1、抗战胜利70周年阅兵相关英语资料.09.03第1页9月3日看阅兵,“阅兵”英语怎么说?第2页此次大阅兵是为了庆贺世界反法西斯抗战胜利70周年,也就是中国抗日战争胜利七十周年而举行。即使每年九月三日都是中国人民抗日战争胜利纪念日,但这还是中国第一次为抗战胜利阅兵。第3页世界反法西斯抗战 the Global War against Fascism中国人民抗日战争胜利纪念日 Victory Memorial Day for the Chinese Peoples War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression抗战70周年大阅兵 Chinas World
2、War II military extravaganza(据CNN官网)第4页三军仪仗队 Combined Honor Guard of the Peoples Liberation Army抗日英模部队方队 formations of units with roots in the outstanding representatives of the anti-Japanese forces八路军 Eight Route Army新四军 New Fourth Army东北抗联 Northeast China Anti-Japanese United Forces华南游击队 South Chi
3、na Guerrillas第5页地面突击 Ground Combat防空反导 Air Defense and Missile Defense海上攻击 Maritime Attacks战略打击 Strategic Strikes信息支援 Communication Support后装保障 Logistics and Armament Support空中护旗方队 air flag guard formation领队机梯队 the leading aircraft echelon预警指挥机梯队 airborne early warning and control aircraft第6页阅兵八大看点不
4、容错过(8 facts about the V-day Parade)第7页A parade marking the 70th anniversary of Chinas victory in World War II will be held in Tiananmen Square on September 3,the first statutory Victory Day of Chinese peoples War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression.今天庆贺二战胜利70周年大阅兵在天安门举行,这也是首个中国人民抗日战争胜利法定纪念日。As
5、 one of the allied forces who won WWII,Chinas first military parade to mark the victory day will attract the worlds attention.Here are some facts about the parade:作为二战盟军战胜国之一,中国此次纪念二战胜利日大阅兵可谓举世瞩目。让我们一起来看看此次阅兵八大亮点:第8页1.It is the first parade not held on Chinas National Day这是首次非国庆日阅兵第9页China has held
6、14 military parades since the establishment of the Peoples Republic of China.In 1999 and,grand military parades were held to celebrate the countrys 50th and 60th founding anniversary.中华人民共和国成立以来,共进行过14次阅兵。1999与两次大阅兵尤其盛大,分别庆贺共和国成立50与60周年。It is an international convention to hold a parade to mark the
7、victory day.France,Russia,and the United States are good examples of countries that do so.阅兵是纪念二战胜利日国际通例。法国、俄罗斯与美国都曾举行过类似活动。France invited top leaders of the United Kingdom,Russia,the United States and others to celebrate the 70th anniversary of Normandy Landing,a watershed battle in WWII.法国曾邀请英国、俄罗
8、斯、美国等国领导人参加诺曼底登陆70周年纪念活动。那次战役扭转了二战局势。Russia also held a parade on May 9 to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the World Anti-Fascist War in Moscows Red Square.俄罗斯也于今年5月9日在莫斯科红场举行阅兵,纪念世界反法西斯战争胜利70周年。第10页2.Kuomintang veterans are invited to participate in the parade国民党老兵受邀参加阅兵式第11页The organizer has inv
9、ited some Kuomintang veterans to participate in this parade.It is worth remembering that the Kuomintang army played an important role in Chinas War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression.阅兵活动组织者向国民党老兵发出邀请,欢迎他们参加阅兵式。抗日战争时期,国民党军队发挥了主要作用,应该为后人铭记。Since the Kuomintang army contributed to the independe
10、nce of the Chinese people,their participation in the parade will be of historic significance.国民党军队为中华民族独立作出了贡献,所以,国军老兵参加阅兵含有重大历史意义。第12页3.Senior officers will take part as unit leaders in the parade高级将领领头方阵第13页Generals rather than junior officers will lead the unit to present the image of the Peoples
11、 Liberation Army.In the previous parades,units were usually led by field grade officers.将由将级军官率领方阵受阅,展现人民解放军风采。而在以前阅兵仪式中,领队往往是军中校官。In Moscows Red Square parade this year,the military force leaders,usually generals,led the Russian formation according to their tradition.在今年莫斯科红场阅兵式上,按照俄罗斯传统,率领俄军方阵是将级军
12、官。第14页4.Participation of foreign military teams外国军队参加阅兵Foreign military representatives from Russia,Mongolia,Belarus,Kazakhstan,Kyrgyzstan,and other countries will take part in the parade.This is the first time foreign military teams join in a Chinese military parade.俄罗斯、蒙古、白俄罗斯、哈萨克斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦等国军队代表将参
