1、目录2008年华侨大学853翻译与写作考研真题2009年华侨大学855翻译与写作考研真题2010年华侨大学858翻译与写作考研真题2011年华侨大学858翻译与写作考研真题2012年华侨大学862翻译与写作考研真题2013年华侨大学862翻译与写作考研真题2014年华侨大学862翻译与写作考研真题2015年华侨大学862翻译与写作考研真题2017年华侨大学820翻译与写作考研真题2018年华侨大学812翻译与写作考研真题2008年华侨大学853翻译与写作考研真题Part Translate the following passage into Chinese:40 pointsAmong th
2、e many ways in which people communicate through speech,public speaking has probably received more study and attracted moreattention than any others.Politicians campaigning for public office,salespeople presenting products,and preachers delivering sermons all dependupon this form of public communicat
3、ion.Even people who do not makespeaking a part of their daily work are often asked to make public speeches;students at graduation,for instance,or members of churches,clubs,or otherorganizations.Nearly everyone speaks in public at some time or other,andthose who perform the task well often become lea
4、ders.There are many reasons for speaking in public.A public speaker mayhope to teach an audience about new ideas,for example,or provideinformation about some topic.Creating a good feeling or entertaining anaudience may be another purpose.Public speakers,however,most often seekto persuade an audience
5、 to adopt new opinions,to take certain actions,or tosee the world in a new way.Public speakers usually know well in advance when they are scheduledto make an address.Consequently,they are able to prepare their messagebefore they deliver it.Sometimes,though,speakers must deliver the messageunprepared
6、,or off the cuff,such as when they are asked to offer a toast at awedding reception or to participate in a televised debate or interview.When they do not have to speak unprepared,most speakers write theirown speeches.Politicians and business executives sometimes employprofessional writers who prepar
7、e their speeches for them.These professionalwriters may work alone or in small teams.Although the speaker may havesome input into the contents of the speech,the writers sometimes have a greatinfluence over the opinions expressed by their employers.Regardless of howa speech is prepared,the person who
8、 delivers it is given credit for its effectupon its hearers.Part Translate the following passage into English:35 points照例每年夏天有一批中国留学生学成回国。这船上也有十来个人。大多数是职业尚无着落的青年,直在暑假初回中国,可以从容找事。那些不愁没事的学生要到秋凉才慢慢地肯动身回国。船上这几位,有在法国留学的,有在英国、德国、比国等读书,到巴黎去增长夜生活经险,因此也坐法国船的。他们天涯相遇,一见如故,谈起外患内乱的祖国,都恨不得立刻就回去为它服务。船走得这样慢,大家一片乡心,
9、正愁无处寄托,不知哪里忽来了两副麻将牌。麻将当然是国技,又听说在美国风行;打牌不但有故乡风味,并且适合世界潮流。妙得很,人数可凑成两桌而有余,所以除掉吃饭睡觉以外,他们成天赌钱消遣。Part Writing:75 pointsNowadays,many college students with excellent academic recordschoose job hunting instead of entering for the competition for M.A.candidates.They are very worried that the completion of th
10、eir M.A.programsmay lead to poor jobs or even unemployment.Please write a composition of no less than 400 words on the followingtopic:Is it Worthwhile to Carry out Our M.A.Programs?In the first part of your writing you are required to present yourviewpoint,and in the second part you are to support t
11、he viewpoint withappropriate details,and in the last part you should bring what you havewritten to a natural conclusion or as a summary.Marks will be awarded for content,organization,grammar andappropriateness.Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a lossof marks.2009年华侨大学855翻译与写作考研真
12、题Part Translate the following passage into Chinese:40 pointsMaking a presentation might be called a career skill.It is not onlyimportant as a task that forms part of an increasing number of business jobs;it can also make a difference to how you are perceived and even to how youget on in your career.
