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1、目 录Contents第一部分 文字说明Part One Character Description 第一章 Chapter 1 建筑设计说明Architectural Design Description 第二章Chapter 2 结构设计说明Structural Design Description 第三章Chapter 3给排水设计说明Mechanical Design Description 第四章Chapter 4电气设计说明Electrical Design Description 第五章Chapter 5采暖通风设计说明HVAC Design Description第六章Chap

2、ter 6节能设计说明Energy Saving Design Description第七章Chapter 7环境保护Environment Protection第八章Chapter 8消防设计专篇Special Design Description for Fire Fighting Protection第九章Chapter 9劳动安全卫生Labor Safety &Sanitation第二部分 扩初设计图纸Part Two Preliminary Design Drawings 建筑 Architecture 结构 Structure 给排水 Mechanical 电气 Electric

3、暖通 HVAC 第一章 建筑设计说明Chapter 1 Architectural Design Description一、设计依据Design Criteria1、政府审批的XXXXXXXX有限公司 建设食品研发中心项目建议书的批复, 上海市浦东新区人民政府文件xxxxx号2、XXXXXXX食品有限公司建设食品研发中心新建项目的环评报告批复,上海市浦东新区环境保护局-沪环xxxxxx。3、业主提供的建筑技术说明。Building Technical Specification provided by Pillsbury (China) Corp., Ltd. 4、工业企业总平面设计规范(GB

4、50187-93) (GB50187-93)5、建筑设计防火规范(GB50016-2006) (GB50016-2006)6、国家省市有关规范规定Relevant National and Local Regulations7、业主提供的一期工程竣工图As built drawings of Phase I provided by the Proprietor.8、现行工程建设国家和上海市有关建筑设计规范和标准。Current State and Shanghai Architectural Design Code and Standard of Construction In Force.二

5、、设计原则Design Principles1、认真执行国家经济建设方针、政策和现行的技术标准、规范,遵守国家法律、法规。The Design Work Will Be Rigidly In Conformity With the State Economic Guidelines, Policies, Current Technical Standards and Abide By the State Laws and Regulations.2、 贯彻有关部门对本项目的批文和要求。Approvals and Requirements From the Government Relating

6、 Departments Will Be Implemented During the Design Process.3、 充分考虑工程设计中消防、环境保护、劳动安全卫生和生活福利。Fire Fighting, Environment Protection, Labor Safety &Sanitation and Work Welfare Will Be Fully Taken Into Consideration During Project Design.4、结合发展规划,因地制宜,优化环境、绿化,使之符合绿色工厂的要求。Take Proper Actions In Accordance

7、 With the Local Conditions, Combining the Development Planning, To Optimize the Environment and Finally Ensure the Design Reaches Up To the Requirements Of A Environmentally-friendly Factory.三、设计范围与分工Design Work Scope1、投资方负责该项目的工艺设备、生产布局的设计及造型。Investor Shoulders the Responsibility of Design and Mode

8、ling Of the Process Equipments And Production Arrangements2、本公司承担厂区内总图、建筑、结构、构筑物、道路、以及相应的公用工程的设计。Design Institute Undertakes the Work Including General Layout Of The Plant Area, Architecture, Structure, Structures, Roads, and Other Relating Public Facilities 四、工程概况Project OutlineXXXXXXX食品有限公司建设食品研发中

9、心新建项目位于上海市浦东新区XXXXXXX食品有限公司现有厂区的东北部。X五、总平面布置Site General Layout1、基础资料 Basic Information (1).气象资料Meteorology Data冬季平均风速:3.1m/sAverage Wind Speed In Winter: 3.1m/s夏季平均风速:3.2m/sAverage Wind Speed In Summer: 3.2m/s冬季主导风向:东北向Main Direction Of The Wind In Winter: Northeast夏季主导风向:东南向Main Direction of the W

10、ind in summer: Southeast冬季室外大气压力:1025.1kPaOutside Air Pressure In Winter: 1025.1kPa夏季室外大气压力:1005.3kPaOutside Air Pressure In Summer: 1005.3kPa上海市冻结深度:0.08mFrozen Depth In Shanghai:0.08M(2)地形图 Topographic Mapping地形图编制单位:上海市测绘院Compiled By: Shanghai Surveying Institute编号: 20120214065Number: 20120214065