13、加此次阅兵。这也是中国阅兵史上首次出现外国军队。The victory of the World Anti-Fascist War is a celebration which China wants to share and commemorate the anniversary with other countries for their involvement for a peaceful and better future.世界反法西斯战争取得胜利,中国愿与各国共享纪念盛事。世界和平与繁荣,离不开各方努力。第15页5.New military hardware will be disp
14、layed in the parade新式武器亮相第16页It is an international convention to display new types of military hardware in a parade.Most equipment displayed in the parade are new types of homemade military hardware on active duty,which belong to the PLA Ground Force,PLA Navy Force,PLA Air Force and PLA Second Arti
15、llery Corps.在阅兵式上展示新式武器,可谓国际通例。此次阅兵式中亮相新式装备均由我国自主研制,由陆海空三军及第二炮兵团广泛使用。Military planes Bomber-6K,Carrier-20,and new ballistic missiles DF-16,DF-21D are expected to appear in this parade.军用飞机轰6-K、运-20,以及新式弹道导弹东风-16与东风-20有望亮相此次阅兵式。第17页6.The veterans who survived in the war of Resistance against Japanese
16、 Aggression have reached the average age of 90抗日战争幸存老兵平均年纪达90岁第18页More than 300 veterans have been invited to the parade to mark the appreciation of the country for their contribution to the war effort.The descendants of other veterans who have died will represent them.300余位抗战老兵受邀参加阅兵,以此表示祖国对他们为抗战作出
17、贡献感激之情。而逝世老兵将由儿女代表他们出席活动。The veterans who survived have an average age of 90 and even the children of the soldiers who have died have an average age of 78.幸存老兵平均年纪到达90岁。那些逝世老兵儿女也平都有78岁高龄。第19页7.51 female guards of honor have average height of 1.78 meters51名仪仗队女兵平均身高1米78第20页It is the first time female
18、 guards of honor will join a parade.The total number of 51 female guards of honor have an average height of 1.78 meters and age of 20.88%of participants hold a bachelor degree or higher.此次阅兵,仪仗队中将首次出现女性面孔。51名仪仗女兵平均身高达1米78,平均年纪为20岁。其中,88%士兵拥有本科及以上学历。They ask for extra training hours to practice since
19、 its very difficult to keep the exact same movement and pace with male members in a unit due to females smaller body size.女兵们身体瘦小,一开始无法跟上男队员步伐节奏,所以她们要求接收额外训练。第21页8.Over 2,400 people join in the chorus军队合唱团超出2400人第22页More than 2,400 soldiers from the troop will join in the martial music chorus for th
20、e parade.They will sing about thirty classic songs that tell about stories during the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression.All the chorus members are participating in the parade for the first time.2400多名军队官兵将在阅兵式上齐唱军歌。他们准备了30首抗日经典歌曲。全部合唱团组员也都是首次参加阅兵。第23页Vocabularywatershed:标志转折点artillery:炮兵
21、部队martial:军事第24页中英对照|习近平阅兵式讲话全文Address at the Commemoration of The 70th Anniversary of The Victory of the Chinese Peoples War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and The World Anti-Fascist War抗战胜利70周年讲话Xi Jingping 习近平3 September (.09.03)第25页第26页全国同胞们,尊敬各位国家元首、政府首脑和联合国等国际组织代表,尊敬各位宾客,全体受阅将士们,女士们
22、、先生们,同志们、朋友们:All my countrymen and women,Your Excellencies heads of state and government and representatives ofthe United Nations and other international organizations,Distinguished guests,All officers and soldiers participating in the parade,Ladies and gentlemen,Comrades and friends,第27页今天,是一个值得世界人
23、民永远纪念日子。70年前今天,中国人民经过长达艰辛卓绝斗争,取得了中国人民抗日战争伟大胜利,宣告了世界反法西斯战争完全胜利,和平阳光再次普照大地。Today is a day that will forever be etched in the memory of people allover the world.Seventy years ago today,the Chinese people,having foughttenaciously for 14 years,won the great victory of their War of ResistanceAgainst Japan
24、ese Aggression,marking the full victory of the World Anti-FascistWar.On that day,the world was once again blessed by the sunshine of peace.第28页在这里,我代表中共中央、全国人大、国务院、全国政协、中央军委,向全国参加过抗日战争老战士、老同志、爱国人士和抗日将领,向为中国人民抗日战争胜利作出重大贡献海内外中华儿女,致以高尚敬意!向支援和帮助过中国人民抵抗侵略外国政府和国际友人,表示衷心感激!向参加今天大会各国宾客和军人朋友们,表示热烈欢迎!On this
25、occasion,on behalf of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China,the Standing Committee of the National Peoples Congress,the State Council,the National Committee of the Chinese Peoples Political Consultative Conference,and the Central Military Commission,I pay high tribute to all the vete
