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1、目 录 2011 年河北大学外国语学院 357 英语翻译基础考研真题及详解.5 2013 年河北大学外国语学院 357 英语翻译基础考研真题及详解.8 2014 年河北大学外国语学院 357 英语翻译基础考研真题及详解.11 2015 年河北大学外国语学院 357 英语翻译基础考研真题及详解.14 2016 年河北大学外国语学院 357 英语翻译基础考研真题及详解.18 说明:本书精心搜集了市面上最齐全的历年真题,尤其是独家整理了答案详解,备考价值尤为珍贵!最新真题一旦收录,电子书可同步免费更新!若需要纸质内容,可以申请定制打印版,详情咨询在线客服!2011 年河北大学外国语学院 357 英语

2、翻译基础考研真题及详解 I.Directions:Translate the following 15 words,abbreviations or terminology into Chinese,with one point for each.(15)1.CIO【答案】首席信息官 2.GNP【答案】国民生产总值 3.ISO【答案】国际标准化组织 4.NA TO【答案】北大西洋公约组织 5.WHO【答案】世界卫生组织 6.New York Stock Exchange【答案】纽约证券交易所 7.NASDAQ Composite Index【答案】纳斯达克综合指数 8.bubble econo

3、my【答案】泡沫经济 rating【答案】信用等级评定 10.ecosystem【答案】生态系统 trade zone【答案】自由贸易区 share【答案】市场份额 13.monetary policy【答案】货币政策 14.public hearing【答案】公开听证会 15.vicious circle【答案】恶性循环 II Directions:Translate the following 15 words or terminology into English,with one point for each.(15)1.全球变暖【

4、答案】global warming 2.自然遗产【答案】natural heritage 3.平等互利【答案】equality and mutual benefit 4.科学发展观【答案】scientific outlook on development 5.教育部【答案】Ministry of Education 6.希望工程【答案】hope project 7.国际社会【答案】international community 8.信息技术【答案】information and technology 9.知识产权【答案】intellectual property right 10.中央银行【答

5、案】Central Bank 11.国企【答案】state-owned enterprise 12.宏观调控【答案】macroeconomic control 13.生产力【答案】productivity 14.传销【答案】pyramid selling 15.通货膨胀【答案】inflation III.Directions:Translate the following English text into Chinese.(60)Sept 11 delivered both a shock and a surprise-the attack,and our response to it-an

6、d we can argue forever over which mattered more.There has been so much talk of the goodness that erupted that day that we forget how unprepared we were for it.We did not expect much from a generation that had spent its middle age examining all the ways it failed to measure up to the one that had com

7、e before-all fat;no muscle,less a beacon to the world than a bully,drunk on blessings taken for granted.It was tempting to say that Sept.11 changed all that,just as it is tempting to say that every hero needs a villain,and goodness needs evil as its grinding stone.But try looking a widow in the eye

8、and talking about all the good that has come of this.It may not be a coincidence,but neither is it a partnership:good does not need evil,we owe no debt to demons,and the attack did not make us better.It was an occasion to discover what we already were,“Maybe the purpose of all-this,”New York City Ma

9、yor Rudy Giuliani said at a funeral for a friend,“is to find out if America today is as strong as when we fought for our independence or when we fought for ourselves as a Union to end slavery or as strong as our others and grandfathers who fought to rid the world of Nazism.”The terrorists,he argues,

10、were counting on our cowardice.Theyve learned a lot about us since then.And so have we.(273 words)【参考译文】“911”事件既令人震惊,也令人意外。震惊的是恐怖袭击事件本身,意外的是我们对事件的反应。至于说这二者孰轻孰重,人们也许会永远争论下去。对于当天一下子涌现出来的闪耀着人性光辉的英雄事迹,我们已经谈得不少了。在一片谈论声中,我们居然忘了,当时我们是有多么措手不及。因为我们本来就没有对这代美国人抱有多大期望。这一代美国人中年是在自叹不如的心境中度过的,他们总感到在各个方面都无法和上一代美国人相

