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1、Part III Listening Comprehension Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and2 long conversations At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once After each ques

2、tion there will be a pause During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre11W: This crazy bus schedule has got me completely confused I cant figur

3、e out when my bus to Cleveland leaves?M: Why dont you just go to the ticket window and ask?Q: What does the man suggest the woman do?12W: I really enjoyed the TV special about drafts last night Did you get home in time to see it?W: Oh, yes, but I wish I could have stayed awake long enough to see the

4、 whole thingQ: What does the man mean?13W: Airport, please Im running a little late So just take the fastest way even if its not the most directM: Sure, but there is a lot of traffic everywhere today because of the football gameQ: What do we learn about the woman from the conversation?14W: May I mak

5、e a recommendation, sir? Our seafood with this special sauce is very goodM: Thank you, but I dont eat shellfish Im allergic to itQ: Where does this conversation most probably take place?15 W: now one more question if you dont mind, what position in the company appeals to you most?M: Well, Id like th

6、e position of sales manager if that position is still vacantQ: What do we learn about the man?16 M: I dont think I want to live in the dormitory next year I need more privacyW: I know what you mean But check out the cost if renting an apartment first I wont be surprised if you change your mindQ: Wha

7、t does the woman imply?17 M: Youre on the right track I just think you need to narrow the topic downW: Yeah, youre right I always start by choosing two boarder topics when Im doing a research paperQ: What do we learn from the conversation?18 W: This picnic should beat the last one we went to, doesnt

8、 it?M: Oh, yeah, we had to spend the whole time inside Good thing, the weather was cooperative this timeWhat do we learn about the speakers from the conversation?Long ConversationConversation OneM: When I say I live in Sweden, people always want to know about the seasonsW: The seasons?M: Yeah, you k

9、now how cold it is in winter? What is it like when the days are so short?W: So what is it like?M: Well, it is cold ,very cold in winter Sometimes it is cold as 26 degrees below centigrade And of course when you go out, youll wrap up warm But inside in the houses its always very warm, much warmer tha

10、n at home Swedish people always complain that when they visit England, the houses are cold even in the good winterW: And what about the darkness?M: Well, yeah, around Christmas time theres only one hour of daylight, so you really looks forward to the spring It is sometimes a bit depressing But you s

11、ee the summers are amazing, from May to July in the North of Sweden the sun never sets Its still light in the midnight You can walk in the mountains and read a newspaperW: Oh, yeah, the land of the midnight sunM: Yeah, thats right, but its wonderful You wont stay up all night And the Swedes makes mo

12、st of it often they started work earlier in summer and then leave at about 2 or 3 in the afternoon, so that they can really enjoy the long summer evenings Theyd like to work hard, but play hard, too I think Londoners work longer hours, but Im not sure this is a good thingQ19: What do we learn about

13、the man from the conversation?Q20: What do Swedish people complain about when they visit England in winter?Q21: How does the man describe the short hour of daylight around Christmas in Sweden?Q21: What does the man say about the Swedish people?Conversation TwoW: What kind of training does one need t

14、o go into this type of job?M: Thats a very good question I dont think there is any, specificallyW: For example, in your case, what was your educational background?M: Well, I did a degree in French at Nottingham After that, I did careers work in secondary schools like the careers guidance people Here

15、 is in the university Then I went into local government because I found I was more interested in the administrative side Then progressed on to universities So there wasnt any plan and there was no specific training There are plenty of training courses in management techniques and committee work whic

16、h you can attend nowW: But in the first place, you did a French degreeM: In my time, there wasnt a degree you could do for administration I think most of the administrators Ive come across have degrees and all sorts of thingsW: Well, I know in my case, I did an English literature degree and I didnt

17、really expect to end up doing what I am doing nowM: QuiteW: But you are local to Nottingham, actually? Is there any reason why you went to Nottingham University?M: No, no, I come from the north of England, from west Yorkshire Nottingham was one of the universities I put on my list And I like the loo

18、k of it The campus is just beautifulW: Yes, indeed Lets see Were you from the industrial part of Yorkshire?M: Yes, from the Woolen DistrictQ23 What was the mans major at university?Q24: What was the mans job in secondary schools?Q25: What attracted the man to Nottingham University?Section BPassage O

