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1、第1页第2页 用用 can,cant,could,couldnt 填空。填空。1._ you dance?No,I _.2.Suzy _ swim five years ago,3.but now she _.4.3.He _ count up to 100 at four.5.4.If I have time,I _ help you.6.5.He _ get out because he hurt his leg.7.6.It is raining,so they _ play football.Cancantcouldntcancantcouldntcancould第3页I can sw

2、im.We could fly kites last year.Can you ride a bike?1.我会游泳。我会游泳。2.去年我们就会放风筝。去年我们就会放风筝。3.你会骑自行车吗?你会骑自行车吗?第4页Could you play football two years ago?They couldnt walk when they were ten months old.4.两年前你们会踢足球吗两年前你们会踢足球吗?5.他们他们10个月大时不会走路。个月大时不会走路。What an important book it is!6.多主要一本书啊多主要一本书啊!第5页What beau

3、tiful flowers he bought yesterday!What useful information it is!How pretty she is!How fast the car is running!7.昨天他买了好漂亮花啊昨天他买了好漂亮花啊!8.多么有用信息啊多么有用信息啊!9.她多么漂亮啊她多么漂亮啊!10.这辆小汽车跑多么快啊这辆小汽车跑多么快啊!第6页article 文章文章第7页Lang Lang is good at/does well in playing the piano.第8页努力,费劲努力,费劲尽某人最大努力尽某人最大努力学期学期很好,更加好很好,更

4、加好Why did XX do well in the English exam?She worked hard.She did/tried her best all term.She will do better next term.第9页Learn some new words.term n.学期学期hard adv.努力,费劲努力,费劲article n.文章文章careless adj.粗心粗心piano n.钢琴钢琴better adv.很好,更加好很好,更加好do well in 做得好做得好do/try ones best 尽某人最大努力尽某人最大努力第10页Mr Wu is g

5、oing to meet the parents of the Class 1,Grade 7 students this Friday afternoon.Listen to the report on Suzy and match the subjects with the information on the report card.Write the correct letters in the boxes.Meeting parentsA1第11页Sunshine Middle SchoolSuzy Class 1,Grade 7第12页Chinese Maths EnglishHi

6、storyGeographyA Good this term,but she needs to read more and speak more.B Suzy loves it and works hard on the subject.She knows a lot about it.C Good work.Suzy writes good articles.D She does not do her best this term.E Good,but sometimes she is careless.CEABD第13页Mr Wu is preparing notes about his

7、students.Complete part of his notes about Suzy with the information in Part A1.Then listen to the description and complete the rest of them.A2第14页SuzyStudy:good at _,Maths,_ and _ not so good at _Music:_ of the Music Club plays the piano at school _Sports:practises _ every Monday and _Others:nice an

8、d _ChineseEnglishHistoryGeographymembershowsvolleyballWednesdayfriendly第15页Mr Wu is writing a report about Suzy.Help him complete the report.Use the information in Parts A1 and A2 on page 87 to help you.A3第16页Name:Suzy Class:1 Grade:7Class teacher:Wu BingSuzy is good at Maths.She does well in _,_and

9、 _ too,but she needs to do better in _.ChineseEnglishHistoryGeography第17页Suzy likes music,and she is a _ of the Music Club.She often plays the piano at _.She also likes sports and she plays _ well.She practises hard on _ and _ after school.I think she will get into the school team next term.membersc

10、hool showsvolleyballMondayWednesday第18页Suzy is nice and _.All her teachers and her classmates like her very much.friendly第19页 hard 努力学习,努力工作努力学习,努力工作e.g.She works hard on the subject.她努力学习科目。她努力学习科目。2.know a lot about.了解许多关于了解许多关于e.g.She knows a lot about history.她了解许多历史。她了解许多历史。 ones

11、best to do sth.尽某人最大努力做某事尽某人最大努力做某事第20页e.g.He does/tries his best to learn English.他尽他最大努力学英语。他尽他最大努力学英语。 well in/be good at(doing)sth.擅长(做)某事擅长(做)某事 e.g.He does well in playing the piano.=He is good at playing the piano.他擅长弹钢琴。他擅长弹钢琴。第21页Discuss with your partner and get as much information as

12、you can about his or her study,personality and school life.Then,report it to the class.第22页She is good at writing.She must read English and use English more often.1.她擅长写作。她擅长写作。2.她必须更经常地读英语和用英语。她必须更经常地读英语和用英语。第23页She is a clever student,but sometimes does not do her best.She knows a lot about Chines

13、e history.3.她是个聪明学生,但有时不努力。她是个聪明学生,但有时不努力。4.她知道很多中国历史。她知道很多中国历史。第24页She can organize class activities well.6.她能够很好地组织班级活动。她能够很好地组织班级活动。She can get better results in Geography if she does her best.5.假如她努力,她地理就能得到更加假如她努力,她地理就能得到更加好结果。好结果。第25页She can jump high.I think she can get into the school team next year.7.她跳得高。她跳得高。8.我想她明年能够进入学校队。我想她明年能够进入学校队。第26页1.Remember the new words and the language points in this lesson.2.Preview the next lesson.第27页


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