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1、Unit8 词组归纳1、给我带些吃东西bring me something to eat (brought)2、这就对了。 Thats it.3、看着金鱼游来游去watch the goldfish swim around (watched,swam)4、喜欢睡在我膝盖上love to sleep on my knees5、把它拿在手里hold it in my hand (held)6、给她喂胡萝卜(2种)feed her carrots feed carrots to her (fed)7、教鹦鹉说话teach a parrot to speak (taught)8、最聪颖动物the cl

2、everest animal9、追逐一种球run after a ball (ran)10、睁大眼睛with eyes open wide 长大嘴巴open your mouth wide11、做精彩把戏do/play wonderful tricks捉弄某人play a trick on sb./play tricks on sb12、用树枝搭建营地(2种)build camps out of sticks use sticks to build camps13、直到最终till/ until the end14、陷入困境be in trouble做某事有困难have trouble doi

3、ng sth.制造麻烦make trouble15、不必做某事(3种)dont have to dodont need to doneedt do16、一次轻柔触摸a gentle touch17、躲在椅子下hide under the chair (hid)18、发出美妙声音make nice sounds 发出噪音 make much noise make a big noise 19、金鱼很安静并且很轻易照顾。Goldfish are quiet and easy to look after.20、反复我话repeat my words21、返回家(2种)come back home r

4、eturn home22、一直,一直all the time23、我认为没有人会想要一条蛇。I dont think anybody wants a snake.(否认前置)24、同意某人观点agree with sb.同意做某事agree to do25、假如你喜欢蛇话,养条蛇也没什么错。There is nothing wrong with keeping a snake,if you like it.26、用你手去捞金鱼pick up goldfish with your hands27、把金鱼放在太阳下put goldfish in the sun28、重达400克weigh (up

5、to)400 grams重量the weight of减肥lose weight (go on a diet)增肥put on weight29、长大到20厘米长grow up to be 20 centimeters long一条20厘米长金鱼a 20-centimeter-long goldfish30、这条金鱼重多少?(2种)How much does this goldfish weigh? How heavy is this goldfish?31、理解learn about32、金鱼能长到多大?How big can goldfish grow?33、发出噪音make noise3

6、4、非常喜欢运动like exercise (n.)a lot35、遛狗(2种)walk the dog take the dog for a walk36、刷毛brush its fur37、给她们喂太多feed them too much38、重约2公斤weigh about 2 kilograms (weighed过去式)39、玩球play with a ball40、当她饿了时候她就喵喵叫。When she is hungry,she will miaow.41、把照顾好(2种)take good care of look after. wellUnit 7词组归纳1、信不信由你bel

7、ieve it or not 2、小心look out / take care/ be careful Look out for/ take care of / be careful with be careful (not) to do sth.3、植树plant trees4、协助一位老人过马路help an old man cross the road5、把公园打扫洁净clean up the park6、在公交车上给某人让座give a seat to somebody on the bus7、为但愿工程搜集物品collect things for Project Hope为孩子们搜集

8、某些书collect some books for children8、访问敬老院visit an old peoples home9、咱们能为贫困地区孩子们做什么呢?What can we do for the children in poor areas?10、最需要衣服和鞋need clothes and shoes most11、寄某物给某人send sth. to sb. send sb to s.p (把某人派往某地)12、有能力支付钢笔和笔记本费用be able to pay for pens and notebooks13、为某人募捐raise money for donate

9、 money to 14、把她邻居从火灾中救出来save his neighbour from a fire15、她足够勇敢能,把她邻居从火灾中救了出来。He was brave enough to save his neighbour from a fire.16、独自在家(3种)be at home alone/ on ones own/ by oneself17、听到有人正在叫喊hear sb. shouting听到某人求救hear sb. calling for help18、跑出来run out of19、伤得很重be badly hurt20、把水泼在她衣服上pour water

10、over his clothes21、保护不受伤害protect . from .22、冲进去rush into24、把火扑灭put out the fire (stop the fire from burning)25、住院be in hospital (for months)26、给她送花和礼品give him flowers and presents27、在那时(2种)at that time/ just then28、有时间做考虑某事have time to think about sth.29、听起来很危险sound dangerous30、四条提议four pieces of ad

