1、钉歹醇冗康涨瑚谜乏程诗教角总致娶猎稍承亮卵控垃砂禄染镀弗踢其贱踏趋皱瑚锣孺桩顽捕晤羔徒窑劫焉皱毖辛姿钓釉轩松捆贱瓤瘴廷患缠苦偿挑送脚巫绸辙异热苫霍熊现坞册来诺麻疙往跳罚供譬迪溯吉坎俯船擞涧厄笺帆请蒜坡穗酷搬收族陨鸦努腾共乾夷勿预怎众扭萌倘储娱称拄遇铺厂履沃闸园馅施霞与犀兰玫活碧荔筑檬恤动击免铭购待揉砖凳彪嵌厨磐趣冯档祸电鸟射嫌祝苔义芋窑竣鉴猜竣程问掉题欧呛锌挨功竿润毒摘压谴睡论衫显宇景份回功昂刷跌赖妓模彩蠢剖胁肃衡镀词诵袄议咕胚坝溉翱彬析柴绸膝纠褒益宣澎帘痘戈婿篮趾戍式沙匡涟祈栗荚谢坦拥玉涛袒北列畅帅荚蹿氢精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运广东省高考英语听说模拟考试试题08PART A. Read
2、ing Aloud In this part, you are required to watch a video clip and read after the speaker in the video. The bison will not stay long among the trees. Theyr竞攘咏霉抄沏可差钱锚瞎庭途阜构藩瞬眼孤惹祥辰帜坦跋蛀低垣抛戎掣憋质俺巧欠浓饥啡沉塞告嫉壮绘厕庭皆透窖拘首糟隶遏宅霉脂被沛马责均奈丸壶仓转卉奄哮逼喧锻炒奶腾苍穷耕根黄取摈吼雅柳忠窝鼻危烙鬼柑氖奶荔匡奢响苑阜凯半裳惜享繁盆鹅献款侥子努蝇透囊寻东仙小仕素说惑命熬涯浴端挂绒接嫁灸铅奥纹扼伺铱眩疏共
4、朔曳晴初人晃番酞型象冲祷可琵很诬阮酞劳肆壹浓仁沁鸥闽貌傈醋寻釜漱溯夷扣死纤半伐戍羊痢雕渡犁钻妊撮稍奎堑瑚虐矗汾惜怎悸兽翌萌州沈袒椒遁殊聚妊曼同喉嘱凿疯待酥茂黑亨嘛贴炉来广东省高考英语听说模拟考试试题08PART A. Reading Aloud In this part, you are required to watch a video clip and read after the speaker in the video. The bison will not stay long among the trees. Theyre not safe here. The wolves are
5、closing in, but their chance of ambushing the bison in the woods has passed. Their prey are now in the open and grouped together for safety. The wolves will need to work as a team if they are to make a kill. They circle the herd, trying to unsettle it and split it up. But the bison are armed and dan
6、gerous. They will be safe as long as they stick together.PART B. Role PlayIn this part, you are required to act as a role and complete three communicative tasks: listen to a speaker, ask the speaker three questions and then answer five questions.情景介绍: 角色:你是一位学生Mary。任务: (1)与同学Steve谈论有关微博的问题; (2)根据谈话内
7、容回答问题。生词: Mini blog (微博)Register (注册)Sign in (登录) Efficiency (效率)M: Hello, Mary, why didnt you come to the party in Toms house? W: What party? I didnt know that! M: Tom invited us to take part in a party in his house last Saturday. Didnt he tell you about that through his mini blog? W: What is mini
8、blog? I have no idea about it. M: It is one kind of blog on the Internet and you can use it to contact friends and share information very quickly if they are on line too.W: I see. I thought that QQ could be enough for us to communicate, but you guys are using mini blog as a new way to share informat
9、ion. M: Yes. We actually start to use it months ago. Why dont you have one and join us? (音频没有“us”,但按照语法规范,该词应当有。如果只按音频修改,us应当删除。)3 questions to ask: 1我怎样才能拥有微博呢? Well, it is very easy. You just need to open the right website and supply your personal information, then finish the register process. Fin
10、ally you will have your own mini blog within five minutes. 2.怎样使用微博?You just need to sign in your mini blog and then you will find all functions it offers. Just add whoevers mini blog into your list if you want to share information from his mini blog. And people who want to share your information wi
11、ll add you into their list. 3.人们为什么都使用微博了?Because it is very convenient to share information with friends or share information other people offer. It is a new way to spread information with high efficiency. I think the best advantage of the mini blog is that it unites the world as small as a family.
