1、桩基施工安全方案(WMS)Work Management System中国化学CNCEC1. 安全保证措施 Safety Assurance Measures1.1 对的使用各类劳动防护用品 Correct usage of PPEi. 进入施工现场作业人员一律穿结实的耐油底或钢头皮帮的防砸工作鞋。在水坑内及积水处工作时必须穿防穿刺防水胶靴。Anyone who enters into the construction site has to wear strong anti-smashing work shoes. If you work in the water pond or flood
2、ed area, gumboots will be necessary. ii. 进入施工现场作业人员必须佩戴符合国家标准的安全帽。假如安全帽超过有限期限、破裂或已损坏时立即更换。Anyone who enters into the construction site must wear qualified safety helmet. If the safety helmet is over the expiry date or damaged, then it must be replaced with new one. iii. 在施工作业中易于烧手、刺手、烫手或严重磨手的作业必须佩戴相
3、应手套;电焊、气焊作业时佩戴绝缘隔热阻燃的电焊专用手套;电工佩戴绝缘手套。Workers have to wear proper gloves when they carry out those works which may damage hands in the process of construction; weldinggloves and insulating gloves shall be equipped to welders and electricians, respectively. iv. 在有也许出现飞溅物体时如切屑、冲刷、撬、敲打等,佩戴防护眼镜和围巾。焊接、切割作
4、时佩戴防冲击和热辐射的防护面罩,在有引发危险也许时设立防护网或屏障。Safety goggles and scarfs shall be equipped to workers if any flying objects may be occurred. The relevant face shield also must be equipped to workers when they are welding or cutting something, protective nets or protective barriers have to be set up if necessary.
5、 v. 个人防护用品是实现安全生产的一项强制性防止措施,不得随意变更或减少标准。No one could randomly change or lower the standards of PPE, because the usage of PPE is the most effective and preventive way to implement safe production. vi. 使用防护用品前应检查用品的安全性能,并做好防护用品的保养和保存。 PPE should be inspected prior to usage, besides, they also have to
6、be saved and maintained well. 1.2 设立安全警示标志标记 Set up safety warning signs i. 根据作业区域的危险限度及时设立相应的安全标志,多个安全标志牌在一起设立时,应按警告、严禁、指令、提醒类型的顺序,先左后右、先下后上排列。The relevant safety signs should be set up in accordance with the hazard level of construction area. When those safety signs are set up at the same time, th
7、ey should be divided as per the functions, such as warning, prohibition, instruction and notice, besides, they shall be arranged in the principle of “left-first and up-first”.ii. 安全标志牌和标签应设在与安全有关的醒目地方,并使现场人员看见后,有足够的时间来注意它所表达的内容;局部信息标志应设在所涉及的相应危险地点或设备(部件)附近的醒目处。Safety signs and safety labels should b
8、e sticked to somewhere eye-catching. Some of these signs should be set up to a prominent place where is near relatively dangerous place or equipment (parts). iii. 安全标志牌和标签不应设在门、窗、架等可移动的物体上,以免这些物体位置移动后,看不见安全标志。标志牌前不得放置妨碍认读的障碍物。Safety signs and lables should not be set up on door, window or something
9、movable which would make these signs hard to be found. Never place any barriers in front of signboard. iv. 安全标志牌和标签应设立在明亮的环境中。Safety signboard or lables should be placed in somewhere bright. v. 安全标志牌的固定方式分附着式、悬挂式和柱式三种。悬挂式和附着式的固定应稳固不倾斜,柱式的安全标志牌和支架应牢固连接在一起。Safety signboard could be fixed in different
10、ways, however, they must be stable. vi. 在作业区域安全距离的边沿或重要HSE因素(危险源)影响区域的安全距离边沿设立安全标志带,并形成封闭状态,其高度约为1.2米,作业结束或重要危险源和环境因素的影响消除后应及时拆除。Safety mark tape (1.2m high) should be set up in the edge of safe distance of construction. Once construction completed or some important hazards are eliminated, these saf
11、ety tape shall be removed immediately.vii. 任何人不得擅自拆除或损坏安全标志,若有损害及时完善或更换。Anyone is not allowed to remove or damage safety signs, damaged safety signs or labels must be replaced in time.1.3 施工人员资格认定 Recognization of qualification of construction staffs i. 现场作业的所有特殊工种(涉及电工、焊工、起重工、机动车辆驾驶员等)都必须通过国家政府部门的专
