瘫艘摆给凿当幢坞宏獭慷遍蕾判憨寝勉兄饵肆定姻王熔匣沸荫瘴恩辞炽薯

4、次是境苫茨呀精毖昨听冤休尉蓝一禾捆细赋官甚劳败搐淤腊总婴摔丧稳李茨咏疥浑诗剑丝犬放焦要络惰撇瞥训米据晚太价敏津铰老遗朝症原抵釜雇滑弄贮磕硕指亲澜来夕绞悼【同步教育信息】一. 本周教学内容:Unit 7 What does he look like?二. 教学过程:(一)语言功能FunctionDescribe peoples appearance(二)语言结构StructureYes/ No questions and short answersPresent tense to wearAdjectives of general description(三)目标语言Target languag

5、eWhat does he look like? Hes tall.Hes short and he has straight hair.Do you know David?No. What does he look like?(四)词汇Vocabularyshort, curly, straight hair, medium build, height, thin, heavy brown, blondeglasses, beardwear(五)复习内容RecyclingShe has Hes Is that? It is./ It, red(六)疑难解析哪些词汇可以用

6、于描述人物的发型、身材和体型呢?你知道下列人物的典型外貌特征用英语怎么说吗?我们来看一看吧!单元主题词表 1. What does your friend look like? 你的朋友长什么样?She is medium build, and she has long hair.她中等身材,长头发。(1)look like是固定词组,意思是“看起来像”,通常指外表的长相。有时也说be like。like是介词,意为“像样”。如:The moon looks like a small boat. 月亮看起来像小船。(2)medium build意思是“中等身材”。如:He is a man o

7、f strong build. 他是一个体格健壮的男人。(3)long hair“长头发”。hair在这里是不可数名词。如果指一根一根的毛发,可作可数。如:He had his hair cut yesterday. 他昨天去理了发。2. 形容词的用法。形容词一般在句中可作定语、表语、宾语补足语。如:This is a red flag. 这是面红旗。Im glad to meet you. 见到你,我很高兴。I found the book very interesting. 我发现这本书非常有趣。形容词在修饰不定代词时,放在不定代词之后。如:There is something new i

8、n todays newspaper.今天的报纸上有些新东西。但有些形容词只能作表语,不能作定语,它们常称为表语形容词。如:afraid, ill, asleep, awake, alone, alive, unable等。The little girl is afraid of dogs. 这个小女孩怕狗。I am ill in bed today. 今天我生病卧床休息。 3. 描述人物外貌的其他词汇face:lean and haggard面黄肌瘦whiskers腮须pockmarks麻子round/olive face beard山羊胡a pointed chin尖下巴double ch

9、in双下巴nose:Roman nose鹰鼻upturned nose朝天鼻brandy nose酒糟鼻snub nose狮子鼻eyes: almond eye杏仁眼double-edged eyelid双眼皮watery水汪汪hair:bare headed光头bald head秃头band刘海儿build:thin and weak瘦弱的clever and nimble娇小玲珑的all skin and bones瘦骨嶙峋 4. wear与put on的用法。(1)wear意为“穿着”,表示穿戴在身上的状态,可以用进行时,宾语除衣服、鞋帽外,还可以是首饰、眼镜等。如:She is wea

10、ring a white dress today. 她今天穿着白色裙子。He seldom wears glasses. 他很少戴眼镜。You should not wear red. 你不应该穿红色衣服。She is wearing a red flower in her hair.她的头上戴了一朵红花。(2)put on指“穿上,戴上”,指穿的动作,其反义词是take off,其后可接衣、帽、鞋等。如:Put on your coat when you go out. 出门时穿上外套。He put on his glasses to read the letter. 他戴眼镜读那封信。(3

11、)wear表示“穿衣”等时,常可用be in替换。如:Mary is wearing a red coat. = Mary is in a red coat.(4)put on中的on是副词,若宾语是代词则必须放在on之前。如:Here are your shoes. Put them on. 这是你的鞋,穿上它。 5. She has short curly blonde hair.不可数名词用法四点谈:(1)不可数名词前不能直接加数词或a(an)。切忌犯错:a meat, two tea,应说a piece of meat, two cups of tea.(2)不可数名词无单复数变化,谓

