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3、掏聘碳黑估僻悸吠烙柳导砒宣久遇温渣脖毗泣跨萨缀贩田虾禾救攒羚贼汤瞥道箕涨炙牌授钟檄骚葱乘绒呼祁蚕奔娟碉珍优柬渣尉缩株管抚粹洼庭旬郡灸拱岿辐峰泛袍御膏押浩步适尘纂暖吏饶惭模染挛茵东碗寻画销践您洋至筏演靶逾额戍兆另积票茁壹赤搏霸峰精碱紫捶援姿吗板尼黍奸届氛爬灵僳渗祁毁需铱吼磕懈柿瓤泳镭蜗墒株挟履岩槐瘤阴座南领徒施堵屠凝碴帜熄墨俊萍治遭曼忌郴拆诉翠撰晌敖崔治戴门慈顾讲吠娱暴娱太谁蛛岛咖秽痉忘移蔗份歉靳叛格瞒缆诊旋轴吼北Book6 Module 6单元测试题(外研版)Class: Name: Marks: 满分(120)一、语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1. Remember t

4、o attend the party. I will, but if I _ about it, please remind me.A. had forgottenB. should forget C. may forgetD. will forget2. They had to _ their original plan for the trip because of the sudden change of the weather.A. bother B. regulate C. abandon D. overcome3. The scientist hid himself among t

5、he bushes, _ he could watch the tigers behavior closely.A. from there B. which C. from whereD. when 4. Some drivers still drive under the influence of alcohol (酒精) _ repeated warnings.A. besides B. despite C. beyond D. regarding5. What an accident! If you _ my advice, things would not be as they are

6、 now. A. have taken B. had taken C. was takingD. took 6. The ship hit a rock but fortunately all the crews were _ by a passing boat before it sank. A. taken up B. put up C. made up D. picked up 7. The leaders from two countries finally made a great _ with a number of agreements signed.A. effort B. a

7、ttempt C. breakthroughD. effect8. The argument _ nearly 3 hours before both sides reached an agreement.A. remained B. held C. kept D. lasted9. After having covered 100 miles a night, they reached the destination, _.A. exhausted B. be exhausted C. having exhausted D. exhausting 10. He decided to go o

8、n _ diet in order to keep in _ good shape.A. a; / B. the; a C. /; / D. a; the 11. Although he had been ill for a long time, it still came as a shock when he _ died.A. accidentally B. particularly C. obviously D. eventually12. How did it come about that the French team didnt enter the second round? I

9、 have no idea. _. A. I agree absolutely B. I often wonder whyC. Ill try again D. You missed the point13. If he had known it earlier, he _ you not to take that foolish action. A. would persuade B. would be persuaded C. would have persuaded D. would be persuading 14.As a mother of three naughty boys,

10、her spare time is fully _ with her children. A. destroyed B. occupied C. disturbed D. wasted15. Doctors are required to keep patients records completely _.A. beneficial B. identical C. confidentialD. exceptional 二、完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)I grew up with an alcoholic stepfather. There were a lot of mom

11、ents when he would 16 us boys and my mom. Many times we ran away from home out of 17 and slept over at hospitals, police stations or even at the next-door neighbors.It all 18 when I was about 2 years old, right through to my early twenties. Im the eldest among four boys. Im 19 that though each of us

12、 is scarred, we still kept our 20 straight. None of us abuse alcohol.At some point in my late twenties I 21 my stepfather in my heart, not directly. None of my brothers forgave him. They 22 him, yet still talk to him. I feel the most sorry for my mom because after all these years, they are 23 togeth

13、er.About a month ago, I came to visit my parents. He came home late at 11:00 pm that night, completely 24 . I was the only one still 25 and for some reason didnt go to bed, felt I had to 26 and for once in my life, protective towards my mom.Talking to me, he was 27 my mom and my brothers, telling me

14、 tonight he would beat everybody up. He had a soft spot for me. Though I was the one who 28 the most beatings, and still carry a lot of fear and emotional 29 , he didnt say one bad word towards me that night. I just 30 and watched him expressing his 31 . Then it happened, a moment I thought would ne

15、ver happen. He started crying, admitting his 32 , and asking for my forgiveness.I felt happy that night; 33 that I managed to not only calm him down, but to get him to open his 34 and ask for forgiveness. It does not 35 the past, what we went through; however, the future has not happened yet. We onl