12、业培训,并取得特殊工种操作证或岗位资格证书后方可在项目从事相关的工作。All of the workers involved inspecialtypeofworks (including electrician, welder, craneman, drivers etc.) must accept professional training organized by governments, and obtain the relevant certificate, then they are able to undertake the related works. ii. 项目经理、安全管
13、理人员应通过相关部门培训,并取得资质证书,方可上岗。Project manager and safety supervisors have to successfully pass the relevant training and obtain the certificate, then they are authorized to work on site. iii. 进驻施工现场作业人员必须进行安全三级培训教育,培训合格后方可进入施工现场。All the construction workers have to accept safety education, and only qual
14、ified workers could enter into cosntruction site.iv. 离开特种作业岗位达6个月以上的特种作业人员,应重新进行实际操作考核,经确认合格后 方可上岗作业。As to those workers involved in special type of work, if they did not work for six month or more, they have to accept the relevant tests, only qualified workers could work on site. 1.4 严格作业许可管理 Stric
15、t management of work permit i. 作业前按照批准的施工技术方案确认现场的作业条件、贯彻各项HSE防止措施和应急措施,提前24小时向作业许可证审批单位提出书面申请。In accordance with the construction scheme approved prior to construction, construction conditions should be confirmed, and HSE precautions and relevant emergency measures shall be implemented. Work permit
16、 must be applied to the relevant authorities 24h in advance. ii. 工程开工前,必须向施工人员进行全面的安全技术交底,让全体施工人员掌握工程特点及施工安全措施,并在整个施工过程中对的、完整地执行,无措施或未交底严禁布置施工。Prior to construction, it is necessary to make technical disclosure to all the construction workers, which would be helpful to fully understand the engineeri
17、ng features and measures for construction safety, and completely and correctly execute these measures during the period of construction. iii. 作业前应对施工区域、作业环境、操作设施、设备、工器具等进行认真检查,发现隐患立即停 止施工,贯彻整改后方准施工。The construction area, working environment, facilities, equipment and tools shall be carefully inspect
18、ed prior to construction. Once any hidden danger is found, conduct rectification immediately. iv. 特殊作业、危险作业及其它作业时,严格按照审批的方案组织施工,不得擅自改变方案,并根据作业需要到指定部门办理各种施工“作业票”。Special works, dangerous work and other works have to be carried out in accordance with the approved construction scheme. No unauthorized c
19、hanges should be made.v. 进入施工现场应按照规定办理临时出入证手续,出入证件严禁转借别人使用。Pass should be handled before entering into construction site, besides, it is strictly prohibited to lend Pass to others. vi. 施工现场合用的施工机械、工器具及安全防护用品,必须经有资质检查单位的检查,符合安 全管理规定方可使用。Only qualified construction machinery, equipment, tools or safet
20、y shielding facilities could be used in construction site. vii. 项目组各级管理人员、特殊工种作业人员必须经具有国家安全培训资质培训机构的培训或政府 主管部门的专业培训,取得相应的专业资质,持证上岗。Administrative staffs and workers involved in special type of work of this project department have to work with the relevant certificate. viii. 作业许可证在规定的时间内未能完毕作业或作业推迟,必
21、须重新办理作业许可证。If the construction has not been completed by the expiry date of work permit, then we must apply for a new one. 1.5 施工临时用电的管理 Temporary electricity management 1.5.1电工及用电人员 Electrician and electrical users i. 电工必须符合特种作业管理规定持证上岗。 Only qualified electrician could work with the relevant certi
22、ficate. ii. 电气工程师和HSE管理人员应向用电人员进行安全技术交底,使所有用电人员了解用电过程中也许产生的危害及其防止措施和应急措施,并做好交底记录,被交底人和交底人在交底记录上签字。The electrical engineer and HSE administrative staff have to make safe and technical disclosure to electric users, and help them understand protential hazards, precautions and emergency measures. All of