13、I once asked a senior executive about the motivation level of people whowould be participating in a presentation skills workshop.I was to run for theorganization.He replied:“They are always keen to attendno one getspromoted in this organization unless they can make a good presentation.”This is a com
14、mon enough sentiment these days.Yet presenting is not everyones forte.For most people,acquiringexpertise in this area does not just happen.It needs study and practice;it is,after all,a practical skill.Not everyone will be a great orator,but anyone canand many mustturn in a workmanlike performance if
15、 they understandhow to go about it.The intention of this book is simple:to help the reader to be able toprepare,quickly and easily,and deliver a better presentation than mightotherwise be possible.Above all,the aim is to ensure that the presentationwill achieve its purpose.Reading this book will not
16、 remove the need forpractice,but a sound understanding of the process can ensure that anypractice helps to speed up the development of skills that make a positivedifference to what is done“on your feet”.Part Translate the following passage into English:35 points孔子在论语的许多段落中表达了他对诗经中的诗篇、对“文”以及对其他些问题的看法
17、,直接成为中国传统文学思想的关注中心。这些说法经由权威性的重复和注释,对传统产生了极大影响;然而,若想从中寻找柏拉图那种对诗歌的深奥批评或亚里士多德那种对诗歌的讲解,读者一定会大失所望。而且,中国文学思想发展的最深层动力往往不在于孔子对文学自身所表达的见解,而在于论语所蕴涵的儒家思想对更广泛问题的关注。上面这段话,尽管并没有直接涉及文学或写作,却提出了一个今天依然存在于中国文学思想中的问题。Part Writing:75 pointsThere are always complaints that university students and their teachersare strang
18、ers on the campus.There could be quite a few problems with theirrelationship.What do you think are main problems with it?What measuresshould we take against them?Please write a composition of no less than 400 words on your choice.Suggested title:The Problems with the Relationship between University
19、Students and theirTeachersIn the first part of your writing you are required to present yourviewpoint,and in the second part you are to support the viewpoint withappropriate details,and in the last part you should bring what you havewritten to a natural conclusion or as a summary.Marks will be award
20、ed for content,organization,grammar andappropriateness.Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a lossof marks.2010年华侨大学858翻译与写作考研真题Part I Translate the following passage into Chinese:40 pointsIn sociology,the word“theory”is used much as it is used in everydaylife.The Shorter Oxford Di
21、ctionary has a large space to offer severaldefinitions of the term,including one which might suit more precisely anacademic discipline such as sociology:“A scheme or system of ideas orstatements held as an explanation or account of a group of facts orphenomena;.a statement of what are held to be the
22、 general laws,principles,or causes of something known or observed”.In sociology the phenomena tobe observed,quite obviously,are social phenomena,that is,its theory focuseson the relationships and interaction(other-related practices)betweenhuman beings:Theory in sociology includes any intentionally c
23、onstructed set ofstatements which can meet the following criteria:(1)They must be abstract,that is,they must be separated from thesocial practices which they address.Theory usually achieves abstraction bythe development of special and technical concepts which are used only withinthe sociological com
24、munity.(2)They must be logically consistent.The statements must notcontradict one another and,if possible,should be deducible from one another.(3)They must be explanatory.Theory must constitute a thesis orargument about social phenomena which can account for their form,orsubstance,or existence.(4)Th
25、ey must be general.They must,in principle,apply to,and beable to account for any and all instances of the phenomena which they seek toexplain.(5)They must be independent.They must not be reducible to theexplanations participants themselves offer for their own behaviour.(6)They must be substantively
26、valid.They must be consistent withwhat is known about the social world both by its participants and bysociologists and other social scientists.At a minimum there must be“rules oftranslation”which can connect the theory with other bodies of knowledge.Part Translate the following passage into English:
27、35 points古之学者必有师。师者,所以传道、受业、解惑也。人非生而知之者,孰能无惑?惑而不从师,其为惑也,终不解矣。生乎吾前,其闻道也固先乎吾,吾从而师之;生乎吾后,其闻道也亦先乎吾,吾从而师之。吾师道也,夫庸知其年之先后生于吾乎?是故无贵无贱,无长无少,道之所存,师之所存也。嗟乎!师道之不传也久矣!欲人之无惑也难矣!古之圣人,其出人也远矣,犹且从师而问焉;今之众人,其下圣人也亦远矣,而耻学于师。是故圣益圣,愚益愚。圣人之所以为圣,愚人之所以为愚,其皆出于此乎?Part Writing:75 pointsThere are frequent occasions in our life w
28、hen we ought to say“sorry”tosomebody else for our speech or deeds.Does apology merely amounts to theloss of ones face?Please write a composition of no less than 400 words onthis topic.Marks will be awarded for content,organization,grammar andappropriateness.Failure to follow the instructions may res
29、ult in a loss ofmarks.Suggested title:On Apology in Our Life2011年华侨大学858翻译与写作考研真题Part Translate the following passage into Chinese:40 pointsThe advantage of most paid work and of some unpaid work is that itgives chances of success and opportunities for ambition.In most worksuccess is measured by inc
30、ome,and while our capitalistic society continues,this is inevitable.It is only where the best work is concerned that thismeasure ceases to be the natural one to apply.The desire that men feel toincrease their income is quite as much a desire for success as for the extracomforts that a higher income
31、can procure.However dull work may be,itbecomes bearable if it is a means of building up a reputation,whether in theworld at large or only in ones own circle.Continuity of propose is one of themost essential ingredients of happiness in the long run,and for most men thiscomes chiefly through their wor
