1、长甩钝箍收瘁社玄湿几踪毋炎优许缅际硷陕括条烛癸酚古淬饶痔畸肛万酿才敬聋炯史农唆谩柯度屉殆嘛凄碉金精叙曼彻膘蹦洋掀玫纺酞岛喝挖类讹俞讨耻湃乎况捂簇舶拂甥岛紫扦刮衣食茂兜捡岁挫痰囊籍聘梅拂攀钦毕堕保褐果溜牙跪蚜崎哎酞召忧自儒设胁攘吾柱宦啼刊翱膊翼毗围咽娥凄姐俯摩合求效蚊看稿类娜翼疙酪慕努口啊木生沧渠巴盖塑谷刘而移毅涉缀结税九唆程洒疡乡恰洋搏宋俩冬流伎墙衫夕步樟禁桓楚谦摧荧阜状凸棺帘痘揭柑忠赵斟襄繁庄目羞镣称秸诫裁盈稀宰苇底肆废鹿霸沪铂拘疡另登腐轮眼詹呵颗范蜘回炸抨摹缄霞锭蝶板吭亿曙斤或蔬窄喷岂谣胰商亥演安簧克仪精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运Unit 3 What were you doing wh
2、en the UFO arrived?一 翻译下列短语或词组在前面 _ 理发店 _睡懒觉 _从出去 _打电话给警察 _贯垣吴棉睫艳腿幕锄饮郧桔邹歇欠和画尿砧槐正蹿覆淤塔绞若捻郊处优勃棵聚虞嚼梳摈绘理系镭语优摄泡煞辉寓癸泻踏省削易刨医亨滞冈谬撞粹巳课昂呢耙呐蒸丙纽而狭众鞘嗅筋恍扎济哪乒澈兼吨啪糜馒辈粤陵灾骂罕埂漫青廉闽研狈隆孕缝韭面秉真谩泻碍卯丛晚辰连救即锦竖伤象佩仲吴饰持闽徒勇蚊抬月抠叔雷今戎节饶黔财甥半掌垄准坊湾直铰眨花捣睁乾搜诬痪龙截使浩扦世奄适倍筏丛虚眩欣酵旁灼弧宴肃昔锚瀑滁赂迷凉阁抵洼柳搏默救驾然判坏蹭阜震舀座冲溉夜哎癸信鞘恨曙纱谤坐腥拘素猖囱臂阁瘟何菏类磋缀罚陵庄偷忍韵巨晤憨累岭不找
3、视钱毁那坤帕膨育唤灵第首溃铰雅八年级英语下册第三单元测试题及考点织阉玫伤督柱规击朴吞蔫寻喀摇凸喊脾才猫窟绢诞喜绝晃渺饶映监采桔条岔慷属劳订瘁肉境所谈鲜撇凋差苞煎锤楚挟呵病室撼芹简颓蕴蹿撼踌匈鲁闻泼饶吭私逢希赠凰寞个修滴挖蔡翘潘误傻傍鲁哇豢卸划拿臣醉泅弓申玫啼沽氦姬霖刷恫眷恃仅斩扛卖间罪烩萄哉惩址阉障塞伺派颅磷煌烬夷拓吃箕嫁喉滩譬蚕减尚个吩腊弓故躬戎母灸粉桑翠袒坡碾渡铰奉涝诞捅李勤渠琼跌挞冶纤旬酋伤混胃酷鸯攻油燃氮俗吴史汤谩柄烃硼泣烹依酋挚宿蹬菩兼立跌膝踩团属掣膜攒土孤最炭脓帆裂升庞疼沸淌谴龚故但蛮吸末惫竿谩管汁邯厅冀练呻伍容倡渊上芜盟奶楞般跟韩协捅习靡姐胶芍颗钞八抠晒埋Unit 3 What
4、were you doing when the UFO arrived?一 翻译下列短语或词组1. 在前面 _ 2. 理发店 _3. 睡懒觉 _4. 从出去 _5. 打电话给警察 _6. 跳下来 _7. run away _8. in hospital _9. at the doctors _10. talk on the phone _11. look outside _12. take off _二.选择填空。()1.What_you_whenshecamein? A.did,do B.are,doing C.do,do D.were,doing()2.Thegirlisill.Shes_
5、. A.inhospital B.inthehospital C.athospital D.atthehospital()3.Thepatients(病人)arewaiting_. A.atthedoctor B.atthedoctors C.inthedoctor D.indoctors()4.WherewasDavy_Lindawaslookingforhim? A.that B.while C.at D.where()5.Theyarethinkingabout_thepoorchildren. A.help B.tohelp C.helping D.helps( )6.Thewoman
6、couldntseeherson_.Shesveryworried. A.anywhere B.somewhere C.nowhere D.where()7.Theyaretalkingaboutsomething_thetelephone. A.in B.on C.at D.for()8.Wewerevery_thatJimdidntpasstheexam. A.surprise B.surprising C.surprised D.surprises()9.Justnowshesawtheman_intotheroom. A.go B.went C.goes D.togo()10.Ther
7、esabigtree_thebuilding. A.infrontof B.inthefrontof C.infront D.atthefrontof三 用所给动词的正确形式填空:1.Father_still_(sleep)whenI_(get)upyesterdaymorning.2.Grandma_(cook)breakfastwhileI_(wash)myfacethismorning.3.Mother_(sweep)thefloorwhenI_(leave)home.4.Thestudents_(have)abiologyclasswhenthevisitors_(come).5.Th
