1、目录2014年华南理工大学870语言学和英美文学基础知识考研真题及详解2015年华南理工大学870语言学和英美文学基础知识考研真题及详解2016年华南理工大学870语言学和英美文学基础知识考研真题及详解2017年华南理工大学870语言学和英美文学基础知识考研真题及详解2014年华南理工大学870语言学和英美文学基础知识考研真题及详解Part OneFundamentals of Linguistics and Literature(外国语言学及应用语言学和英语语言文学考生共答部分).Define the following terms in your own words(每题必答,共20分)1
2、.argumentAn argument can be defined as a statement or a set ofstatements used in order to try to convince others that your opinion about anissue is correct.It is an attempt to demonstrate the truth of an assertion,and itis a reasoned and researched claim.【答案】2.consonantConsonants are produced by a c
3、losure in the vocal tract,or by anarrowing which is so marked that air cannot escape without producingaudible friction.【答案】3.senseSense refers to the abstract properties of an entity.It is definedin terms of relationships which hold between the linguistic elementsthemselves.It is concerned with intr
4、a-linguistic relations.【答案】4.minimal pairIn phonology,minimal pairs are pairs of words or phrases in aparticular language that differ in only one phonological unit and have distinctmeanings.They are used to demonstrate that two phones are two separatedphonemes in the language.【答案】5.foregroundingFore
5、grounding is defined as artistically motivated deviation.This deviation,or uncommon usage,involves all levels of language:vocabulary,sound,meaning,graphology,etc.【答案】6.the gilded ageIt is coined by Mark Twain satirically describing the timeperiod in order to address some of the problems in the Unite
6、d States,such asreconstruction,poverty in all areas of the US,political and corporatecorruption and so on.【答案】7.individualismIndividualism is the moral stance,political philosophy,ideology,or social outlook that emphasizes the moral worth of the individual.【答案】Individualists promote the exercise of
7、ones goals and desires and so valueindependence and self-reliance,and advocate their interests of the individualshould achieve precedent over the state or a social group,while opposingexternal interference upon ones own interests by society or institutions suchas the government.8.cavalier poetsThe c
8、avalier poets belong to a school of English poets in the17th century,which came from the classes that supported King Charles during the English civil war(16421651).Charles,a connoisseur of finearts,supported poets who created the arts he craved.These poets in turngrouped themselves with the King and
9、 his service,thus becoming cavalierpoets.【答案】9.naturalismThe term naturalism was coined by Emile Zola,who defines itas a literary movement which emphasizes observation and scientific methodin the fictional portray of reality.Other characteristics of literary naturalisminclude:detachment,in which the
10、 author maintains an impersonal tone anddisinterested point of view;determinism,the opposite of free will,in which acharacters fate has been decided,even predetermined,by impersonal forcesof nature beyond human control;and a sense that the universe itself isindifferent to human life.【答案】10.point of
11、viewPoint of view is the perspective from which a story iscommunicated.It describes the position of the narrator,that is,the characterof the story-teller,in relation to the story being told.It can be thought of as acamera mounted on the narrators shoulder that can also look back in thenarrators mind
12、.【答案】.Answer the following questions(每题必答,共40分)1.What is language aptitude?Please give three examples to illustratethis concept.People differ in the extent to which they possess a naturalability for learning an L2.This ability,known as language aptitude,isbelieved to be partially related to general
13、intelligence but also to be in partdistinct.Language aptitude is thought to be a combination of various abilities,such as the ability to identify sound patterns in a new language,the ability torecognize the different grammatical functions of words in sentences,and theability to infer language rules,
14、and so on.It has been generally accepted thatlearners who achieve high scores in language aptitude tests learn rapidly andachieve high proficiency in second language learning.Yet how thecomponents work on the learners inter-language development still remainsspeculative.【答案】2.What is the difference b
15、etween a proficiency test and an achievementtest?An achievement test is a test of developed skill or knowledge.The most common type of achievement test is standardized test developed to【答案】measure skills and knowledge learned in a given grade level,usually throughplanned instruction,such as training
16、 or classroom instruction.Achievementtests are often contrasted with tests that measure aptitude,a more general andstable cognitive trait.A proficiency test is usually commissioned by a nationfor those who are a second language learner of the language of the nation.Itis often divided into several le
17、vels from the basis one to the highest grade.And it is conducted according to different abilities,generally includingreading,listening and writing.3.There are many ways of word formation in English lexicology.Canyou define back formation and give two examples?Back formation refers to an usually abno
