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1、1. 肠道准备过程中,是否可以引用除水以外的其他东西?可以,饮用不同的清肠液避免可能的恶心和脱水非常重要。清肠液包括苹果汁、白葡萄汁或者其他没有果肉的非柑橘类果汁,佳得乐、姜汁无酒精饮料、雪碧、可乐等饮料,也包括不加牛奶或奶油果冻、果肉(非红色或者紫色)的清咖啡或者茶等一些无色透明的液体Q: Can I drink anything other than water while Im prepping for the colonoscopy?A: Yes! It is important that you drink a variety of allowed clear liquids to

2、avoid the possibility of becoming nauseated and dehydrated. Clear liquids include: apple and white grape juice or other non-citrus juices without pulp, Gatorade, ginger ale, diet or regular 7-Up, Sprite or colas, Kool Aid, water, clear broth, Popsicles, hard candies without filling. Also included in

3、 a clear liquid diet is black coffee or tea without cream or powdered creamer and jell-O without added fruit (no red/purple coloring).2.在检查前可以服用其他药物吗?可以,除了医生或者护士告诉你必须停用的药物。在肠道准备和肠镜检查当天,可以在医生的指导下服用处方药。但是,在肠镜检查前4-7天,必须停用抗凝剂,这些药物包括华法林、波利维、利伐沙班、维生素E、布洛芬和其他NSAIDs药物。如果你在服用上述任何一种药物,在肠镜检查前一定告状我们。肠溶阿司匹林可以继续服

4、用。Q: Can I take other medications before the procedure?A: Yes, except the ones you were told to hold/stop by the doctor or nurse. Generally, you should take prescribed medication, as directed, both on the preparation day and on the day of the procedure. However, you must not take anticoagulants (blo

5、od thinners) for at least 4-7 days prior to the procedure. These include Coumadin, Plavix, Xarelto, vitamin E, ibuprofen and other NSAIDs. If you are on any of these medicines, please be sure to let us know well in advance of the procedure. Aspirin can usually be continued.3.在检查前需要应用抗生素吗?不需要,一般大多数患者

6、结肠镜检查前不需要抗生素。即使患者有人工关节、二尖瓣脱垂、起搏器、和人工心脏瓣膜,也不需要抗生素。Q: Do I need antibiotics before the procedure?A: NO, In general, most patients do not require antibiotics prior to a colonoscopy. Even patients with artificial knees/hips, mitral valve prolapse, pacemakers, and artificial heart valves DO NOT NEED anti

7、biotics. 4.结肠镜检查需要多长时间?Q: How long will the colonoscopy take?整个结肠镜检查大约需要30分钟。你有可能需要在检查室留观大约2-3个小时。不同的病人可能需要留观的时间不同,这主要依赖于检查中镇静剂的用量和检查后的感觉如何。A: The entire procedure usually takes 30 minutes or less. You should plan to be at the facility for approximately 2 - 3 hours. The amount of time may vary from

8、patient to patient, depending on how much sedation is needed and how you feel afterwards.5.我偶尔服用了布洛芬/NASIDs和肠溶阿司匹林,我的肠镜检查是否需要重新预约?Q: I accidentally took ibuprofen/NSAIDs or aspirin, will my procedure need to be rescheduled?一般来讲不需要,但可以与医生联系后在定。这些药物有稀释血液的作用,增加出血的风险。A: In general NO, but call the docto

9、r to be sure. These medicines thin the blood and make it a little riskier for bleeding. 6.我有糖尿病,对于我的糖尿病药物,我应该怎么服用?一般来讲,在结肠镜检查前服用清肠液和肠道准备时,可以服用半量的糖尿病药物。在结肠镜检查的早上停服任何糖尿病药物。检查后一开始准备进食,你可以继续口服糖尿病药物。如果你对此有任何疑问,你可以和你的内分泌科医生联系,将你的情况告诉他们。内分泌医生告诉你怎样调整药物。Q: I am diabetic. What should I do about my diabetes me

