1、常年法律顾问合同书Permanent Legal Advisor Contract甲方:Party A:乙方:Party B: 甲方因生产、经营和管理工作需要,根据中华人民共和国律师法第二十五条第一款之规定,聘请乙方担任常年法律顾问,乙方接受聘请,经双方协议签订本合同,共同遵守:In accordance with stipulations of Section 1 of Article 25 of the Act of Lawyer of the Peoples Republic of China, due to needs of production, operation and mana
2、gement, Party A employs Party B as the permanent legal advisor, and Party B accepts the employment, based on which both parties enter into and abide by this contract:一、乙方指派 律师担任甲方的常年法律顾问。I. Party B designates Lawyer as the permanent legal advisor of party A. 二、法律顾问的工作任务:II. Legal Advisors Mission:乙方
3、组建律师团队,为甲方依法进行生产、经营、管理或其他活动提供专业、高效、细致、深入的法律服务,以企业的法律风险防范与控制为重心,以提高企业的法律风险防控能力为重点,降低法律风险,规范内部管理,提高企业的运作质量,受托办理有关法律事务,维护甲方的合法权益,促进甲方生产、经营的发展。Party B shall establish lawyer team, provide professional, high-efficiency, detailed and in-depth legal services for production, operation and management of Part
4、y A by law, center on enterprises legal-risk prevention & control, emphasize reinforcement of the enterprises legal-risk prevention & control capacities, reduce legal risks, regularize interior management, enhance enterprises operation quality, handle relevant legal affairs under entrustment, safegu
5、ard legal rights & interests of Party A, and facilitate development of production & operation of Party A. 三、法律顾问的服务原则:III. Legal Advisors Principles of Service:1、法律顾问提供服务,严格坚持“以事实为依据,以法律为准绳”的原则;1. The legal advisor shall stringently adhere to the principle of “setting facts as the basis and laws as
6、the criterion” in the course of service provision;2、法律顾问在服务过程中贯彻“事前预防为主、事后救济为辅”的原则,以尽量避免或减少不必要的纠纷诉讼。2. The legal advisor shall carry out the “beforehand prevention-prioritized and subsequent relief-supplemented” principle in the course of service provision so as to avoid or reduce unnecessary disput
7、e lawsuits;3、法律顾问提供服务严格按照律师行业公认的业务标准和道德规范,并遵循勤勉尽责和诚实信用的原则。3. The legal advisor shall stringently stick to the business standards and code of ethics recognized by the practice of law, and abide by the principle of due diligence and good faith in the course of service provision. 四、法律顾问服务范围:IV. Legal A
8、dvisors Scope of Services:1、就甲方生产、经营、管理中的重要事务,包括涉外事务提供法律咨询服务,对甲方重大决策提供法律咨询意见,进行法律论证;1. Provide legal consultation services with regards to important affairs of Party A in production, operation and management (including foreign affairs), and provide legal advisory opinions & legal argument for major
9、decisions of Party A;2、 草拟、修改、审查甲方生产、经营、管理中的重要合同、建设工程设计合同、规章制度及其他法律事务文书;2. Draw up, alter and review important contracts, construction engineering design contracts, rules & regulations and other legal-affair instrument of Party A in production, operation and management;3、协助甲方有关部门对职工进行法制宣传教育;3. Assis
10、t relevant departments of Party A with legal propaganda & education of personnel;4、协助甲方审查和准备谈判所需的各类法律文书(包括涉外法律文书),参加经济项目谈判;4. Assist Party A with the review, prepare all the legal instrument necessary for negotiations (including foreign-affair legal instrument), and participate in negotiations of ec
11、onomic projects; 5、就甲方企业改制、收购、兼并、联营、破产、租赁、融资等专项经营活动提供法律咨询服务,或受甲方委托作为项目法律顾问提供单项法律服务;5. Provide legal consultation services for Party As special business activities like enterprise restructuring, acquisition, merger, joint operation, bankruptcy, lease and financing, etc., or serve as the legal advisor
12、 of the project to provide single legal services under entrustment of Party A;6、参与处理涉及甲方的诉讼及非诉讼法律纠纷;6. Participate in the handling of lawsuits and non-lawsuit legal disputes in which Party A is involved;7、向甲方提供国家有关法律信息,就甲方经营管理中的问题提出法律意见;7. Provide to Party A information relevant to national laws and
13、 legal opinions about problems in Party As operation and management;8、办理甲方委托办理的其他法律事务。8. Handle other legal affairs under entrustment of Party A. 五、法律顾问服务方式:V. Legal Advisors Service Mode:甲方遇有法律事务,应随时与顾问律师联系,乙方顾问律师应保持与甲方的良好沟通,定期到甲方了解生产经营情况,提供法律服务。Party A shall contact with the legal advisor at any m
14、oment it encounters legal affairs, and Party Bs legal advisor shall maintain sound communication with Party A, periodically visiting Party As site to realize production and operation status of Party A in order to provide corresponding legal services.六、为了便于法律顾问完成委托事务,甲方履行以下义务:VI. For purpose of facil