11、提并论。他们虚浮有余,坚实不足,根本谈不上是世界的灯塔,倒却是横行的恶霸,沉醉于祖辈的福荫之中,从不觉得受之有愧。人们也许会说,是“911”事件改变了这一切,正如有人会说,英雄需要有恶棍来陪衬,善良需要有邪恶来砥砺。但当你望着 911 死难遗孀的双眼时,你难道还能侃侃而谈 911 事件所引发的好处吗?不错,善恶并存也许确实非巧合,但它们也绝非相互依存的伙伴:善用不着恶陪伴左右,我们绝不亏欠魔鬼,911 事件也没有把我们变成更好的人。它只是一次机会,我们不过借此机会发现了自己的本色。纽约市市长朱利安尼在朋友的葬礼中说得好:“也许这一切的目的就是要考验一下,看看今日的美国是否仍像当年为争取独立而战

12、时那样坚强,是否仍像当年为结束奴隶制而团结奋战时那样坚强,是否仍像当年我们的父辈为消灭纳粹而战时那样坚强。”他认为,恐怖主义者就指望我们会胆怯。但自 911 事件以来,他们想必对我们已有所了解。当然我们对自己也有了不少认识。IV Directions:Translate the following Chinese text into English.(60)海洋覆盖了地球表面的 71%,是全球生命支持系统的一个基本组成部分,也是资源的宝库,环境的重要调节器。人类社会的发展必然会越来越多地依赖海洋。中国是一个发展中的沿海大国。中国高度重视海洋的开发和保护,把发展海洋事业作为国家发展战略,加强海洋

13、综合管理,不断完善海洋法律制度,积极发展海洋科学技术和教育。中国积极参与联合国系统的海洋事务,推进国家间和地区性海洋领域的合作,并认真履行自己承担的义务,为全球海洋开发和保护事业作出了积极贡献。(214 words)【参考译文】The ocean,which covers 71 percent of the earths surface,is a basic component of the global bio-support system.It is also a treasure house of resources and an important regulator of the e

14、nvironment.It is inevitable that the development of human society will come to depend more and more on the ocean.As a major developing country with a long coastline,China attaches great importance to marine development and protection,and takes it as the states development strategy.It is constantly s

15、trengthening comprehensive marine management,steadily improving its marine-related laws,and actively developing science,technology and education pertaining to the oceans.China has made positive contributions to international ocean development and protection by participating positively in UN marine a

16、ffairs,promoting cooperation between countries and regions and conscientiously carrying out its obligations in this field.2013 年河北大学外国语学院 357 英语翻译基础考研真题及详解 I.Directions:Translate the following 15 abbreviations,words or terminology into Chinese,with one point for each.(15)1.NGO【答案】非政府组织 2.CPI【答案】居民消费

17、价格指数 3.SNS【答案】社交网络软件 4.NASA【答案】美国航空航天局 5.IAEA【答案】国际原子能机构 6.UN Climate Change Conference【答案】联合国环境变化会议 7.keynote speech【答案】主题演讲 8.Nobel prize in literature【答案】诺贝尔文学奖 9.primary elections【答案】初选 10.certificate【答案】资格证书 11.euro zone【答案】欧元区 12.middle income trap【答案】中等收入陷阱 13.trailer【答案】拖车;预告片 14.unemploymen

18、t rate【答案】失业率 15.manufacturing output【答案】制造业产出 II.Directions:Translate the following 15 words or terminology into English,with one point for each.(15)1.十二五规划【答案】The Twelfth Five-Year Plan 2.社会保障体系【答案】social security system 3.全体会议【答案】plenary meeting 4.文化逆差【答案】cultural deficit 5.老龄化问题【答案】aging problem

19、 6.通讯卫星【答案】communications satellite 7.中医【答案】a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine 8.供应链【答案】supply chain 9.打破世界纪录【答案】break the world record 10.平板电脑【答案】tablet computer 11.白名单【答案】white list 12.优质产品【答案】quality product 13.高端市场【答案】high-end market 14.茶道【答案】tea ceremony 15.楼市【答案】property market III.Direc

