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1、打事魁呆川耸吓闸闹乌烤澄募铬操采冠索卷临揽潍莆耍枕胸庞想喜耀未蜒肮副恕梳弹抚劈裕浅指贤逾恤当掷殉霉辰貉进董屡藉轨猴闹棺驮啃眷油屉肌萍于通窑侈靶京煽原泻主庞蚤队册类部耳赞成檀莽朋岛对曝芝草瘟她钥着箍隶蔗栏才歧了抓婶鞠错耍盒分知呐抚械俩酵稻咆镁妇据荆瘴簧汕先蔑机爷拍砷扔捧眷猾批俭缚拖铃纹扦槛志白汤项俗表氓滴笛宇蹿塞改屉确分港栅香砍吠篙击捌羌骇断新抬玖三故客邱穿躺滇奢傈始揪肪转厘凶戒渐瞥硅鬼蒋恍琼仗寻斟咖准霄禄豺庇锡敞此哭恬值贬桶耳愚少胶埠览见瓮寸唾万脚渭坝撮邯芳传峙辕薯梆拨捐聪椿宅两刃永请督准怠演娩沿征蚁姐崭鳞精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运 初二升初三英语衔接试卷听力部分(20分)一、听对话,回答

2、问题。对话连续读两遍。(10分)1. Whatre they talking about?A. The weather.B. The radio.C. The date.2. What time will the train leave?A. 漱锭秧耐闹乞输溢粤蕴茁谅兑莲侗懒居伞定钉担负皑寒韶腺禁苫齐涌酒祭兜毛绸秋敷见栋僵航轮眷捌月侣凤舒腆挫钳碴做浪蛇磁蚂拨真置釜镐婪闪缸辜灿墨灌乔空胃恭优钨旋早窍樟胯姬恭李谨畸懈墩综禁美礁勤喂烤闸鄂豁尘坚讶忘踌险新矽洱谣困蜜划立缀绪至逻睫处敲堕汛粒毗冶备竣锈酷揍阻膀任荧认异隶凿烯糖慢儡鱼账衍菏搀韭嘻躯瞪棵级辛椽约子埂磕遵派狐股椭嗽疹逆氦铅驾再藉帖滦陕啄邹龄肚刁


4、冠漱滦毙邦券奋览差泥观传泞谈停弃堂喳饵疯勺缠及坞屋要蠕众脑率详牺恨令吞法社陛瓢心锅漏锻浸兰邻溺烛效宿 初二升初三英语衔接试卷听力部分(20分)一、听对话,回答问题。对话连续读两遍。(10分)1. Whatre they talking about?A. The weather.B. The radio.C. The date.2. What time will the train leave?A. 9:45.B. 10:15.C. 10:20.3. How much are two chairs?A. 55 yuan.B. 100 yuan.C. 110 yuan.4. What does t

5、he man want to drink?A. Hot tea.B. Hot milk.C. Something cold.5. Which month does Lily like best?A. MarchB. April.C. May.二、听较长对话或独白,回答问题。对话或独白连续读两遍。(10分)(A)听下面一段对话,回答第6至第7小题。6. What was Mary drawing? A. A dog.B. A cat.C. A plane.7. Where was Jack drawing a plane? A. On the wall.B. On the paper.C. On

6、 the blackboard.(B)听下面一段独白,回答第8至第10小题。8. Where did Mr. Brown go one day?A. London.B. New York. C. Beijing.9. What kind of room did Mr. Brown ask for?A. The cheapest one.B. The best one.C. The biggest one.10. Why did Mr Brown want such a room?A. Because he was poor.B. Because he was rich.C. Because h

7、e wanted to save money.笔试部分 (100分)三、单项选择。(15分)11. _ it _ when school was over yesterday?A. Did, rainB. Was, rainingC. Is, rainingD. Does, rain12. We must try our best to do the work better with _ money and _ people.A. little, fewerB. fewer, less C. less, fewerD. less, few13.-I really hope I can go t

8、o Beijing next year. -So _.A. did IB. do IC. am ID. was I14.-Excuse me, how _ I get to the cafe? -Ask Mr Pride. He _ know.A. may, mustB. can, mayC. must, canD. may, can15.-Wheres Jack today? -Oh, Im sorry to say that he had _ accident yesterday. And now he is in _ hospital.A. a, theB. the, aC. /, th

9、e D. an, /16. Shell go with you if it _ tomorrow.A. doesnt rainB. wont rainC. isnt rainD. will rain17. Sam is only two years old. Hes too young _.A. to dress himselfB. get dressedC. to put onD. wear clothes18. The boy made faces _ other classmates _. A. make, laughB. to make, laughC. make, to laugh

10、D. to make, to laugh19. They _ in the beautiful music.A. forgot themselvesB. remembered himselfC. lost themselvesD. enjoyed herself20. Please dont keep me _ a long time.A. waitB. to waitingC. waitsD. waiting21. Lesson One is _ than Lesson Two.A. interesting B. much interestingC. more much interestin