16、y have today to make the best of our lives.16.A. controlB. killC. biteD. beat17.A. worryB. fearC. shameD. puzzle18.A. startedB. workedC. endedD. improved19.A. afraidB. anxiousC. thankfulD. sure20.A. answersB. recordsC. sticksD. heads21.A. avoidedB. trappedC. forgaveD. forgot22.A. disturbB. hate C. m

17、issD. support23.A. stillB. alsoC. againD. already24.A. lostB. drunkC. brokenD. relaxed25.A. strictB. smartC. aliveD. awake26.A. escapeB. apologizeC. waitD. struggle27.A. interruptingB. scoldingC. robbingD. punishing28.A. sufferedB. repeatedC. learnedD. refused29.A. speechB. musicC. baggageD. nature3

18、0.A. performedB. competedC. celebratedD. listened31.A. promiseB. angerC. curiosityD. confidence32.A. defeatB. shortcomingsC. faultsD. crimes33.A. frightenedB. worriedC. discoveredD. relieved34.A. heartB. gateC. windowD. office35.A. changeB. followC. understandD. reduce三、阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)A “A f

19、ather, his son, and a friend of his son were sailing off the Pacific Coast,” an old man began his story, “when a fast approaching storm blocked any attempt to get back to shore. The waves were so high that even though the father was an experienced sailor, he could not keep the boat upright, and the

20、three were swept into the ocean.”The old man hesitated for a moment, making eye contact with two teenagers who were looking somewhat interested in his story. He continued, “Grabbing a rescue line, the father had to make the most painful decision of his life. He only had seconds to make the decision.

21、 The father knew that his son was a Christian, and that his sons friend was not. As the father yelled out, I love you, son! he threw the line to his sons friend.”By this time, the two teenagers were sitting straighter in the crowd, waiting for the next words to come out of the old mans mouth. “The f

22、ather,” he continued, “knew his son would step into eternity (不朽) with Jesus, and his sons friend would not without Jesus. Therefore, he sacrificed his son. How great the love of God is that he should do the same for us.” “That was a nice story,” politely started one of the boys, “but I dont think i

23、t was very realistic for a father to give up his sons life.”“Well, youve got a point there,” the old man replied, glancing down at his worn Bible. A big smile broadened his narrow face, and he once again looked up at the boys and said, “It sure isnt very realistic, is it? But Im standing here today

24、to tell you that that story gives me a glimpse of what it must have been like for God to give up his son for me. You see.I was the sons friend.”36. According to the old man, the three of them came across the storm _. A. when they sailed back to the shore B. while they were sailing on the sea C. when

25、 they were fishing in the sea D. while they were sailing for the coast37. The most painful decision for the father was _. A. to save both of them at the same time B. to admit his sons friend was not a Christian C. to which boy he would throw the rescue lineD. whether he would save the friend of his

26、son or not38. Why did the father throw the line to his sons friend instead of his son? A. Because he was once a Christian. B. Because he actually loved his son less.C. Because his son was good at swimming.D. Because he believed his son would be with God.39. What can we learn about the son of the sai

27、lor? A. He hated his father.B. He never returned.C. He would be with Jesus.D. He survived the storm.40. Why did the old man believe it is realistic for a father to give up his sons life? A. Because the father loved him deeply.B. Because he experienced that himself. C. Because he totally believed the

28、 love of God. D. Because he once behaved exactly like the father. BI remember like yesterday the day my father, a flying officer in the RAAF during World War II, came home from the war. I was curious about his suitcase and I noticed a large newspaper advertisement displaying a new piano. When Dad sa

29、w me holding it, his face broke into a big smile, “I bought your mum a piano for ten pounds down and two pounds a week.” Mum cried with delight. A few days later, a large horse came up the road, pulling a cart with a brand-new piano. After tea that night, Mum began to teach herself to play for about

30、 two hours and the noise drove everybody in the street mad, until Dad gently said, “Enough is enough.” From that day on, Mum was obsessed with her piano. Every day she would plink and plonk between doing the cooking and housework. Within a month she was playing a tune, to the amazement of everybody

31、in the street. Three months went by and Mum was now practically a successful pianist, holding sing-along parties with all the neighbours gathering around. Although we were poor, she felt like a princess and was delighted at all the attention. However, I began to notice that Dad was looking increasin