19、neWhile Gail Obcamp, an American artist was giving a speech on the art of Japanese brush painting to an audience that included visitors from Japan, she was confused to see that many of her Japanese listeners have their eyes closed Were they tuned off because an American had the nerve to instruct Jap

20、anese in their own art form or they deliberately tried to signal their rejection of her? Obcamp later found out that her listeners were not being disrespectful Japanese listeners sometimes closed their eyes to enhance concentration Her listeners were showing their respect for her by chewing on her w

21、ords Some day you may be either a speaker or a listener in a situation involving people from other countries or members of minority group in North America Learning how different cultures signal respect can help you avoid misunderstandings Here are some examples In the deaf culture of North America,

22、many listeners show applause not by clapping their hands but by waving them in the air In some cultures, both overseas and in some minority groups in North America, listeners are considered disrespectful if they look directly at the speaker Respect is shown by looking in the general direction but av

23、oiding direct eye contact In some countries, whistling by listeners is a sign of approval while in other courtiers it is a form of insultQuestions:26, What did Obcamps speech focus on?27, Why do Japanese listeners sometimes close their eyes while listening to a speech?28, What does the speaker try t

24、o explain?Passage TwoChris is in charge of purchasing and maintaining equipment in his Division at Taxlong Company He is soon going to have an evaluation interview with his supervisor and the personnel director to discuss the work he has done in the past year Salary, promotion and plans for the comi

25、ng year will also be discussed at the meeting Chris has made several changes for his Division in the past year First, he bought new equipment for one of the departments He has been particularly happy about the new equipment because many of the employees have told him how much it has helped them Alon

26、g with improving the equipment, Chris began a program to train employees to use equipment better and do simple maintenance themselves The training saved time for the employees and money for the company Unfortunately, one serious problem developed during the year Two employees the Chris hired were st

27、ealing, and he had to fire them Chris knows that a new job for a purchasing and maintenance manager for the whole company will be open in a few months, and he would like to be promoted to the job Chris knows, however, that someone else wants that new job, too Kim is in charge of purchasing and maint

28、enance in another Division of the company She has also made several changes over the year Chris knows that his boss likes Kims work, and he expects that his work will be compared with hersQuestions 29 to 32 are based on the passage you have just heard29 What is Chriss main responsibility at Taxlong

29、Company?30 What problem did Chris encounter in his Division?31 What does Chris hope for in the near future?32 What do we learn about Kim from the passage?Passage ThreeProverbs, sometimes called sayings, are examples of folk wisdom They are little lessons which older people of a culture pass down to

30、the younger people to teach them about life Many proverbs remind people of the values that are important in the culture Values teach people how to act, what is right, and what is wrong Because the values of each culture are different, understanding the values of another culture helps explain how peo

31、ple think and act Understanding your own culture values is important too If you can accept that people from other cultures act according to their values, not yours, getting along with them will be much easier Many proverbs are very old So some of the values they teach may not be as important in the

32、culture as they once were For example, Americans today do not pay much attention to the proverb “Haste makes waste”, because patience is not important to them But if you know about past values, it helps you to understand the present and many of the older values are still strong today Benjamin Frankl

33、in, a famous American diplomat, writer and scientist, died in 1790, but his proverb “Time is money” is taken more seriously by Americans of today than ever before A study of proverbs from around the world shows that some values are shared by many cultures In many cases though, the same idea is expre

34、ssed differentlyQuestions 33 35 are based on the passage you have just heard33 Why are proverbs so important?34 According to the speaker what happens to some proverbs with the passage of time?35 What do we learn from the study of proverbs from around the world?Section CCompound DictationOur lives ar

35、e woven together As much as I enjoy my own company, I no longer imagine I can get through a single day much less all my life completely on my own Even if I am on vacation in the mountains, I am eating food someone else has grown, living in a house someone else has built, wearing clothes someone else

36、 has sewn from cloth woven by others, using electricity someone else is distributing to my house Evidence of interdependence is everywhere; we are on this journey togetherAs I was growing up, I remember being carefully taught that independence not interdependence was everything “Make your own way”,”