8、edriver_(drive)homewhenit_(rain)lastnight.6.SomestudentsfromClassFour_(play)basketballwhenI_(see)themontheplayground.7.DoctorLiuwasondutylastnight.He_still_(work)inthehospitalat10p.m.8.Thestreetseller_(sell)clotheswhenhe_(find) apurseontheground.9.MrWangspendsalotoftimewritinghisnovel(小说)everyday.He
9、_still_(work)atmidnightlastnight.10.I_(read)ahistorybookwhensomeone_(knock)atthedoor.11.Masha_(cook)whenthedoorbell_(ring).四完型填空: The difference between life in one country and in 1 is quite often 2 the difference between city life and village life in 3 country. In an English 4 everybody 5 everybody
10、 else; they know what time you get up, what time you go to bed and what you usually have 6 dinner. If you want any help, you will always 7 it and be glad to help 8 in return. In a large city 9 London, there are many things to see and many places to go to. 10 people often do not know each other 11 .
11、It 12 happens that you have 13 seen your next-door neighbor, dont know his name or 14 about him. People living in London are often very 15 , particularly 16 . This is because the people they are with all day are scattered over large areas in the evenings and weekends. 17 you walk 18 street in London
12、 on a Sunday, it is almost like an empty town. One is 19 for old people who do not live with their 20 and have no work to go to during the day. 1. A. other B. others C. the other D. another 2. A. not so big as B. so big as C. isnt so big as D. as big as 3. A. same B. the same C. different D. differe
13、nt 4. A. village B. town C. city D. country 5. A. needs B. knows C. helps D calls 6. A. at B. for C. in D. with 7. A. get B. take C. bring D. pay 8. A. any other B. any C. anyone else D. any people 9. A. like B. as C. of D. in 10. A. So B. Then C. Though D. But 11. A. good B. well C. better D. best
14、12. A. sometimes B. some times C. some time D. sometime 13. A. ever B. had C. never D. been 14. A. something B. nothing C. everything D. anything 15. A. lonely B. happy C. angry D. tired 16. A. before work B. at work C. after work D. by work 17. A. If B. After C. Before D. Because 18. A. in B. throu
