1、房屋租赁合同House Leasing Contract出租方(以下简称甲方): Lessor: (hereinafter referred to as Party A)承租方(以下简称乙方): Lessee: (hereinafter referred to as Party B) 根据中华人民共和国合同法及相关法律法规的规定,甲、乙双方在平等、自愿的基础上,就甲方将房屋出租给乙方使用,经协商一致,订立本合同。 According to the Contract Law of China and other relating regulations both Party close this
2、 contract as following in compliance with the rule of equality and free will after negotiation to agree that Party A lease the house to Party B.第一条 甲方保证所出租的房屋是甲方所有或有权处分且是合法建筑,不存在抵押、担保或与他人共有的情况。Article one Party A shall ensure that Party A has the ownership of the house or has the right to handle wit
3、h the house and the house is legal construction; there is no mortgage, guarantee or co- possession conditions of this house.第二条 房屋及土地的坐落、面积、装修、设施情况Article two Location, area, decoration and construction conditions1、甲方出租给乙方的房屋位于 ,面积: 平方米,详见附图。The location of the leased house ; the area is square mete
4、rs。 Seen in the picture.2、该房屋现有装修及设施、设备情况详见合同附件。 The decoration, devices and equipment details is seen in the attached contract.第三条 租赁期限、用途Article three Lease term and usage1、该房屋租赁期共一年。自 年月日起至 年月日止。The lease term is one year from to . 2、乙方租赁房屋从事 使用。 The house is rent for . 3、租赁期满,如甲方继续出租,同等条件下乙方有优先权
5、。When the term expires if Party a continue to lease Party B has the priority under the same condition.4、合同期满前,任何一方未书面提出异议,本合同自动延续一年,双方不再另行签订合同。 Before the term fulfills if any party has no disputes in written form this contract will renew for another one year voluntarily and both party may not sign
6、new contract.第四条 租金及支付方式 Article four Rent and Payment method1、房屋租赁费为每年 元(含税)。The rent is RMB/year (including tax)2、租赁费支付方式如下: 乙方于每年的 月 日前缴纳当年度的租赁费。甲方收款后应提供给乙方有效发票。 Payment method: before every year Party B shall pay the rent of the proper year to Party A. After receiving the payment Party A shall p
7、rovide valid invoice to Party B.第五条 租赁期间相关费用及税金 Article five Relating fees and tax1、 甲方应承担的费用: Fees paid by Party A:租赁期间,因出租房屋和土地产生的税负由甲方依法负担(包括因甲方无产权证而税务部门向乙方收取的部分)。如果发生政府有关部门征收本合同中未列出项目但与该房屋有关的费用,应由甲方负担。 During the leasing period the tax generated by house leasing and land using shall be paid by P
8、arty A (including the fees charged by tax bureau because of no property certificate).If the government charges the other fees which is excluded in this contract but it is related with the house the fees shall be paid by Party A.2、乙方交纳以下费用: Fees paid by Party B:乙方应负担从事经营活动产生的费用,包括税费和水电费等。Party B shal
9、l pay for the fees generated by business activity including the tax fees and the water & electricity fees.第六条 房屋修缮与使用 Article six Repair and use of the house在租赁期内,甲方应保证出租房屋的使用安全。该房屋及所属设施的维修责任除双方在本合同及补充条款中约定外,均由甲方负责(乙方使用不当除外)。 During the leasing period Party A shall ensure the premises conform to the
10、 safety conditions. The responsibility for maintenance of the house and the facilities shall be taken by Party A excluding of the other clauses agreed by both party within the contract proper and its supplement agreement; If the Premises and its contents, equipment and facilities are damaged due to
11、Party Bs improper keeping or unreasonable usage, Party B shall be responsible for repair and maintenance and shall be liable for compensation.乙方向甲方提出维修请求后,甲方应及时提供维修服务,甲方不及时维修的,乙方可自行维修,费用甲方负担。 If Party B makes request for maintenance Party A shall provide maintenance in time; if Party A is unable to