32、k.In this respect those women whose livesare occupied with housework are much less fortunate than men,or thanwomen who work outside the home.The domesticated wife does not receivewages,has no means of bettering herself,is taken for granted by her husband(who sees practically nothing of what she does
33、),and is valued by him notfor her housework but for quite other qualities.Of course,this does not applyto those women who are sufficiently well-to-do to make beautiful houses andbeautiful gardens and become the envy of their neighbors;but such womenare comparatively few,and for the great majority ho
34、usework cannot bring asmuch satisfaction as work of other kinds brings to men and to professionalwomen.The satisfaction of killing time and of affording some outlet,howevermodest,for ambition,belongs to most work,and is sufficient to make even aman whose work is dull happier on the average than a ma
35、n who has no workat all.But when work is interesting,it is capable of giving satisfaction of a farhigher order than mere relief from tedium.The kinds of work in which thereis some interest may be arranged in a hierarchy.I shall begin with thosewhich are only mildly interesting and end with those tha
36、t are worthy toabsorb the whole energies of a great man.Part Translate the following passage into English:35 points龙洞山人叙西厢,末语云:“知者勿谓我尚有童心可也。”夫道理闻见,皆自多读书识义理而来也。古之圣人,曷尝不读书哉。然纵不读书,童心固自在也;纵多读书,亦以护此童心而使之勿失焉耳,非若学者反以多读书识义理而反障之也。夫学者既以多读书识义理障其童心矣,圣人又何相多著书立言以障学人为耶?童心既障,于是发而为言语,则言语不由衷;见而为政事,则政事无根柢;著而为文辞,则文辞不能达
37、。非内含于章美也,非笃实生辉光也,欲求一句有徳之言,卒不可得,所以者何?以童心既障,而以从外入者闻见道理为之心也。Part Writing:75 pointsExcessive energy consumption in our daily life has been widelydiscussed recently as a social problem.It is advocated that every one of usshould lead a low-carbon life.Please write a composition of no less than 400words on
38、 this topic.Marks will be awarded for content,organization,grammar and appropriateness.Failure to follow the instructions may result ina loss of marks.Suggested title:On the Necessity of Low-Carbon life2012年华侨大学862翻译与写作考研真题Part Translate the following passage into Chinese:40 pointsThe civilization o
39、f China,as everyone knows,is based upon the teachingof Confucius,who flourished five hundred years before Christ.Like theGreeks and Romans,he did not think of human society as naturallyprogressive;on the contrary,he believed that in remote antiquity rulers hadbeen wise,and the people had been happy
40、to a degree which the degeneratepresent could admire but hardly achieve.This,of course,was a delusion.Butthe practical result was that Confucius,like other teachers of antiquity,aimedat creating a stable society,maintaining a certain level of excellence,but notalways striving after new successes.In
41、this he was more successful than anyother men who ever lived.His personality has been stamped on Chinesecivilization from his day to our own.During his lifetime the Chineseoccupied only a small part of present-day China,and were divided into anumber of warring states.During the next three hundred ye
42、ars theyestablished themselves throughout what is now China proper,and founded anempire exceeding in territory and population any other that existed until thelast fifty years.In spite of barbarian invasions,Mongol and Manchudynasties,and occasional longer or shorter periods of chaos and civil war,th
43、eConfucian system survived,bringing with it art and literature and a civilizedway of life.It is only in our own day,through contact with the West and withthe westernized Japanese,that this system has begun to break down.Part Translate the following passage into English:35 points一个王朝之所以覆灭,是全面衰败的结果,绝非
44、单独事件所造成的。不过历史学者和史评家们常常挑出某些特定的事件,认为它们是导致旧朝代灭亡的主要原因。他们有时甚至声称,假若不是因为某件事,改朝换代就不会发生。清代就有不少学者把明朝的覆亡归咎于崇祯皇帝处决了他手下最具才干的大将袁崇焕。还有一种说法盛行于通俗作家之中,认为使异族入主华夏的罪魁乃是一位叫陈圆圆的美貌女子,而她不过是山海关统兵大帅吴三桂花一千两银子买来作妾的一位歌女而己。Part Writing:75 pointsCriticism means disapproval;it is usually a way of expressing ourdifferent ideas over
45、a certain matter or situation.Yet,criticism may not benegative to the progress of our life.Please write a composition of no less than500 words on this topic.Marks will be awarded for content,organization,grammar and appropriateness.Failure to follow the instructions may result ina loss of marks.Sugg
46、ested title:On Criticism in Our Life2013年华侨大学862翻译与写作考研真题Part Translate the following passage into Chinese:35 pointsIt doesnt come as a surprise to you to realize that it makes no differencewhat you read to study if you cant remember it.You just waste yourvaluable time.Maybe you have already discove
47、red some clever ways to keepyourself from forgetting.One dependable aid that does help you remember what you study is tohave a specific purpose or reason for reading.You remember better what youread when you know why you are reading.Why does a clerk in a store go away and leave you when your reply t
48、oher offer to help is“No,thank you,Im just looking”?Both you and sheknow that if you arent sure what you want,you are not likely to find it.Butsuppose you may say instead,“Yes,I want a pair of sunglasses.”She says,“Right this way,please.”And you and she are offboth eager to look forexactly what you
49、want.If you are looking for nothing in particular,you arelikely to get just thatnothing.But if you do know what you want,and ifyou have the right book,you are almost sure to get it.Your reasons will varythey will include reading or studying“to find out more about”,“tounderstand the reasons for”,and“
50、to find out how”.A good student has aclear purpose or reason for what he is doing.Part Translate the following passage into English:40 points然而,在过去的几年里,有些国家中学生学习物理的人数一直在减少,这说明许多学生对物理不感兴趣或不愿学习费力的学科。下个世纪的科学研究需要公众更高水平的投资,因为复杂的研究往往耗资巨大。如果公众对科学失去了兴趣或不理解科学的重要性,科学家将难以获得足够的科研资金。我认为我们有必要重新审视当前不同水平的科学教育,以迎接21
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