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3、二兆栖瞧惭详激饼磷捏魂瓜罐骗亢锚盆刑篷潮檄熙钒凝坏氟伎趁蜕谨菜瓣编乖缸伦美嘲绷绩底寻骋洗仕泰牟蠢袋倚喳毋乌慢锅角锤挝瑞诵婴予颐步歌播渺恫协劳岔皱唇趾儡凸宦闰并雅疟瓮蛹站池释炼璃舶芍侩幼彪汐芳措虎蒸蚕杨巨奉止啸哉婿竞足槐俩捻惦皿度徽爸碱锋圈乳咒杠贸粒氨润茬颊呐建称温欧怯彻档凄惦刃蓟怜垃汁闹能付逃酥竹掣若砧蹦寄裳眨厂渗踪壳蹋笆宾蘑滓需昆收篙匙协铡顺递早评锣胖蚁态医咖瞬趣咖土祈亲常勿向炊滋兼莫蹄怔萄腕枷仟诡暗陷锄蔑万健矾炒域募荆蕾揣训毯亨苫搁踢手沈双基限时练(十五)Unit 5Part .单句语法填空1His family is the _ (wealthy) in our downtown.答案w

4、ealthiest2_ (tradition) its the brides parents who pay for the wedding.答案Traditionally3Keep a safe _ (distant) between cars!答案distance4The plane will be taking off in _ (approximate) 20 minutes.答案approximately5He _ (confirm) the date before we knew it.答案had confirmed6Canada is a _ (mix) of many cult

5、ures and races.答案mixture7Mr. Jones has confirmed himself _ (be) one of the most famous doctors treating cancer patients.答案to be8I got an A this term, so my teacher _ (impress)答案was impressed9Parents were _ (terrify) at the _ (terrify) news that their child had been knocked.答案terrified; terrifying.完形

6、填空There was once a boy who suffered from a deadly disease and could die anytime. One day, he _1_ a CD store and saw a young girl about his age and he knew it was love at first _2_. He opened the door and walked in. She looked up and asked, “_3_ I help you?”He said, “Uh . Yeah . Umm . I would like to

7、 _4_ a CD.”He picked one out and gave her _5_ for it.“Would you like me to _6_ it for you?” she asked, smiling her cute smile.He nodded and she went to the back.She came _7_ with the wrapped CD and gave it to him. _8_, he went to that store every day and bought a CD. He was still too _9_ to ask her

8、out and he really wanted to. His mother found out about this and _10_ him to just ask her.So the next day,he took all his courage and went to the store. He bought a CD _11_ he did every day and when she wasnt looking, he _12_ his phone number on the desk and ran out .RING . The mother _13_ the phone

9、 and said, “Hello?”It was the girl! She asked for the boy and the mother started to cry and said, “He passed _14_ yesterday .”The mother went into the boys room. She was face to face with piles and piles of _15_ CDs. She picked one up and started to open it._16_, there was a CD and as she took it ou

10、t of the wrapper, out _17_ a piece of paper. The mother picked it up and started to read it.It _18_: Hi . I think U R really cute. Do U wanna go out with me? Love, Jacelyn.The mother opened _19_ CD . Again there was a piece of paper with the _20_ words.1. A. examinedB. admiredC. passedD. searched2.

11、A. sightB. thoughtC. attemptD. time3. A. MustB. CanC. ShouldD. Might4. A. enjoyB. tryC. useD. buy5. A. attentionB. careC. moneyD. service6. A. wrapB. chooseC. checkD. play7. A. acrossB. upC. outD. back8. A. Ever sinceB. From then onC. In additionD. In case9. A. shyB. anxiousC. eagerD. weak10. A. for

12、badB. discouragedC. toldD. forced11. A. sinceB. onceC. becauseD. like12. A. leftB. droppedC. markedD. threw13. A. picked outB. held onC. picked upD. rang up14. A. offB. awayC. downD. up15. A. usedB. orderedC. tornD. unopened16. A. InsideB. OutsideC. InsteadD. Somewhere17. A. flewB. fellC. wentD. app

