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1、 点击职业英语教案教研室: 教师姓名:课程名称英语授课班级授课内容Unit 4 Lets go rollerblading!授课学时6教学方法交际法,小组讨论法,任务型学习法,翻转课堂教学法教学目标1 知识目标:掌握用来“谈论活动、提出建议及回应”的基本词汇句型2 能力目标:谈论活动;提出建议及回应;读懂电子邮件;掌握电子邮件写作技巧3 情感目标:了解东西文化差异 教学重点谈论活动的词汇和句型;提出建议及回应的句型电子邮件的写作教学难点现在进行时的意义和用法;句子中单词的重读教学手段多媒体、图片、黑板教学过程1. 学习目标2. 热身活动(1学时)3. 主题对话4. 语法栏目 (1学时)5. 词

2、汇练习 (1学时)6. 听力阅读 (1学时)7. 阅读 (1学时)811实用阅读及写作(1学时)教学内容Goals:.Direct students attention to the unit title and the goals. Explain that in this unitthey are going to learn how to make suggestions and to talk about activities. Warm UpHave students look at the photos and ask students, “What are they doing?

3、”“What is he/ she doing?” Have students listen and repeat the activities presentedin each photo.A. Look at the pictures. Is there one person or more?Ask the students how many people they see in each photo.B. Check () the activities with one person. Use two checks for activities with two or more peop

4、le.Tell students to put a single check next to each activity with one person and two checks next to activities with more than one person.C. PAIR WORK Discuss. Do you enjoy these activities?Write on the board, “I like/I dont like.” and select several activities from the photos whichyou enjoy doing an

5、d dont enjoy doing, as a model for the students.D. Listen. Circle the two activities you hear.Tell students they are going to listen to two conversations in which people talk aboutdifferent activities. Tell students they need to listen for the activities listed here that thespeakers are talking abou

6、t.Tell students they should try to focus on listening for the key words.ConversationIs it helping?A. Listen and practice. Have students look at the photos and ask “Who is this?” “What are they doing?”Ask “Can Andy rollerblade?” “Can Susan/Nathan/Karen rollerblade?”Explain that “Lets” means “Let us,”

7、 and that it is another way of making a suggestion.Have students make suggestions with “Lets.”Also point out the expression “See you later.” Explain that this expression is used betweenfriends and family to say “good-bye” whether or not the person is going to see the other person later.Lets do somet

8、hing. = Making a suggestion for you and others to do.See you later. = Informal way to say“Good-bye”B. Circle the correct answers. Then compare your answers with a classmate.Have students circle their answers and then compare with a partner.Elicit the answers from a student.Answer key: Susan, Nathan

9、and Karen; AndyGrammarTalking about activitiesTell students they are going to look at ways to talk about what people are doing at thepresent moment (present continuous).Write a model sentence on the board using information from the situation in the class.Im writing sentences on the board and you are

10、 looking at me.Amy is finishing her homework and Sun Yan and Cao Ying are talking in Chinese.Have students look at the sentences and ask them when (what time period) they refer toand elicit the structure.the present moment: be + verb + ing 一般现在时(The Present Indefinite)表示现在成为习惯或经常性的动作;现在进行时(The Prese

11、nt Continuous)则表示现在正在进行的动作。现在进行时的构成 肯定句:主语 + am/is/are + 现在分词. 否定句:主语 + am/is/are + not + 现在分词. 疑问句:Am/Is/Are + 主语 + 现在分词.? 疑问代词/疑问副词 + am/is/are + 主语 + 现在分词.?现在分词变化规则:1 .一般情况下直接加ingsleep-sleepingstudy-studyingspeak-speakingsay-saying2 .以不发音的字母e结尾的单词,去掉字母e,再加ingcome-comingtake-takingleave-leavingwri

12、te-writing若发音,则不能去掉,如seeseeing3.以重读闭音节结尾,呈现“辅,元,辅”结构的动词,先双写末尾的辅音字母,再加ing stop-stoppingsit-sittingforget-forgetting begin-beginning4.以ie结尾的动词,把ie改为y ,再加ing 如diedying lie-lyingAsking and answering questions about activitiesPAIR WORK Look at the picture on page 42. What are the people doing? Take turns

13、.Ask and answer questions about the picture.Have students look at the picture on page 42 and ask “What are they doing? Are they _ing?” Call on selected students to give the answers.Answer key:1. What is Annie doing? Is she doing karate? Yes, she is.2. What is Susan doing? Is she eating lunch? Yes, s

14、he is.3. What are Karen and Nathan doing? Are they rollerblading? No, they arent.4. What are Jason and Casey doing? Are they swimming? No, they arent. They are talking.5. What is Ben doing? Is he working? No, he isnt. Hes playing cards.6. What is Ken doing? Is he playing cards? Yes, he is.Vocabulary

15、 in ContextMaking and responding to suggestions Write a list of five different activities suitable for making suggestions on the board.For example:go to a moviehave dinnerwatch TVlisten to musicdo the homeworkTell students they are going to look at ways to make suggestions.Making suggestionsLets + b

16、ase form of verb.Lets go rollerblading. Lets not go swimming today. How about + verb + -ing?How about going rollerblading?How about not going swimming today?Responding to suggestionsTo say yesSure. Sounds great. Okay. Great idea! Stacey: Come on, Casey. Lets go to a movie. Casey: Great idea! Lets go