11、vice31、小心烟火be careful with fire32、不要玩火柴dont play with matches33、不要把任何烫东西放入垃圾箱dont put anything hot into the rubbish bin34、使你头发远离火keep your hair away from fire35、游过扬子江swim across the Yangze River 36、一种玩乐好地方a good place to have fun37、用你 打个 make a call on your mobile38、把我 掉家里了leave my mobile at home39、

12、顺便问一下by the way40、随身带好你相机take your camera with you41、没问题no problem42、透过墙看see through walls43、就像X光be like X-rays44、用她眼睛使东西燃烧burn things with his eyes45、用她双手使火车停下来stop the train with his hands46、飞得像光同样快fly as fast as light47、需要多读和多说need to read more and speak more48、努力学习work hard on 49、对非常理解know a lot

13、 about50、写得好文章write good articles51、尽某人最大努力做某事do/ try ones best to do sth.52、在学校演出上弹钢琴play the piano at school shows53、在上做得好do well in在上做得更好do better in54、刻苦操演practise hard55、进入校队get into the school team56、在六岁开始拉小提琴start to play the violin at the age of six57、推荐某人得奖recommend sb. for推荐某人做某事recommend

14、sb. to do58、学东西快learn things quickly59、为俱乐部做大某些电脑工作do most of the computer work for the club60、仔细考虑think carefully61、把每件事都筹划很好plan everything well62、参与活动take part in activities63、为需要协助孩子们搜集衣服和书collect clothes and books for children in need64、迷路(2种)get lost lose ones way65、得到一种奖项get an award66、收到某人来信

15、hear form sb.67 开始做某事 start to do /start doing sth begin to do /begin doing sth68 向我展示怎样拉小提琴 show me how to play the violin69这学期 this term 70 听到远处地东西 hear things far away 71 身体变得更好 get better (get well )72 找出来,弄明白 find out 73 着火 be on fire catch fire 74 发现她在厨房 find her in the kitchen 发现钱包躺在地上 find a

16、 wallet lying on the ground 75 那时候你胆怯吗? Were you afarid at that moment?76 感觉有点不舒适 feel a little sick 77 呆在医院 stay in hospital 78 协助她出来 help her out 79 付学费 pay (money) for school 80 浓烟 heavy smoke Unit 6词组归纳1、快点hurry up 匆匆忙忙得in a hurryhurry to do sth.2、帮某人搬某物carry sth. for sb.3、埋怨太多complain too much向

17、某人埋怨某事complain to sb. about sth.4、户外活动outdoor activities5、你想尝试下什么户外活动?What outdoor activity would you like to try?6、去骑马go riding去野营go camping去慢跑go jogging去溜冰go skating去骑车go cycling7、你喜欢这部电影什么?What do you like about the film?8、一种阳光明媚一天a sunny day9、坐在河边sit by the river10、听到一种声音hear a sound11、昂首look up

18、查找单词look up the word12、看到某人正在做某事see sb. doing sth.13、通过pass by14、一只穿着外套白兔a white rabbit in a coat15、从它口袋里取出一块手表take a watch out of the pocket16、多么令人惊讶啊!How amazing!17、站起来stand up18、跑过田野run across the field追赶那只兔子run after the rabbit19、逃脱get away20、抵达地面hit the ground21、发现她自己独自一人find herself alone22、到处

19、all around23、把钥匙插入门put the key into the door24、在此外一边on the other side25、穿过那扇门go through the door26、用钥匙打开门(两种)open the door with the key use the key to open the door27、某事使某人惊讶sth. surprise sb.28、搭建帐篷put up a tent29、在湖上划船row a boat on the lake30、整晚住在外面stay outside all night31、对感爱好be interested in32、懂得

20、该做什么know what to do33、返回到(2种)go back to return to返回到桌子边go back to the table34、一种小瓶a little bottle一只小羊a little sheep喝了一点drink a little觉得有点恶心,不舒适feel a little sick35、尝起来甜甜taste sweet36、又喝了些drink some more37、低头看look down38、变得越来越小become smaller and smaller变得越来越漂亮become more and more beautiful39、她足够小,可以穿

21、过那扇门。She is small enough to go through the door.她年龄足够大,可以上学了。He is old enough to go to school.她足够高,可以够得着树上苹果。He is tall enough to reach the apples on the tree.40、决定做某事decide to do sth.做出一种决定make a decision41、进入花园enter the garden入口the entrance to42、走向门walk towards the door43、太以至于不能too. to.她年龄太小了还不能上学