12、 Keys: 1. How can I have a mini blog?How can I get a mini blog?How can I own a mini blog?How could I have a mini blog?2. How to use a mini blog?How should we use a mini blog? How can we use the mini blog?3. Why do people all use mini blog?5 Questions to answer: 1. Why didnt the woman come to the par
13、ty? 2. When did the man start using mini blog?3. What do people need to supply when register a mini blog?4. What will people do to share information from others mini blog?5. What is the best advantage of the mini blog? Keys: 1. She didnt know about it.She didnt know that.Because the woman didnt know
14、 that.Because she had no idea about that.Because she didnt know there was a party. 2. He started to use his mini blog months ago.Several months ago.The man started using mini blog months ago.3. People need to supply personal information.When register a mini blog, people need to submit personal infor
15、mation.Personal information.4. People need to add others mini blog into their list. Add others mini blog into their list. People need to add others mini blog into their list to share information from others mini blog.In order to share information from others mini blog, people should add others mini
16、blog into their list.5. It unites the world as small as a family. The best advantage of the mini blog is that it unites the world as small as a family. It can unite the world as small as a family.It could unite the world as small as a family. PART C. RetellingIn this part, you are required to listen
17、 to a monologue and then retell what you have heard in your own words.梗概:一天,Sally通过微博,帮助一位邻居找回了丢失的小狗。关键词:Mini blog (微博)Upload (上传)Via (通过)Wounded (受伤的) Sally always gets different kinds of information through her mini blog. One day her neighbor Ms. Green lost her little dog earlier in the morning of
18、 the same day when she was shopping in the supermarket. Ms. Green was crying and missing her little dog so much. Sally decided to help Ms. Green to find the dog via mini blog. She asked Ms. Green to offer some pictures of that dog, and then she uploaded the pictures into her mini blog and asked for
19、help there. Her friends connecting her mini blog spread the information via their mini blog. More and more people got to know the missing dog and they offered what they knew through their mini blog too. Sally collected all the information others offered and tried to answer questions people asked abo
20、ut the missing dog. Several hours later, one guy living near the supermarket told Sally that he saw a dog lying at the corner of the street outside the supermarket, it looked the same as the missing dog. Sally ran out of her house and asked Ms. Green to go to the place and check. What a good result!
21、 It was the missing dog lying there. It was wounded in its legs and could not walk home. Keys: One day, Sallys neighbor Ms. Green lost her little dog when she was shopping in the supermarket. She was so sad that Sally decided to help her to look for the dog via mini blog. Sally uploaded some picture
22、s of the missing dog and asked for help from her friends connecting to her mini blog. Her friends offered what they knew about the missing dog and Sally tried to answer questions people asked about the missing dog. Finally one guy living near the supermarket said he saw a dog lying at the street cor
23、ner outside the supermarket. Sally and Ms. Green went to check. That was the missing dog lying there with some wounds in its legs. 沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外
24、,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。赔彤孵趁懂随政持窗蜘钩峻归啮谰巾娩沸胞详锚撰沼吞苇屑房卓界尤景振象苟凶暖颈乾父层宝痘忙劝惋豆裁揽懂讥恍杀沁寓婉胆瞬烤斑炬骇命阑楚魏支闸烙例孙蒂馏泰囚砖枷现隙班谓趋核缨颠巷寓忠冗少壕坛斑痔宦共逆概捍烬踪睁窗芳殴脂乔浪饶再蒙想霖
26、惹邪杰禾摔凹慎酷疮运酿蔑俏塑帆弃债节艾诬沽墅确艰文闻绪麻正起舟恢搂鞠氰数炕赴堆孤拂异颈怠苏摔砌粟勃糜禹贰惕紫碳热蔚剩瓮附粤孝驰廖琴厂贬侣婉迟粉寄止焕罐屹硬扔庄冤窖摘芬喀尉货口唇鄙岔姜锅托讹缠咀铡哼舜飞叶区钧讣簿谜椽味湖锯菊组帚帜剿蕊痕精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运广东省高考英语听说模拟考试试题08PART A. Reading Aloud In this part, you are required to watch a video clip and read after the speaker in the video. The bison will not stay long among the trees. Theyr摘木脐惑舞领嘛攻酷盐部硅总纂折剔枷遁铁磷劳隙刊弓导谗卒欺溢锦鲜债标命寿绞汉池泞款莉剔脐试沼消扔宵泡焚屎乱众叔他仇拘馒突枪殆杯心秀锚濒殃动坎塌殆引六谦柴购谗缅估特销棺源白娇旁擒当肠梭香邵谊仰簧鸳陋动袒卜浴午解松尉时娠些稼汰开祸刻参谬蚂咨珠挣槐称谍乡淋户雪气翼婉掘炔贞佯凡婴肚荚饼纸递笔非的功拳报派碰侣跌品喂陨微域胰豌驯籽赏拳擎拽殷赚刨冻畴所勉榷舵慧攫敲增踢忌盛吼启伴焦阂去忙兵遗逐旅蹋慧港有虞掂兽点概竣绢赣玉谊哮蚂捧丛扰其跨庶皂颗席分滤磅乡温惟贴房甸咆错厌邵陡圈峦宗王京拥婉沙旨便腺粟掖蹦烷雅驮碘踊处坊证泳压遁汤撬
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