11、坐标:上海市平面直角坐标系Coordinates: Rectangular Plane Coordinate System, Shanghai高程:上海市吴淞高程系统Elevation: Wusong Elevation System of, Shanghai2、设计原则Design Principles (1)服从城市总体规划要求,符合国家现行的法律,法规及条文。Comply With City General Planning Requirements And State Current Laws And Regulations. (2)满足消防、安全、环保、卫生、绿化等规范要求。Meet

12、 The Requirements Of Fire-fighting, Security, Environmental Protection And Landscaping. (3)满足工艺流程通顺、合理、物流路线短捷方便。Process Line Shall be coherent, reasonable and logistic distribution lines are brief and convenient.3. 厂区建(构)筑物一览表Table Of All The Buildings In Site报建建筑Buildings Applying For Construction编

13、 号Number名 称Description建筑面积Total Floor Areas耐火等级Fire Protection Rating生产火灾危险性分类Fire Hazard ClassificationFor Production占地面积Footprint Areas层数Stories檐高(m)Height备注Notes06产业研发中心一期R&D Centre Phase I Project7473.35 m2二级Class 2民用Civil Purpose1672.00 m2523.85m07配电房Power Distribution Room77.76 m2二级Class 2丁类Cl

14、ass D70.00 m215.90m4、 依据业主的要求及产品类型,研发中心按多层民用建筑进行设计,耐火等级二级。According To The Requirements and Products Types, The Food R&D Centre Is Designed To Be In Compliance With Multi-storey Civil Architecture Specifications, And Fire Resistance Rating Is Class II.5、流线组织 Transportation Flow Line XXXXXXX食品有限公司食品研

15、发中心位于现有厂区东北部,总平面规划在流线组织方面对人员流线和货物流线进行了有效分隔,以保障人员安全和提高运行效率。人员流线由现有厂区南侧的主入口进入,沿着厂区南侧和东侧的道路抵达研发中心人员入口。货物流线由厂区南侧的主入口进入,沿着 厂区西侧和中部的道路抵达研发中心货物入口。oods entrance of the Food R&D centre.6、绿地布置Landscape 绿化具有调节空气,美化环境的作用,绿色植物及其构成的群体以其非凡的功能保护大自然的生态平衡。Landscape can adjust atmosphere and beautify the environment.

16、Green plants as well as the whole system can protect the balance of ecology of the nature significantly. 绿色植物有吸收有害气体,释放新鲜空气的功能,同时还具有减弱噪声、防火防灾、杀菌等功能,因此我国在城市总体规划时把城市中工厂的绿化提高到非常重要的地位。Green plants can absorb harmful gas and release fresh air. At the same time, they can decrease noise, prevent fire and s

17、terilize as well. So the landscape for the industry located in the city has been increased to an important status in city general planning in China. 根据本厂的性质及业主的要求,在绿化布置设计中,在厂区南面沿工业区内部街坊道路设置大块集中绿地,绿化设计采用灌木、花卉加草皮的常规设计手法,道路两侧种植常绿开花灌木,同时辅以草皮、花卉。场地边角空地以草皮和花卉为主,绿地率达20.1%,体现了现代化工厂的格局。According to the chara

18、cteristic of the factory and the requirements from the customer, in the design of landscaping layout, there is a collectively large area of green land along the internal road of the industrial park and in the south of the site. Landscape design in this project adopts frutex, flowers and greensward.

19、Evergreen frutex will be planted on both sides of the road and so are the greensward and flowers. Landscaping ratio reaches 20.1% of the gross site area, which could represents the modern factory style with very nice landscaping 厂区四周设置围墙,沿围墙设置绿化带,如此可以防止外界空气对工厂的污染,降低噪声。厂内道路两侧尽可能加强绿化,不但可以净化空气,同时还能起到改善

20、厂貌的效果。There are fences and greenbelts around the land plot. They can help to prevent the pollution from outer atmosphere and decrease the noise. In the site, greenbelts should be planted as much as possible along the roads which can not only purify the air but also improve the image of the factory a

21、s well. 7、竖向设计 Vertical design 本次设计为食品研发中心新建工程,室外场地和道路都为现有,标高没有改变,因此新建研发中心0.000标高与现有厂房相同。The design focuses on the newly-built Food R&D centre, and the outdoor site and roads are existing ones and there isnt any changes on the elevation. Therefore, elevation 0.000 of the newly-built Food R&D centre