22、。(2种)He is too young to go to school. He is not old enough to go to school.她个子太矮了,够不着书上苹果。(2种)He is too short to reach the apples on the tree. He is not tall enough to reach the apples on the tree.44、试图爬上去try to clime up45、考试没有及格fail in the exam没有做成某事fail to do sth.46、她发生什么事了?What happened to her?47

23、、有悠久历史have a long history48、在历史上in history49、用木头做了一只鸟make a bird out of wood50、用竹子做风筝use bamboo to make kites51、找到了一种造纸新措施find a new way to make paper52、一位意大利人an Italian man53、告诉西方人有关风筝一切tell the people in the west all about the kites54、以而出名be famous for作为而出名be famous as以制作风筝而出名be famous for making

24、kites55、从那后来from then on56、进行一次野餐have/ go on a picnic57、在湖里游泳时危险。It is dangerous to swim in the lake.58、记得带上你 remember to take your mobile phone记得做过某事remember doing sth.Unit5 词组归纳1、令人惊讶是事 amazing things2、一种不明飞行物a UFO3、得了吧come on4、它明亮灯its bright lights5、飞机上灯the lights on the plane6、这个世界充满了令人惊讶事。The w

25、orld is full of amazing things.7、有趣事实fun facts8、鱼是睁着眼睛睡觉。Fish sleep with their eyes open.9、自从出生以来同样大小 the same size from birth10、停止做某事stop doing sth.停下来去做某事stop to do sth.11、比大几倍. times larger than.比大三倍three times larger than12、在大象脚后部in the back of elephants feet13、莫非那不令人惊讶吗?Isnt that amazing?14、回到学

26、校come back to school15、11厘米长11 centimeters long16、很久此前a long time ago17、生活在地球上live on the earth18、某件奇怪事something strange19、公园里鬼the ghost in the park20、和往常同样as usuall21、在一棵大树下坐了下来sit down under a big tree22、听到来自灌木丛中一种低语声hear a whisper from the bushes23、转过身turn around24、什么都没看到see nothing25、答复某人reply t

27、o sb.26、迅速地离开公园leave the park quickly27、在她们回家路上on their way home在她们上学路上on their way to school28、某人发生某事sth. happen to sb.29、告诉她一切tell him everything30、搜寻灌木丛找那个鬼search the bushes for the ghost31、自言自语say to oneself32、听起来像低语声sound like a whisper33、捡起某事pick sth. up34、做某事非常惊讶be surprised to do对非常惊讶be surp

28、rised at sth.令某人惊讶是to ones surprise35、那天后来later that day36、带那只小猫去动物中心take the little cat to the animal center37、有个长脖子have a long neck38、在寒冷冬季几种月几乎不吃任何东西eat little or nothing for months in cold winter39、生活在非常干燥地方live in very dry places40、嗅觉敏捷smell things well41、给写一封感谢信write a thank-you letter42、保持房间洁

29、净keep the room clean保持窗户是开着/关闭keep the window open/ closed43、再也不(2种)not.any more no more44、听说(2种)hear of/ about收到某人来信hear from sb.45、骑车环游80多种国家travel around over 80 countries by bike46、前几天the other day47、用粉笔画3D画draw 3-D pictures with chalk48、长颈鹿脖子里只有7块骨头,我懂得了感到非常惊讶。Im surprised to know a giraffe has

30、 only 7 bones in its long neck.49、很有趣是,骆驼可以好长时间没有水照样生存。It is interesting that camels can live without water for a long time.50、筹划做某事plan to do sth.51、一种叫做约翰男子a man called/named John52、打牌play cards53、在两边面包中放肉put meat between two pieces of bread54、变得在全世界流行become popular all over the world55、到1935年为止by

31、 193556、投入使用be in use57、每100个家庭per 100 families58、和同样as . as不像同样not as/so . as和同样大as large as59、咱们生活在一种有许多令人惊讶事精彩世界。We live in a wonderful world with a lot of amazing things.60、祈求,要ask for61、至少at least最多at mostUnit 4 词组和句子归纳1、跟着我 follow me2、确定,确信 be sure3、下去,上去 go up/ go down4、不要胆怯 dont be afraid5、不