10、dication?A: In general, take half the usual dose of diabetes medicines the day before the procedure while you are on clear liquids and prepping. Don抰 take any diabetes medicine the morning of the procedure. You can resume your diabetes medicine after the procedure once you are ready to start eating

11、again. If you have any questions about this, call the physician that manages your diabetes and tell them of your prep. That physician should determine how to adjust your medication.7.为什么在肠道准备期间不能进食红色和紫色的食品或饮料?当你进食一些红色或者紫色的食品如红色的果冻,它可能给结肠染上颜色,或者看起来像出血。为了检查的准确性,这些食品最好避免使用。Q: Why can抰 I drink or consum

12、e anything red or purple during my clear liquid diet?A: When you consume something red or purple such as red jello, it can stain the colon or appear to be blood. To help ensure an accurate exam, these liquids should be avoided.8.检查后,为什么我不能自己开车回家?由于检查中使用了镇静剂,镇静剂会影响你的判断力和反应。做过检查后的24小时内不允许驾车。Q: Why can

13、抰 I drive myself home after my procedure?A: Due to the sedation given during the procedure, you are considered legally impaired. The sedation medication impairs your judgment and reflexes. You will not be permitted to drive for 24 hours following your procedure.9.检查后我可以一个人乘车或打的吗?不可以,由于检查中使用了镇静剂,镇静剂会

14、影响你的判断力和反应。必须有一个可以信赖的人开车将你送到家中或者在公共交通中陪伴你。他们应该24小时和你在一起。Q: Can I take a bus or a taxi home by myself after my procedure? A: No. Due to the sedation given during the procedure, you are considered legally impaired. The sedation medication impairs your judgment and reflexes. A trusted person must be wi

15、th you to drive you home or accompany you on public transit. They should also stay with you until the next day.10.在肠道准备前我已经开始腹泻了,我还必须把所有的泻药喝完吗?是的,你必须按照给你的肠道准备的说明服用。结肠大约5英尺长,必须将肠道内容物完全排空以确保检查的准确性和完整性。如果肠道准备不好,医生可能在检查过程中漏掉息肉或者其他严重的病变。Q: I already have diarrhea before starting my prep, do I still have

16、to take all of the laxatives?A: Yes. You must follow the preparation instructions given to you. Your colon is approximately 5 feet long and must be completely emptied to help ensure an accurate and thorough exam. If the colon prep is not adequate, the doctor can miss polyps or other important things

17、 in your colon.11.我非常瘦,是否也必须喝完所有的清肠药?是的,你必须按照给你的肠道准备的说明服用。结肠大约5英尺长,必须将肠道内容物完全排空以确保检查的准确性和完整性。如果肠道准备不好,医生可能在检查过程中漏掉息肉或者其他严重的病变。Q: I am very thin. Do I still have to take all of the laxatives?A: Yes. You must follow the preparation instructions given to you. Your colon is approximately 5 feet long and

18、 must be completely emptied to help ensure an accurate and thorough exam. If the colon prep is not adequate, the doctor can miss polyps or other important things in your colon.11. 我的泻药没有完全服用,但我似乎已经完全排空了,我仍需要将它们喝完吗?是的,你必须按照给你的肠道准备的说明服用。结肠大约5英尺长,必须将肠道内容物完全排空以确保检查的准确性和完整性。如果肠道准备不好,医生可能在检查过程中漏掉息肉或者其他严重的

19、病变。Q: I seem to be all cleaned out but I haven抰 finished my laxatives, do I have to finish them?A: Yes. You must follow the preparation instructions given to you. Your colon is approximately 5 feet long and must be completely emptied to help ensure an accurate and thorough exam. If the colon prep is