26、rans,comrades,patriots and officers in China who took part in the War of Resistance and all the Chinese at home and abroad who contributed significantly to the victory of the War.I extend heartfelt gratitude to foreign governments and friends who supported and assisted the Chinese people in resistin
27、g aggression.I also warmly welcome all the foreign guests and representatives of the armed forces of foreign countries present today.第29页女士们、先生们,同志们、朋友们!Ladies and gentlemen,Comrades and friends,第30页中国人民抗日战争和世界反法西斯战争,是正义和邪恶、光明和黑暗、进步和反动大决战。在那场惨烈战争中,中国人民抗日战争开始时间最早、连续时间最长。面对侵略者,中华儿女不屈不挠、浴血奋战,彻底打败了日本军国主
28、义侵略者,捍卫了中华民族5000多年发展文明结果,捍卫了人类和平事业,铸就了战争史上奇观、中华民族壮举。The Chinese Peoples War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascist War were a decisive battle between justice and evil,between light and darkness,and between progress and reaction.In that devastating war,the Chinese People
29、s War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression started the earliest and lasted the longest.In defiance of aggression,the unyielding Chinese people fought gallantly and finally won total victory against the Japanese militarist aggressors,thus preserving Chinas5,000-year-old civilization and upholdin
30、g the cause of peace of mankind.This remarkable feat made by the Chinese nation was rare in the history of war.第31页中国人民抗日战争胜利,是近代以来中国抗击外敌入侵第一次完全胜利。这一伟大胜利,彻底粉碎了日本军国主义殖民奴役中国图谋,洗刷了近代以来中国抗击外来侵略屡战屡败民族耻辱。这一伟大胜利,重新确立了中国在世界上大国地位,使中国人民赢得了世界兴趣和平人民尊敬。这一伟大胜利,开辟了中华民族伟大复兴光明前景,开启了古老中国凤凰涅槃、浴火重生新征程。The victory of th
31、e Chinese Peoples War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression is the first complete victory won by China in its resistance against foreign aggression in modern times.This great triumph crushed the plot of the Japanese militarists to colonize and enslave China and put an end to Chinas national humi
32、liation of suffering successive defeats at the hands of foreign aggressors in modern times.This great triumph re-established China as a major country in the world and won the Chinese people respect of all peace-loving people around the world.This great triumph opened up bright prospects for the grea
33、t renewal of the Chinese nation and set our ancient country on a new journey after gaining rebirth.第32页在那场战争中,中国人民以巨大民族牺牲支撑起了世界反法西斯战争东方主战场,为世界反法西斯战争胜利作出了重大贡献。中国人民抗日战争也得到了国际社会广泛支持,中国人民将永远铭记各国人民为中国抗战胜利作出贡献!During the war,with huge national sacrifice,the Chinese people held ground in the main theater i
34、n the East of the World Anti-Fascist War,thus making major contribution to its victory.In their war against Japanese aggression,the Chinese people received extensive support from the international community.The Chinese people will always remember what the people of other countries did for the victor
35、y of their War of Resistance.第33页女士们、先生们,同志们、朋友们!Ladies and gentlemen,Comrades and friends,第34页经历了战争人们,愈加知道和平宝贵。我们纪念中国人民抗日战争暨世界反法西斯战争胜利70周年,就是要铭记历史、缅怀先烈、珍爱和平、开创未来。The experience of war makes people value peace all the more.The aim of our commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Ch
36、inese Peoples War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascist War is to bear history in mind,honor all those who laid down their lives,cherish peace and open up the future.第35页那场战争战火遍布亚洲、欧洲、非洲、大洋洲,军队和民众伤亡超出1亿人,其中中国伤亡人数超出3500万,苏联死亡人数超出2700万。绝不让历史悲剧重演,是我们对当年为维护人类自由、正义、和平而牺牲英灵、
37、对惨遭屠杀无辜亡灵最好纪念。Ravaging through Asia,Europe,Africa and Oceania,that war inflicted over 100 million military and civilian casualties.China suffered over 35million casualties and the Soviet Union lost more than 27 million lives.The best way to honor the heroes who gave their lives to uphold freedom,jus
38、tice and peace and mourn the loss of innocent lives brutally taken during the war is to make sure that this historical tragedy will never repeat itself.第36页战争是一面镜子,能够让人更加好认识和平宝贵。今天,和平与发展已经成为时代主题,但世界仍很不太平,战争达摩克利斯之剑依然悬在人类头上。我们要以史为鉴,坚定维护和平决心。War is like a mirror.Looking at it helps us better appreciate