17、. To say noSorry, but I have to Sorry, Im busy.Fred: Hey, Casey. How about going to a movie?Casey: Sorry, Fred, but I have to study.Fred: Oh, okay. Maybe another time instead.Listening in ContextListen. Write the name on the correct figure.Tell students they are going to listen to a conversation bet

18、ween Ben and Annie and theyneed to identify what each person in the picture is doing, then write the name of the person on the figure.Answer key: Left to right: Nathan, Casey, JasonReading E-mails at home and at workBefore you read A. PAIR WORK Circle. Who writes a lot of e-mails?Then compare your a

19、nswer with a partner.Ask students if they use e-mail to communicate with friends or to communicatewith family.While you read B. Read these e-mails. Two e-mails are from friends. Two e-mails are from people at work. Match the e-mails. Write W for the people at work. Write F for the friends.Tell stude

20、nts to read the e-mails and decide if each one was sent by a friend or by someonefrom work. Then have them match the e-mails.Answer key: 1. F 2. W 3. W 4. FMatch: 41, 23After you read C. Write T (True) or F (False).1. Ashley is writing to James. 2. Ashley is answering James. 3. Jenny is writing to A

21、lice.4. Jenny is answering Alice.Answer key: 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. TD. Underline the suggestions in the e-mails.Elicit from students different expressions for making suggestions (Lets. Lets not./Howabout.? How about not.?)Tell students to read the e-mails again and underline the suggestions that they ca

22、n find.Answer key:1. Lets not go shopping today. How about going on Saturday?2. Lets discuss it later today. How about 4:00? If not today, then how about tomorrow morning at 9:00?3. How about meeting at 8:30 instead?4. How about going shopping later? Lets go!WritingAn e-mail to a friendBefore you wr

23、iteA. You are writing an e-mail to a friend. Make a suggestion. Write it here.Have students look at the sentence prompts and elicit from students the expressions for making suggestions (Lets./How about.?)Tell students to think of a friend they might send an e-mail to and a suggestion they might make

24、 to that friend, and complete the sentences.My friends name is:_My suggestion is: _WriteB. Use your suggestion and write an e-mail to your friend.Have students look back at the e-mails to friends on page 46 and tell students to use these as an example to help them write an e-mail to the friend they

25、chose in Exercise A.Remind them to make a suggestion to their friend.Practical Reading: Emails A. Read the text.Students should be asked to read before class and underline difficulties.In class, ask students to work together to guess meanings they dont knowand only to look words up if necessary.Disc

26、uss the use of emails. How do they think emails are used in business?What are the benefits and drawbacks of using emails in business?What is the difference between a customer and a colleague?B. Complete the statements by filling in the blanks.Answer Key:1. Email is short for electronic mail.2. Email

27、 started in the United States.3. Messages could be sent using a computer.4. Small computers were linked to form a network.5. These networks were joined up to form the Internet.6. This made messaging possible around the world.7. Business people use email a lot.8. Email is used to communicate with cus

28、tomers and colleagues.9. The average business person receives 75 emails every day.10. Business people spend half their working day emailing. Practical Writing: EmailsA. There are three main parts in an email.Ask your students:What are the main elements of an email?What are the conventions when writi

29、ng an email?Who is a recipient and who is a sender?1. The recipients address the address of the person who will receive the email2. The subject what you are writing about3. The message the content of the emailB. In the workplace, emails are the same as letters. They are important. The languagemust a

30、lways be polite and sensible. The content must be clear and concise.Discuss the importance of politeness in business. Why? What might happen if youwrite a rude email to a customer or colleague? What if the language is not clear? What if the message is confusing?Polite and sensible language = remembe

31、ring you are in the workplace and are not writing tofamily or friends.Clear and concise language= writing short sentences and only giving the informationneeded.Explain the meaning of being available. In Chinese, people say they have time or thatthey will wait for you if you ask to meet them. In Engl

32、ish, this is confusing.Being available means that during a certain period of time, you will be doing other things but that you will be in your office or normal place of work and that you will not mind beingdisturbed.Being available = you have time.For example, “Im available in my office this afterno

33、on between 4:30 and 6.”This means that you have no other meetings and that you will be in your office workingbut wont mind if the person comes to see you during those hours.C. Look at the two emails. Which is better?Answer key:Email 2 is better because it is succinct and clear. First names are being

34、 used so it is between people who know each other.D. Write an email.Answer Key:Answers will vary but students should model their email on Email 2 above and also add a sentence about the purpose of the meeting.Putting It TogetherPAIR WORK Student A: look at the picture below. Student B: turn to page

35、173. There are four differences between the picture on this page and the picture on page 173.What are they? Take turns. Ask and answer questions. Circle the differences.Organize students into pairs and tell them one of them should look at this picture and the other should turn to page 173. Tell stud

36、ents that the pictures they are looking at have four differences and they need to find the differences by asking their partner what the people in the picture are doing. Tell students to use the example to help them.SummaryTalking about activitiesAsking and Answering questions about activitiesMaking and responding to suggestions HomeworkTo do exercise Role playReview unit 1-4Write an email.Reflection After Class


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