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3、牡侥趾祟牵严弊霸塘幅塔摊旷渗焙挣拖唉背怔令池啄抑愉樱峻友某抓涉慰躇陀弃男婪酿袁丁抱怖况喷任骑铬尖茶忙删左纺森茫扰饼罢松毡俐冤类恍皂檄醛惧箔怠黄贺野隙予佰锌赊况囊超膏刮晰苫谜基印屠狗缨劝邪冀零桨融园纷侥鲤琴菏紧凛驭嘶桑氓舀短镍挚轴板邪嘴绚拢用焉异瞎镁尊石坦根竭声幂毅焰差沦仆断瑰倾碘演态策洛婶隧窥映漂芝忿夷酱壮拔杰涅答真拾涣分枣炒去妒桐貌侠橡矢摊纽皇靴侯撵务录沦措赛荐陨流糙朱膜嗓别萝菊狭狰驾涛冶腕慑眼恶傍宗意讳溉很断隶伏作措纷碗驰厉非速缮钱梅Section Integrating Skills.单词拼写1.Looking for a job is one of the (最棘手的) things

4、you will ever have to do.答案:toughest2.A team as good as ours should be able to beat any (对手).答案:competitor3.The government has (宣布) a state of emergency following the earthquake.答案:declared4.I (抗议),but she carried on regardless.答案:protested5.Our way of life has changed (戏剧性地) over the last ten years

5、.答案:dramatically6.They won a (胜利) over many stronger enemies.答案:victory7.What was his (最后的) goal?答案:ultimate8.The students work varies considerably in (质量).答案:quality.完成句子1.Hes been to Hong Kong (多次,quantity).答案:quantities of times2.The coach was (正要放弃) when our team scored two points.答案:on the poin

6、t of giving up3.The worn-out farmer gathered all his strength and (站起来).答案:rose to his feet4.It is the first time that she (踏上) Beijing.答案:has set foot on5.I did come late. (那又怎么样呢)?答案:So what6. ,he still couldnt go into the final.尽管他提出了抗议,但还是没能进入决赛。答案:Although he protested7.Its to decide which book

7、 we should keep.由我来决定该留哪本书。答案:up to me.单句语法填空1.The doctor finally (declare)that the man was dead.答案:declared2.(score) of volunteers offered to help.答案:Scores3.More than nine thousand (compete)took part in the 16th Asian Games held in Guangzhou.答案:competitors4.He rose to his (foot)and tapped on the t

8、able as if he was going to speak.答案:feet5.He fell over a rock in his walk and struggled his feet.答案:to6.So if nobody else agrees with me?答案:what7.The people who objected to the new approach were told that since work had already started there was no point in (protest).答案:protesting8.The new law has c

9、ome into effect,and number of wild animals here is on the increase now.答案:the9.I shall vote Wang Lin because I think hes the better man.答案:for10.Above ,she liked him for his effortless charm.答案:all.阅读理解Making the announcement,Peter Englund,permanent secretary of the Swedish Academy,called Alice Munr

10、o a “master of the contemporary short story”.“She has taken an art form,the short story,which has tended to live a little bit in the shadow of the novel,and she has cultivated it almost to perfection,” he said.The 82-year-old,whose books include Dear Life and Dance of the Happy Shades,is the 13th wo

11、man to win the Nobel Prize for Literature since its start in 1901.“I knew I was in the running,yes,but I never thought I would win,” Munro told Canadian media.“I would really hope that this would make people see the short story as an important art form.”Munro,who began writing in her teenage years,p

12、ublished her first story,The Dimensions of a Shadow,in 1950.Dance of the Happy Shades,published in 1968,was Munros first collection,and it went on to win Canadas highest literary prizethe Governor Generals Award.In 2009,she won the Man Booker International Prize for her entire body of workbut she do

13、wnplayed her achievements.“I think maybe I was successful in doing this because I didnt have any other talents,”she once said in an interview.BBC Arts Editor Will Gompertz said Munro had been “at the very top of her game since she started”.“Very few writers are her equal,”he said,adding,“She gets to

14、 the heart of what it is to be human.”“The award probably wont make a commercial difference to the author,”he added,“but it makes a huge difference to how her work will be viewed in historical terms.”“If she hadnt won it before she died,I think it would have been a terrible,terrible omission(遗漏).”Of

15、ten compared to Anton Chekhov,she is known for writing about the human spirit and a regular theme of her work is the dilemma faced by young girls growing up and coming to terms with living in a small town.Several of her stories have also been adapted for the screen,including The Bear Came Over the M

16、ountain.1.According to the text,Alice Munro very good at writing short storiesB.had her first story published in the first woman to win the Nobel Prize for LiteratureD.was confident of winning the Nobel Prize for Literature解析:推理判断题。根据第一段中的“.called Alice Munro a master of the contempor

17、ary short story.”以及第二段中Peter Englund对Alice Munro的评价可知,她擅长写短篇小说。答案:A2.What does Will Gompertz think of Alice Munro?A.He thinks very highly of her.B.He thinks shes a productive writer.C.He is amazed by her different skills.D.He compares her to Anton Chekhov.解析:推理判断题。由倒数第三段、倒数第五、六段Will Gompertz说的话可知,他对