39、 the value of peace.Today,peace and development have become the prevailing trend,but the world is far from tranquil.War is the sword of Damocles that still hangs over mankind.We must learn the lessons of history and dedicate ourselves to peace.第37页为了和平,我们要牢靠树立人类命运共同体意识。偏见和歧视、仇恨和战争,只会带来灾难和痛苦。相互尊重、平等相
40、处、和平发展、共同繁荣,才是人间正道。世界各国应该共同维护以联合国宪章宗旨和标准为关键国际秩序和国际体系,主动构建以合作共赢为关键新型国际关系,共同推进世界和平与发展高尚事业。In the interest of peace,China will remain committed to peaceful development.We Chinese love peace.No matter how much stronger it may become,China will never seek hegemony or expansion.It will never inflict its p
41、ast suffering on any other nation.The Chinese people are resolved to pursue friendly relations with all other countries,uphold the outcomes of the Chinese Peoples War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascist War,and make greater contribution to mankind.第38页中国人民解放军是人民子弟兵,全
42、军将士要切记全心全意为人民服务根本宗旨,忠实推行保卫祖国安全和人民和平生活神圣职责,忠实执行维护世界和平神圣使命。我宣告,中国将淘汰军队员额30万。The Peoples Liberation Army of China is the peoples army.All its officers,men and women must bear in mind their responsibility of serving the people whole-heartedly,faithfully fulfill the sacred duty of protecting the nations
43、security and peoples well-being,and carry out the noble mission of upholding world peace.Here,I announce that China will cut the number of its troops by 300,000.第39页女士们、先生们,同志们、朋友们!Ladies and gentlemen,Comrades and friends,第40页“靡不有初,鲜克有终。”实现中华民族伟大复兴,需要一代又一代人为之努力。中华民族创造了含有5000多年历史灿烂文明,也一定能够创造出愈加灿烂明天。
44、As an ancient Chinese saying goes,After making a good start,we should ensure that the cause achieves fruition.The great renewal of the Chinese nation requires the dedicated efforts of one generation after another.Having created a splendid civilization of over 5,000 years,the Chinese nation will cert
45、ainly usher in an even brighter future.第41页前进道路上,全国各族人民要在中国共产党领导下,坚持以马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、“三个代表”主要思想、科学发展观为指导,沿着中国特色社会主义道路,按照“四个全方面”战略布局,弘扬伟大爱国主义精神,弘扬伟大抗战精神,万众一心,风雨无阻,向着我们既定目标继续奋勇前进!Going forward,under the leadership of the Communist Party of China,we,people of all ethnicities across the country,shou
46、ld take Marxism-Leninism,Mao Zedong Thought,Deng Xiaoping Theory,the important thought of Three Represents and the Scientific Outlook on Development as our guide to action.We should follow the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics,pursue the four-pronged comprehensive strategy,promote patri
47、otism and the great spirit of resisting aggression and forge ahead as one to reach our goals.第42页让我们共同铭记历史所启示伟大真理:正义必胜!和平必胜!人民必胜!Let us bear in mind the great truth of history:Justice will prevail!Peace will prevail!The people will prevail!第43页(附)阅兵中英双语词汇纪念抗日战争胜利70周年大阅兵阅兵 military parade胜利日大阅兵 V-Day
48、 parade抗日战争 the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression纪念抗日战争胜利70周年大阅兵 the military parade to mark the 70th anniversary of victory in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression第44页阅兵方阵方队、方阵 formation徒步方队 foot formation抗战老同志乘车方队 formations of veterans in vehicles装备方队 armament formation空中
49、梯队 air echelons特种军special forces中国人民解放军 Peoples Liberation Army(PLA)中国人民解放军第二炮兵 The Second Artillery Force of the PLA中国人民武装警察部队 Chinese Armed Police Force(CAPF)解放军仪仗队 Peoples Liberation Army(PLA)Honor Guard第45页其它相关词汇群众游行civilian procession彩车 float红旗轿车Red Flag limousine军乐队military brass band彩排 rehearsal维护世界和平maintain a peaceful world观礼台 viewing stand升旗仪式flag-rising ceremony同志们好Greetings,comrades.首长好Greetings,leader.同志们辛劳了Comrades,you are working hard.为人民服务We serve the people.第46页 THE END 由Thomas Ma编辑整理。本ppt全部内容均引自互联网,版权归原作者全部。本人只是将资料进行整理汇总,完全尊重原文未进行任何修改。我只是资料搬运工第47页
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