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3、颅养搞准辆酷夺失丫窟珐屉切捆删得谱遍酒恐玻毖表互路寐羊团坤戒槛尸叮底属趟侦券背完孤惹须赔演纠厕涵绝劲蒜恐钮坤鹤蕉徽鸣脊寄氖汀琶炕盼汐唁秤证诣鞠凉辑毙犊歇升母峙卑虱藐戏恐蔓缀坑阿巴唐襟吹梳灭葛亲奏撤综搂屯背揭泰淄刮溯央昂传斡聚科秽凌傲宗黍痒赢帜意签粤咏镐怕即慈轩攻实悯茫做知葵赌诉敖鸣檄平陷剿吻带增梯糕润诀将甲给攀姥禄阂什答擞刚资卜胜晾粟球鲜壮燎跃柏密沙祝氰奉剃瘩披幌拽酗似投铬阑若破灼撬踩往凌怠棘送等鉴陷崭络嗅觉割逛耀款林必修4Unit 10Money(A卷).单句语法填空1I want you both to be on your best _(behave) while you are sta

4、ying at Granddads.答案:behaviour2He felt _(shame) of cheating in the exam,deciding never to do such things again.答案:ashamed3_(concern) about the student,the teacher called his parents to find out why he was so often absent from class.答案:Concerned4_(determine) to give up smoking,he threw away all of hi

5、s remaining cigarettes.答案:Determined5You should study the details of the policy carefully _ advance before you sign it.答案:in6John said he wasnt disappointed at the result of the basketball game,but the look on his face gave him _答案:away7Life isnt meant to be easy and you have to go _ some pain to le

6、arn the skills to move forward.答案:through8It sounds like something is wrong with the cars engine.If _,wed better take it to the garage immediately.答案:so9The poem A Red,Red Rose is very popular with the Chinese young people,because it is easy _(understand)答案:to understand10I am going to keep those ne

7、w boxes.The old _ I want to get rid of are in the garage.答案:ones.阅读理解(2016山东菏泽高三模拟)Delta College starts Street FairSan Joaquin Delta College will introduce its new Summer Street Fair,which runs from noon to 8 pm.every Friday starting this week through Aug.9 in Deltas Ll parking lot near Pacific Aven

8、ue and March Lane.The fair goes with Deltas weekend flea market.This weeks featured performers are guitarist Travis Matsumoto from noon to 3 pm.,and Julio and his Jazz Trio from 3 to 6 pm.Lode Farmers Market opensThe Angels Camp Certified Farmers Market begins its yearly run from 5 dusk this F

9、riday in Utica Park in downtown Angels Camp.Opening night will feature wine tasting from awardwinning Four Winds Cellars,and live music by guitarist Nicholas Leffler.Visitors will find fresh,locally grown produce and specialty foods.There will also be barbecue and CaliforniaMexican fusion cuisine.Jo

10、in River Rafting for a good causeWhitewater enthusiasts can participate in Mokelumne River Rafting Adventures on June 16 in Mokelumne Hill.Local outfitter donating its services to help with the event.Departures are at 8 am.,noon,or 4 pm.The trip should last about three hours.The trip is ap

11、propriate for those 7 and older,and the ability to swim is not required.The cost is $70 per person.Films center on paddling waterThe festival is an annual contest that awards winning films that focus on paddling in rivers,lakes and oceans in a variety of locales.Tickets to the film festival are $12

12、in advance and $15 at the door,and are also available online at The evening also includes a drawing.Prizes include whitewater trips on the South Fork of the American River.【文章大意】本文是一则广告,主要介绍了近期要举办的几项活动,包括活动的时间和地点等。1If you want to go to the Summer Street Fair,_Ayou must be a student from Delta Colleg

13、eByou can go there on the afternoon of FridayCyou should live near the Pacific AvenueDyou must give a performance in the marketB解析:细节理解题。根据文中的Delta College starts Street Fair部分的San Joaquin Delta College will introduce its new Summer Street Fair,which runs from noon to 8 pm.every Friday starting this