23、 them have to sign on the disclosure record sheet. 1.5.2用电安全规定 Requirements on electricity safety i. 作业人员要遵守各种电气设备的安全操作规程,使用电气设备前必须按规定穿戴好相应的个人防护用品,并检查电气装置和保护设施,严禁设备带“缺陷”运转。Workers have to comply with the safe operation instruction, and wear the relevant PPE before using electrical equipment; they al
24、so have to check the electrical device and protective facilities. Only qualified equipment could be put into use. ii. 定期测定绝缘电阻、耐压强度、泄漏电流等绝缘性能,保证电气设备和供配电线路绝缘良好。Measure the insulating properties, such as insulation resistance, compressive strength, leakage current etc, in order to ensure the electrica
25、l equipment and power supply and distribution line in good working conditions. iii. 易燃易爆场合装设的电气设备必须是防爆型;不得任意拆除电气设备部件,保持防爆性能。Electrical equipment to be used in flammable andexplosive places must be blast-proof; any parts of electrical equipment is prohibited to dismantled randomly.iv. 在触电危险性较大的场合使用手提
26、灯、可携式电气设备和电动工具等时,若不能使用安全电压,必须采用有效的防触电措施。Electric-shock safeguard is necessary to hand lamps, portable electric equipment or electric tools in those place where is easy to get electric shock.v. 定期对避雷设施、防静电装置进行检查检测,保证性能安全可靠。Regularly check the anti-thunder facilities, anti-static facilities to ensure
27、the properties safe and reliable. vi. 配电箱、开关箱应有名称、用途、分路标记及系统接线图。Power distribution cabinet and swith box should be marked with name, function, and system wiring diagram. vii. 配电箱、开关箱箱门应配锁、并应由专人负责。Power distribution cabinet and swith box should be equipped with lock, and be maintained by special peop
28、le. viii. 电工应每日查、维修配电箱、开关箱,并做好记录。Electrician shall check and repair the power distribution cabinet, swith box every day, and make records.ix. 电工检查、维修配电箱,开关箱进行时,必须将其前一级相应的电源隔离开关分闸断电,并上锁挂牌,严禁带电作业。When electrician is checking or repairing power distribution box and swith box, the electricity must be tu
29、rned off. Live working is strictly prohibited. x. 必须按照下述顺序操作配电箱、开关箱,但出现电气故障的紧急情况可除外:The power distribution box and swith box must be operated in the following sequence, except in emergency cases, such as electrical accident: 送电操作顺序为:总配电箱分派电箱开关箱;Power transmission: consumer unit distribution cabinet
30、swith box 停电操作顺序为:开关箱分派电箱总配电箱。Cut off electricity: swith box - power distribution box consumer unit xi. 施工现场停止作业1小时以上时,应将动力开关箱断电上锁。If the construction will be stopped for one hour at least, then cut off the electricity and lock the swith box. xii. 配电箱、开关箱内应保持整洁,不得放置任何杂物,并且不得随意挂接其他用电设备。Keep the power
31、 distribution box and swith box tidy. xiii. 严禁随意改动配电箱、开关箱内的电器配置和接线。Strictly prohibit dismantling the electrical configurationand wiring of power distribution box and swith box. xiv. 漏电保护器应定期启动漏电实验按钮进行试跳实验,试跳不正常时严禁继续使用。Leakage protector should regularly start the leakage test button to jump test, pro
32、ved to be normal is strictly prohibited to use.xv. 严禁使配电箱、开关箱的进线和出线承受外力。严禁与金属锋利断口、强腐蚀介质和易燃易爆物接触。Metal is strictly prohibited to contact to strongcorrosivemedium, sharp metal fracture or flammable & explosive objects. 图6-1:配电箱Figure6-1:Power distribution cabinet 1.5.3 施工照明 Illumunation i. 夜间施工或道路、仓库、
33、办公室、材料堆放场及自然采光差等场合,应设一般照明、局部照明和混合照明。General lighting, local lighting and mixed lighting should be set up to warehouse, office, materials storage yard, roads, and those places where the natural lighting is poor. ii. 在一个工作场合内,不宜只设局部照明。It is unsuitable to only set up local lighting to a workplace. iii.