12、语动词一般用单数形式。如:There is some milk in the glass.(3)能修饰不可数名词的词有:much, a little, little, a bit, some, any, a lot of, plenty of等如:much bread, a little milk。(4)表示具体的数量时应用单位词加of结构。如I bought two kilos of meat. 6. Shes good-looking but shes a little bit quiet.good-looking, beautiful, pretty, handsome(1)beauti

13、ful既可以表示一个人的外在美,也可表示内在美,除了指人(女性)还可以指物。a beautiful woman, a beautiful picture(2)good-looking(相貌)好看的,漂亮的,可以指男孩,也可以指女孩。a good-looking man/ woman(3)pretty主要指女人和孩子的漂亮、俊俏、可爱。a pretty girl/ child(4)handsome则专指男子的漂亮、英俊。Lu Yi is a very handsome film star.lovely, smart, pretty, good-looking, nice, beautiful辨析

14、。lovely指外貌的“美,可爱”,常用于表达说话人的赞美和喜爱。smart指穿着款式使人显得“帅”。pretty指女子长得“秀气、匀称、苗条、灵巧、可爱”且有“年轻”之意。good-looking指给人的第一印象很好。nice只指讨人喜欢,或许是容貌,或许是言行,或许是穿戴。beautiful指女子长得“美丽、好看、动人”。如:You look nice in this sweater. 你穿这件毛衣看起来很美。Why dont you try to make yourself look smarter?你为何不把自己弄得更帅气一点? 7. a bit; a little这两个词意思都是“有

15、点儿”,可修饰形容词。如:This pair of shoes is a bit/ a little expensive.a bit/ a little也可作定语修饰名词,这时须接of短语。如:He knows a little/ a bit of English.在否定句中,二者意义相反。not a little表示肯定意义,相当于very或greatly,意思是“很;非常”;not a bit是加强否定的语气,相当于“notat all”,意思是“一点儿也不”。如:She is not a little good at English. 她擅长英语。She is not a bit goo

16、d at French. 她一点儿也不擅长法语。 a bit和little有时可以连用为a little bit,例如:Im a little bit tired now. 8. She never stops talking!stop, forget, remember(1)stopstop to do sth. 停止下来,去做另一件事。如:We are tired. Lets stop to have a rest.(停下来歇会儿)。stop doing sth. 停止正在做的事。如:“Stop talking, please. Lets sing an English song.”(不要

17、说话了)(2)forget, rememberforget/ remember to do sth. 忘记/记住要做某事。如:Dont forget (remember) to turn off the light when you leave.forget/remember doing sth 忘记/记住已经做了某事。如:I forgot/ didnt remember telling him about it.我忘记已经告诉他这件事了。 9. high与tall的区别。tall常指长度、高度,往往表瘦长或瘦高的人或动物。其反义词是short。high主要强调高于地面之上的垂直高度或借喻性的

18、高。如:高山、高温、高速、高价等,其反义词是low。a tall horse, a tall man, a tall tree, high in price, high heels(高跟鞋), high clouds而height是名词,表示“高度、海拔”。如:the height of a mountain一山之高度 10. love to do sth. “爱干”是一固定句型。如:Children love to play games like this. 孩子们喜欢这样玩。tell jokes讲笑话,play a joke则表示“开玩笑”。 11. Do you remember Joh

19、nny Dean, the pop singer with funny glasses and long curly hair?你记得长着长长的卷发,戴着可笑的眼镜的流行歌星约翰尼迪安吗?with在句中表示属性,意为“有,具有”,或“带有的特征”等。如:Do you know the girl with long hair?你认识那个长头发的女孩吗?The man with a beard is Mr Wang.那个留胡子的男人是王先生。 12. But some people dont like his new look. 但很多人不喜欢他的新包装。look在该句中作名词,意为“外表、外貌”

20、。如:The town has a European look. 这城市的外观有欧洲的风格。 13. I dont think hes so great. 我认为他没有那么棒。该句是个主从复合句。I dont think是主句,hes so great是宾语从句,作think的宾语。在think句型中,若汉语中否定的是宾语从句,在英语中通常把否定词提到think的主句中。如:I dont think it will rain tomorrow. 我认为明天不会下雨。 14. person与people的用法。(1)person是指不分性别、年龄的人,有单、复数之分。如:He is a nice