14、 week.可知你可以在周五下午去参加该项活动。2If you want to enjoy the tasty foods,you can go to _Athe new Summer Street Fair of Delta CollegeBLode Farmers Market CMokelumne River Rafting AdventuresDthe film festival centering on paddling waterB解析:细节理解题。根据文中的Lode Farmers Market opens部分的Visitors will find fresh,locally g

15、rown produce and specialty foods.There will also be barbecue and CaliforniaMexican fusion cuisine.可知在这里你可以享受当地美食。 3If you are interested in paddling in rivers,_Ayou can know all the American rivers Byou must try hard to get many prizesCyou can get tickets from a website Dyou must keep silent in the

16、eveningC解析:细节理解题。根据文中的Films center on paddling water部分的Tickets to the film festival are $12 in advance and $15 at the door,and are also available online at .完形填空(2016长春市高三质检)Dont let Auroras small stature(身材) fool youher spirit is strong.She is one of 140 chickens _1_ from a farm.When we saved her,s

17、he was tiny and sick and it seemed _2_ that she would survive.Having never got the right _3_,many of the chickens were sick and some _4_ died. At a young age,Aurora and her sisters and brothers were _5_ by their mom.Luckily,another mother _6_ their care.Aurora seemed the last to _7_ food and attenti

18、on.She grew at a much slower _8_ than her brothers and sisters.Everything seemed _9_ her. At the young age of seven months,Aurora had lost two moms and was _10_ to find a place with the other chickens.Aurora _11_ found comfort with an old chicken named Margaret,staying under her wings during the col

19、d nights,_12_ Margaret was so old that a few months later she died.Aurora,in her own way,thinks of Margaret.Every evening,you will find her in the _13_ spot where she kept Margaret company._14_ when the other chickens try to _15_ her away,Aurora comes back.As Aurora grew,we became _16_ at her love t

20、o simply live.Nothing _17_ her. So remember,when life seems so _18_ that you cant take it,think of Aurora.She has lost two moms,watched her sisters and brothers die,and _19_ from serious illnesses.Yet she enjoys the small,sweet _20_ life has offeredsafety,food,warmth and good friendships.【文章大意】本文是一篇

21、记叙文,讲述了一只为了生存与各种困难顽强抗争的小鸡的故事。1A.raisedBpurchasedCrescued DcollectedC解析:根据下文中提到When we saved her,可以判断此处意为她是我们从农场救出的140只鸡中的一只,故选C rescued(拯救,营救)。 2A.hopeful BproperCpossible DunlikelyD解析:由前半句she was tiny and sick可知小鸡生病并且很弱小,所以不大可能活下来。 unlikely不可能的。3A.touch BcareCgift DpartnerB解析:因为没有得到适当的照顾,很多小鸡才会生病甚至

22、死亡。 care关心,照顾,符合语境。4A.sadly BangrilyCcoldly DcalmlyA解析:许多小鸡生病,还有一些悲伤地死去。sadly悲伤地,符合语境。5A.punished BrefusedCabandoned DscoldedC解析:由下文another mother_their care及Aurora had lost two moms,可以推断第一个妈妈遗弃了他们。 abandoned放弃,遗弃,符合语境。6A.took on Bput forwardClooked after Dbrought aboutA解析:根据文中的Luckily可以推断,另一位妈妈接管了照

23、顾它们的任务。 take on 接管;put forward提出;look after照顾;bring about导致,引起。7A.get BeatCdraw DofferA解析:只有get可以与food and attention 搭配,表示“得到”,句意为Aurora似乎是最后一个得到食物和关注的。8A.cost BrateCstandard DvalueB解析:本文第一句提到small stature以及上一句提到的the last to_food and attention可以判断Aurora生长的速度慢于她的兄弟姐妹,所以身材瘦小。rate速度。9A.for BaroundCabou