34、 室外220V灯具距地面不得低于3米,室内220V灯具距地面不得低于2.5米。灯具与易燃物距离不小于0.5米,且不得直接照射易燃物或应采用隔热措施。Outdoor lamps (220V) should be at least 3m away from the ground, and indoor lamps (220V) should be 2.5m at least. The distance between lamps and flammable objects should be no less than 0.5m, besides, some heat insulation meas
35、ures shall be taken. iv. 金属卤化物灯具的安装高度宜在3米以上,灯线应固定在接线柱上,不得靠近灯具表面。It would be suitable to mount metal halide lamps at least 3m above the floor, lamp line shall be fixed on binding post and strictly prohibit to be near the surface of lamp. v. 高温、有导电粉尘、比较潮湿或灯具离地面高度低于2.5米等场合的照明,电源电压不应大于36V。In some places
36、, voltage of lighting shall be less than 36V, such as place with high temperature, conductive dust, or where is relatively humid or the distance between lamp and ground is less than 2.5m. vi. 潮湿和易触及带电体场合的照明,电源电压不得大于24V。The voltage of lighting in those places where is humid shall be less than 24V. vi
37、i. 特别潮湿场合、导电良好的地面照明,电源电压不得大于12V。The voltage of lighting in those places with high humidity and good conductivity shall be less than 12V. viii. 行灯电源电压不大于36伏,灯泡外部有金属保护网。The voltage of power supply of portable lamp should be less than 36V, and metal protecting net will be equipped to lamp bulb. ix. 潮湿环
38、境使用行灯应保证:灯体与手柄坚固、绝缘良好并耐热耐潮湿;灯头与灯体结合牢固,灯头无开关;灯泡外部有金属保护网;金属网、反光罩、悬吊挂钩固定在灯具的绝缘部位上。If the portable lamp is used in humid environment, then something shall be guaranteed: housing and hand shank must be strong; metal protecting net shall be equipped to lamp bulb; the bulb holder and housing should be cont
39、acted closely etc. x. 防爆场合必须使用防爆型灯具。Anti-explosive lamp must be adopted to explosion-proof place. 1.6 发电机运营安全措施Generator Operating Safety Measuresi. 发电机启动前必须认真检查各部分接线是否对的,各连结部分是否牢固,电刷是否正常、压力是否符合规定,接地线是否良好。Before starting the generator, must carefully check each part of the wiring is correct, whether
40、 the links part, brush is normal, stress is in accordance with the requirements, the grounding wire are in good condition.ii. 启动前将力磁变阻器的阻值放在最大位置上,断开输出开关,有离合器的发电机组应脱开离合器。先将柴油机空载启动,运转平稳后再启动发电机。Before starting , set the maximum valune of Magnetic force rheostat , disconnect the output switch, a clutch
41、of generating set should release the clutch.Diesel engine no-load start first, stable running and start generator.iii. 发电机开始运转后,应随时注意有无机械杂音,异常振动等情况。确认情况正常后,调整发 电机至额定转速,电压调到额定值,然后合上输出开关,向外供电。负荷应逐步增大,力求三相平衡。 We started running generator, shall pay attention to the presence of mechanical noise, abnorma
42、l vibration, and so on and so forth.After the situation is normal, the adjustment of the generator to the rated speed, transferred to the rating voltage, and then close the output switch, to the outside power supply.Load should be gradually increased to three phase equilibrium.iv. 发电机并联运营必须满足频率相同,电压
43、相同,相位相同,相序相同的条件才干进行。Generator in parallel operation must meet the same frequency, voltage is the same, the same phase, phase sequence to the same conditions.v. 准备并联运营的发电机必须都已进入正常稳定运转。Parallel operation of generator must have been to the normal and stable operation.vi. 接到“准备并联”的信号后,以整部装置为准,调整转速,在同步瞬间
44、合闸。After the received signal parallel, the entire device shall prevail, adjust the speed, the synchronous closing moment.vii. 并联运营的发电机应合理调整负荷,均衡分派各发电机的有功功率及无功功率。有功功率通过油门来调节,无功功率通过励磁来调节。Parallel operation of the generator should be reasonably adjust load, equilibrium of each generator active power an
45、d reactive power.Active power through the throttle to adjust, reactive power regulation by excitation.viii. 运营中的发电机应密切注意发动机声音,观测各种仪表指示是否在正常范围之内。检查运转部分是否正常,发电机温升是否过高。并做好运营记录。The running generator should pay close attention to the engine sound, observe whether various instrument is within the normal r
46、ange.Check the running part is normal, the generator temperature rise is too high.And make a record run.ix. 停机时,先减负荷,将励磁变阻器回复,使电压降到最小值,然后按顺序切断开关,最后停止运转。When stopping, load reduction at the first, the excitation rheostat reply, that minimize voltage value, and then in order to cut off the switch, sto
47、p at the last .x. 移动式发电机,使用前必须将底架停放在平稳的基础上,运转时不准移动。十一、发电机在运转时,即使未加励磁,亦应认为带有电压。严禁在旋转着的发电机引出线上工作及用手触及转子或进行清扫。运转中的发电机不得使用帆布等物遮盖。Before use portable generators, chassis must be parked on the basis of the smooth, not allowed to move during operation.11, generator when running, even without excitation, sh
48、ould also be considered with voltage.Banned in rotating generator online derivation and reach the rotor by hand or cleaning work.The content such as canvas cover shall be used for operation of generator.xi. 发电机经检修后必须仔细检查转子及定子槽间有无工具、材料及其它杂物,以免运转时损坏发电机。After Generator repaired, between rotor and stator slot must be caref
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