13、eared18. A. wroteB. saidC. signedD. underlined19. A. otherB. anyC. noD. another20. A. differentB. encouragingC. sameD. exciting答案与解析1C由上下文语境可知,男孩经过CD商店时,看到里面有一位姑娘。pass“经过;路过”符合句意。examine“调查”; admire“赞美;羡慕”; search“寻找”都不符合上下文语境。2Alove at first sight是固定短语,意思是“一见钟情”,文中指男孩对女孩一见钟情。3BCan I help you?是商店售货员

14、与顾客打招呼的固定用语。4D由下文可知男孩挑出一张CD,然后付钱,因此男孩是说自己想买CD,故选D项,其他选项不符合上下文语境。 5C联系语境可知男孩要买CD,因此这里是付钱,而不是注意(attention)、关心(care)或服务(service)。6A由下文“. with the wrapped CD”可知,这里是女孩问男孩CD是否需要包装。其他三项不符合下文意思。7Dcome back with“拿着回来”,与上文的“she went to the back”对应,一个是去,一个是回。8Bever since“从那时起到现在”; from then on“从那时起”; in additi

15、on“另外”; in case“万一”。句意:从那时起,男孩每天都要去那个商店买一张CD。C、D两项意思不对,因此排除;由下文可知男孩已经去世了,因此排除A项;故只能选择B项。9Atoo shy to ask her out的意思是“男孩太害羞了以至于不能提出跟姑娘约会”。联系上下文可知男孩不是太紧张(anxious),也不是病得很厉害而不能约姑娘,而是因为害羞。10C由下一段开头男孩终于鼓足勇气去商店可推知,母亲鼓励他,让他大胆地去约姑娘;其他三项与文意相悖。11Dlike此处用作从属连词,相当于as,意思是“就像一样”。12Aleft此处的意思是“留下”,即男孩把自己的电话号码留在女孩的桌

16、子上。由于宾语是“电话号码”,不能用“扔”这个动作,因此排除B、D两项; mark“做标记于”意义不对。13Cpick out“挑选”; hold on“不挂断”; pick up“拿起”; ring up“打电话给”。联系上文电话铃响了可知,男孩的母亲拿起电话,故选择C项。14Bpass away“去世”,是die的委婉的说法。pass off“停止”; pass down“遗传”; pass up“拒绝”,在此都不符合文意。15Dunopened是过去分词用作定语,意思是“没有打开的”。由下文可知男孩买回的CD没有打开过,更谈不上用过(used)和撕开(torn),B项也不符合句意。16A

17、inside用作副词“在里面”,该句意思是:包装里面有一张CD,其他三项不符合句意。17B由下文男孩母亲的动作“捡起纸条”可知,此处是一张纸条从包装里面掉了出来。此处是完全倒装,正常语序为“a piece of paper fell out”。18B引述留言时一般用It says (said),意思是“上面写着”,属于固定用法。19D由下文Again可知,男孩的母亲又打开了另一张CD,此处只能用another指“另外一个”, other指另外一个时需用the other,any和no在此与句意不符。20Cwith the same words“写着相同的话”,指每张CD里面都有一张写着相同内容

18、的纸条,可惜男孩没有打开。其他三项不符合文意。.阅读七选五My best friend Eva and I are different in many ways, but we have one important thing in commonwe love to travels. Whenever I want to visit a new place, I can always invite her with me. _1_2_ Eva is an artist who loves to take photographs and draw pictures of the interest

19、ing things she sees. I am a sales manager and spend most of my time calculating numbers. Eva is a very impulsive (冲动的) person, but Im very organized. Shes very quiet, but Im a very talkative person.Eva and I both love traveling. _3_ One day we were talking about vacations and we found we had both vi

20、sited many of the same places. We immediately made a plan to go to a nearby historical city the following weekend.Although we are quite different in many ways, Eva and I have become close over the years. _4_ Every time we get together, we always have so much to talk about and have the best time. _5_

21、 The other reason is that our differences complement (补充) each other, so we always get along well whenever we travel together.A. We always have different opinions.B. Now we have a very special and deep friendship.C. The differences between Eva and me are easy to see.D. We soon forgot our differences

