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1、Model Test FivePart I Writing (30 minutes)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay entitled Stop Raising Dangerous Animals as Pets following the outline given below. You should write at Least 120 words but no more than 180 words. Write your essay on Answer Sheet 1. 1.烈

2、性宠物伤人旳事故频频被报道 2.喂养烈性宠物很危险 3.公众应停止喂养烈性宠物Stop Raising Dangerous Animals as Pets注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。Part II Listening ComprehensionSection ADirections: in this section, you will hear 8 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or two questions will be asked about what was said. Both the c

3、onversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question, there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding Letter on Answer sheet 1 with a single Line through the cent

4、re. 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。 1. A) They should go camping at the beach. B) They should do as they have planned. C)They can change their plan according to the weather. D)The terrible weather has ruined their weekend plan.2. A)Her presentation was really successful. B)She will do a presentation in the meeti

5、ng. C)She spoke to many people without being nervous. D)She just sat in the meeting without saying a word.3. A)His project is going very well. B) He needs financial support. C)Its difficult to finish his project. D) He needs capable persons.4. A)The car was all right in the accident. B)The car was b

6、roken badly in the accident. C)The womans brother was mad due to the accident. D)The womans brother was badly hurt in the accident.5.A) Carl should go on working. B)Carl should come back to class. C)She is surprised that Carl earned a lot of money. D)She also wants to be a consultant to that company

7、.6. A) The woman is too fat. B) The woman should buy some new clothes. C)The woman is prettier now. D) The woman should eat less from now on.7. A) Come back by coach. B) Go a longer distance. C) Come back by train. D)Come back by air.understands the womans feeling.8. A) The woman may be sick. B) The

8、 woman is a stranger to him at first. C) Things are really strange. D) He understands the womens feeling.Questions 9 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.9 .A) How to persuade others to do car wash B) How to organize the Thanksgiving party C) How to get the raising-money message o

9、ut. D) How to show the interesting things to others.10. A) Get materials to make a big banner, B) Print a large number of posters C)Hang the banner before the student center D) Have an article published in the school paper.11,A) She is good at writing articles. B) She is very helpful. C)She is the s

10、martest girl in the class. D)She does a good job in English class. Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.12. A) Keeping out the cold. B) Keeping out the heat C) Avoiding air pollution. D) Preventing the dust13. A) They are light. B) They are water-proof. C) They are wa

11、rm. D) They are cheap.14.A)They have become popular. B) They are likely to be made. C) They are in use now. D) They will not be made.15. A) By searching information on paper. B) By attending a presentation on paper C) By consulting experts on paper. D) By giving a presentation on papers.Section BDir

12、ections: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you heara question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C) and D). Then mark the corre

13、sponding Letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the center.注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。Passage OneQuestions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.16. A) By doing a part-time job. B) By serving in the arm3. C) By setting aside part of his salary. D) By changing his job for a better

14、 one.17. A) He was given the wrong blood by mistake. B) His organs broke down during the surgery. C) He was too weak to have a surgery. D) He was seriously infected after the surgery18. A) It turned out to be in vain. B) It was held back by his mother. C) He earned a lot of money through it. D) It h

15、elped the family to keep the house.Passage TwoQuestions 19 to 22 are based on the passage you have just heard.19. A) He played well in the NBA. B) Back injuries interrupted his career. C) He now works for Nike. D) Maryland is his homeland.20. A) The early bird catches the worm. B) Small things can l

16、ead to large outcomes: C) Actions speak louder than words. D) Do nothing by halves.21. A) He respected and greeted everyone. B) He worked there for many years. C) They had a good memory. D) They were required to do so.22. A) He was too naughty. B) He looked down, upon Mr. Lee. C) He destroyed pubic

17、facilities with a rock D) He didnt greet Mr. Lee when they met on the street.Passage ThreeQuestions 23 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.23. A) Serious burns. B) Great panic. C) Smoke and gases. D)Careless mistakes24A)Make sure their bedroom doors are open. B) Make sure their bedroo

18、m C) Make sure their windows are shut. D) Make sure their fuel gas25. A) Scream and cry. B) Hide under beds. C) Flee the house. D) Seek their parents help.Section CDirections: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should Listen careful

19、ly for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks with the exact words you have just heard. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。 What does it mean to obey the law? Th

20、at (26)_where you are. Different cultures have different views of obeying the law. In some cultures, law-abiding citizens try to keep the letter of the law. That is, whatever the law says, they do. In other cultures, good citizens live by the (27)_ of the law. They see the law only as a general (28)

21、_. Often they obey the law only when someone official is looking. The situation in America fits into the first (29)_.That doesnt mean all Americans keep the law. But American culture teaches people to respect the law-even to the smallest detail. Driving habits (30)_American respect for the law. A dr

22、iver will usually stop for a red light, even when there are no other cars around. People treat the lines marking streets and roads as (31) -_boundaries, not just decorations. Vehicles yield to those with the right of way-particularly pedestrians. Actually though, drivers dont always keep traffic rul

23、es. For example, many drivers (32)_freeway speed limits. But American generally drive with careful attention to the traffic rules.Of course, not everyone in America abides by the law. Crime is a growing problem. For that reason, law enforcement officials will never (33)_ a job. Police officers have