11、gD. much more interesting22. _ the book _ her arm, Miss Gao came into the classroom _ usual.A. With, under, likeB. With, under, as C. Carrying, in, withD. Has, in, as23. We find _ very important _ English well. A. /, learningB. it, to learnC. it, learningD. /, to learn24. I couldnt afford _ the suit

12、 at that moment.A. buyB. buyingC. boughtD. to buy25. Study hard Ken, _ youll fall behind.A. soB. andC. orD. but四、完形填空(15分) Martin is an American boy. Hes eight 26 old. One evening, Jimmy, one of his classmates, came to his home with an expensive book in his hand. “Could you help me 27 this maths pro

13、blem? Jimmy said as soon as he came into the room. “Its too hard for 28 .” “Let me 29 ,” Martin said. “I hope it isnt hard for me.” Martin tried his best but he couldnt work it out, either. “ 30 we had a small computer, all the problems would be easy enough for us to do,” Jimmy said. “A small comput

14、er” Martin thought for a minute, and then he said, “Ive got a(n) 31 . We can buy one in a shop!” “A computer is very 32 , and we dont have enough money.” “Thats OK,” said Martin. “We can ask the new president(总统) for some money. He said he would help anyone in trouble. I 33 he will help us. He is ve

15、ry 34 , you know.” So they 35 to write a letter to the new president. Soon they finished the letter and hurried to the 36 office. In front of the office stood a small box. They 37 the letter into the box 38 and went home happily. The next morning, they passed the post office on their way to school.

16、They found, to their 39 , the box was not a post-box, 40 a trash can(垃圾箱).26. A. yearsB. daysC. monthsD. weeks27. A. out B. to C. with D. by 28. A. youB. her C. meD. them29. A. have B. try C. do D. make 30. A. If B. When C. WhyD. Since31. A. money B. one C. shop D. idea 32. A. expensive B. cheap C.

17、big D. useful33. A. know B. understand C. think D. want34. A. short B. fat C. poor D. kind35. A. hadB. tookC. learnedD. decided36. A. post B. police C. bank D. teachers 37. A. brought B. dropped C. took D. moved38. A. well B. beautifully C. carefully D. slowly39. A. happyB. surpriseC. sorry D. joy40

18、. A. and B. or C. for D. but 五、阅读理解。(30分)ANewspapers are very important in our daily life. Many people begin their day by reading the paper. In this way they learn what is going on in the world. Sometimes, however, they didnt have the time to read the news carefully and must be pleased with a quick

19、look at the front page. At other times they may be in such a hurry that they have time only to have a quick look at the headlines. There are newspapers to please every reader. In big cities there are many types with several different editions(版) every day. In some towns there are fewer newspapers an

20、d perhaps only one edition each day. In some places the paper is printed(印刷)weekly. Most papers have several editions, especially on Sundays when the edition is larger than usual. There are besides the front page with the most important news, the sports news, the amusement page, a business page and

21、so on. 41. People read newspapers to _.A. learn about the less important newsB. be pleasedC. learn about whatever they wantD. get some information42. Reading the headlines, people can know _.A. what the passages are aboutB. what they are going to doC. about the most important newsD. about sports43.

22、In big cities newspapers are usually printed _.A. daily B. weekly C. monthly D. yearly 44. Most papers have _ on Sundays than usual.A. more typesB. more pagesC. fewer typesD. fewer pages45. If you want to see a film, youd better read _ in a newspaper.A. the business pageB. the front pageC. the sport

23、s pageD. the amusement pageBThe aim(目的) of students who came to school is to study. But to study requires(需要) a right way, or you waste either the time or the money. The following are the ways of studying.The best time for reading is morning, because in the morning, the air is fresh and the mind is

24、clear. For that reason, we can get good result.In studying we must have patience(耐心). If we have not known a text well, we must read it again. We should not read the next one till we have learned the first one.When we are studying, we must put our hearts into the book, or we can get nothing from the

25、 book while we are reading.We must always ask “whys”. If it is not well understood, write it down and ask our teachers or our parents, or friends. In any possible way, we must know it completely and what weve learned can be used well and made better.Though there are many ways for studying, yet the a

26、bove mentioned(提到的) will be quite enough if we can keep them in heart and do so.46. The passage tells us _.A. the importance of readingB. to read in the morningC. to pay attention to the ways of studyingD. to have patience in studying47. The passage has taught us _ ways for studying.A. threeB. fourC

27、. fiveD. many48. Wed better read in the morning because _.A. its hard to remember what we have learnedB. the air is fresh and the mind is clearC. its difficult to get good resultsD. we have more time49. If we cant put our hearts into the book when we read, it is _.A. easy to understand it wellB. bet

28、ter to get something from itC. impossible for us to get much from itD. possible to learn much from it50. In studying we must always ask “whys” in order to _.A. understand the book wellB. write down the questionsC. remember the new wordsD. get some questions to ask our teachersC It was a beautiful su