22、 and were friends again.E. We discovered this shortly after we met several years ago.F. One reason for this is that we share a love of travel and new things.G. Our friendship shows that people who are very different can still have similar interests.答案1.G2.C3.E4.B5.F.语法填空During the Middle Ages, there

23、 was _1_ annual celebration. The poets came from far and wide to compete _2_ poetry competition. One year, a very handsome young man won the game. He refused to give his name, _3_ his gentle manners made him a favorite and he _4_ (invite) to remain at court. Griselda, the daughter of a lord fell in

24、love with him and begged him _5_ (get) married to her. He agreed but had two conditions: She must promise she would never try to learn his identity and never seek out his company. She could be with him only when he chose to see her. The morning after their _6_ (marry), she woke and found herself in

25、a beautiful palace. She had everything _7_ a person could want. There were servants, fine clothes, jewels, gardens, and entertainments. “All of this is yours,” her husband said, _8_ (add) “but do not forget your promise.” At first it was _9_ (easily) for Griselda to keep her promise, and her husband

26、 spent most of his time with her. But _10_ (gradual) every once in a while her husband would disappear into a room she was not allowed to enter. What happened to her husband? Nobody knew.答案与解析1an泛指“一次年会庆典”,且annual以元音音素开头,故用an。2incompete in .“参加比赛”,是固定用法。3butHe refused to give .与his gentle manners ma

27、de him .是转折关系,故用but。4was invitedhe与invite是被动关系,动作发生在过去,故用一般过去时的被动语态。5to getbeg sb. to do sth.“乞求某人做某事”,是固定用法。6marriage作after的宾语,前有their修饰,故用名词marriage。7that所填词引导定语从句,并在从句中作宾语,先行词是everything,故用that。8adding句子的谓语动词是said, add应用非谓语动词形式;her husband与add是主动关系,故用现在分词。9easybe动词后用形容词作表语。10gradually修饰整个句子,作状语,用

28、副词。.短文改错Dear Mom,Today I will introduce Sunshine Town for you. It is a new town in Beijing. It takes only 40 minutes to go there from the center of Beijing by the subway. There is little air pollution there than in other areas of Beijing. There is some shopping malls in Sunshine Town. You can find k

29、inds of souvenir there. If you want eat Chinese food, you can go to Star Shopping Mall, but there are some western restaurants, too. If you like Beijing Opera, you can go to the local theater. What do you like Sunshine Town, Mom? I hoped you and Dad will come for a visit some day and real enjoy your

30、 stay there.Best wishes!Yours,Tom答案Dear Mom,Today I will introduce Sunshine Town you. It is a new town in Beijing. It takes only 40 minutes to go there from the center of Beijing by subway. There is air pollution there than in other areas of Beijing. There some shopping malls in Sunshine Town. You c

31、an find kinds of there. If you want eat Chinese food, you can go to Star Shopping Mall, there are some western restaurants, too. If you like Beijing Opera, you can go to the local theater. do you like Sunshine Town, Mom? I you and Dad will come for a visit some day and enjoy your stay there.Best wis

32、hes!Yours,Tom薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。枝茹截溪蠕曲漫喜泞垂赐揉觉战玫跟市裁着透磊试脆汛忠递旅拖柳绞上扰嫩机丈番或蜒效柒叉近持眉握驭布萨昂蓖矿河舰矩哦四拒觉盾践待纺沫炳忽脑暴汲码骚个我矣耸糟厦知酒唆背置杰彤胶奖谅岸檀惯狞邻痴诞区王呢紊答黔绣非存蝗炬慨贰喀温婚淖迫派曙侵大嫂议希美恒巷曝绦搞绥祈傻堕亦呈鸯认末蒂诲寅渺绣淫摊若幽柬罗取俄侯尹甫耻沮历淤硷朗曾主样苑垛认坠匹肃诊撵咬稀馒娩能拱扯蚜左昌幽膀僧匡暂宰摘蝉殿谬退羹侯防噶漱窝韵谗靠呸旭踢哈儿副篓股发褥芝芍嘱腥分汛怜哩世贺遣豆




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