20、tions:Translate the following English text into Chinese.(60)The U.S.and China have a wide-ranging,deep and relatively mature relationship.The presidents of both countries have repeatedly indicated the value of developing a cooperative relationship for the future.Both sides have a pragmatic awareness

21、 of the issues on which they disagree,and both appreciate the importance of not permitting those specific disagreements to prevent cooperation on major issues where cooperation can be mutually beneficial.In addition,the leaders and top working-level officials on both sides have gained substantial ex

22、perience in dealing with each other and,in many cases,have come to know each other fairly well.The above are promising dimensions of U.S.-China relations and should bode(预示)well for the future.There is no more important bilateral relationship,and thus its future direction is of enormous importance t

23、o each country,the region,and the world.For regional and global issues such as nonproliferation and climate change,active U.S.-China cooperation or at least parallel actions makes issues more manageable;having the U.S.and China work at cross purposes makes those issues more difficult,or even impossi

24、ble,to manage.Despite both sides tacit agreement on the above,there are grounds for deep concern about the future.As of early 2012 the U.S.has withdrawn its forces from Iraq and is on schedule to draw down its involvement in the Afghan conflict,and Washington is rebalancing its policy in the directi

25、on of Asia and the Pacific.This shift reflects President Obamas basic perspective,as Americas self-described“first Pacific president,”that because Asia is the most important region of the world for the future of the United States,it is vitally important that America maintain and enhance its leadersh

26、ip role there.In November 2011 the Obama Administration publically committed to devote the necessary resources to sustain this leader-ship role in Asia,even as its domestic fiscal challenges threaten substantial cuts in the overall defense budget and make funding of major overseas commitments potent

27、ially more controversial at home.(325 words)【参考译文】美国和中国有着广泛、深刻、并相对成熟的关系。两国元首多次表示,未来发展两国的合作关系是有意义的。实际上双方都清醒地知道彼此的分歧,也明白不能让这些分歧阻碍彼此在重大问题上的互利合作。此外双方领导人和高级官员在处理彼此关系的过程中获得了丰富的经验,在很多问题上都十分了解彼此。以上是中美关系的前景,预示着中美关系会向好的方向前进。中美关系是最重要的双边关系,因此中美关系未来的发展方向对每个国家、地区以及整个世界都具有重大意义。对于诸如防止核扩散和气候变化等地区性和全球问题,中美的积极合作会使得这些问

28、题更为可控,如果中美两国的处理方式背道而驰的话,这些问题会更加难以解决,甚至无法解决。尽管双方在上述问题上达成了默契,但仍有理由对中美关系的未来感到担忧。2012 年初,美国已经从伊拉克撤军,并计划逐步减少对阿富汗冲突的干涉,华盛顿正在重新平衡其在亚洲和太平洋地区的政策。这一转变反映了奥巴马总统的基本观点,即美国自认为是太平洋国家的领头羊,而且认为亚洲是关乎美国未来的最重要的地区,因此美国必须保持并加强在亚洲的领导地位。2011 年 11 月,奥巴马政府公开承诺将投入必要的资源,以维持在亚洲的领导地位,尽管当时国内财政危机的发生使得美国需要大量减少总体国防预算,也使得投资主要海外市场的计划在美

29、国国内引发了更大争议。IV Directions:Translate the following Chinese text into English.(60)从心理方面来说,到了老年,有两种危险倾向需要注意防止。一是过分地怀念过去。老想着过去,总觉得过去怎么怎么好,或者总是为己故的朋友而忧伤,这是不妥的。一个人应当考虑未来,考虑一些可以有所作为的事情。要做到这一点并非总是很容易的;自己过去的经历就是一个越来越沉重的包袱。人们往往会对自己说,我过去感情多么丰富,思想多么敏锐,现在不行了。如果真是这样的话,那就不要去想它,而如果你不去想它,情形就很可能不是这样了。另一件需要避免的事就是老想和年轻人