12、maintenance timely Party B may repair by self and the maintenance expense shall be paid by Party A.第七条:租赁期间国家征用占用的补偿分配。Article sevenCompensation distribution for government taking租赁期间国家征用、占用或者其他县级以上政府批准的项目需要使用租赁物的,对租赁物的补偿费用归甲方所有,对经营性质的补偿归乙方所有。During the leasing term if the government takes over for
13、use, occupy for use or the other county level above government authorize to use the house, the compensation for the house belongs to Party A and the compensation for business belongs to Party B.为生产经营需要,政府等部门对乙方自行扩建、另建的房屋及其他设施的赔偿及经营损失的赔偿全部归乙方所有。For manufacturing need the compensation to enlargement o
14、r new built part or facilities and the business losses belongs to Party B.第八条 房屋的转让与转租 Article eight Transfer and sub-let of the house1、甲方出售房屋,须在 月前书面通知乙方,在同等条件下,乙方有优先购买权。If Party A wants to sell the house Party A shall inform Party B month in advance with written form and under the same conditions
15、Party B has the priority to buy the house.2、经甲方同意,乙方可以转租租赁物。 With the agreement of Party A, Party B may transfer the leasing house.第九条 合同的变更、解除与终止 Article nine Amendment, termination and end1、双方可以协商变更或终止本合同。Both party may consult to amend or terminate the proper contract. 2、甲方有以下行为之一的,乙方有权解除合同: If P
16、arty A has one of the following actions Party B has right to terminate the contract:(1)甲方所提供房屋土地等被他人主张权利,导致乙方无法正常使用的; The premises provided by Party A is taken property by the third party to cause Party B can not use it normally;(2)甲方未尽房屋修缮义务,影响乙方使用的。 Party A fails to perform the repair obligations
17、to influence the normal use of Party B。3、房屋租赁期间,乙方有下列行为之一的,甲方有权解除合同,收回出租房屋; During the leasing term if Party B has one of the following actions Party A has the rights to terminate the contract and reclaim the premises.(1)未经甲方同意,擅自转租房屋; Without agreement of Party A Party B sub-let the house to other
18、party;(2)未及时缴纳租金,在甲方书面催缴后 个月内仍不能交清的; Party B cant pay the rent timely and cant pay off within month after Party A issue the reminder;4、合同期内,如乙方因经营需要提前终止合同时,应当提前 日书面通知甲方。 During the contract period if Party B wants to terminate the contract because of business requirements Party B shall inform Party
19、A in written form within days in advance.第十条 其他设施的增设和期满后的处理。Article ten The added facilities and its treatment afterward租赁期内乙方根据经营需要可以在租赁场所内进行必要的建设,甲方不得干涉。租赁合同期满,不能移动的添附物甲方应当给予合理补偿。During the leasing term Party B may build necessary construction in the house according to business requirements and Pa
20、rty A shall not interference. After the term expires Party A shall make reasonable compensation for the buildings which can not be moved.第十一条 本合同未尽事宜,经甲、乙双方协商一致,可订立补充条款。补充条款及附件均为本合同组成部分,与本合同具有同等法律效力。Article elevenThe other matters beyond this contract may be made into supplement contract after negot
21、iation of both party which has the same legal effect with the proper contract.第十二条 违约责任:Article twelve Breach of duty除本合同约定的解除终止条件外,任何一方无故终止合同应当向对方支付二倍租赁费数额的违约金。Without reasonable excuses if any party ends the contract it may pay twice of the rent as penalty to the other excluding of the agreed term