37、 Stand on your own two feet” or my mothers favorite remark when I was facetoface with consequences of some action: Now that youve made your bed, lie on itTotal independence is a dominant thing in our culture I imagine that what my parents were trying to teach me was to take responsibilities for my a

38、ctions and my choices But the teaching was shaped by our cultural imagines And instead, I grew up believing that I was supposed to be totally independent and consequently became very reluctant to ask for help I would do almost anything not to be a burden, and not require any help from anybody2023年12

39、月英语四级考试听力答案听力11 ask the staff12 b TV program13 missing her flight14 at a restaurant15 of the woman16 a lowrent apartment17 otpic more focused18 they didnot19 he likes20 the cold21 depressing22 they work23 french24 careers25 its26 the art of27 to enhance28 how listeners29 directing30 twoofhis employe

40、e31 advancement32 sheis competing33 The help34 Their wording35 Some听力篇章36 company37 single38 completely39 vacation40 built41 ecectricity42 evidence43 JourneyWhy Integrity Matters为何正直很重要What is Integrity?正直是什么?Integrity is defined as adherence to moral and ethical principles; honesty The key to integ

41、rity is consistencynot only setting high personal standards for oneself (honesty, responsibility, respect for others, fairness) but also living up to those standards each day One who has integrity is bound by and follows moral and ethical standards even when making lifes hard choices, choices which

42、may be clouded by stress, pressure to succeed, or temptation对于integrity(正直)这个词旳定义是“坚守道德伦理原则,诚实”,到达正直旳关键是一致性:不仅给自己树立高原则(诚实守信、有责任感、尊重他人、公平公正),更要坚持不懈遵守这些原则。正直旳人虽然在面对人生中艰难旳选择时,例如饱受精神压力、不许失败旳外部压力或者充斥诱惑旳选择,他也能感到道德伦理旳约束并遵守准则。What happens if we lie, cheat, steal, or violate other ethical standards? We feel

43、disappointed in ourselves and ashamed But a lapse of integrity also affects our relationships with others Trust is essential in any important relationship, whether personal or professional Who can trust someone who is dishonest or unfair? Thus, integrity must be one of our most important goals假如我们说谎

44、了、骗人了、偷盗了、违反其他伦理准则了会怎样?我们会对自己感到失望、感到羞愧。正直旳缺失对人际关系也会产生影响。在任何重要旳人际关系中,不管是私人关系还是职业关系,信任都是必不可少旳。可是谁能去相信一种不诚实、不公正旳人呢?因此说,正直绝对是我们最重要旳目旳之一。Risky Business风险那些事We are each responsible for our own decisions, even if the decisionmaking process has been undermined by stress or peer pressure The real test of cha

45、racter is whether we can learn from our mistake, by understanding why we acted as we did, and then exploring ways to avoid similar problems in the future我们每个人都需要对自己旳决定负责,即便在做决定旳过程中受到了精神压力或同事施加旳压力旳影响。对于性格旳真正考验是看我们能否从过错中吸取经验,解析自己为何会犯下过错,从而去探索措施,在未来防止类似问题。Making ethical decisions is a critical part of

46、avoiding future problems We must learn to recognize risks, because if we cant see the risks were taking, we cant make responsible choices To identify risks, we need to know the rules and be aware of the facts For example, one who doesnt know the rules about plagiarism may accidentally use words or i

47、deas without giving proper credit, or one who fails to keep careful research notes may unintentionally fail to quote and cite sources as required But the fact that such a violation is unintentional does not excuse the misconduct Ignorance is not a defense想要防止未来出错,做出合乎道德旳决定至关重要。我们必须学会认识风险,由于看不到自己承担旳风险就做不出负责旳决定。想要认识风险,我们需要懂得事情旳规则,并对实际状况有所察觉。比方说,一种不清晰抄袭规则旳人也许不经意间没有向作者守信便用了他旳话或观点,一种在研究过程中没有仔细记录资料来源旳人也许无意中忘了将资料标注为引用而直接使用。这样旳违规虽然不是故意为之,但“无意”并不能作为行为不端旳借口,无知不能作为辩护。But Everybody Does It别说“每个人都这样干”Most people who get in trouble do kno


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