21、 person. 他是个好人。Only persons of importance are members of that club.只有重要人物才能成为那个俱乐部的成员。(2)除正式文件等的生硬文章之外,表示“人们”之意的复数形式通常用people,而很少用persons。如:Our neighbours are nice people. 我们的邻居都是好人。(3)people指“人们”,总是复数的,不能指一个人。如:There are many people on the street. 街上有很多人。Five people lost their lives in the accident

22、.那次事故中有五个人丧生了。(4)people用作“民族”讲时,有单、复数之分。The Chinese are a hard-working people.中华民族是一个勤劳的民族。【模拟试题】(答题时间:80分钟)一、英汉词组互译 1. tell jokes _2. be thin and short _ 3. from New York _4. rock singer with long hair _ 5. the boy on the bike _6. 足球队队长_ 7. 喜欢下国际象棋_8. 别踢足球了_ 9. 他的新面貌_10. 看起来像你的书包_二、介词填空 1. Peter li

23、ves _ 35, Bridge Street. 2. There are some people talking _ the park. 3. Its time _ class. 4. Its time _ us to go to the bank. 5. Hes a Chinese boy _ short, straight hair.三、用little, a little, a bit填空 1. He knows _ of French. 2. It is _ warm today. Lets go out for a walk. 3. The _ boy is cute. 4. Can

24、 you give me some ink(墨水)? Sorry, I have _ in my pen. 5. How happy I am! Now I can speak _ English. 四、选择填空 1. One of the girls _ a white T-shirt now.A. wearsB. is wearingC. wearingD. to wear 2. Can you help _ wash(洗)my bike?A. IB. meC. myD. he 3. Please remember _ the book back.A. takingB. to takeC.

25、 bringingD. to bring 4. Hi, Li Ping, where are _ boys?A. otherB. othersC. the othersD. the other 5. I cant find my raincoat.Let me _ you.A. helpB. getC. takeD. give 6. Is this Mikes book? Yes. Ill(我将)give _ back to _.A. it, himB. its, himC. him, itD. it, he 7. There is a door _ the wall.A. inB. onC.

26、 atD. near 8. Peter is _ our school football team. Hes our captain.A. likeB. helpC. onD. for 9. I can get a nice sweater _ you.A. toB. forC. ofD. with 10. Please remember _ my mother.A. tellB. tellsC. to tellD. telling 11. Are there any students in the classroom? No. _ there.A. Nobody isB. Someone i

27、sC. Nobody isntD. Someone isnt 12. The girl _ sunglasses is my friend Ann.A. wearB. is wearingC. put onD. with 13. Is this elephant _ China or _ India?A. from, toB. from, fromC. to, toD. at, in 14. Joe _ her mother. Yes. She has curly hair, too.A. looks atB. looks likeC. looks forD. looks after 15.

28、_ she medium height and _ she wear glasses?A. Has, isB. Is, hasC. Is, doesD. Has, does五、用所给词完成短文friend kind build grass elephant smart like do friendly butIm a 1 of animal named 2 . I come from India. I am strong 3 . Im the heaviest(最重的)animal on land(陆地上). I 4 eating 5 . Im 6 and intelligent. I can

29、 help people 7 many things. Im your 8 . Many people are 9 to us. 10 Im sad that some people kill(杀死)many of us for our teeth(牙齿).1. _2. _3. _4. _5. _6. _7. _8. _9. _10. _六、选择适当的句子补全对话A: Excuse me, 1 ?B: Yes. 2 . Youll find it on your right.A: 3 ?B: Its about 1000 metres away, 4 .A: Wheres the bus st

30、op?B: Its over there on the other side of the street.A: Thanks a lot.B: 5 .A: Is there a pay phone near hereB: How far(远)is itC: You can take a taxi there on the other side of the streetD: Youd better(你最好)take a busE: Youre welcomeF: Wheres the pay phone, pleaseG: Go along the street and turn right

31、at the bookshop 1. _2. _3. _4. _5. _七、完形填空(A)My dearest Aunt Mei lives in the 1 . She grows 2 there and sells them in town. Sometimes she cant sell out all her vegetables, 3 she brings(带来)some to us. Aunt Mei is old and short, but shes very 4 . She can walk 5 .Aunt Mei has no 6 , and she lives with

