1、合 同CONTRACT正本 (ORIGINAL) 合同号 Contract N0. 签定日期 Signing Date:卖方 The Seller买方The Buyer:双方同意按下列条款由卖方出售 , 买方购进下列货物:The seller agrees to sell and the buyer agrees to buy the undermetioned goods on the terms and conditions stated below: (1 )货物名称及规格 Description of Commodity, Specifications(2)数量Quantity(3)单
2、价Unite Price(4)总价Total AmountShipment 5% more or less at Seller s option卖方有权在 5% 以内多装或少装(5 )包装Packing Term :(6 )唛头Shipping Marks:(7)装运口岸 Port of Loading:(8)目的口岸 Port of Destination .(9)装运期限 Time of Shipment:(10)保险 : 由卖方按发票金额 110% 投保Insurance to be effected by the Seller for 110%of invoice value cove
3、ring.(11)商品检验 Inspection :(12)付款条件: 买方应通过买卖双方同意的银行 , 开立以卖方 为受益人的、不可撤销的、可转让和可分割的、允许分批装运和转船的即期信用证。该信用证凭装运单据在中国的中国银行()见单议付。该信用证必须在 年 月 日前开到卖方。信用证有效期为装船后 天在中国到期。Terms of Payment:The Buyer shall open with a bank to be accepted by both the Buyer and the Seller,an irrevocab1e,transferable and divisibie Let
4、ter of Credit at sight,al1owing partial shipments and transshipment, in favour of the Seller ( ) and negotiable against first presentation of the shipping documents to the Bank of China ( ) in China. The covering Letter of Credit must be opened and reach to the Seller before and to remain valid in C
5、hina until the day ( inc1usive) from the date of shipment.(13)单据 :卖方应向议付银行提供已装船清洁提单或集装箱运输的已装船提单、发票、品质证明、数量 / 重量签定书 , 如果本合同按 CIF 条件 , 应再提供可转让的保险单或保险凭证。Documents: The Seller shall present to the negotiating bank Clean On Board Bill of Lading ( for container transportation ) ,Invoice, Quality Certifica
6、te, Survey Report on Quantity/Weight, and Transferable Insurance Poiicy or Insurance Certificate when this Contract is made on CIF basis.(14)装运条件: ( CIF / CFR)1. 载运船只由卖方安排 , 允许分批装运 , 允部转船 , 允许集装箱运输。2. 卖方于货物装船后 , 应将合同号码、品名、数量、船名、装船日期以传真通知买方。Terms of Shipment: ( CIF / CFR)1.The carrying vessel shall b
7、e provided by the Seller, partial shipments, transshipment and container transportation are allowed.2.After loading is completed, the Seller shall notify the Buyer by fax of the contract number,description of commodity, quantity, name of the carrying vessel and date of shipment.(15)品质与数量、重量的异议与索赔: 货
8、到目的口岸后, 买方如发现货物品质及/或数量/重量与合同规定不符 , 除属于保险公司及 / 或船公司的责任外 , 买方可以凭双方同意的检验机构出具的检验证明向卖方提出异议, 品质议异须于货到目口岸之日起30天内提出, 数量/重量异议须于货到目的口岸之日起15天内提出。卖方应于收到异议后30 天内答复买方。Qudity/Quantity/Weight Discrepancy and Claim:In case the quality and/or quantity/Weight are found by the Buyer to be not in conformity with the Con
9、tract afterArrival of the goods at the port of destination the Buyer may lodge claim with the seller supported by survey report issued by inspection organization agreed upon by both parties with the exception,however,of those claims for which the insurance company and/or the shipping company are to
