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1、流浪汉A:索比穿着:破旧裤子,破皮鞋,马甲,黑领结流浪汉B:索普穿着:邋遢的便装警长警察旁白+法官侍者领班+市民(我)侍者+路人某一个晚上 索比,索普睡在广场喷水池旁的长凳上,用三张星期日的报纸分别垫在上衣里、包着脚踝、盖住大腿,依然冻得瑟瑟发抖第二天早上两人急躁不安地躺在广场的长凳上,辗转反侧。One nightSoapy, thorpe slept on his bench near the spurting fountain in the square, with the three newspapers, Sunday in the top cover, wrapped in ankl

2、e, thigh, still shiveringThe second day morningThe two men lay anxiously on the bench in the square, tossing and turning旁白:冬天快要到了,他们得想想办法去岛上呆上三个月,多年来,好客的布莱克韦尔岛的监狱一直是两人冬天的寓所。不要求在地中海巡游,也不要求到南方去晒令人昏睡的太阳,有吃有住就好,还有志趣相投的伙伴们,也没有北风和警察的侵扰。那样的生活多好啊! Narrator: winter is coming, they have to think of a way to s

3、tay on the island for three months, for years, the hospitable blackwell prison island has always been two peoples home in the winter. Does not require a cruise in the Mediterranean, also went to the south does not require the sun bask in a coma, had to eat a live, there are like-minded partners, nor

4、 the intrusion of the north wind and the police. Thats a good life.索比:(小声说)哼,那些以公益设施对城镇穷苦人没有一点作用,早点拆了才好,让我遭受精神的折磨,还不如法律来的好呢。看来我要做点什么,让我愉快的度过三个月Soapy: (whispered) hum, those in the urban poor people do not have a little effect on public welfare facilities, down early enough, let me suffer from mental

5、 torture, is not as good as the law to do. What do I have to do to make me happy for three months.索普:(从长凳上坐起来)是的,我也要做点什么,来比你更早进监狱度过这个冬天。Thorpe: (sitting up on a bench) yes, I have to do something to get in jail earlier than you do.索比:(跟着从长凳上起来)我明天就应该在监狱欢迎你的到来Soapy: (following up on the bench) I shou

6、ld welcome you in prison tomorrow(随后两人向两个不同方向走去) (then they walk in two different directions.)第一幕(The first act)索比离开长凳,踱出广场,(在路上走一个来回),在一家灯火辉煌的咖啡馆前停下脚步。Soapy stepped out of the bench and strolled out of the square, stopping in front of a brightly lit cafe.索比:嗯,这家店不错,如果我只露出上半身,他们一定不会怀疑我的!嗯,这样挺好,不会太贵,

7、也不会遭到太厉害的报复。Soapy: well, the store is good, and if I only show my upper body, they wont doubt mine! Well, thats good, not too expensive, and not too much revenge.于是索比整了整领结,迈出脚,踏进门,在柜台面前停下So soapy took the bow, stepped in, and stopped at the counter侍者:(鞠躬)欢迎光临,有什么可以效劳的。Waiter: (bowing) welcome to our

8、 company. What can I do for you?索比:一只烤鸭,一瓶红酒,一些奶酪,一小杯清咖啡,一只一美元的雪茄。Soapy: a roast duck, a bottle of red wine, some cheese, a small cup of clear coffee, a dollar cigar.侍者:(拿笔记录)好的,稍等,先生Waiter: (taking a pen record) ok, wait a minute, Sir.侍者领班出场,快步走到柜台:三号桌的客人要两杯拿铁咖啡The waiter came out and walked quickl

9、y to the counter: the third table had two lattes侍者领班目光一下落在索比的裤子和鞋子上(眼神要鄙夷),然后一把把索比拎到一边The waiters eyes fell on the pants and shoes of the narrator, soapy, and took him aside侍者领班:嘿!这里不欢迎乞丐!Waiter: hey! Beggars are not welcome here!索比:(慌张,不知所措)等下,我不是乞丐,我要吃烤鸭Soapy: (flustered, overwhelmed) wait, Im not

10、 a beggar, I want to eat roast duck(强壮迅急的手掌推了他个转身,悄无声息地把索比押了出来,推上了人行道。)索比回头看了一眼咖啡厅(两个侍者趁机退场去对面的餐厅)(the strong, swift hand pushed him around, silently putting soapy out and pushing the pavement.) Soapy glanced back at the cafe (the two waiters took the opportunity to return to the restaurant across t

11、he street)索比:倒霉Soapy: bad luck第二幕The second act旁白:对面街上,有一家不太招眼的餐厅,它可以填饱肚子,又花不了多少钱。它的碗具粗糙,空气混浊,汤菜淡如水,餐巾薄如绢。索比索比穿着那令人诅咒的鞋子和暴露身份的裤子跨进餐厅,上帝保佑,还没遭到白眼。Narrator: across the street, theres a restaurant thats not so open. It can fill up and it wont cost much. Its bowl was rough, the air was cloudy, the soup