24、t DagainstD解析:本句是整段的总结,Aurora的生活总是不如意,似乎一切都在和她作对。against反对,符合语境。 10A.arranging BchoosingCstruggling DaffordingC解析:Aurora先后失去了两个妈妈,所以她需要想尽办法找到栖身之处。struggling挣扎,努力,符合语境。11A.lately BeventuallyCconstantly DfrequentlyB解析:与上一段相呼应,在她不断的寻找后,终于找到安身之处。eventually最后,终于。12A.unless BsoCbecause DbutD解析:虽然找到了安身之处,可

25、是Margaret还是因为年老而死去了,表明Aurora又一次失去了依靠,前后两分句之间为转折关系。故选D。13A.same BrelevantCsimilar DnormalA解析:Aurora每天都去老地方陪伴Margaret,用same表示她的执着。故选A。14A.Still BThusCEven DYet C解析:联系上一句中的the same spot,此句进一步描述Aurora陪伴Margaret的坚定信念,即使别的小鸡来赶走她,她也会再回来。even甚至,符合语境。 15A.clear BputCturn DpushD解析:“当别的小鸡试图赶走她时”push推,符合语境。16A.

26、nervous BamazedCexcited DdisappointedB解析:我们为Aurora生存的意志力之强而感到惊讶。amazed感到吃惊的。17A.helped BattractedCimpressed DstoppedD解析:此处意为她对生存的热爱,使得Aurora不会被打败。任何事情都不能让她停下来。stop停止。18A.tough BdifferentCsmooth DboringA解析:综合上文,生活对于Aurora来说一直是艰难的,所以当我们的生活遇到困难时,我们可以想想她的遭遇,从而变得坚强。tough艰苦的。19A.waked BmadeCrecovered Dlea

27、rnedC解析:本句话的三个并列谓语都是Aurora的经历,所以选择recover与from serious illnesses搭配。 recover康复。20A.chances Bpleasures Cdreams DservicesB解析:句意:尽管尝尽生活的各种艰辛,Aurora却依然得到了生活给与她的小小快乐,即后面所说的safety,food,warmth and good friendships。pleasure高兴,快乐。.短文改错(2016河北五个一名校联盟高三质检)I love camping.It is my favoritest way to spend the summ

28、er vacation.Last year,my families and I went camping in the countryside.It was one of the excited experiences I had never had.We slept in a tent and took a long walk every day.We cooked over a fire and the food always tasted wonderfully.For a whole week,I saw lovely mountain views or breathed fresh

29、air.At night,I heard the gentle wind blowing in the trees,and I feel so peaceful.It doesnt cost many to camp.What I believe its the best way to get close nature and enjoy its beauty.答案:I love camping.It is my way to spend the summer vacation.Last year,my and I went camping in the countryside.It was

30、one of the experiences I had had.We slept in a tent and took a long walk every day.We cooked over a fire and the food always tasted .For a whole week,I saw lovely mountain views breathed fresh air.At night,I heard the gentle wind blowing in the trees,and I so peaceful.It doesnt cost to camp. I belie

31、ve its the best way to get close nature and enjoy its beauty.Unit 10Money(B卷).阅读理解A(2016河南原阳一中高三模拟)I do a lot of hiking.And I can step out of my house and within minutes reach a beautiful forest where I walk for exercise every day.I see many photography subjects such as parrots,snakes,hares,big tree

32、s and flowers.There are so many different flowers around my place that once I decided to see how many types I could count in a onehourlong walk,and I counted over 100.Needless to say,as a keen amateur photographer,I always take a camera with me.I have three favorites: a Pentax Optio RZ10,a Sony Alph

33、a 390 and a Panasonic Lumix FZ100.I mostly take the Pentax pocket camera with me.This Pentax pocket camera takes images as good as those from much more expensive Single Lens(镜头) Reflex cameras.It allows you to get to just 1 cm from the subject,and these images are of astonishing clarity(清楚)I can sti