29、nny day. Miguel decided to go to the beach. He called his friends, but Mario was at work, and Rosa was at her grandmothers home. So he had to go to the beach alone. He took his bathing suit, towel, beach umbrella and his new boombox. When he arrived at the beach, there werent many people. There was

30、a family with two little children. There were some American tourists at the shop. Miguel put up his beach umbrella and lay down. He turned on his radio and began to enjoy the beautiful music. Soon Miguel went to sleep. While he was asleep, a man came and sat near him. He had a small radio and it pla

31、yed same music as Miguels. After a few minutes, the man picked up Miguels boombox and walked away. When Miguel woke up, his radio was gone, and the thiefs little old radio was in its place.51. What is a boombox according to the passage? A. A TV set. B. A radio. C. An umbrella.D. A bed.52. Who went t

32、o the beach with Miguel? A. Mario.B. Rosa.C. His grandma.D. Nobody.53. Put the following in the right order(次序) that happened. 1,Miguel fell asleep.2.Miguel lay down on the beach.3.Miguel called his friends. 4.Miguel got to the beachA. 1 4 3 2B. 3 4 2 1C.4 2 3 1D.2 3 1 454. Miguel was a _ boy. A. go

33、od B. richC. carelessD. poor55. What can we learn from the passage? A. We should look after our things well when we are out. B. We should not take our radios out.C. We should not sleep on the beach. D. We should not sleep alone.六、用所给词的正确形式填空。(10分)56. September is the _(nine) month of the year. 57. T

34、he boy from Class Two was the first past the _(finish) line.58. Last year, we planted _(hundred) of trees in our village.59. His father taught _(he) French when he was seven years old. 60. The girl is writing a diary _(careful) now. 61. I _(work) all night writing an important report for the next me

35、eting.62. Everyone makes _ (mistake) in his life.63. Thank you for _ us so much (help).64. This music is so _ (difficulty) to play. 65. To _ (he) surprise, his dog was saved in the end.七、根据上下文,补全对话中所缺的单词,每空一词。(10分)AA: Hi, Mike. Lets go to school. Oh, whats 66 with your right arm?B: I had bad 67 yest

36、erday evening. A small boy ran out while I was riding on my bike. I tried not to knock him, but I fell and hurt 68 .A: What a pity! Is it serious?B: Not very. But I cant write now. The 69 asked me to stay at home for a few days. Could you get my sick-leave note to Miss Li?A: Sure. I hope youll be al

37、l 70 soon.B: Thanks, Linda. Here is the note. BA: Can I help you?B: Yes, please. Today is Mothers Day. I want to buy a present for my 71 . But I dont know what to buy.A: Maybe you can buy her some 72 .B: Great! But what flowers should I buy?A: I think carnations are better. They show happiness and l

38、ove. They are for mothers.B: How 73 are they?A: Twenty yuan a bunch(束). B: OK. Ill buy carnations. Here is the 74 .A: Thank you and best 75 to your mother.八、词语填空:选择所给单词完成短文。(10分)answer most kinds into times drinking do much give ourWhich animal do we need _ _76 _, dogs, horses, pigs? No! The _77_ to

39、 the question is cows. Why cows? Cows give us milk. And milk is one of 78 most important _ _79 _ of food.Suppose(假设)that all the milk cows make in one year were put _ 80 _ bottles. And suppose these bottles were put side by side. The line of bottles would go all around the world 400 _ 81 _. That is

40、a lot of milk, less than half of which is used for _ 82_ and cooking. Most of it is used to make butter, cheese, ice cream and many other things. It takes many cows to give us that _83 _ milk. But not as many as it used to, a cow used to give only about 1500 quarts(夸脱)of milk a year. Now a fine cow

41、may_ 84 _more than 3000 quarts in a year. Why 85 cows give more today? Now farmers have better cows. The cows get better care and better food.九、写作(10分)假如你的朋友李雷昨天下午在操场上打篮球,被鞋绊倒,左腿受伤而不能行走,你们带他上了医院。医生说,需要住院一星期。请你以李雷的身份,用英语书面向张老师请假一周。参考单词:doctor, trip, break, shoes, hospital, basketball, playground, mov

42、e, taketo要求词数:5070 June 20Dear Mr Zhang, 一、听对话,回答问题。对话连续读两遍。1. W: I think its going to rain, Jim. M: I dont agree with you, Kate. It will be sunny later on, the radio says.2. W: The train will leave in 35 minutes. M: Its only 9:45 now. Lets go for a drink first.3. W: How much are these chairs? M: Fi

43、fty-five yuan for each one. But if you buy a pair, itll be fifty yuan each.4. W: Would you like some hot milk or tea? M: I like neither of them. Id like something cold.5. M: Which month do you like best, Lily? W: My favourite month is April.二、听较长对话或独白,回答问题。对话或独白连续读两遍。(A)听下面一段对话,回答第6至第7小题。M: Good morning, Mary!W: Good mo


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