15、itating the legal advisors fulfillment of entrusted affairs, Party A shall fulfill the following obligations:1、安排一名专职人员,配合律师工作,负责与乙方律师联络;1. Arrange a full-time staff member to assist the legal advisor with the work, and take charge of contact with Party Bs legal advisor;2、如实向乙方律师提供与委托办理的法律事务有关的文件资料和
16、事实情况;2. Truthfully provide to Party Bs legal advisor the documents and fact situations relevant to entrusted legal affairs;3、如实向乙方律师提供生产、经营、管理和对外联系中的有关情况;3. Truthfully provide to Party Bs legal advisor the conditions relevant to production, operation, management and external contacts;4、通知乙方律师列席甲方有关的
17、会议和决策论证活动。4. Inform Party Bs legal advisor of attendance of relevant conference and decision-making activities as a non-voting delegates.5、依法承担因隐瞒事实真实情况或提供虚假的事实、虚假证据资料而造成的法律后果;5. Assume by law the legal consequences resulted from concealing facts or providing false statement of facts or evidentiary
18、materials;6、提供法律顾问律师履行职责所必需的办公、交通、人员配合等工作条件。6. Provide working conditions necessary for the legal advisors fulfillment of obligations, such as office, traffic and personnel cooperation, etc.七、乙方提供法律服务,应履行以下义务:VII. Party B shall fulfill the following obligations in provision of legal services:1、应当及时承
19、办甲方委托的有关法律事务,认真履行职责;1. Promptly undertake relevant legal affairs entrusted by Party A, and sincerely fulfill obligations;2、发现甲方有违法行为的,应当予以劝阻;2. Dissuade Party A once discovering illegal conduct by Party A;3、应在合同规定和甲方授权范围内进行工作,不得超越委托代理权限;3. Carry out work as per contract stipulations as well as the s
20、cope authorized by Party A, and working beyond entrusted authority is prohibited;4、不得从事有损甲方合法权益的活动;4. Engage in no activities that do harm to Party As legal rights and interests;5、对于甲方提供的有关事实、资料负有保密义务;5. Execute the duty of confidentiality for relevant facts and materials provided by Party A;6、受聘律师因
21、故不能履行职责的,乙方应及时指派律师接替,不得贻误工作;6. In case the employed legal advisor cannot fulfill the obligations due to certain reasons, then Party B shall promptly designate substitute legal advisor for the takeover so as not to delay the work;7、法律顾问律师在执业活动中因过错给甲方造成损失的,乙方应依法承担赔偿责任。7. In the event that the legal ad
22、visor does damage to Party A due to his or her own faults during the practicing activity, then Party B shall assume the liability to pay compensations by law. 八、根据中华人民共和国律师法的规定,乙方为甲方服务为有偿服务。经双方协商同意,甲方向乙方支付法律顾问费计 元整,于签订本合同之日起五日内付清。VIII. In accordance with the Act of Lawyer of the Peoples Republic of
23、China, the services Party B provides to Party A are paid ones. After negotiation, both parties agree that Party A pays to party B legal advisory fee Yuan Only, which shall be paid off within 5 days since the signing date of this contract. 九、甲方遇有诉讼或仲裁,重大经济项目谈判、改制、合并、重组、项目合作、项目转让等专项非诉讼法律事务,在交由乙方律师办理时,
24、应按照山东省律师服务收费标准及其他有关规定,另行办理委托手续、缴纳代理费用(代理费双方另行协商确定)。IX. In case Party A entrusts Party Bs legal advisor to handle any lawsuit, arbitration, or special non-lawsuit legal affairs like major economic project negotiation, restructuring, merger, reorganization and project cooperation & transfer, etc., ent
25、rustment formalities shall be handled while commission fees shall be paid separately pursuant to the Standards for Lawyers Service Fees in Shandong Province (the commission fees shall be confirmed by both parties separately). 十、乙方顾问律师承办甲方委托的法律事务所必需的交通差旅费用,由甲方承担。X. The traffic and travel expenses nec
26、essary for Party Bs undertaking of legal affairs under Party As entrustment shall be borne by Party A.十一、其它约定:无XI. Miscellaneous: Nil.十二、本协议一式四份,双方各执贰份。协议自双方盖章之日起生效,有效期自二0一七年一月一日至二0一七年十二月三十一日止。XII. This agreement is in quadruplicate, and each party shall keep two copies. This agreement shall come in
27、to effect since the date the agreement is sealed by both parties. The valid period is from January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2017.十三、本合同未尽事宜,双方协商解决。XIII. For issues unmentioned in the contract, both parties shall solve them through negotiation.甲方:Party A:法定代表人:Legal Representative: 地址:Address: 开户银行:Account-opening Bank: 帐号:Account Name: 乙方:Party B:法定代表人:Legal Representative:地址:Address: 开户银行:Account-opening Bank: 帐号:Account Number: 二O一七年一月一日January 1, 2017
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