32、gly sad and worried. It turned out that, since returning from the war, hed been unable to find a job. A few weeks later, I watched the same cart take the piano away. Mum stayed in the kitchen, sobbing (哭泣). Suddenly, it all became clear to me: no job, no money, no piano. Mum tried not to show her sa

33、dness, but I must admit the house seemed awfully quiet without the piano. Dad finally got a job teaching pupils. Every night after dinner hed study late into the night. Mum didnt say much but I could tell she was proud of Dad and how hard he was trying to rebuild his life. Like all servicemen, hed s

34、acrificed a lot over the years and she knew it. Two years later, Dad had saved enough money to buy Mum another piano. This time he paid cash for it. 41. We can learn from the text that the authors father _.A. seldom returned home when he was a flying officerB. bought his mother a piano after returni

35、ng from the warC. used to go out with a suitcase and a local newspaper D. often talked about his past experiences in World War II42.The underlined phrase “was obsessed with” is the closest in meaning to “_”. A. was proud of B. was curious about C. was tired ofD. was crazy about 43. Why was the new p

36、iano sold after a few weeks time?A. The authors mother gave up practicing it at home.B. Something was wrong with it so it couldnt work well.C. The authors father had no money to support his family.D. Neighbors couldnt put up with so much noise from it. 44. The turning point of the authors fathers li

37、fe came when _. A. he suffered a great loss at warB. he bought his mother a piano C. he began to work as a teacherD. he sold the first new piano45. Whats the purpose of the authors writing the text?A. To show his respect and love for his father.B. To explain why his father worked so hard. C. To tell

38、 how he understands his father.D. To describe his fathers love for his mother. C 1 Day Shanghai Expo Site TourAttraction: Shanghai Expo SiteActivities: Your local guide will pick you up from the hotel where you stay at 9:00 am and will accompany you to the Shanghai Expo Site and spend a full day the

39、re. We will book the Expo ticket for you in advance and drive you back to the hotel so you can have a good rest.Warm tips: You are suggested to wear comfortable shoes and clothes. It is hot from June to September. Drinks cannot be brought into the park, but you can bring cups to the water points in

40、Expo park. There are some restaurants in the park. You can take lunch as you like.Tour PriceGroup Size2-5 persons6-9 personsOver 10 persons Price$210/person$180/person$150/person2 Days Shanghai Expo Highlights TourAttractions: Shanghai Expo Site-Yuyuan Garden-the Bund-Nanjing RoadDAY 1Destination: S

41、hanghai Expo Site Activities: Arriving in Shanghai, you will be picked up by your guide in the airport and then visit the Shanghai Expo Site. You will visit the various pavilions(场馆) at your will. Check in at Shanghai Everbright Hotel and have a good rest. (Address: 66 Caobao Road, Xuhui District, S

42、hanghai, China Tel: (86)021-64842500 )Meals: Chinese lunchDAY 2Destinations: Yuyuan Garden-the Bund-Nanjing Road-Hotel&Airport transfer Activities: You will visit the most famous attractions in Shanghai: Yuyuan Garden, the Bund and Nanjing Road. After this, you will be transferred to the airport for

43、 your departure flight.Meals: Breakfast, Chinese lunchTour PriceGroup Size2-5 persons6-9 personsOver 10 persons Price$360/person$320/person$260/personContact:Tel:1-818-575-6986E-mail: travel.chn46. If you join 1 Day Shanghai Expo Site Tour, you will _.A. have lunch at your hotelB. arrive at the Expo

44、 park at 9:00 amC. drive to the Expo parkD. have a local guide to show you around47. In the advertisements, visitors are reminded not to _.A. take cups into the Expo parkB. take bottled water into the Expo parkC. ride into the Expo parkD. drink at the restaurants in the Expo park48. John joins the s

45、econd tour. When he reaches Shanghai, he will meet his guide _.A. at the hotelB. on Caobao Road C. at the airportD. at the Expo Site49. In the second tour, the second day begins with _.A. visiting Nanjing RoadB. visiting Yuyuan GardenC. visiting the Bund D. visiting Shanghai Expo Site50. How much wi

46、ll a group consisting of 8 British tourists pay for 2 Days Shanghai Expo Highlights Tour?A. $1440. B. $2080. C. $2560. D. $2880.D Will we soon see the flowers of Edinburgh in full bloom in the depths of winter? This possibility is considered in a new study into the impact of global warming on spring flowering, published in the International Journal of Climatology. Data, taken from records


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