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1、商务英语Unit 8 The Stock Market教材:新视野商务英语(下)第1页Unit 8 The Stock MarketObjectivesWarming upLanguage FocusSkillsBusiness communicationKey Vocabularylead-inSpeakingReading Homework 第2页Objectives When the learners finish learning this unit,they should be able to Know the importance of the stock marketCollec

2、ting information on stock market第3页Warming upYou are quite often to meet lots about the stock market when you do business.Ask learners what kind of problems can occur.What to say?How to solve the problems?That is what we are going to practice in Unit 8.However,lets try to work out what would be impo

3、rtant information?Discuss.第4页Language focusPresent perfect:present resultPresent perfect:unfinished pastPronunciation:strong and weak form of have,for第5页SkillWriting:Curriculum VitaeReading:Pepsi and Coca-ColaListening:competing in a global market 第6页Business CommunicationInterview skills第7页Key Voca

4、bulary stock market stock exchange issue share equities ordinary shares shareholders securities traded dividends bonds 第8页 Lead-in Many companies are authorized to use the stock exchange to trade their shares.Every day,the press gives prices and other information about the shares of these listed com

5、panies.Read the following newspaper headlines.In group,decide whether each one reflects a good or poor performance of the companys shares on the stock exchange.第9页 Words and expressionstock market:a market place for buying and selling shares.patent:to get a legal document to stop others manufacturin

6、g a productanti-establishment:not in agreement with government or authority.rebel:some one who fights against authority customized:designed for a particular customer第10页Language Focus Sequence markers and connectors We use sequence markers to list and sequence things.First;first of all;firstly Secon

7、d secondly third thirdly then after that next lastly finally now/today When we list ideas or arguments we usually use:Firstly,secondly,thirdly,lastly,finally There are a number of reasons for this:firstly the economy is weak,secondly labour costs are high and finally there is strong competition.第11页

8、When we talk about actions we usually use:first of all,then,next,after that,next.First of all,they designed a new type of shoe,then they found a manufacturer to make it.After that they started to export it.The building which stands near the train station is a supermarket.第12页 GrammarPresent Perfect

9、and past simplePresent perfect:We use the present perfect to talk about:第13页Language points1.Get the idea -saying what the problem is -asking for more details -giving information -giving the reason for the problem -apologizing and saying what could be done for the problem第14页Grammar:Model Verb:We us

10、e model verbs to:1.give advice and make recommendations.(Should,ought to) possibility about the future(will)第15页 Should and ought to(recommendations)Use:We use should and ought to recommend change,or to give advice,You ought to hire a management consultant.They should listen to women

11、s views.You shouldnt try to change the things you cant change.You ought not to postpone the meeting.What should we do?/What ought we to do?Should we change our code of practice?Ought we to change our code of practice?第16页Present PerfectWe use the present perfect to talk about:1.How a past action has

12、 consequences in the present.The two companies have merged.Past action:they merged Present result:There is one company now.Weve opened a new office in Paris.Past action:We opened a new office.Present result:Weve got a new office in Paris.2.An action or state which started in the past and still conti

13、nues.The company has had an office in Moscow since 1992.She has worked for the family business for 35 years.第17页SpeakingPair work.Find out some problems in competition and make notes第18页Sum-up We learned from this unit first of all the general problems in the stock market people may come across,then

14、 focus on how to deal with some problems,at last,practice how to open the market and enter the new markets.第19页Reading hooked:addictedgather pace:to move faster and fasteraccelerate:to make sth.happen more quickly.novel:new,unusual and interestinglag behind:to move more slowly thanfoster:to help sth developsqueeze:a us electronic stock exchange第20页Homework 1.listening to the tape after class.2.reciting the new words and the text of key vocabulary.3.writing a composition.第21页


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