12、was light and the napkin was thin. The sobissau crossed into the dining room with the cursed shoes and the exposed pants, and god bless, not yet.侍者领班:欢迎,先生,要吃点什么Waiter: welcome, Sir. What would you like to have索比:一份牛排,煎饼,炸面饼圈,馅饼。谢谢。(吃完以后)Soapy: a steak, a pancake, a doughnut, pie. thank you(after ea

13、ting)索比:(摊手)对不起,我身上没钱。现在,快去叫警察,别让我等久了,我急着进监狱。(看向外面的警长)Soapy: (hands down) Im sorry, I dont have any money. Now, hurry to call the police. Dont let me wait long. Im in a hurry to go to jail. (look at the sheriff outside.)(警长从外面走过)(the sheriff walks by.)侍者领班:(声音温柔,脸色凶狠)用不着找警察。喂,约翰!Waiter: (the voice i

14、s gentle, the face is fierce) there is no need to find the police. Hello, John! 两个侍者干净利落地把他推倒在又冷又硬的地板上,然后一顿暴打,之后又把他扔到了人行道索比艰难地一点一点地从地上爬起来,接着拍掉衣服上的尘土。一瘸一拐向公园走去(警长停下来看戏)Waiters neatly put him down on the floor of the cold and hard, and then suddenly and violently dozen, then threw him out of the sidew

15、alk soapy struggled to climb from the ground up bit by bit, and then pat the dust from his clothes. Limping toward the park(the sheriff stops to watch the show.)警长:(看完热闹后笑了笑)嘿,又是个没钱吃饭的。(继续沿街走去)Sheriff: (after watching the noise) hey, theres no money for dinner. (walking down the street)旁白:被捕的愿望仅仅是美梦

16、一个,那个岛子是太遥远了。Narrator: the desire to be arrested was only a dream. The island was too far away.第三幕The third act旁白:而在另一边,第六大街的拐角处,灯火通明、陈设精巧的大玻璃橱窗内的商品尤其诱人注目。Narrator: on the other side, the corner of sixth avenue, the bright lights and the exquisite Windows of the big glass window are particularly att

17、ractive.索普捡起一块鹅卵石,向玻璃窗砸去。(手机可以放一段玻璃破碎,人们惊叫的声音)Thorpe picked up a pebble and threw it at the window. (the phone can be broken by a piece of glass.)警察从转弯处奔来,领头的就是一位警长。The policeman ran from the corner, and the chief was a sheriff.警察:有人在砸玻璃,快,快抓住他!Policeman: someone is smashing the glass. Quick, catch

18、him!警长:快,赶紧追上去!Sheriff: quick, catch up!索普一动不动地站在原地,两手插在裤袋里,对着警察微笑。Thorpe stood still, his hands in his pockets, smiling at the policeman.警长:(气急败坏)肇事的家伙跑哪儿去了?Sheriff: (exasperated) where did the guy who hit the road go?索普:(有点嘲讽)你不认为这是与我有关吗?Thorpe: (kind of sneering) dont you think its about me?警察:肇事

19、的人怎么可能留在现场和警察交谈,早就跑了,别开玩笑了!Policeman: how could someone who had done that?警长:(挥舞着警棍)那里有个人在追出租车,快,在那里!(带着警察追过去)Sheriff: (wielding a batons) theres a guy chasing a taxi. There! (chasing the police with the police)索普:(生气的跺脚)明明我才是罪犯啊,真是的。为什么就不相信我呢Thorpe: stomping angrily Im the criminal, really. Why don

20、t you believe me第四幕Act iv旁白:这里是市中心,整夜都有最明亮的灯光最轻快的歌剧。淑女们披着皮裘,绅士们身着大衣,在这凛冽的严寒中开心地走来走去。一个警察在灯火通明的剧院门前大模大样地巡逻。Narrator: this is the city center, with the brightest lights and the most lighthearted operas all night. The ladies were covered with fur, and the gentlemen, in their coats, were walking merrily

21、 in the bitter cold. A policeman was patrolled in front of the lighted theatre.索普在人行道上扯开那破锣似的嗓子,像醉鬼一样胡闹。(手机摇滚乐走起)Thorpe ripped the gongs like a drunkard on the pavement. (mobile music, start)索普:(跳,吼,叫)哈哈哈!嘿嘿嘿!太棒啦!Wow!Thorpe: (jumping, yelling, yelling) ha ha ha! Gnome male - ! Thats great! Wow!市民:(捂

22、着耳朵大声在警察耳边喊)警察先生,你也不管管,这人怎么能这样胡闹Citizen: (holding the ears to shout in the ear of the policeman) officer, you also ignore tube, this person how can such nonsense警察:这是个耶鲁小子在庆祝胜利,他们同哈特福德学院比赛足球,请人家吃了个大鹅蛋。声音是有点儿大,但没关系。我们上司有指示,让他们闹去吧。Policeman: this is a Yale kid celebrating their victory. Theyre playing

23、 football at Hartford college. Theyve got a goose egg. The sound is a bit big, but it doesnt matter. Our boss has instructions to let them go.索普怏怏不乐地停止了白费力气的闹嚷:难道就永远没有警察对他下手吗?监狱啊,我什么时候才能到你那里去啊!(扣好单薄的上衣退场)Thorpe stopped his wasted effort with a sullen voice: would there be no police for him? Prison,

