1、英国文学选读教学课件第1页第1页Unit3 Francis Bacon (I561-1626)Of Marriage and Single LifeOf Studies第2页第2页Francis Bacon(15611626)Francis Bacon,the youngest son of Sir Nicholas Bacon,Keeper of the Privy Seal to Queen Elizabeth.He went to Cambridge University at twelve.He took up law after graduation,and soon became
2、successful.He became a member of the House of Commons(下议院)at the age of twenty-three.His alliance with the bourgeoisie(中产阶级)offended Queen Elizabeth who,up until that time had liked him.When James I came to the throne,Bacon became Lord Chancellor and was made a knight in 1618.In the course of his cl
3、imbing to the top,however,he made enemies who brought about his final downfall.He died in disgrace in 1626.第3页第3页 Bacon was English philosopher,essayist,courtier,jurist,and statesman.Bacons works may be divided into three groups:the philosophical works;the literal works;and the professional works.Ba
4、con was the founder of English materialist philosophy,as well as of modern science in England.He published The advancement of Learning(1605)and The New Instrument(1620).The former deals with the accomplishments of science up to his time.In this work he analyzed the various divisions of knowledge and
5、 considered the possible means of advancing them.In the latter Bacon described the method by which knowledge could be universalized.第4页第4页Bacons literary works are essays.They are noted for their style and striking observations about life.They are the first true English prose classic.Bacon is especi
6、ally famous for his Essays,first published in 1597 and then in 1625.Bacons practical wisdom is shown through his reflections and comments on rather abstract subjects in his 58 essays.These essays cover a wide variety of subjects,such as love,truth,friendship,parents and children,beauty,studies,riche
7、s,youth and age,death and many others.Among these essays the famous pieces are Of Studies,Of Travel and Of Wisdom.第5页第5页Writing Style of Bacons Essays:His essays have a literal style peculiar to their own.They are noted for their clearness,brevity and forces of expression.Bacons chief concern is to
8、express his thought with clearness and in as few words as possible.His sentences are short,pointed,incisive and often of balanced structure.Many of them have become wise old sayings.Generally speaking,Bacons literary style has three prominent qualities:directness,terseness(简练),and forcefulness.第6页第6
9、页3.Ofstudies a.fiveparts:purposeofreadingattitudestowardsstudyprinciplesofstudiesstudymethodstudydevelopyourcharacter/effectofstudyonhumancharacterStyle:a.The arguments are well arranged in unity and coherence in oneparagraph.b.theconcisenessofexpressionsandphrasespresentsaplainstyleaswellashissimpl
10、elanguage.c.Thesimplemetaphorshavedeepimplications.d.Theomissionmakestheessayconcise,clearandcoherent.e.Thenaturalflowofparallelsmakeshislogicandphilosophicalargumentconvincinglyandforceful.E.g.TospendtoomuchtimeinstudyCraftymansimpleman.第7页第7页“Of Studies”discusses the fuctiong and method of reading.Although Bacon highly promotes reading,he also urges readers to combine his reading with experiment abd observation.Many excerpts from the essay become so famous that they have become daily quotations.第8页第8页HTH第9页第9页Thank you for learning第10页第10页
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