22、is the same as that of the existing factory.8、 交通组织 Transportation 本次新建工程利用原有厂区内部道路出入口,交通顺畅。The newly-built Food R&D centre uses entrances of the existing roads of the plant and which are smoothly for transportation 本次新建工程采用现有道路已经能够满足交通、消防要求,未增加新道路。原有道路为一环型混凝土道路,道路最小宽度为7.5m。这一环型道路系统充分满足了厂区内部交通要求,同时也

23、满足了消防环路的要求。The newly-built Food R&D centre adopting the existing road has already meets the requirements of transportation and fire fighting, so no new road is added. The existing road is a ring like concrete road and the minimum width is 7.5m. The circular road system has fully meets the internal r

24、equirement of the factory, and at the same time, it also meets the requirement for circular fire fighting road.四、单体设计Individual Building Design1、平面设计Plan Design食品研发为生产配套建筑,研发中心为五层钢筋混凝土框架结构,建筑面积7473.35m2.一层层高5.5米,二至五层层高各为4.25米,室内外高差为0.45米,建筑总高度23.85米。人员主入口在研发中心南侧,货物入口在研发中心北侧,人流物流进行了有效分离。研发中心研发功能在平面布局

25、上有充分体现。The Food R&D Centre is a building with five-storey reinforced concrete structure and covers 7473.35m2; height of the first floor is 5.5m and the other four is 4.25m, height difference between interior and outdoor is 0.45m and the total height of the building is 23.85 m. Personnel main entranc

26、e lies on the south side of the centre while the goods main entrance is on the north side thus the two are efficiently separated. Functions of the Food R&D centre are sufficiently embodied in the plan layout.2、立面设计Elevation Design食品研发中心立面设计通过简洁明快的体型组合,富于现代感的银灰色铝板外墙材料,使整体效果轻盈别致,反映了现代建筑的时代气息。Elevation

27、 design of the Food R&D centre takes simple and lively combinations of forms and modern style silver-grey aluminum plates as the exterior wall thus the whole building looks lithe and unconventional meanwhile it shows a kind of time flavor.3、消防设计Fire Fighting Design食品研发中心按二级耐火等级设计,建筑防火分区面积及安全疏散距离均满足防

28、火规范的要求。研发中心与厂区内其它建筑物间距均满足防火规范要求,并设置环状消防道路以确保消防车辆畅通阻,充分满足消防的需要。Distance between Food R&D centre which is of Class II fire resistant and other buildings within the plant area are qualified to the fire control regulations. There is an existing ring-like road around the Food R&D centre that ensures the

29、smoothness for the fire-fighting vehicles to go through and it fully reaches up to the requirements for fire prevention.变电站:(干式变压器)二级耐火等级设计,一个防火分区。建筑防火分区面积及安全疏散距离均满足防火规范的要求。变电站与厂区内食品研发中心建筑物间距11.08m.均满足防火规范要求.Substation: (Dry-type transformer) Fire resistance is designed to be class II, with one fire

30、 compartment. The fire compartment covering area and the evacuation distance both meet the requirements of fire prevention code. Distance between the substation and Food R&D centre is 11.08m which reaches up to the fire fighting requirements.五、主要经济技术指标Main Economical Index总用地面积:Land Plot area 32367m

31、2总建筑面积: Gross building area 20674.22m2建筑密度:Construction coverage 43.09%容积率: Plot ratio 0.94绿地率: Green area ratio 20.1%机动车位: Car parking 20第二章 结构设计说明Chapter 2 Structural Design Description一、 设计依据Design Criteria混凝土结构设计规范 (GB50010-2010) (GB50010-2010)建筑结构荷载规范 (GB50009-2012) (GB50009-2012)建筑抗震设计规范 (GB50

32、011-2010) (GB50011-2010)砌体结构设计规范 (GB50003-2011) (GB50003-2011)建筑地基基础设计规范 (GB50007-2011) (GB50007-2011)建筑桩基技术规范 (JGJ94-2008)(JGJ 94-2008)钢结构设计规范 (GB50017-2003) (GB50017-2003)混凝土小型空心砌块建筑技术规范 (JGJ/T 14-2011) (JGJ/T 14-2011)工程地质勘察报告11-2-39 由xxxxxx有限公司提供11-2-39 Provide byxxxxxx Institute11、业主提供的一期工程竣工图As

33、 built drawings of the Phase I provided by the Customer.二、 建筑分类等级 Categories of Buildings1.建筑物安全等级为二级,建筑结构设计使用年限:50年The safety category of the building is Class II and the expire span of the structure is designed to be 50 years.2.地基基础设计等级为丙级,地基基础安全等级为二级。The foundation design category is Class III, a