10、be held responsible. Claim for quality discrepancy should be filed by the Buyer within 30 days after arrival of the goods at the port of destination while for quantity/weight discrepancy claim should be filed by the Buyer with in 15 days after arrival of the goods at the port of destination. The Sel
11、ler shall, within 30 days after receipt of the notification of the claim, send reply to the Buyer.(l6)人力不可抗拒: 由于人力不可抗拒事故 , 使卖方不能在本合同规定期限内交货或者不能交货 , 卖方不负贯任。但卖方必须立即以传真通知对方。如对方提出要求 , 卖方应以挂号函向对方提供由中国国际易易促进委员会或有关机构出具的发生事故的证明文件。Force Majeuer: In case of Force Majeure the Seller shall not be held responsib
12、le for the late delivery or non-delivery of the goods but shall notify the Buyer by fax. The Seller shall deliver to the Buyer by registered mail , if so requested by the Buyer, a certificate issued by the China Council for Promotion of International Trade or any competent authorities.(17)仲裁: 凡因执行本合
13、同或与本合同有关事项所发生的一切争执 , 应由双方通过友好方式协商解决。如果不能取得协议时 ,则在被告国家根据被告国仲裁机构的仲裁程序规则进行仲裁。仲裁决定是终局的 , 对双方具有同等约束力。仲裁 费用除非载机构另有决定外 , 均由败诉一方负担。Arbitrations: All disputes in connection with this Contract or the execution thereof shell be settled through friendly negotiatons between two parties. If no settlement can be r
14、eached , the case dispute shall then be submitted for arbitration in the country of defendant in accordance with the arbitration regulations of the arbitration organization of the defendant country. The decision made by arbitration organization shall be taken as final and binding upon both parties.
15、The arbitration expenses shall be borne by the losing party unless otherwise awarded by the arbitration organization(18)补充条款 :Additional clauses: 卖方 买方 Seller: Buyer:合同管理制度1 范围本标准规定了龙腾公司合同管理工作的管理机构、职责、合同的授权委托、洽谈、承办、会签、订阅、履行和变更、终止及争议处理和合同管理的处罚、奖励;本标准适用于龙腾公司项目建设期间的各类合同管理工作,厂内各类合同的管理,厂内所属各具法人资格的部门,参照本标
16、准执行。2 规范性引用中华人民共和国合同法龙腾公司合同管理办法3 定义、符号、缩略语无4 职责4.1 总经理:龙腾公司经营管理的法定代表人。负责对厂内各类合同管理工作实行统一领导。以法人代表名义或授权委托他人签订各类合法合同,并对电厂负责。4.2 工程部:是发电厂建设施工安装等工程合同签订管理部门;负责签订管理基建、安装、人工技术的工程合同。4.3 经营部:是合同签订管理部门,负责管理设备、材料、物资的订购合同。4.5 合同管理部门履行以下职责:4.5.1 建立健全合同管理办法并逐步完善规范;4.5.2 参与合同的洽谈、起草、审查、签约、变更、解除以及合同的签证、公证、调解、诉讼等活动,全程跟
17、踪和检查合同的履行质量;4.5.3 审查、登记合同对方单位代表资格及单位资质,包括营业执照、经营范围、技术装备、信誉、越区域经营许可等证件及履约能力(必要时要求对方提供担保),检查合同的履行情况;4.5.4 保管法人代表授权委托书、合同专用章,并按编号归口使用;4.5.5 建立合同管理台帐,对合同文本资料进行编号统计管理;4.5.6 组织对法规、制度的学习和贯彻执行,定期向有关领导和部门报告工作;4.5.7 在总经理领导下,做好合同管理的其他工作,4.6 工程技术部:专职合同管理员及材料、燃料供应部兼职合同管理员履行以下职责:4.6.1 在主任领导下,做好本部门负责的各项合同的管理工作,负责保管“法人授权委托书”;4.6.2 签订合同时,检查对方的有关证件,对合同文本内容依照法规进行检查,检查合同标的数量、金额、日期、地点、质量要求、安全责任、违约责任是否明确,并提出补充及修改意见。重大问题应及时向有关领导报告,提出解决方案;4.6.3 对专业对口的合同统一编号、登记、建立台帐,分类整理归档。对合同承办部门提供相关法规咨询和日常协作服务工作;4.6.4 工程技术部专职合同管理员负责收集整理各类合同,建立合同统计台帐,并负责
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