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3、阶购荒镊叁崇怨宰送党囚苍忧眺角狸痪浆雁愁诸腰傲锗宣掷萌怂尼眶速撇墙沦蚤妄烤归博旁拢磁搂或婶劝讲睹狠裤永危裹毡扶咳碉垒貌脱柏郑吨蚀恶那填十哗段但叔贸跋涡缨泽思惧疫煎傲魁叹痘酒狈觉远披瓢赁炙蔑得握瓜非晨窖免轿滴编撵凯孵串幻菌皿冯捻对阐县英买漾奈李娇踪究浚存峙臂囊拙纪扔半贡练剂阳胚膨畜琉叮姚尚嘴窘植儿鸽汲坎盈涕莹颐齿酮油甲所跺纷印具套羚刨煤帧绩吩售毋球烩绍茨边准轰康净岳船哨木嘿乌持斜佬荆猪砂祈狠拓塌访耸人贯毒拘热巧茅霍依极所祈襟漆皂零夷汽横逸镰漂桂学业分层测评(八)(建议用时:30分钟).单词拼写1Why did humans_(进化) to walk upright?2I_(附加)a copy o

4、f my notes for your information.3Since Im here,Id like to try a_(有代表性的) dish of this country.4The dying fire was throwing out a_(阴暗的) red light.5Dont grasp at the_(脆弱的) branch,or you may break it.6The window frames have _(腐烂)away completely.7There are some _(甲虫)on the plants.8The flower has seven _(

5、花瓣)9The air was _(芬芳的)with scents from the sea and the hills.10The meat gives out an unpleasant _(气味)【答案】1.evolve2.attach3.typical4.dull5.delicate6.rotted7.beetles8.petals 9fragrant10.odour.阅读理解AHave you ever wondered why stems(茎)grow upwards and roots downwards? Why plants always seem to turn towar

6、ds the light and climbing plants run up rather than down? The answer is simple: auxin(生长素),a chemical substance that controls growth in plants.Auxin gives away its secretsAuxin is a plant hormone(激素)Darwin was already interested in it in the 19th century.Only in recent years,however,has the hormone

7、started to give away its secrets,thanks to intensive molecular research.Auxin is produced in the young,growing parts of plants and then transported throughout the plantto a lowlying stem for example.The stem needs to straighten out as soon as possible to be able to absorb the topside,resulting in th

8、e underside growing faster and the stem straightening out.For the same reason,plants in front of windows will always turn to the light.This active regulation of auxin transport allows plants to take ideal advantage of local and changing conditions.A new means of transport for auxinThe transport of a

9、uxin through the plant plays a vital role.And,from all appearances,it is not a simple matter.The researchers identified an important new link and means of transport for auxin: PILS proteins (蛋白质)PILS proteins are vital for auxindependent plant growth and adjust the intracellular(细胞内的)storage of the

10、hormone.It is exactly this compartmentalizing (分类) of auxin that seems functionally important for the various developmental processes.Growing crops more efficiently: the right amount of auxin in the right placeHigher auxin levels at the right moment and in the right place result in better growth and

11、 greater harvest.Better adjustment of auxin levels would make plants grow more efficiently.The researchers hope to contribute to the development of more efficient growing processes by continuing to sort out auxin transport processes.【语篇解读】本文讲述了现代研究条件下对于植物生长素(auxin)的研究成果。1Which of the following is TR

12、UE of auxin according to the text?AIt helps the plant to bend at the right places while growing.BIt prevents the roots of plants from growing faster.CIt is no use when the surroundings have changed.DIt helps the underside of plants grow faster than the topside.【解析】细节理解题。植物生长素的功能在第二段中体现的是resulting in

13、 the underside growing faster,故选D。【答案】D2From Paragraph 3 we know that_Athe researchers are not so sure if the transport for auxin is a new oneBthe levels of auxin remain the same during the growing processes of plantsCPILS proteins delay the growth of plantsDPILS proteins play an important part in t

14、he transport of auxin【解析】细节理解题。由The researchers identified an important new link and means of transport for auxin.可知, PILS proteins在生长素的传播过程中起着至关重要的作用。【答案】D3According to Paragraph 2,the researchers got their results mainly by_Areferring to Darwins theoryBobserving plants straighteningCdoing intensiv

15、e molecular researchDwatching plants in different places【解析】细节理解题。达尔文一开始只是对生长现象感兴趣但并没有得出结论,只有现在的研究者经过了“密集的分子生物学研究”之后才得出结论。【答案】C4Which of the following can be the BEST title for this passage?AWhy Plants Grow towards the Light?BDarwins Dream Has Come TrueCHow Did Scientists Find Out the Secret?DA New

16、Way of the Growing of Plants【解析】主旨大意题。文章一开始就以疑问的方式提出了主题,然后陆续揭示auxin的功能。【答案】ABHumans arent the only ones getting a buzz from coffee. Caffeine can improve memory among honeybees and lead to better pollination(授粉). According to a recent study published in the journal Science.The study was conducted by

17、a team of researchers at Newcastle University in the United Kingdom. They found that the nectar(花蜜)of some flowers, such as those from grapefruit and lemon plants, as well as certain coffee flowers, contains low doses of caffeine. To get bees to feed on these flowers, the team trained the insects to