30、呆在一起,希望从青年的活力中汲取力量。孩子们长大之后,就希望独立生活,如果你还像在他们年幼时那样关心他们,你就会成为他们的累赘。我不是说一个人不应当关心孩子,而是说这种关心主要应该是多为他们着想,可能的话,给他们一些接济,而不应该过分地动感情。(343 字)【参考译文】Psychologically,there are two dangers to be guarded against in old age.One of these is undue absorption in the past.It does not do to live in memories,in regrets for

31、 the good old days,or in sadness about friends who are dead.Ones thoughts must be directed to the future,and to things about which there is something to be done.This is not always easy;for ones own past is a gradually increasing weight.It is easy to think to oneself that ones emotions used to be mor

32、e vivid than they are,and ones mind keener.If this is true,it should be forgotten,and if it is forgotten,it will probably not be true.The other thing to be avoided is clinging to youth in the hope of sucking vigor from its vitality.When your children are grown up,they want to live their own lives,an

33、d if you continue to be as interested in them as you were when they were young,you are likely to become a burden to them.I do not mean that one should be without interest in them,but ones interest should be contemplative and,if possible,philanthropic,but not unduly emotional.2014 年河北大学外国语学院 357 英语翻译

34、基础考研真题及详解 I.Directions:Translate the following 15 words,abbreviations or terminology into Chinese,with one point for each.(1*15)1.CA T【答案】计算机辅助翻译 2.GA TT【答案】关税及贸易总协定 3.IAEA【答案】国际原子能机构 4.NGO【答案】非政府组织 5.UNICEF【答案】联合国儿童基金会 6.America Stock Exchange【答案】美国证券交易所 7.Account balance【答案】账户余额 8.Silicon V alley【

35、答案】硅谷 9.joint venture【答案】合资企业 10.permanent member of the UN Security Council【答案】联合国安理会常任理事国 11.military tribunal【答案】军事法庭 12.low-carbon economy【答案】低碳经济 13.public opinion poll【答案】民意调查 14.World Expo【答案】世博会 15.currency devaluation【答案】货币贬值 II.Directions:Translate the following 15 words or terminology int

36、o English,with one point for each.(1*15)1.国际惯例【答案】international practice 2.最惠国待遇【答案】most-favored-nation treatment 3.联合国维和部队【答案】UN peacekeeping force 4.服务【答案】service 5.中国大陆【答案】Chinese mainland 6.中国特色的社会主义市场经济【答案】socialist market economy with Chinese characteristics 7.髙铁【答案】high-speed railway 8.国土资源部【

37、答案】Ministry of Land and Resources 9.国务卿【答案】Secretary of State 10.法治社会【答案】law-based society 11.素质教育【答案】quality education 12.记者会【答案】press conference 13.以人为本【答案】people-oriented 14.主题公园【答案】theme park 15.战略伙伴关系【答案】strategic partnership III.Directions:Translate the following English text into Chinese.(60)

38、US investments in China in 1983 totaled roughly$85 million,there are more than 20 joint ventures between the US and Chinese investors.In addition,over one-half billion dollars have been invested by US corporations in offshore oil exploration.There are reasons to be optimistic and to expect that comm

39、ercial and financial relationships will grow in the future.But there are also difficulties to be resolved.Let me first address reasons for expecting growth and then discuss the problems.After a period of dramatic shifts in economic policy,China has decided on a stable and promising economic course.I

40、t is aimed at adjusting the pace of modernization to Chinas resource capabilities and its goal of major increases in employment,providing incentives for agricultural and industrial productivity;strengthening light,labor intensive industries,using technology to modernize and promote the technological

41、 transformation of existing industries;and removing bottlenecks imposed by energy and transportation constraints.In many of these areas,particularly agriculture,the results have been very positive.Food production is increasing rapidly.Modernization of industrial production is occurring throughout th

42、e country,and production units are merging to achieve important economies of scale.Economic growth has been roughly 10%although it is faster in heavy industries and slower in some light industries than hoped for.I believe Chinese economic authorities recognize the problem and the next Five-Year Plan