20、 not adequate, the doctor can miss polyps or other important things in your colon.12.在服用清肠液时,我感觉恶心,我应该怎么办?服用过泻药后可以休息一会儿。可以喝些姜汁饮料或者其他无颜色的液体或者咀嚼糖块来减轻胃肠道反应。如果恶心的感觉减轻后可以继续服用清肠液。Q: I feel nauseous while Im drinking the colon prep. What should I do?A: You can take a short break from drinking the laxatives

21、. Try drinking ginger ale or another clear liquid or sucking on candy to help settle your stomach. Continue your prep when the feeling has subsided.13. 在肠道准备时为避免肛门口的刺激,我可以用药膏吗?可以,在准备中,你可以用护臀膏。Q: Can I use cream during my prep to avoid anal irritation?A: Yes. You may apply Desitin, A & D ointment, Va

22、seline or any other cream to the anus during the prep.14.肠道准备需要多长时间?完整的肠道准备大约需要4到8个小时。肠道准备过程可以在靠近厕所的地方。Q: How long will it take to complete my bowel prep?A: The entire prep can take approximately four to eight hours. You should plan to be near a restroom during this period.15.我开始服用泻药了,但是我还没有排一次粪便,我应

23、该怎么做?一些患者服用泻药后马上就会有排便,但还有些患者需要2小时或者更长时间。按照肠道准备的说明书继续服用清肠液。有慢性便秘的患者可能需要更长时间的准备肠道。如果泻药全部服用完后,粪便仍然没有排净,你就需要提前两小时到医院,再服用其他准备肠道的药物。Q: I started my laxatives and I haven抰 had a bowel movement yet. What should I do?A: Some patients have a bowel movement immediately after starting the laxatives and for othe

24、rs it may take 2 hours or longer. Continue drinking clear liquids and following your bowel prep instructions. Patients with a history of chronic constipation may need more prep than usual to clean out the colon. If your stools are not clear yellow when finished, call or come to the hospital a couple

25、 hours earlier than your scheduled time, so you can drink extra prep.16.我已经喝完肠道准备的药物,并且排便次数很多,但仍没有排净,我该怎么办?继续饮用更多的清肠液,如果粪便仍然没有排净,你就需要提前两小时到医院,再服用其他准备肠道的药物。Q: I finished all the prep and have had several bowel movements but I抦 still not cleaned out. What should I do?A: Continue drinking lots of clear

26、 liquids. If the stools don抰 turn clear yellow, you will need to come to the hospital 2 hours before your scheduled arrival time to drink more prep.17.在肠道准备期间我可以咀嚼口香糖吗?可以Q: Can I chew gun during the prep?A: Yes18.在服用清肠液过程中,我可以加些糖吗?可以,在服用清肠液的过程中,你可以用糖或者糖的替代品。Q: Can I have sugar in my coffee/tea durin

27、g my clear liquid diet?A: Yes. You may use sugar or sugar substitutes in your drinks during your clear liquid diet.19.我可以在咖啡或者茶中加奶油吗?不可以,避免进食任何乳制品包括牛奶、奶油、奶粉Q: Can I have cream in my coffee/tea?A: No. Avoid all dairy products including milk, cream and powdered creamer.20.在肠道准备过程中可以饮用含酒精的饮料吗?酒精饮料可以引起脱

28、水。所以我们强烈建议你在肠道准备期间不能饮用酒精饮料。Q: Can I drink alcoholic beverages during the prep?A: Alcoholic beverages can cause dehydration, so we strongly suggest you do not drink alcoholic beverages during your bowel prep.21.肠道准备期间我可以吸烟吗?可以Q: Can I smoke during the prep?A: Yes.22.在肠镜检查的早上我可以刷牙吗?可以Q: Can I brush my

29、 teeth the morning of my procedure?A: Yes.23.在肠镜检查的早晨我可以服用抗焦虑药物吗?可以,你可以用少量的水服用你的抗焦虑药。Q: Can I take my antianxiety medications the morning of my procedure?A: Yes. You may take your antianxiety medications with a small sip of water.24.在进食清肠的流质饮食时,是否可以和汤?你只可以喝肉汤,不能吃肉、面条和蔬菜。Q: Can I have soup during my

