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1、2023年12月6级第一套Part Listening Comprehension Section A1. A) At a groceryB) In a parking lotC) In a car showroomD) At a fast food restaurant2. A) Have a little nap after lunchB) Get up and take a short walkC) Change her position now and then。D) Stretch her legs before standing up3. A) The students shoul

2、d practice long-distance running.B) He doesnt quite believe what the woman says.C) The students physical condition is not desirable.D) He thinks the race is too hard for the students.4. A) They do not want to have a baby at present.B) They cannot afford to get married right now.C) They are both purs

3、uing graduate studies.D) They will get their degrees in two years.5. A) Twins usually have a lot in common.B) He must have been mistaken for Jack.C) Jack is certainly not as healthy as he is.D) He has not seen Jack for quite a few days.6. A) The man will take the woman to the museum.B) The man knows

4、 where the museum is located.C) The woman is asking the way at the crossroads.D) The woman will attend the opening of the museum.7. A) They cannot ask the guy to leave.B) The guy has been coming in for years.C) They should not look down upon the guy.D) The guy must be feeling extremely lonely.8. A)

5、Collect timepiecesB) Learn to mend clocksC) Become time-consciousD) Keep track of his daily activitiesQuestions 9 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard9. A) It winds its way to the sea.B) It is eating into its banks.C) It is quickly rising.D) It is wide and deep10. A) Get the truck

6、s over to the other side of the river.B) Take the equipment apart before being ferried.C) Reduce the transport cost as much as possible.D) Try to speed up the operation by any means.11. A) Ask the commander to send a helicopter.B) Halt the operation until further orders.C) Cut trees and build rowing

7、 boats.D) Find as many boats as possible.Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.12. A) Help him join an Indian expeditionB) Talk about his climbing experiencesC) Give up mountain climbing altogetherD) Save money to buy climbing equipment13. A) He was very strict with hi

8、s children.B) He climbed mountains to earn a living.C) He had an unusual religious background.D) He was the first to conquer Mt. Qomolangma.14. A) They are like humans.B) They are sacred places.C) They are to be protected.D) They are to be conquered.15. A) It was his fathers training that pulled him

9、 through.B) It was a milestone in his mountain climbing career.C) It was his father who gave him the strength to succeed.D) It helped him understand the Sherpa view of mountains.Passage OneQuestions 16 to 19 are based on the passage you have just heard.16. A) By reviewing what he has said previously

10、.B) By comparing memorandums with letters.C) By showing a memorandums structure.D) By analyzing the organization of a letter.17. A) They spent a lot of time writing memorandums.B) They seldom read a memorandum through to the end.C) They placed emphasis on the format of memorandums.D) They ignored ma

11、ny of the memorandums they received.18. A) Style and wording.B) Structure and length.C) Directness and clarity.D) Simplicity and accuracy.19. A) Accurate dating.B) Professional look.C) Direct statement of purpose.D) Inclusion of appropriate humor.Passage TwoQuestions 20 to 22 are based on the passag

12、e you have just heard.20. A) They give top priority to their work efficiency.B) They make an effort to lighten their workload.C) They never change work habits unless forced to.D) They try hard to make the best use of their time.21. A) Self-confidenceB) Sense of dutyC) Work efficiencyD) Passion for w

13、ork22. A) They are addicted to playing online games.B) They try to avoid work whenever possible.C) They find no pleasure in the work they do.D) They simply have no sense of responsibility.Passage ThreeQuestions 23 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard。23. A) He lost all his property.B)

14、He was sold to a circus.C) He was forced into slavery.D) He ran away from his family.24. A) A carpenterB) A businessmanC) A master of hisD) A black drummer25. A) It named its town hall after Solomon Northup.B) It declared July 24 Solomon Northup Day.C) It freed all blacks in the town from slavery.D)

15、 It hosted a reunion for the Northup family.Section CIntolerance is the art of ignoring any views that differ from your own. It (26) _ itself a hatred, stereotypes, prejudice, and (27) _ . Once it intensifies in people, intolerance is nearly impossible to overcome. But why would anyone want to be la

