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1、Welcome to My Report!Today is MondayEverything is new to all of usLets seize time to pursue our dreamI hope my report will give you some inspirationsOk,follow me!Candice Xiong第1页A Complaint Free World The author:Will Bowen*One of Americas greatest and respected spiritual mentor*The founder of“”sport

2、 no complaint第2页A Complaint Free World No Complaint Sport1.Find a purple hand-ring,wear it on one wrist,and adhere to not complaining for 21days.2.When you find that you are complaining,you have to move the hand-ring to another hand,and return to the first day and start again.Attention:The complaint

3、s we talk about are those we speaked out.If you just have these thoughts in your heart,that doesnt count.第3页A Complaint Free WorldThe main content of my report:Something about complaint PART 1Something about authors opinions PART 2Something about my thinking PART 3 To DO:To DO:第4页A Complaint Free Wo

4、rld Complaint1.What is complaint?2.Why do you complain?3.How often do you complain?4.Can you realize when you are Complaining?第5页A Complaint Free WorldThe idea of authorslUnconscious complaintlConscious complaintlConscious incompliantlUnconscious incompliant第6页A Complaint Free WorldUnconscious compl

5、aintIf you shout out that you are in pain,hurt will come into your life.Thats to say,if complaining,you will meet more things you want to complain.When you complain,you are seeking for the things you said you dont want to but it still be attracted to you.第7页A Complaint Free WorldConscious complaintu

6、One of the main reasons for complaining is that we want to be more superior to others when compared with them.When I point out othersshortcomings,I mean I dont have such shortcomings,so I am more excellent.uComplaint is boast(自夸),but nobody like this kind of people.uAnother fact is that you can real

7、ize others have.第8页A Complaint Free WorldConscious incompliantuComplaint is a habbit,but if you stop to have a break,you can give you yourself a chance to be more cautious when you speak.uIf you dont want to complain,you can just keep silent.uYou have right to gain what you deserve to.If you want to

8、 achieve this goal,dont talk about this problem all the time,or focus all your attention on it.You should think about this problem from a high level,and solve it.第9页A Complaint Free WorldConscious incompliantuWhen people who are around you complain,you will feel uncomfortable.uAlthough complaint fro

9、m others doesnt sound good,you think you have no necessary to criticize them.Because you dont either complain or criticize,they also have no need to argue.In such way,complaint is suspended.uYou will begin to appreciate to the most unimportant things,even it was thought to be granted.第10页A Complaint Free WorlduMy thinking about complaint.uMy opinion on no complaint world.uMy doing in my life.My understanding第11页Thanks for your listening!LOVE YOUR LIFE!第12页


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