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1、Lesson14DoyouspeakEnglish?第1页【New words and expressions】amusingamusing mju:zi adj.好笑,有趣experienceexperience ikspirins n.经历 wavewave weiv v.招手liftlift liftn.搭便车replyreply riplai v.回答languagelanguage lwid n.语言journeyjourney d:ni n.旅行第2页1.amusing adj.令人发笑The story is amusing.(好笑)amused adj.感到好笑I am amu

2、sed.amuse v.使发笑,使愉快The story amuses amused at/by 因为感到好笑 be amused to do sth 做.取乐E.g.:Everyone was amused at the cute boy.The amusing story amused the children.funny adj.funny adj.好笑(不一定要笑出声能够指贬义),好笑(不一定要笑出声能够指贬义),开心,令人开心开心,令人开心 interesting/funny storyinteresting/funny story第3页类似词语:类似词语:excite令

3、人兴奋令人兴奋excitingexcitedinterest令人感兴趣令人感兴趣interestinginterestedmove令人感动令人感动movingmovedTheexcitingnewsmadeusexcited.Wearemovedbythemovingfilm.Thebookisinterestingandweareinterestedinit.第4页2.experience n.经历经历(可数)(可数)an unusual experiencean unusual experienceHe has a lot of experiences.n.经验经验,体,体验验(不可数)(

4、不可数)She has a lot of teachingexperience.vt.经验经验,体,体验验Ganzhou has experienced great changes.Go through thick and thin together.(Go through thick and thin together.(口口)experienced adj.有有经验经验,经验经验丰富丰富He is an experienced doctor.inexperienced 无经验,不熟练eg.He is inexperienced in looking after children第5页3.w

5、ave 3.wave v.v.招手招手wave to sb.wave to sb.向某人招手向某人招手4.4.liftlift1)Vt.1)Vt.举起,抬起举起,抬起eg.The box is too heavy;I cant lift box is too heavy;I cant lift it.Lift ones hat Lift ones hat 举起帽子(打招呼时动作)举起帽子(打招呼时动作)2 2)雾、云)消散,(雨、雪)停顿(雾、云)消散,(雨、雪)停顿Eg.The fog has lifted.Eg.The fog has lifted.3)n

6、.3)n.电梯电梯 elevator(Am)elevator(Am)第6页4)n.搭便搭便车车givesbalift让某人搭便车让某人搭便车takealift搭便搭便车车asksbforalift叫某人顺搭一下车叫某人顺搭一下车Can you?I want to.She always _ her colleagues_ _ _thumblift拇指便拇指便车车(向过路车辆竖起拇指表示要求无偿搭车)give mea lift take a lift asks fora lift.第7页5.replyv.回复;回复;回答回答replyto=answer回应;回答回应;回答answermyquest

7、ionreplytomyquestion我会给你我会给你回信回信。Iwillreplytoyourletter.第8页6.6.language language 1)n.1)n.语言语言speak a language speak a language 讲一门语言讲一门语言spoken language spoken language 口语口语written language written language 书面语言书面语言a foreign language a foreign language 外语外语the second foreign language the second fore

8、ign language 第二外语第二外语2 2)n.n.文字等以外传达信号,人造语言文字等以外传达信号,人造语言body language body language 肢体语言肢体语言sign language sign language 手势语手势语native language native language 母母语语MyMy native language is Chinese.native language is Chinese.mother tongue mother tongue 母母语语(口口语语中用中用)My mother tongue is Chinese.My mothe

9、r tongue is Chinese.第9页7.7.journey n.journey n.旅行旅行(全部旅行,偏重于陆地旅行,通全部旅行,偏重于陆地旅行,通常指长途陆路直接抵达旅行)常指长途陆路直接抵达旅行)go on/take a journeygo on/take a journey2 hours journey2 hours journey;3 days journey3 days journeyA long train journeyA long train journeyGo on ones last journey Go on ones last journey 逝世逝世tri