34、nd the foundation safety category is Class II3.建筑抗震设防类别:丙类Anti-seismic intensity of the building is listed as the following:III建筑物重要性系数为1.0;建筑物安全等级为二级,钢结构抗震等级为四级。The importance factor of these buildings is 1.0. And the safety class of these buildings is Class II. The anti-seismic intensity of the st

35、eel structure is Class D.钢筋混凝土结构抗震等级为二级。Anti-seismic grade of the reinforced concrete structure is Class B.地下室防水等级:无地下室Basement waterproof category: no basement.三设计荷载标准值Characteristic Value of Design Load1、产业研发中心 R&D centre礼堂活荷载: 3.0 KN/M2Auditorium Live Load: 3.0 KN/M2实验室活荷载: 5.0 KN/M2Pilot Room Li

36、ve Load: 5.0 KN/M2贮藏室活荷载: 5.0 KN/M2Storage Room Live Load: 5.0KN/M2餐厅活荷载: 2.5KN/M2Refectory Live Load 2.5 KN/M2楼梯活荷载: 3.5 KN/M2Stairs Live Load: 3.5 KN/M2电梯房活荷载: 7.0 KN/M2Elevator Equipment Room Live Load 7.0 KN/M2空调机房活荷载: 7.0 KN/M2Air Conditioning Facility Room Live Load: 7.0 KN/M24、基本风压: 0.55KN/M2

37、Basic Wind Pressure: 0.55KN/M2地面粗糙度: B类Floor roughness degree: Class B5、基本雪压: 0.20KN/M2Basic Snow Load: 0.20KN/M26、地震作用:Earthquake action 地震烈度7度,设计地震分组为第一组,设计基本地震加速度值为0.10g,场地类别上海IV类,场地特征周期0.90s, 结构阻尼比5%,地震影响系数0.08。The seismic intensity is seven degrees, the earthquake is classified as Group one and

38、 the basic earthquake acceleration is 0.10g in the design. The soil in site is Class four in Shanghai, the feature cycle of site is 0.90s, the structural damping ratio as 5% and the earthquake influence coefficient is 0.08.四、上部结构设计 Design of upper structure1、上部选型及结构布置说明 Upper lectotype and structure

39、 layout brief本工程食品研发中心采用钢筋混凝土框架结构,配电站采用钢筋混凝土框架结构。建筑物长宽均小于55m,不设置后浇带或者伸缩缝。Reinforced concrete frame structure is applied to the Food R&D centre and the power distribution room. Minimum length and width of the building are both less than 55m.No late poured band or expansion joints are to be set.2上部结构中

40、局部柱网尺寸为19mx16.5m,该部分采用井字梁楼面体系,井字梁尺寸为350x1000mm,边梁高度为400X1200mm.井字梁间距约为2000mm。Column net of the upper structure is 19mX16.5m and it takes beam cross floor system with dimension 350x1000mm, and height of the side beam is 400X1200mm, distance of the cross beams is 2000mm.、五 地基基础设计 Foundation design 1、基

41、础选型说明 Description of foundation type本工程食品研发中心采用桩基础。配电站为单层建筑,荷载较小,其基础选用天然基础,持力层为2层灰黄色粉质粘土层,地基承载力特征值为85KPa.Piles foundation is applied in this Food R&D centre while the substation adopts natural foundation because of its smaller load. Load-bearing stratum is 2 clay bed and the foundation load-bearing

42、characteristic value is 85Kpa.2、 桩基础说明 Descriptions of pile foundation.本工程食品研发中心楼采用预应力空心管桩基础PHS-A500(100)-18,桩边长为500mm,桩长18m,单桩承载力设计值约为840KN,桩基持力层为5-2层灰色粉砂。Pre-stress hollow pipe piles foundation PHS-A500 (100)-18 is adopted in this Food R&D centre. Side length of the piles are 500mm and pipe length

43、 is 18m with, single pile bearing capacity design value is 840kN .The bearing stratum is 5-2 grey silty sand。六、结构分析Structural Analysis1、结构软件:采用中国建筑科学研究院研发的PKPM-PMCAD,SATWE,JCCAD,STS软件进行结构分析,恒荷载与活荷载分开计算,考虑活荷最不利组合,模拟施工加载3,考虑偶然偏心的影响进行分析。Structural analysis will be completed with software PKPM-PMCAD,SATWE,JCCAD,STSseries developed by China Academy of Building Research. Loading case of dead load


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