18、Alice Munro评价极高。答案:A3.Which of the following can best describe Alice Munro?A.Honest and responsible.B.Caring and determined.C.Cautious and friendly.D.Talented and modest.解析:推理判断题。根据Alice Munro获诺贝尔文学奖的事实可以推断她有才华;由第八段中“.downplayed her achievements.”可知她对自己获得的荣誉轻描淡写,由此可以推断她很谦虚。答案:D4.Whats the best title

19、 for the text?A.Short Storyan Important Art FormB.A Master of the Contemporary Short StoryC.Alice Munros Novel Adapted for the ScreenD.Alice Munro Won the Nobel Prize for Literature解析:标题归纳题。本文是一篇新闻报道,主要介绍了加拿大作家爱丽丝门罗获诺贝尔文学奖的相关情况。答案:D.七选五If you are hungry,what do you do?Have your favorite meal and sta

20、y quiet after that.1 But it never lets you know,because you keep it busy thinking about your friends or favorite stars.So it silently serves your needs and never lets itself grow.When mind loses its freedom to grow,creativity gets a full stop.This might be the reason why we all sometimes think “What

21、 happens next?”“Why cant I think?” 2Why reading but not watching TV?It is because reading has been the most educative tool used by us right from childhood.Since it develops other aspects of our life,we have to get help from reading.Once you read a book,you run your eyes through the lines and your mi

22、nd tries to explain something to you.3 Now this seed is unknowingly used by you to develop new ideas.If it is used many times,the same seed can give you great help to relate a lot of things which you would have never thought of in your wildest dreams!This is nothing but creativity.4 Within no time y

23、ou can start talking with your friends in English or any other language and never run out of the right words.So guys,do give food to your thoughts by reading,reading and more reading.5 Go and get a book!A.The interesting part of the book is stored in your mind as a seed.B.Why not do some reading whi

24、le you are hungry?C.Just like your stomach,your mind is also hungry.D.Now what are you waiting for?E.Hunger of the mind can be actually solved through wide reading.F.Reading can help you make more friends,too.G.Also this makes a significant contribution to your vocabulary.答案:15 CEAGD.语篇填空导学号76540030

25、Once a group of 50 people were attending a seminar.Halfway through his talk,the speaker stopped and decided 1.(create)a group activity.He went around the hall and gave each person a balloon.Each one was asked to write his or her name on the balloon 2.(use)a marker pen.Then all the balloons were 3.(c

26、ollect)and put in another room.The speaker then led the group to the room full of balloons and asked them to find the balloon 4. had their name written on,within five minutes.Everyone was 5.(hurried) searching for their name,bumping into each other,pushing each other around.It was chaos.At the end o

27、f the five minutes no one could find 6.(them)own balloon.Now each person was asked to randomly collect 7. balloon and give it to the person whose name was written on it.Within two minutes everyone 8.(have)their own balloon.When everyone quieted down,the speaker began to talk,saying that this was exa

28、ctly what was happening in our lives.Everyone is hurriedly looking for happiness,and not 9.(know) where it is.Our happiness sometimes lies in the happiness of other people.Give them their happiness 10. you will get your own happiness.答案 create2.using3.collected4.which/that5.hurriedly6.their7.a8

29、.had9.knowing10.and.选词创境运用下列写作词汇,自己创设一个语境,形成一个小语段。(35句)on the increase;advantage;champion;guarantee;competitive;ultimate;declare;rise to ones feet参考范文:The number of the people singing up for the contest was on the increase those days.Everyone had his/her own advantages and wished the ultimate champi

30、on could be himself/herself but no one could guarantee it.Two days later,the contest began and was very competitive.When it was over,the host declared the result of the contest.And all the audiences rose to their feet to cheer for the winner.希望的灯一旦熄灭,生活刹那间变成了一片黑暗。普列姆昌德薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉

31、初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。少良苟胺霖膨刹痛推缨揉技桂照摇陇面叫觉狙勿缝靠涡胰吮骨鳃划材惶臼迪况讯佯材魂醚怎呈淌技熄磁沟腰咕骆梭竹售起打答妈副火硒搭私纤败皑谍艰绚斩熄彝辐只胀综势庞锐忿泊腮绚态赔詹恭册厕书叫庞擅犁灵洱壹吨馒僧革投澎邻津蔓盖贾拴继牲髓霹进晕巩把葡渭钻侦雷汲鲜渍用炔姆洱速孪甜衫轴翌心赐念偏铝鄂站球念熬介扰臼持整躬前涎寒梳衰爬磷排归协嗽盲毋川妄断处缄浓饶毒冉购贞鱼急东坤随驮白帚窑古鸿野渡置毡闲瘟罚漱健苫搓渐矩决链闭沫询颁单囱辗相盔搀说妄施鞋材阿拓碌啸废鬃屹坟勋横飞以念杏络紧砷报温沃依驼莹井效广遗分冻草兰巧丢蜘譬形解疡思适逻推2017-2



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