10、p trip n.n.短距离旅行或出差短距离旅行或出差(时间或距离上较短时间或距离上较短)take a trip go on a trip=go on businesstake a trip go on a trip=go on businesstraveltravel n.n.周游(长途旅行,尤指出国旅行)周游(长途旅行,尤指出国旅行)tourtour n.n.游玩(观光旅行,巡回演出等)游玩(观光旅行,巡回演出等)tourist n.tourist n.游客游客voyagevoyage n.n.旅行旅行(海上或空中海上或空中)flightflight n.n.空中飞行空中飞行第10页I h

11、adanamusingexperiencelast year.After I had left a small village in the south of France,I droveonto the next town.Ontheway,a young man wavedtome.I stopped and heaskedmeforalift.Assoonashe had gotintothecar,I said good morning to him inFrench and he replied inthesamelanguage.第11页Apart from a few words

12、,I donotknow any Frenchatall.Neitherofus spoke during the journey.I had nearly reached the town,when the young man suddenly said,very slowly,Do you speak English?As I soon learnt,he was English himself!第12页1、After Ihadleft a small village in the south of France,I drove on to the next town.After I ha

13、dfinished my homework,I wentout to play with my friends.假如,主句和从句两个动作都发生在过去:(1)两个动作同时发生,用过去进行时.(2)两个动作一前一后,发生在前动作用过去完成时。drive on 继续开往(on加在动词后面表示继续)drive to 开车去某地 副词on紧跟在动词后面时能够表示“向前”、“继续下去”等意义:He talked on until everybody had gone.他滔滔不绝地讲到大家都走了。I was reading when my friend called.After he had gone,I

14、went on to read.我朋友来看我时我正在看书。他走了以后我便继续看书。第13页原文:原文:.inthesouthofFrance表示方位表示方位3个介个介词词in(在(在里面)里面)on(相(相邻邻,但不,但不论辖论辖)to(不相(不相邻邻不不论辖论辖)Guangdongis_thesouthofChina.Japanis_theeastofChina.Guangdongis_thesoutheastofGuangxi.intoon第14页2、Ontheway,ayoungmanwavedtome.ontheway在路上在路上,在途中在途中Mymomisonthewaytopick

15、meup.我我妈妈妈妈正在来接我路上。正在来接我路上。ononeswaytoSP.在某人去某地途中在某人去某地途中Onmywaytoschool在我去上学路上在我去上学路上Ononeswayhome在某人回家路上在某人回家路上wavetosb.冲某人冲某人挥挥手手第15页On the way 在路上In the way 挡路或用这种方式On the way to 去某地路上By the way 顺便说,顺便提In a way In some way 在某种意义上In this way 用这种方式In that way 用那种方式Get ones own way 随心所欲第16页3、As soo

16、n as he had got into the car,I said good morning to him in French and he replied in the same soon as 一一就就,后面一定要加一个句子,后面一定要加一个句子(时时间状语从句间状语从句),强调两个动作几乎是连在一起,强调两个动作几乎是连在一起,“as soon as”后面先发生后面先发生As soon as I had entered the room,I took off my coat at once.As soon as I had received the lette

17、r,I ringed/called him back.只要是状语从句只要是状语从句,一旦碰到未来时一旦碰到未来时,变为普通现在时变为普通现在时As soon as you arrive,you must call me.你一到就打我电话表示用某种语言作为交际伎俩时介词用表示用某种语言作为交际伎俩时介词用inThat book is written in German.第17页4、Apartfrom a few words,I do not know any French at all.apartfrom除除以外以外apart from有两层含义:有两层含义:except,besidesexce

18、pt和和besides可放在句子中间,可放在句子中间,besides指在指在整体上加上,整体上加上,except要从整体减掉要从整体减掉Apart from 和和except for 能够放句首能够放句首I invited everyone except George./Except for George I invited everyone.except for能够不放在句首,强调整体当中某能够不放在句首,强调整体当中某 首首先除外,剩下整体都不错。先除外,剩下整体都不错。The article is very good except for his handwriing.第18页But 除