24、when can I get t you? ( Buckle up the thin jacket)第五幕Scene five索普没有搭理,而是径直走开Thorpe did not answer, but went straight away索普:这些警察到底是怎么回事!为什么还不抓我!我都干了那么多事情了!真的是太不可理喻了!一位衣冠楚楚的路人走出店门时,掉了一本书,把伞靠在门边,弯腰捡书索普迅速跑过去,悄悄拿走伞,漫不经心地继续走。路人发现伞不见后,匆匆追上来。Thorpe: what happened to these policemen? Why dont you scratch me

25、! Ive done so much! Its so unreasonable! When a well-dressed passer-by walked out of the door, he dropped a book and leaned over the door to pick up the book. Thorpe ran quickly, took the umbrella quietly, and went on. The passer-by found the umbrella missing and hurried after him路人:嘿!我的伞!Stranger:

26、hey! My umbrella!索比:(冷笑)哦,是吗?好哇,那你为什么不叫警察呢?没错,我拿了。你的伞!为什么不叫警察呢?拐角那儿就站着一个。Soapy: (sneer) oh, yeah? Well, why dont you call the police? Yes, I did. Your umbrella! Why not call the police? There stood one at the corner.警长从远处慢慢走过The sergeant walked slowly away from the distance伞的主人放慢了脚步,索普也跟着慢了下来。The ow

27、ner of the umbrella slowed down, and thorpe slowed down.路人:当然咯。那是,噢,你知道,有时候会出现一下误会我知道这伞是你的,我希望你别见怪我是今天早上在餐厅捡的如果你认出这伞是你的,那么我希望你不要Passerby: of course. Thats, oh, you know, sometimes theres a misunderstanding. I. Know that this umbrella is yours, I hope you dont be surprised. I picked it up in the rest

28、aurant this morning. If you recognize the umbrella as yours, then. I wish you wouldnt.索普:(生无可恋)当然是我的!(恶狠狠)Thorpe: (to be unloved) of course its mine! (bold)伞的前主人悻悻地退了离去。索普怒气冲天地把伞猛地扔在地上。The former owner of the umbrella walked away. Thorpe threw the umbrella on the ground with rage.警长走过来:先生?刚才那人是不是抢你伞

29、了Sheriff: Sir? Was that person stealing your umbrella just now第六幕The sixth curtain两个流浪汉顺着街道从两个方向向公园走去,一同坐在长凳上,抬头对视一眼后互相低下了头The two tramps walked down the street from two directions to the park, sat on the bench, looked up at each other and looked down at each other旁白:即使他的家仅仅是公园里的两条长凳,但回家的本能还是把他带到了那儿

30、。在一个异常幽静的转角处,风琴师在练熟星期天的赞美诗。(手机音乐)Narrator: even though his home was just two benches in the park, the instinct to return home was to bring him there.(Mobile phone music)索普:天哪,难道我已经堕入了深渊,我堕落的岁月里难道只剩下可耻的欲念,悲观失望,才穷智竭,还有卑鄙的动机了吗?天哪,我们这是怎么了!Thorpe: oh my god, dont I have fall into the abyss, I decadent da

31、ys isnt only the desire of shame, pessimistic disappointment, only poor intelligence, and despicable motive? God, whats wrong with us!索比:(毅然站起来)不行,我们一定要振作起来,走出泥潭!兄弟,我们还年轻啊!明天,我要去繁华的商业区找事干,当个司机也好!Soapy: (standing up) no, we must get up and get out of the mud! Brother, we are young! Tomorrow, I want t

32、o go to the busy business district to find a job and be a driver!索普:(听了后抬头看着索比)没错!我明天也要找一份工作Thorpe: (after listening to him) thats right! Im looking for a job tomorrow警长走过来从后面用一只手按在索普肩膀上。The sheriff came up and pressed one hand on thorpes shoulder.警长:你们在这儿密谋干什么?Sheriff: what are you plotting to do h

33、ere?索普:(转身)没干什么Thorpe: (turning around) not doing anything警察:你们衣冠不整,涉嫌影响市容,干扰公园附近居民生活,跟我来!Police: you are not dressed up, you are suspected of affecting the citys appearance, disturbing the peoples life near the park, follow me!第二天早上The second day morning警长,警察分别押着索比,索普。The sheriff, the police are ho

34、lding soapy, thorpe.法官:索比,索普以衣冠不整,涉嫌影响市容,干扰公园附近居民生活的罪名被判处(站起来)布莱克韦尔岛监狱,三个月。Judge: soapy, thorpe was not fully dressed, and he was convicted of interfering with the citys appearance and disturbing the lives of people living near the park(rising) blackwell prison, three months.索比:什么!Soapy: what!索普:监狱!Thorpe: prison!索比:整个冬天!Soapy: the whole winter!法官:即可执行Judge: it will be done(拍案谢幕) (clapping)6 / 6


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