16、beled intolerant? Why would people want to be (28) _ about the world around them? Why would one want to be part of the problem in America, instead of the solution?There are many explanations for intolerant attitudes, some (29) _ childhood. It is likely that intolerant folks grew up (30) _ intolerant

17、 parents and the cycle of prejudice has simply continued for (31) _. Perhaps intolerant people are so set in their ways that they find it easier to ignore anything that might not (32) _ their limited view of life. Or maybe intolerant students have simply never been (33) _ to anyone different from th

18、emselves. But none of these reasons is an excuse for allowing the intolerance to continue。Intolerance should not be confused with disagreement. It is, of course, possible to disagree with an opinion without being intolerant of it. If you understand a belief but still dont believe in that specific be

19、lief, thats fine. You are (34) _ your opinion. As a matter of fact, (35) _ dissenters (持异议者) are important for any belief. If we all believed the same things, we would never grow, and we would never learn about the world around us. Intolerance does not stem from disagreement. It stems from fear. And

20、 fear stems from ignorance.Part IIIReading comprehensionSection AQuestions 36 to 45 are based on the following passage.His future subjects have not always treated the Prince of Wales with the respect one might expect. They laughed aloud in 1986 when the heir to the British (36) _ told a TV reporter

21、that he talked to his plants at his country house, Highgrove, to stimulate their growth. The Prince was being humorous“My sense of humor will get me into trouble one day,”he said to the aides (随从)but listening to Charles Windsor can indeed prove stimulating. The royal (37)_ that been promoting radic

22、al ideas for most of his adult life, some of his (38) _ which once sounded a hit weird were simply ahead of their time. Now, finally, the world seems to be catching up with him.Take his views on farming. Prince Charles Duchy Home Farm went (39) _ back to 1996.when most shoppers cared only about the

23、low price tag on suspiciously blemish-free(无瑕疵旳)Vegetables and (40) _ large chickens piled high in supermarkets.His warnings on climate change proved farsighted; too Charles began (41) _ action on global warming in 1990 and says he has been worried about the (42) _ of man on the environment since he

24、 was a teenager.Although he has gradually gained international (43) _ as one of the a worlds leading conservationists, many British people still think of him as an (44) _ person who talks to plants This year, as it happens, South Korean scientists proved that plants really do (45) _ to sound. So Cha

25、rles was ahead of the game there, too.A. conformB. eccentricC. environmentalistD. expeditionsE. impactF. notionsG. organicH. originallyI. recognitionJ. respondK. subordinateL. suppressingM. throneN. unnaturallyO. urgingSection BShould Single-Sex Education Be Eliminated?A Why is a neuroscientist here

26、 debating single-sex schooling? Honestly, I had no fixed ideas on the topic when I started researching it for my book, Pink Brain, Blue Brain. But any discussion of gender differences in children inevitably leads to this debate, so I felt compelled to dive into the research data on single-sex school

27、ing. I read every study I could, weighed the existing evidence, and ultimately concluded that single-sex education is not the answer to gender gaps in achievementor the best way forward for todays young people. After my book was published, I met several developmental and cognitive psychologists whos

28、e work was addressing gender and education from different angles, and we published a peer-reviewed Education Forum piece in Science magazine with the provocative title, “The Pseudoscience of Single-Sex Education.”B We showed that three lines of research used to justify single-sex schoolingeducationa

29、l, neuroscience, and social psychologyall fail to support its alleged benefits, and so the widely-held view that gender separation is somehow better for boys, girls, or both is nothing more than a myth.The Research on Academic OutcomesC First, we reviewed the extensive educational research that has

30、compared academic outcomes in students attending single-sex versus coeducational schools. The overwhelming conclusion when you put this enormous literature together is that there is no clear academic advantage of sitting in all-female or all-male classes, in spite of much popular belief to the contr