24、their hands full trying to arrest lawbreakers. Detective agencies spend countless hours trying to (34)_unsolved crimes. Nevertheless, most Americans still like to believe that the law will (35)_ catch the bad guys.Part III Reading Comprehension (40 minutes)Section A Directions: In this section, ther

25、e is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a Letter. Please mark the corresponding letter

26、 for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single Line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.Questions 36 to 45 are based on the following passage.A lot of people instinctively believe-without really knowing-that poor readers are not especially smart. A new stu

27、dy by researchers at the Yale School of Medicine and the University of California at Davis explains how it is that 36 bright and accomplished people can have great difficulty reading. What gets in the way of many peoples ability to read is word blindness. It is an unexpected difficulty in reading in

28、 people who have the intelligence and motivation thought to be necessary to be 37 readers. The brains of people with word blindness have difficulty taking images that they see or hear and turning it into 38 language, explained researcher Sally E. Shaywitz. This means that someone with word blindness

29、 not only has 39 reading but may also have difficulty speaking quickly. Typical readers can 40 recognize words after seeing them a few times; those with word blindness dont. The new study 41 evidence for the first time showing that the 42 between IQ and reading over time is not the same for readers

30、with word blindness as it is for typical readers In people without word blindness, intelligence and reading do in fact connect and can 43 each other over time. But in those with word blindness, IQ and reading are not 44 over time and do nothave an affect on each other. People expect that if you are

31、a very good reader you must be very smart and if you dont read well you must not be so smart, sand Shaywitz Word blindness is a paradox(矛盾)because it violates that 45,”she said. You can NOT be agreat reader and be exceptionally smart.注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答。A) conclusion B) fluent C) understandable D) exc

32、eedinglyE) automatically F) provides G) influence H) troubleI) linked J) proves K)considerate L) selectivelyM) assumption N) relationship O) contactedSection BDirections: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in

33、 one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked with a letter. Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2. A Brief History of Online ShoppingA) When Amazon opened

34、 for business 15 years ago, it was nothing more than a few people packing and shipping boxes of books from a two-car garage in Bellevue, Wash. Jeff Bezos, Amazon founder and CEO, had left New York City for the Pacific Northwest, using some of his time on the road to write the companys business plan.

35、 Books were packed on a table made out of an extra door they found lying in the new home-a practice the company continues today in spirit by making many of the offices desks out of doors.B) Now, on its 15th anniversary, Amazon can raise a toast to being one of the largest online retailers in the wor

36、ld, selling everything from trumpets and golf carts to dishwashers and clothes. Despite the economic recession, online retail in the U.S. grew 11% last year, according to a report released this March from Forrester Research: More than 150 million people-about two-thirds of all Internet users in the

37、U.S.- bought something online last year. Its a staggering leap for an industry used by 27% of the nations online population a decade ago.C) One of the first known Web purchases took place in 1994. It was an Italian pizza with mushrooms and extra cheese from Pizza Hut, a somewhat appropriate purchase

38、 for the early days of the Internet. When Amazon came on the scene not long after, selling books online was a curious idea. After all, why would people buy a textbook online when they could go to a bookstore? But eventually, a revolutionary change in culture and groupthink took place. Buying things

39、online was all about price and selection, says Ellen Davis, a vice president with the National Retail Federation. If you lived in a small town with just one bookstore and they didnt stock the novel you wanted, the Internet was a solution.D) The big sellers were hard goods, those things you didnt hav

40、e to touch, feel or smell in order to buy, such as books, computers and other electronics. Now, nothing is off limits. As the Internet has evolved, its become a channel where you can buy anything, Davis says. You can buy fragrances(香水)- something you would have normally thought you would need to go

41、to a store and actually experience before you decided to buy.E) Part of the shift has to do with the normalizing of giving out personal information online. All it takes is one click of the purchase button before consumers start to feel more comfortable using their credit-card information online, Dav

42、is says. Now some consumers have so much trust that they allow retailers to save their credit-card and shipping information, which has given rise to a painless checkout process.F) And part of it had to do with making the online experience more like an in-store shopping trip. Many sites geared themse

43、lves toward consumers who like to try before they buy. While Web shoppers technically have to buy the item first, sites such as Zappos, which specializes in shoes, and Piperlime, which sells clothes and accessories, offer free shipping on returns. If you buy it, try it and dont like it, having to re

44、turn the item is less of a concern. Other stores try to make it easier for customers to get the look and feel of product without actually handling the goods. Sears and Gap allow customers to zoom (拉近) way in on products to examine their material and color up close. Others such as Bed, Bath & Beyond

45、and Buy feature product videos that allow shoppers to see, for example, a grill (烤架) cleaner in action. And then there are sites like Overstock that capitalize on the goods physical stores cant sell. Beyond its discounts, Overstock wins customer loyalty by making online deals with flat-rate shipping

46、 of $2.95 on everything from earrings to refrigerators.G) Even famously resistant designers and luxury retailers are putting goods online. According to Bain& Co.s luxury-goods study last year, while the luxury-goods industry overall lost 8% worldwide last year, luxury sales online grew 20%. This September MarcJacobs will have more than just videos of models walking on the runway on his


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