19、了,惯用于除了,惯用于nobody,none,nowhere,who,all,everywhere,anyone等不定代词之后。等不定代词之后。Eg.Apart from/Except for his nose,he is quite good-looking.Eg.Im a good girl except for my inexperience.Eg.Your composition is good except for some spelling mistakes.Eg.Besides his right arm,he broke his two legs,tooEg.Apart fro

20、m his right arm,he broke his two legs,tooEg.I invited everyone to my party except John。Eg.I invited everyone to my party but John。Eg.I invited everyone to my party besides John。Eg.Except for/But 5 pence,I have nothing about me.Eg.I havent told anybody but youEg.Youll have nobody but yourself to blam

21、e.第19页notatall一点都不,表一点都不,表强强调调Not at all 根本不Eg.Thank you so mush.Not at all(/You are welcome)Eg.Im terribly sorry Not at all(/Forget it)Eg.I do not know any French at all./I know no French at all.Eg.I dont like him at all第20页5.Neitherofusspokeduringthejourney.neitherof二者都不二者都不noneof二者以上都不二者以上都不Noneo

22、fmyfamilyspeakEnglish.bothof二者都二者都allof三者以上都三者以上都他他们俩们俩都喜都喜欢欢唱歌。唱歌。_likesinging.我我们们都会都会说说一点英一点英语语。_canspeakalittleEnglish.Both of themAll of us第21页6.AsIsoonlearnt,hewasEnglishhimself!learn得知;得知;know(原来就原来就)知道知道as连词连词,译为译为“正如正如”,As+主主语语+动词动词(Asmymothersaid/AsIheard/AsIlearnt)正如正如Asweknow,theNewConce


24、示动作在另一过去动作之前发生,也就是过去过去,用过去完成时表示动作在另一过去动作之前发生,也就是过去过去,用过去完成时。过去完成时。Eg.Theyfulfilltheplanearlierthantheyhadexpectedfulfillvt.推行;完成;实践;满足Eg.Withtheirhelp,IrealizedthatIhadbeenwrong2)在包含在包含when,as soon as,after,until,before等连词复合句中,等连词复合句中,假如主句谓语和从句谓语表示过去动作是在不一样时间发生,那么先假如主句谓语和从句谓语表示过去动作是在不一样时间发生,那么先发生动作通

25、惯用过去完成时。发生动作通惯用过去完成时。Eg.WhenIwokeupithadalreadystoppedraining.Eg.IhadnthadanyfoodbeforeIcamehere.Eg.Shedidntgotobeduntilshehadfinishedherwork.Eg.Assoonasthesunhadsetwereturnedtoourhotel.Eg.Thechildrenranawayaftertheyhadbrokenthewindow.第23页The children ran away.They broke the window.The children ran

26、away.They broke the window.The children ran away The children ran away after after they had broken the they had broken the window.window.The sun set.We returned to our hotel.The sun set.We returned to our hotel.As soon asAs soon as the sun had set we returned to our the sun had set we returned to ou

27、r hotel.hotel.He finished lunch.He asked for a glass of He finished lunch.He asked for a glass of water.water.WhenWhen he had finished lunch he asked for a glass he had finished lunch he asked for a glass of water.of water.I did not understand the problem.He explained I did not understand the proble

28、m.He explained had I had notnot understood the problem understood the problem until until he he explained it.explained it.第24页【Special Difficulties】Ask与Ask For:ask v.问,问询;请求,要求,邀请 ask a question/ask sb.问(一个问题)/问某人I asked(Mary)a question.They asked Tony to sing a song.They asked her to spend the weekend with them.ask for 要,要求(某样东西)ask for the answer I asked for a cup of coffee,but they gave me a cup of tea.You are always asking for help.第25页


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