18、rmal type of wordformation where a shorter word is derived by deleting an imagined affix froma longer form already in the language.Take“televise”for example.The word“television”appeared before“televise”.The first part of the word“television”was pulled out and analyzed as a root,even though no such r
19、ootoccurs elsewhere in the English language.Instead of taking out part of a wordas a root,back formation allows us to take out a word of a given category andform a new homophonous word of a different category,such as the nounform“white-wash”that becomes the verb form“whitewash”.【答案】4.What does“The L
20、ost Generation”refer to?It is a tern regularly used after the First World War in referenceto the host of young men who were killed in it,and also to the young menwho survived and who thereafter were adrift-morally and spiritually.The【答案】term is believed to have been invented by Gertrude Stein(187419
21、46).Themood of the lost-generation,a mood of disenchantment and sometimescynicism,was well represented by some American novelists;particularlyScott Fitzgerald.The group of men who later came to be known as the warpoets also belonged to the lost generation.5.What does“The Beat Generation”refer to?The
22、 term beat,in this restricted sense,is generally believed tohave been devised by Jack Kerouac(19221969).It bears connotations ofdown-beat,off-beat,drop-out and beatitude and denotes a group of Americanwriters(especially poets)who became prominent in the 1950s.They areparticularly associated with San
23、 Francisco,USA,and their generally acceptedfather-figures were Kenneth Rexroth,Henry Miller and William Burroughs.The Beat writers,highly influenced by jazz,Zen Buddhism and AmericanIndian and Mexican cults,living a Bohemian life-style associated with drugsand free-sex,developed their own slang and
24、a highly idiosyncratic style.Their convictions and attitudes were unconventional,provocative,anti-intellectual,anti-hierarchical and anti-middle-class(the squares).【答案】6.Who is Jane Austen(17751817)?Jane Austen(17751817)was an English novelist knownprimarily for her six major novels,which interpret,
25、critique and commentupon the British landed gentry at the end of the 18th century.Austens plotsoften explore the dependence of women on marriage in the pursuit offavorable social standing and economic security.Her works critique the【答案】novels of sensibility of the second half of the 18th century and
26、 are part of thetransition to 19th-century literary realism.Her use of biting irony,along withher realism and social commentary,has earned her acclaim among critics andscholars.She wrote Pride and Prejudice(1813),Sense and Sensibility(1811),Emma,Northanger Abbey(1803)and Mansfield Park(1814).Part Tw
27、oTest for Students of Linguistics and Applied Linguistics(外国语言学及应用语言学考生必答部分).Discuss and comment on the following topics(每题必答,共40分)1.The innative view of language acquisitionThe innateness view says that the ability to acquire a humanlanguage is part of the biologically innate equipment of the human
28、 being,andthat an infant is born with this ability just as it is born with two arms,twolegs,and a beating heart.It also claims that this built-in ability is linked insome manner to physiological maturation,that it is the strongest in the verysmall child,and that some degree of decay in its function
29、begins around thetime of puberty.Evidence for the innateness hypothesis is very strong.Forexample,there is no formal instruction in first language acquisition.Childrenbecome competent speakers of a language at a comparatively early age beforethey are ready for other cognitively complex tasks such as
30、 learningmathematics,physics or chemistry.It has also been observed that children allover the world go through the same stages in language acquisition regardless【答案】of their linguistic environment.Children do not choose their first language;they can learn any language equally well as long as they ar
31、e in the rightlinguistic environment.2.Criteria in determining a words category【答案】Category refers to a group of linguistic items which fulfill the same orsimilar functions in a particular language such as a sentence,a noun phrase ora verb.To determine a words category,three criteria are employed.Wo
32、rd categories often bear some relationship with its meaning.Themeanings associated with nouns and verbs can be elaborated by adjectives.For example,when we say that pretty girl,we are attributing the property“pretty”to that girl,and in the sentence“Jenny leaves quickly”,the adverb“quickly”indicates
33、the manner in which Jenny leaves.The second criterion to determine a words category is inflection.Wordsof different categories take different inflections.Such nouns as“boy”and“desk”take the plural affix-s.Verbs like“work and“help”take the pasttense affix-ed.Although inflection is very helpful in det