22、ination conditions.第十三条:其他约定:本合同约定地址为双方的联系地址,如有变更应及时通知对方,否则承担不利后果。Article thirteen The otherThe agreed address in the proper contract is the contact address of both party; if any changes any party shall inform the other timely or the result shall be taken by itself. 第十四条:争议解决:合同履行过程中产生争议,双方应协商解决,协商不
23、成,由原告方所在地法院管辖处理。 Article fourteen About disputes Any disputes during the term shall be resolved through friendly negotiation and if it fails it shall be sued to the local court where the complaints occurs. 第十五条 本合同自双方签字盖章后生效。 Article fifteen This contract takes effect after signature and chop by bot
24、h party.第十六条 本合同及附件一式份,由甲、乙双方各执份。具有同等法律效力。 Article sixteen The proper contract is in . Each party holds respectively which has the same effect.甲方: 乙方: Party A: Party B: 电话(Tel): 电话(Tel): 地址Address: 地址address: 签约日期date:年月日 签约日期date:年月日代理记帐业务约定书甲方: (以下简称甲方)乙方: 报表、国税申报、地税申报(含网上申报)。甲方如有其他服务要求,需在约定书中注明,口
25、头商定无效。 二、甲方在每月25日至次月15日前,按时将本单位所发生合法的经济业务票据传给乙方(乙方可上门取送票据,每月壹次)并提供纳税申报所需要的各种印章(公章、财务章、人名章等)。因甲方票据传递、提供各种印章及税务机关要求的其他资料不及时,造成乙方延误各种纳税申报的,责任由甲方自负。三、在甲方按时传递经济业务票据及按时提供各种印章的情况下,乙方应按时为甲方代理纳税申报,造成延误各税种申报的, 责任由乙方负责。四、乙方丢失票据,书写、计算错误而引起的税务罚款及滞纳金,责任由乙方负责;甲方账外逃税、提供的虚假票据、提供原始凭证不符合规定引起的税务责任,由甲方负责。 五、甲方的出纳每月应主动与乙
26、方会计核对银行账及现金账余额。六、甲方在签订业务约定书的同时付款,否则无效,到期后乙方接受甲方付款的视为约定延续,若到期后未续约付款的,约定终止,双方不再相互承担责任。七、甲方在业务约定期间内如有地址、电话、开户银行及账号、税务登记、工商登记等发生变化应在非报税期内三天、报税期内(每月25日至次月15日)当天通知乙方,不能及时通知乙方由此而产生的后果,由甲方自负。 八、业务约定到期或终止时,如果甲方聘用乙方工作人员,乙方对业务约定期间的凭证、账目、税务出现的问题概不负责。 九、甲方为:1.纯地税户 2.国地税户3.一般纳税人,每月凭证不超过一本,无特殊核算要求(超出要求范围的,服务费另行协商)
27、。十、约定期限: 年 月至 年 月,付款方式:每 ,另每会计年度账本及报表资料费贰佰元,工商年检代理费贰佰元,残保金代理费贰佰元; 年 月 日合计收取 元。十一、本业务约定书一式两份,双方各持一份,经双方签字盖章付款后生效。本约定书未尽事宜,甲乙双方应本着友好协商的态度进行协商解决。十二、会计每月25日至次月1日联系取票据,以下列举部分单据: 1、企业本月开具的发票及与之相对应的收款凭证(进账单、现金送款单、现金收入凭单、出库单、发票领用存情况等);2、企业取得的购货发票及与之相对应的支出凭证(支票根、电汇单、现金支出凭单、入库单等);3、企业取得的费用发票(交通费、差旅费、通讯费、广告费、业
28、务宣传费、房租、水电费、办公费、运费、汽油费、保险单据等)及与之相对应的支出凭证(支票根、电汇单、现金支出凭单等);4、银行缴税税票,利息单,进账单,支票存根,电汇单及其它各种银行票据;5、企业自制原始凭单:工资单,折旧单等;6、一般纳税人发票汇总表(一套),作废发票(联次齐全),抵扣票认证清单,金税卡;7、其它需要的资料_8、凭证报表由乙方暂存,待工作完成后,年度终了时返还客户。 注意:月末取票后企业如开具收入发票须立即通知乙方。甲方: 乙方: 联系人: 联系人:联系电话: 联系电话:电子邮件/ QQ: 地址: 代理记帐业务约定书甲方: (以下简称甲方)乙方: 报表、国税申报、地税申报(含网
29、上申报)。甲方如有其他服务要求,需在约定书中注明,口头商定无效。 二、甲方在每月25日至次月15日前,按时将本单位所发生合法的经济业务票据传给乙方(乙方可上门取送票据,每月壹次)并提供纳税申报所需要的各种印章(公章、财务章、人名章等)。因甲方票据传递、提供各种印章及税务机关要求的其他资料不及时,造成乙方延误各种纳税申报的,责任由甲方自负。三、在甲方按时传递经济业务票据及按时提供各种印章的情况下,乙方应按时为甲方代理纳税申报,造成延误各税种申报的, 责任由乙方负责。四、乙方丢失票据,书写、计算错误而引起的税务罚款及滞纳金,责任由乙方负责;甲方账外逃税、提供的虚假票据、提供原始凭证不符合规定引起的
30、税务责任,由甲方负责。 五、甲方的出纳每月应主动与乙方会计核对银行账及现金账余额。六、甲方在签订业务约定书的同时付款,否则无效,到期后乙方接受甲方付款的视为约定延续,若到期后未续约付款的,约定终止,双方不再相互承担责任。七、甲方在业务约定期间内如有地址、电话、开户银行及账号、税务登记、工商登记等发生变化应在非报税期内三天、报税期内(每月25日至次月15日)当天通知乙方,不能及时通知乙方由此而产生的后果,由甲方自负。 八、业务约定到期或终止时,如果甲方聘用乙方工作人员,乙方对业务约定期间的凭证、账目、税务出现的问题概不负责。 九、甲方为:1.纯地税户 2.国地税户3.一般纳税人,每月凭证不超过一
31、本,无特殊核算要求(超出要求范围的,服务费另行协商)。十、约定期限: 年 月至 年 月,付款方式:每 ,另每会计年度账本及报表资料费贰佰元,工商年检代理费贰佰元,残保金代理费贰佰元; 年 月 日合计收取 元。十一、本业务约定书一式两份,双方各持一份,经双方签字盖章付款后生效。本约定书未尽事宜,甲乙双方应本着友好协商的态度进行协商解决。十二、会计每月25日至次月1日联系取票据,以下列举部分单据: 1、企业本月开具的发票及与之相对应的收款凭证(进账单、现金送款单、现金收入凭单、出库单、发票领用存情况等);2、企业取得的购货发票及与之相对应的支出凭证(支票根、电汇单、现金支出凭单、入库单等);3、企业取得的费用发票(交通费、差旅费、通讯费、广告费、业务宣传费、房租、水电费、办公费、运费、汽油费、保险单据等)及与之相对应的支出凭证(支票根、电汇单、现金支出凭单等);4、银行缴税税票,利息单,进账单,支票存根,电汇单及其它各种银行票据;5、企业自制原始凭单:工资单,折旧单等;6、一般纳税人发票汇总表(一套),作废发票(联次齐全),抵扣票认证清单,金税卡;7、其它需要的资料_8、凭证报表由乙方暂存,待工作完成后,年度终了时返还客户。 注意:月末取票后企业如开具收入发票须立即通知乙方。甲方: 乙方: 联系人: 联系人:联系电话: 联系电话:电子邮件/ QQ: 地址: 9
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