31、ary. I base this conclusion not on any individual study, but on large-scale and systematic reviews of thousands of studies conducted in every major English-speaking country.D Of course, therere many excellent single-sex schools out there, but as these careful research reviews have demonstrated, its

32、not their single-sex composition that makes them excellent. Its all the other advantages that are typically packed into such schools, such as financial resources, quality of the faculty, and pro-academic culture, along with the family background and pre-selected ability of the students themselves th

33、at determine their outcomes.E A case in point is the study by Linda Sax at UCLA, who used data from a large national survey of college freshmen to evaluate the effect of single-sex versus coeducational high schools. Commissioned by the National Coalition of Girls Schools, the raw findings look prett

34、y good for the funders higher SAT scores and a stronger academic orientation among women who had attended all girls high schools (men werent studied). However, once the researchers controlled for both student and school attributesmeasures such as family income, parents education, and school resource

35、smost of these effects were erased or diminished.F When it comes to boys in particular, the data show that single-sex education is distinctly unhelpful for them. Among the minority of studies that have reported advantages of single-sex schooling, virtually all of them were studies of girls. Therere

36、no rigorous studies in the United States that find single-sex schooling is better for boys, and in fact, a separate line of research by economists has shown both boys and girls exhibit greater cognitive growth over the school year based on the “dose” of girls in a classroom. In fact, boys benefit ev

37、en more than girls from having larger numbers of female classmates. So single-sex schooling is really not the answer to the current “boy crisis” in education. Brain and Cognitive DevelopmentG The second line of research often used to justify single-sex education falls squarely within my area of expe

38、rtise: brain and cognitive development. Its been more than a decade now since the “brain sex movement ” began infiltrating (渗透) our schools, and there are literally hundreds of schools caught up in the fad (新潮). Public schools in Wisconsin, Indiana, Florida and many other states now proudly declare

39、on their websites that they separate boys and girls because “research solidly indicates that boys and girls learn differently,” due to “hard-wired” differences in their brains, eyes, ears, autonomic nervous systems, and more.H All of these statements can be traced to just a few would-be neuroscienti

40、sts, especially physician Leonard Sax and therapist Michael Gurian. Each gives lectures, runs conferences, and does a lot of professional development on so-called “gender-specific learning.” I analyzed their various claims about sex differences in hearing, vision, language, math, stress responses, a

41、nd “learning styles” in my book and along peer-reviewed paper. Other neuroscientists and psychologists have similarly exposed their work. In short, the mechanisms by which our brains learn language, math, physics, and every other subject dont differ between boys and girls. Of course, learning does v

42、ary a lot between individual students, but research reliably shows that this variance is far greater within populations of boys or girls than between the two sexes.I The equal protection clause of the U.S. Constitution prohibits separation of students by sex in public education thats based on precis

43、ely this kind of “overbroad generalizations about the different talents, capacities, or preferences of males and females.” And the reason it is prohibited is because it leads far too easily to stereotyping and sex discrimination. Social Developmental PsychologyJ That brings me to the third area of r

44、esearch which fails to support single-sex schooling and indeed suggests the practice is actually harmful: social-developmental psychology.K Its a well-proven finding in social psychology that segregation promotes stereotyping and prejudice, whereas intergroup contact reduces themand the results are

45、the same whether you divide groups by race, age, gender, body mass index, sexual orientation, or any other category. Whats more, children are especially vulnerable to this kind of bias, because they are dependent on adults for learning which social categories are important and why we divide people i

46、nto different groups.L You dont have to look far to find evidence of stereotyping and sex discrimination in single-sex schools. There was the failed single-sex experiment in California, where six school districts used generous state grants to set up separate boys and girls academies in the late 1990

47、s. Once boys and girls were segregated, teachers resorted to traditional gender stereotypes to run their classes, and within just three years, five of the six districts had gone back to coeducation.M At the same time, researchers are increasingly discovering benefits of gender interaction in youth. A large British study found that children with other-sex older siblings(兄弟姐妹) exhibit less stereotypical play than children with same-se


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