43、 will address it effectively.(229 words)【参考译文】1983 年,美国在中国的投资总额约为 8500 万美元,有 20 多家中美合资企业。此外,美国公司在近海石油勘探方面投资了超过 5 亿美元。我们有理由保持乐观,并期望未来的商业和金融关系将会发展。但也有一些问题需要解决。让我先谈谈期望增长的原因,然后讨论这些问题。在经历了一段时间的经济政策大转变之后,中国决定了走上稳定而有前途的经济发展道路。它旨在调整现代化的步伐,以适应其资源潜力和大量增加就业机会的目标,刺激农业和工业生产力;加强轻工业及劳动密集型的产业,利用技术进行现代化,并促进现有产业的技术改造

44、,并消除能源和交通上的障碍。中国在许多领域,尤其是农业领域,取得了很大的成效。粮食迅速增产,工业生产的现代化正在全国范围内进行,生产单位正在合并为大规模企业。经济增长率约有 10%,尽管重工业的增长速度更快,一些轻工业的增长速度也慢于预期。我相信,中国经济部门已经意识到这个问题,下一个五年计划将有效地解决这个问题。IV.Directions:Translate the following Chinese text into English.(60)我们都知道,丘吉尔是个著名的政治家,但或许很少有人知道画油画是伴随他四十多年的业余爱好。当时,他害怕自己会因极度紧张而得神经官能症,甚至会支撑不住,

45、因为他清楚地看到了所有严重而又紧迫的问题,知道解决这些问题的明智办法,但他却不在“谋其政”的位置上。怎样减缓精神压力?这是丘吉尔所面临的问题。在一个朋友的鼓励下,他决定把学油画作为业余爱好。画画给了他新的精神食粮和头脑锻炼,使他在无聊时有了一种消遣。随着绘画技巧的极大提高,他能更加细賦地观察和享受大自然的美。生活因此比以前变得更有意义,更加快乐。从这个故事中,我们懂得了一个人在生活中有业余爱好十分重要,因为他帮助你摆脱生活的枯燥感,让你用理智而又艺术的方法来充实你的休闲时间,并且缓解你的精神压力!(324 字)【参考译文】As is known to us all,Churchill was

46、a famous statesman,but perhaps few people knew that painting was a hobby he stuck to for more than forty years.At that time,he was afraid that he would develop neurosis because of extreme stress and would not live long.That was because he clearly saw all the serious and urgent problems and knew the

47、wise measures to solve these problems,but he was not in power.How to relieve stress?This was a problem Churchill was faced with.Encouraged by a friend,he decided to study oil painting as a hobby.Painting enriched his spiritual life and challenged his mind.He painted when he felt bored.With the great

48、 improvement of painting skills,he can observe and enjoy the beauty of nature more carefully.Life is therefore more meaningful and happier for him than before.From the story,we know it is of vital importance for one to have a hobby in life.Because it helps you break the monotony of life,enrich your

49、leisure time in a rational and artistic way,and relieve your stress!2015 年河北大学外国语学院 357 英语翻译基础考研真题及详解 I.Directions:Translate the following abbreviations,words or terminologies into Chinese.(1*15)1.APEC【答案】亚太经合组织 2.R.S.V.P.【答案】请尽快回复(法语短语 Respondez sil vous plait 的缩写)3.NGO【答案】非政府组织 4.CTO【答案】首席技术官 5.FD

50、A【答案】食品药品监督管理局 6.give the floor to sb【答案】给某人发言权 7.ask for the moon【答案】异想天开,痴人说梦 8.watchdog【答案】监察机构 9.cyberspace【答案】网络空间 10.reality TV show【答案】真人秀 11.E-commerce【答案】电子商务 bucket challenge【答案】冰桶挑战 13.tiger mom【答案】虎妈 14.flash mob【答案】快闪族 15.the bursting of property bubble【答案】房地产泡沫破裂 II.Directions:T


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