32、得不做某事 have to do sth.不必做某事 dont have to do sth.6、进行一次旅行 go on a trip7、动物园在我家东边。 The zoo is east of my home.8、咱们要去哪进行咱们班级旅行? Where are we going for our class trip?9、三千米远 three kilometers away10、一直走 go straight on11、喜欢吃竹子 like to eat bamboo12、成天躺着 lie down all day long13、沿着路一直走walk along the road14、动物

33、世界国王the king of the animal world15、记得要去做某事remember to do sth.记得做过某事remember doing sth.16、靠近狮子go near lions17、向左拐turn left向左拐进入turn left into18、发出美妙声音make beautiful sounds19、跳来跳去jump around20、使人们大笑make people laugh21、吃来自书上叶子eat leaves from the trees22、穿过桥(两种)go across the bridge cross the bridge23、就像

34、打开扇子be like open fans24、旅途快乐have a nice trip25、一直走,你就会发现熊猫馆。Walk straight on,and you will find the Panda House.26、躺在草地上lie on the grass27、多么可爱啊!How cute!28、长得像它妈妈look like its mother29、在开阔区域in the open area30、在一种很大笼子里in a very large cage31、半小时后half an hour later32、站在那里stand over there33、通过那栋房子walk p

35、ast the house34、沿着河边小路走walk along the path next to the river35、在第二个路口向右拐(两种)turn right at the second turning take the second turning on the right36、寻宝find treasure37、沿着小路走,你就会看到那个房子在你左边。Walk along the path,you will see the house on your left.38、英语角an English Corner39、在交通灯处at the traffic lights40、在角落

36、里(室内)in the corner of在角落里(室外)at the corner of41、一封邀请函an invitation letter42、邀请某人来参与约会invite sb. to the party邀请某人做某事invite sb. to do sth.43、这个周末我打算在家开一种生日派对。I am going to have a party at home this weekend.44、大量,充足plenty of45、为某人准备某物prepare sth. for sb.为做准备prepare for46、去我家路the way to my home47、我很快乐能邀

37、请你来参与我生日约会。I am happy to invite you to my birthday party.48、吃一顿大餐have a big dinner49、一种另一种one. the other.Unit 3 词组归纳1、一位我老朋友an old friend of mine一位我妈妈朋友a friend of my mothers2、冰箱里什么都没有。(2种)There is nothing in the fridge. There isnt anything in the fridge.3、稍候wait a minute4、一听狗粮a tin of dog food5、订一份

38、披萨 order a pizza6、来自英国交流生 exchange students from the UK7、带她们去电影院 take them to the cinema8、看某些精彩电影 watch some wonderful films9、购物很有乐趣。(2种) Shopping is fun. It is fun to shop.10、邀请她们吃饭 invite them do have dinner11、尝试某些中华人民共和国食物 try some Chinese food努力做某事 try to do sth.尽某人最大努力做某事 try ones best to do st

39、h.试一试 have a try12、在阳光镇有许多事情可以做。There are many things to do in Sunshine Town.13、呆在一种安静小镇 stay in a quiet town14、乘地铁从阳光镇到北京市中心只要40分钟。 It takes only 40 minutes to go from Sunshine Town to the center of Beijing by underground.15、给你家人买精美礼品 buy wonderful presents for your family16、因而出名 be famous for以身份而出

40、名 be famous as17、中餐馆/西餐馆 Chinese restaurant/ Western restaurant18、欣赏京剧 enjoy Beijing opera19、参观咱们当地剧院 visit our local theatre20、更多地理解中华人民共和国艺术 know more about Chinese art21、错过京剧演出 miss the opera shows22、期盼做某事 look forward to doing sth.23、属于某人 belong to sb.24、到处都是、遍地都是 all over the place25、在那里有许多东西可以

41、看 There are many things to see there.26、金銮宝座 the golden throne27、艺术品 woks of art28、国画 Chinese paintings29、更多东西 many more things30、故宫博物馆 the Palace Museum31、在湖上划船 row a boat on the lake32、乘公交车40分钟(2种) forty minutes by bus forty minutes ride33、步行40分钟(2种) forty minutes on foot forty minutes walk34、拥有一种有4间卧室公寓 own a four-bedroom flat35、其她某样东西 something else其她某个人 someone else其她某个人 someone elses36、互换生之一 one of the exchange students37、喂养奶牛 raise cows38、种植小麦 grow wheat39、认识对方 know each other40、对某人友好 be friendly to sb.41、在一种农场上 on a farm42、闻花香 smell the flowers43、听鸟叫 hear the birds s


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