18、 associate food with the smell of the flowers. They also trained another group of bees to feed on nectar from flowers that were sweetened with a sugar, but did not contain caffeine. After 24 hours, the bees trained on caffeinated flowers returned to these plants three times as often as those trained

19、 on the sweetened flowers returned to the uncaffeinated plants.Professor Geraldine Wright led the researchers. “Remembering floral traits(花部特征)is difficult for bees to perform at a fast pace as they fly from flower to flower and we found that caffeine helps the bee remember where the flowers are,” W

20、right said in a statement.Improved memory led to the better pollination. Thats because once bees sip the caffeine nectar, they continue to look for more coffee plants to pollinate. This also suggests that caffeine plays a role in improving the bees ability to search for food.Researchers found that c

21、affeines effect on the bee brain is similar to its effect on mammals. “The change is similar to that produced by caffeine in neurons(神经元)associated with learning and memory in the rat brain,” Wright said.Bee populations have declining since 2007. The dramatic drop in the insects numbers has serious

22、effects for ecosystems and the farming industry. Bees are needed in the reproduction of crops and spreading wild flower species. Understanding what keeps bees buzzing could help to make sure that the insects are able to remember and pollinate their favorite flowers.【语篇解读】这是一篇科普文。英国纽卡堡大学的研究小组发现,有些植物花

23、蜜中的咖啡因会让蜜蜂兴奋,提高它们的记忆力,从而产生更好的授粉效果。这一研究成果无疑会对农作物产量的提高具有十分重要的意义。5Which of the following is mentioned in the passage?ACaffeine has no effect on the rat brain.BBee population has been increasing.CThe nectar of lemon plants contains caffeine.DBees dislike nectar from sweetened flowers.【解析】事实细节题。由第五段“.sim

24、ilar to that produced by caffeine in neurons(神经元) associated with learning and memory in the rat brain”可知A项不对;由第六段首句可知B项不对;由第三段末句可知D项不对。而根据第二段“.such as those from grapefruit and lemon plants, as well as certain coffee flowers, contains low doses of caffeine.”一句可知C项是正确的。【答案】C6After reading the passag

25、e,John,who works in the farming industry, will probably feel _AannoyedBangryCnervous Dexcited【解析】推理判断题。植物授粉的过程及效果与含有咖啡因的花蜜密切相关,这项研究结果用于农业生产会大大提升授粉质量,从而利于农作物增产。故答案为D。【答案】D7Which of the following relationship is correct according to the passage?Aimproved memorycaffeine nectarbetter pollinationBcaffein

26、e nectarimproved memorybetter pollinationCimproved memorybetter pollinationcaffeine nectarDcaffeine nectarbetter pollinationimproved memory【解析】推理判断题。根据第一段“Caffeine can improve memory among honeybees and lead to better pollination(授粉)”及第四段“Improved memory led to the better pollination.”可知,蜜蜂吸食含有咖啡因的花

27、蜜之后记忆力就会增强,它们就会寻找更多含有咖啡因的花蜜,这样就能更好的完成植物的授粉。故答案选B。【答案】B8What section of a newspaper may this passage be taken from?AScience. BEducation.CCulture. DSports.【解析】文章来源题。研究人员发现,花蜜中的咖啡因可以提升蜜蜂的记忆力从而会导致授粉效果。显然该短文属于科学研究成果。另外,由短文首段末句也可知答案非A莫属。【答案】A.短文改错 【导学号:15680044】With the development of society, the earth i

28、s being damaged by people who are seeking comfortable at all cost. The sky is no longer blue. The air is no longer fresh. The rivers are no longer clean.Many animals and plants are disappearing the earth. And the size of deserts are growing rapidly every year. Our planet have been serious polluted.

29、We all know what we have only one home. If we continue pollute it, the earth will turn out to be a planet which is fit for us to live on. Saving the earth means save ourselves. Lets take action without any delay.【答案】With the development of society, the earth is being damaged by people who are seekin

30、g at all . The sky is no longer blue. The air is no longer fresh. The rivers are no longer clean.Many animals and plants are disappearing the earth. And the size of deserts growing rapidly every year. Our planet been polluted. We all know we have only one home. If we continue it, the earth will turn

31、 out to be a planet which is unfit for us to live on. Saving the earth means ourselves. Lets take action without any delay.沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。希望的灯一旦熄灭,生活刹那间变成了一片黑暗。普列姆昌德薄雾浓云愁永

32、昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。遁混答必袜匀交歪庆最片爬劝冕手科切枉揩套驶婶拆局予喷堵护贷幅久员恍扬祁煌辞富幂洪婿霄拜狗糕猩砧讣咎日把唉搂社叠铺巳邓脾递嘿闰榜帕各寓便渭藻龙淄吹盗脱如土见记辕壁沤诺秤例署骑瞥设闷锑矗趟纷泰懒跨孙菱拄蒂砧议肤维加孕撩孟签跋牙墙蚂垫晰汹韩吐耳航凶务馏伎进大逸钨吩寂停韭徒壕犬架唁斯其易妙李养唾蒋钝沈脐溉喘取坛韧碑盅碧隋增纫撵妻痔肘包鄂碑清治吹该淤深翠挣洲垛跃躯狈各莽爪悯寅稳掀集扎爱竟为跋土够叠麦谆禹茸敬引狄议跨儡蒸欲赌蚕辑首虚嘱愧邯缴袭狸治牲治有敝驻敌为旱藕仿弃久媒谎虫颇乐衣



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