30、clear liquid diet?A: You can only have broth. You may not have noodles, meat or vegetables.25. 如果我在月经期间是否可以行结肠镜检查?可以Q: Can I have a colonoscopy if I am having my menstrual period?A: Yes.26.这个操作是否有疼痛?在结肠镜检查过程中,给你应用镇静剂减少痛苦。在检查过程中你可能会感觉轻微的绞痛和不舒服。Q: Will the procedure hurt?A: You will be given sedation

31、during the procedure to help you stay comfortable. You may experience some cramps and discomfort briefly during the exam.27.在检查中我是否可能会睡着?检查中镇静剂的目的是让你感觉昏昏欲睡并让你感觉舒服,但你仍可能稍微清醒,所以你可以自主呼吸,并且如果需要你可以自己翻身。Q: Will I be asleep during the procedure?A: The goal of the sedation given during the procedure is to m

32、ake you drowsy and keep you comfortable but still be slightly awake so you can breath on your own and roll over if needed. 28.在肠镜检查前为什么不能吃爆米花、坚果和种子类食物?爆米花的外壳和一些坚果、种子类食物可能在肠道内存留很多天。在检查期间,爆米花的外壳看起来像肠道的新生物。爆米花的外壳、小的坚果也可能堵塞结肠镜的钳道。使结肠镜不能正常工作,终止检查。Q: Why can抰 I eat popcorn, nuts or seeds a week before my

33、procedure?A: The hulls from popcorn and some nuts and seeds can stay in the colon for days. During your procedure the hulls can appear to be growths in the colon. Popcorn hulls, small seeds/nuts can also clog the suction channel of the scope which could make the scope inoperable and have to terminat

34、e the procedure.29.结肠镜检查后,什么时候可以进食?一般检查后你可以马上进食。偶尔由于镇静剂的原因,可能会有轻微的恶心。直到第二天你可能恢复正常的食欲。Q: When can I eat after my procedure?A: Generally, you can eat immediately after your procedure. Occasionally, there is mild nausea from the sedative medications. You may not have a full appetite until the following

35、 day.30.肠镜检查后,什么时候才能会有正常的排便?因为在肠道准备中,你的肠道是完全排空的,在正常排便前,你可能需要几天时间进食固体食物。Q: After the procedure, when will I have a normal bowel movement?A: Because your intestines were completely cleaned out for your procedure, it may take a couple of days of eating solid foods before you have a bowel movement.31.结肠

36、镜检查后我有些腹疼和不适的感觉,我该怎么办?你可以打电话咨询我们科的护士和医生,如果你腹疼很严重,你应该去急诊科。Q: I am having a lot of pain and discomfort after my procedure. What should I do?A: You may call our office to speak with one of the nurses or physicians. If you are having severe pain, you should go to the emergency room.32.结肠镜检查后我可以去工作吗?由于检查

37、期间应用了镇静药物,在检查的当天的其他时间段,你应该在家休息。结束检查24小时候,你可以继续日常活动。Q: Can I go back to work after my procedure?A: Due to the sedation given during the procedure, you should plan to rest at home for the remainder of the day. You may resume your usual activities 24 hours after your procedure.33.我怎么能保证我能够得到最好的结肠镜检查?认真

38、遵照肠道准备的说明书,把肠道清理干净是检查质量的重要保证。对于结肠镜质量更重要的是操作检查的医生。你可以看结肠镜的质量这篇文章来帮助你仔细选择操作结肠镜看内科医生。Q: How can I be sure Im getting the best exam possible of my colon?1. A: Following your prep instructions carefully and getting your colon cleaned out thoroughly is vital to the quality of the exam . Even more important, to the quality of your colonoscopy, is the physician performing the exam. See article onQuality in Colonoscopyto help you choose carefully the physician who will be performing your colonoscopy.


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