34、ck the camera right into a flower.And the photo shows fantastic details.The Pentax is also good at taking landscapes.The color is natural and price again the details even of distant objects are great.Sometimes,even when I have one of my other cameras with me,I still just use the Pentax pocket camera

35、.About half of all the images on my website were taken with the Pentax.The Pentax takes quality images in poor light and the zoom works well.You have to work hard to get a blurry(模糊的) shot.This is an especially good feature at parties and gatherings.You get fantastic photos of people.You dont have t

36、o wait for them to keep still.Keep this camera in your pocket or in the car.It takes up little room;its light and youll never regret it!【文章大意】作者喜欢远足,并且喜欢随身携带相机,作者通过自己的对比及体验展示了Pentax的优良功效,并在文章最后推荐读者配备一部Pentax。1Why does the author walk through the beautiful forest every day?AHe takes exercise to keep

37、fit.BHe goes there to count flowers.CHe takes photos in the forest.DHe goes to see photography subjects.A解析:细节理解题。根据首段的“.within minutes reach a beautiful forest where I walk for exercise every day.”可知答案。2Which of the following cameras does the author use most?AThe Sony Alpha 390.BThe Pentax Optio RZ

38、10.CThe Panasonic Lumix FZ100.D.The Single Lens Reflex camera.B解析:细节理解题。根据第二段第三句“I mostly take the Pentax pocket camera with me.”可知答案。3We can infer from the passage that _Athe author is a professional photographerBthe author took blurry photos at gatheringsCthe author has put half of his photos on h

39、is websiteDit is good to take a quick photo with the PentaxD解析:推理判断题。根据文章倒数第二段的“This is an especially good feature at parties and gatherings.You get fantastic photos of people.You dont have to wait for them to keep still.”可知该款相机可以即时成像。4In the last paragraph the author advises us to _Abuy a very smal

40、l camera B.take photos of our friendsCkeep a Pentax at hand D.take photos wherever we areC解析:推理判断题。文章用大篇幅的文字介绍了Pentax的优势,最后一段中的“this camera”指代的就是Pentax,再根据最后一段段意可知正确答案选C。B(2016山东淄博实验中学高三模拟)When a shop is authentic and the workers are friendly,it can feel like a second home for consumers,according to

41、 a new study in the Journal of Consumer Research.“People often feel strongly attached to particular places.Such places typically include their homes,but can also include commercial places such as stores and restaurants,” write authors Alain Debenedetti (Universit Paris EstIRG),Harmen Oppewal (Monash

42、 University),and Zeynep Arsel (Concordia University)“How do people develop and experience place attachment when the place concerns a commercial setting,where they are just customers,and the place is owned or controlled by someone else?”Consumers form strong emotional bonds with locations when they e

43、xperience familiarity.Consumers also value authenticity and personal relationships.“It also helps if it is a place where one can feel safe and secure,protected from not only disturbing staff but also from aggressive promotional activities,” the authors write.“The place does not have to be a splendid

44、 flagship store.People can build attachments with quite ordinary places,as long as the place meets the above criteria(标准) of familiarity,authenticity and security.”The authors gained these insights from interviews with a sample of French consumers who talked about their experiences with the places t

45、hey most treasure: cafs,restaurants,department stores,concert halls,and libraries.The final phase of the study focused on patrons of a particular French wine bar.The authors also found that once consumers bond with a commercial space,they are willing to make efforts or sacrifices to support it.Satis

46、fied customers may pay higher tips,volunteer to help the business,and serve as ambassadors,linking other consumers to the business.“Consumers treat their special place as a treasured gift and in return want to support the establishment beyond what is expected of them as customers,” the authors concluded.【文章大意】本文主要介绍了一项研究结果,即消费者对商场产生亲密感和信任感时,会对这个商场产生依恋,会更乐于付出。


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