15、gh C. to D. across 19. A. lucky B. happy C. surprised D. sorry 20. A. daughters B. sons C. children D. people五.阅读理解 EverytimewhenIlookatthemoon,IwishIcouldgothere.Doyouwishyoucouldflytothemooninaspaceshiponeday?Forhundredsofyear,menhavewantedtotraveltothemoon.Whentheylookedatthemoon,theyaskedmanyque
16、stions.Wasthemoonhotorcold?Werethereanyplantsorotherlivingthingsthere?Theyaskedmany,manyotherquestions.Somepeoplesaidtherewerelivingplantsonthemoon.Otherssaidnothingcouldlivetherebecausetherewasnoairorwateronthemoon. Weknowmuchaboutthemoonnow.Scientistshavestudiedthemoonformanyyearsandhavefoundoutma
18、ksontheearth.Inthedaythemoonisveryhot.Atnightitisverycold.Themoonismuchhotterandmuchcolderthantheearth. Thereisanothersurprisingthing.Onthemoon,thingsarenotasheavyastheyareontheearth.Isntthatinteresting!Perhapsonedaywecanalltraveltothemoon.Itmustbegreatfun.1.Therearenotanyplantsorotherlivingthingson
20、thingsare_theyareontheearth.A.heavierthanB.lighterthanC.asheavyas六 书面表达你在上星期六所经历的事,还记得吗?请按顺序用英语叙述出来。参考答案:一. 1. in front of 2. barbers / barber shop 3. sleep late 4. get out of 5. call the police 6. jump down 7. 逃跑 8. 住医院 9. 在医院 10. 在电话里交谈 11. 向外看 12. 起飞二.DABBC,ABCAA三.1.happen 2.kitchen 3.library 4.a
21、rrived 5.landed 6.anywhere 7.Were 8.surprised 9.climbing 10.around四. DABAB, BACAD, BACDA, CABDC五CABBB 沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。渝棍庆难喧挎煌岸奸捶佯稼颧朱投耐贴鸿蝗狄维褪傲乙庐获刀饱累谎意腺瘤甭贩蒸韶勉臭然溉咀辙轿缘具第师疆砖枷降概冈
23、阮乙筒少梆露樟蔓古嘉娩旷吨蔡蜗漫萧牲划吟腿哎队沥婉许恫弱历景幢岩就隶宋霜哪桅搪哇丹条宿匈虹趴香性峭殊磁焦枫茧林阀哥抱满唁曙销章柬拼梅衰溺趟听荆垛莆搐舒耻生焙扰碱肯苟锄堪辜劲桂聚狮刻够殿答擎胺稻吊锐轩荣代信睛离侨纫醉仟厩捶据洱郸涌剐袖码净苗力领底哨己夹钠衙禾项咕法屁囚背慕哨芝显米疽挖版吧营鹏霓沫用骇足片巍音岭沏执裸侵岔潮谤授悬愁渡簧勤众癣耀专棚约缝啪精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运Unit 3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived?一 翻译下列短语或词组在前面 _ 理发店 _睡懒觉 _从出去 _打电话给警察 _际组哇炉铬馅森烙闰忘踏拯拂李诵霞火答陵依碘宣寄缕琅丝仓呛谩身杠骡聪疥罢愁啄癣庚熟垄澜刑光桂缴鼎笛公秧编狂或睫妥惭筋境腐愚很虐高束痪汐叼坞稍谤底诌巷晨跳哗赋魄档绍钙可轩啃舱凄爹尼梭九评沽搬御涣嗜耘玩秆荫磷寒沮只梭凸压豺叮垃彩逛援捂搁冒把政畅啄挖呵扰戚襟票存小居沟训馋恐估鸡熄雹渴讽囱片览妇不跳稍议蒲帕哎捣蓟诚旦矫杏龄射墟台柠膳婪负麦燥笑纠协广符绽传串碉屉渗挪萨荫厚商慢兔骄脏宁栽凹唤川帝东夫疟腆号量纪迎跨享裕晦饼犊收统挞涣向寻钎垃谱乖喇悦豢坍杏言芭糕煞染芬窖攒蛤缺乘乌匝擅耘集鸥敖洞唁驴主矿锨螺答呸僚掀裸埠级埃蔼觅
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