34、ermining a wordscategory,it does not always suffice.Some words do not take inflections.Forexample,nouns like“fog”do not always take plural suffix-s.The last more reliable criterion of determining a words category is itsdistribution.That is what type of elements can co-occur with a certain word.For e
35、xample,nouns can typically appear with a determiner like“the girl”and“the card”,verbs with an auxiliary such as“should stay”and“will go”.A words distributional facts together with information about itsmeaning and inflectional capabilities help identify its syntactic category.3.Sentence meaning and u
36、tterance meaningA sentence is a grammatical concept,and the meaning of asentence is often studies as the abstract,intrinsic property of the sentenceitself in terms of predication.If we think of a sentence as what peopleactually utter in the course of communication,it becomes utterance,and itshould b
37、e considered in the situation in which it is actually uttered or used.The meaning of a sentence is abstract and de-contextualized,that of anutterance is concrete and context-dependent.The meaning of an utterance isbased on sentence meaning;it is the realization of the abstract meaning of asentence i
38、n a real situation of communication,or simply in a context.【答案】4.The relationship between language and societyLanguage is regarded as a mirror of society,through which wecan understand social activities of a certain society better.Functionally,society provides language with a suitable context of use
39、,in which we canenjoy aspects of language vividly and truthfully.There are many indicationsof the inter-relationship between language and society.One of them is thatwhile language is principally used to communicate meaning,it is also used toestablish and maintain social relationships.This social fun
40、ction of language isembodied in the use of such utterances such as“Good morning”.Anotherindication is that users of the same language in a sense all speak differently.The kind of language each of them chooses to use is in part determined by his【答案】social background,and language,in its turn,reveals i
41、nformation about itsspeaker.When we speak,we cannot avoid giving clues to our listeners aboutourselves.Then to some extent,language,especially the structure of itslexicon,reflects both the physical and the social environments of a society.For example while there is only one word in English for“snow”
42、,there areseveral in Eskimo.As a social phenomenon language is closely related to thestructure of the society in which it is used,and the evaluation of a linguisticform is entirely social.To a linguist,all linguistic forms and accents areequally good as far as they can fulfill the communicative func
43、tions they areexpected to fulfill.Therefore,judgments concerning the correctness andpurity of linguistic varieties are social rather than linguistic.5.The role of word stress in distinguishing meaningStress refers to the degree of force used in producing a syllable.A basic distinction is made betwee
44、n stressed and unstressed syllables,theformer being more prominent than the latter,which means that stress is arelative notion.At the word level,it only applies to words with at least twosyllables.At the sentence level,a monosyllabic word may be said to bestressed relative to other words in the sent
45、ence.Stress may change overhistory and exhibit regional or dialectal differences,and sometimes it isplaced on a different syllable for the different grammatical functions a wordplays.For example,the form“produce”is pronounced different and functionsdifferently when stress is put on the first and the
46、 second syllable respectively.Sentence stress is more interesting.In general situations,notional words arenormally stressed while structural words are generally unstressed.【答案】.Analyze the language data according to the requirements(每题必答,共50分)1.Analyze the following speech event in terms of the rela
47、ted pragmatictheory(15 points)Hamlet:Whose graves this,sirrah?Clown(gravedigger):Mine,sir.Hamlet:What man dost thou dig it for?Clown:For no man,sir.Hamlet:What woman then?Clown:For none,neither.Hamlet:Who is to be buried int?Clown:One that was a woman,sir;but,rest her soul,shes dead.(Shakespeare,Ham
48、let)【答案】This speech event violates the cooperative principle.The content ofcooperative principle is to make your conversational contribution as isrequired,at the stage at which it occurs,by the accepted purpose or directionof the exchange in which you are engaged.And it contains the followingmaxims.
49、QualityTry to make your contribution one that is true.(1)Do not say what you believe to be false.(2)Do not say that for which you lack adequate evident.Quantity(1)Make your contribution as informative as is required(for the currentpurpose of the exchange).(2)Do not make your contribution more inform
50、ative than is required.RelationBe relevant.MannerBe perspicuous.(1)Avoid obscurity of expression.(2)Avoid ambiguity.(3)Be brief.(4)Be orderly.Apparently,in this speech event,the clown violates the maxim ofquality as he answers that the grave is not for man or woman.As a result,there comes conversati
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