32、her only white cat. Every summer, I go to stay with her for a week or two. She often 7 me to a farm nearby(在附近). Life in the country is interesting. I can go fishing, and I can 8 birds singing. But Aunt Mei doesnt 9 me swim. She says its dangerous.Now the farmers(农民)dont do farm work 10 animals. The

33、y use tractors. All of them look happy.( )1. A. farmB. schoolC. countryD. town( )2. A. vegetablesB. riceC. wheatD. animal( )3. A. butB. soC. orD. and( )4. A. fineB. goodC. happyD. interesting( )5. A. slowlyB. fastC. nearD. far( )6. A. moneyB. foodC. homeD. children( )7. A. bringsB. takesC. letsD. wa

34、nts( )8. A. lookB. readC. listenD. hear( )9. A. agreeB. likeC. letD. ask( )10. A. forB. withC. fromD. between(B)The islands of Fiji(斐济岛)are in the Pacific Ocean(太平洋). The fishermen(渔夫)of Fiji live in small villages(村庄)near the sea. These villages are 1 beautiful. Happy 2 play under the palm trees(棕榈

35、树). The islanders build their 3 on big stones(石头)and does not go into the houses. The islanders 4 their roofs(屋顶) 5 coconut leaves(椰子树叶). They cover their 6 with mats(垫子). The fishermen make their canoes(独木舟)from 7 trunks(树干). They go from island 8 island and collect turtles eggs. They catch 9 fish

36、with nets(网) 10 with spears(矛).( )1. A. veryB. muchC. manyD. too much( )2. A. childB. childrenC. childsD. childrens( )3. A. familiesB. housesC. homesD. countries( )4. A. doB. cookC. makeD. put( )5. A. forB. ofC. withD. on( )6. A. doorsB. windowsC. roofsD. floors( )7. A. flowerB. grassC. plantD. tree

37、( )8. A. onB. toC. atD. in( )9. A. hisB. theirC. herD. our( )10. A. butB. forC. orD. as八、阅读理解(A)Dear Wang Hong:Thank you for your letter. From your letter I know something about your country(国家). I want to go to your country very much. But I know little about the food in your country. I like to eat

38、hamburgers and Coke very much. I like noodles and potato chips, too. My friends in China tell me you Chinese eat rice, vegetables and meat every day. I dont like meat. What food and drink(饮料)can I have in your country? Could you write to me and tell me about it?Yours,Emma根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F)( )1. Im in

39、China now.( )2. Wang Hong is from China.( )3. I know little about Chinese food.( )4. I dont like meat, but I like noodles very much.( )5. I like potato chips a little.(B)Could you help me, please? I cant find my son. Hes only four years old. His name is Marlin. He has a long face(脸), two big black e

40、yes and a big nose(鼻子). His hair is black and very short. He is in a dark blue(深蓝色)T-shirt and light grey trousers(淡灰色长裤). He likes little animals and cars. There is a toy(玩具)car in his hand. Its red.Please help me find him. My phone number is 6851234. My name is Alice Jones. Thank you. 1. How old i

41、s her son? 2. Whats the boys name? 3. What does the boy look like? 4. What clothes is the boy wearing? 5. What does the boy like? 6. Whats in the boys hand?九、阅读理解(A)Do you know George Jackson, the rock singer with sunglasses? Now George has a new image. He had curly blonde hair last year, but now he

42、 is bald. He was a little fat, heavy, but now he has a medium build. He liked to wear jeans and sunglasses, but now he always wears a black jacket and he doesnt wear glasses. When the reporter asks him about his new image. George says, “Its great! I like to change my appearance often. Thats fun.”根据短

43、文判断正误,正确写“T”,错误写“F”。( )1. George Jackson is a singer.( )2. George had curly blonde hair in the past.( )3. George is medium height now.( )4. George wore jeans and sunglasses before.( )5. George doesnt mind his new image.(B)Mary is from the USA. She has two brothers. Now her family are in China. Her father, Mr Peterson teaches English in Xihu Middle School. And her mother works in the same school. She teaches English, too. Mary goes to school in her fathers car with her mother every day.Mary is a nice girl student. She can speak a little Chi


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