1、合肥学院第四届科技节第六届机械创新设计大赛Hefei University机械创新设计大赛 题目: 自动翻书机 系别: 机械工程系 专业: 10级机械设计制造及其自动化 成员: 杨兆曜:1006012032 喻松林:1006012019 李 珍:1006012035 王学良:1006012031 王震宇:1006012025 指导老师: 王锡明 2012年11月28日目录第1章 自动翻书机设计背景与分析- 3 -1.1.摘要- 3 -1.2.设计背景- 3 -1.3.设计分析- 4 -第2章 自动翻书机执行机构的设计- 5 -2.1.摩擦式翻书机构的设计- 5 -2.1.1凸轮1部分设计- 5
2、 -2.1.2凸轮2部分设计- 7 -2.1.3.两个凸轮装配示意图- 8 -2.1.4.摩擦块材料的选择- 9 -2.2.翻书杆机构的设计- 9 -2.2.1.翻书杆机构运动原理- 9 -2.2.2.翻书杆机构与凸轮机构的配合- 10 -2.2.3.翻书杆机构的三维效果图- 10 -2.2.4.翻书杆机构材料的选择- 11 -2.2.5.翻书杆机构驱动电机减速器的选择- 11 -2.3.夹板机构及托架机构的设计- 13 -2.3.1.夹板整体机构的设计- 13 -2.3.2.托书架的设计- 1 -2.3.3.可移动书夹的设计- 14 -2.3.4.脚踏板及连杆的设计- 15 -2.3.5.托
3、架机构的设计- 16 -第3章 自动翻书工作流程图- 17 -第4章 自动翻书机设计创新点及优势- 18 -4.1.1.采用脚踏驱动与电机驱动相结合的方式- 18 -4.1.2.采用摩擦式翻书方法- 18 -4.1.3.价格便宜,结构简单、轻便- 18 -4.1.3.翻书机构简单、驱动电压较低- 18 -第5章 自动翻书机市场分析- 19 -第6章 自动翻书机设计总结- 20 -参考文献- 21 -第1章 自动翻书机设计背景与分析1.1.摘要我们设计的适用于经常从事乐器演奏工作,且工作时不方便用手进行翻阅书籍及乐谱的人员,还包括手部残疾的残疾人士的自动翻书机。整套装置由一个电机及脚踏板驱动,完
4、全由机械结构控制,能够自动翻页过程,并且可以适用于绝大多数的书籍翻页。本文首先对市场上较为成熟成熟的设计方案进行分析、研究,提出我们的总体设计方案,再对各个机构具体设计方案、制作方法进行详细的介绍,最后做出总结、评价。关键词:自动翻书机 电动机 脚踏板 翻页1.2.设计背景如今的市场上已经出现了一些自动翻书机构。最著名的如日本Sony公司推出的BooktTime和适用于乐队指挥者的翻页器等。目前翻书机或翻谱仪常用的取纸方式大概有以下几种:1、吸页方式:采用流体力学原理,利用大气压来进行取纸,但这种方式时间久之后取纸效果就比较差,机构也比较庞大,效果并不理想。 2、定纸方式:即做若干翻书杆,每个
6、机架等结构均根据工件制造加工工艺及材料强度要求设计。3、在设计中我们还应考虑一下因素:A、将任何一种书放置好以后,能够保证固定在仪器上不会掉下来或者自动合上。并且能方便固定与取下。B、翻页速度:最初设计对翻页速度不加什么要求,但是不能过慢,通过电动机与脚踏板的驱动,应该在较短时间之内完成一次翻页。并且翻完页后要能回到初始位置,保证下一页的顺利翻成。C、兼容性:比较起不同的书本,应该都可以实现翻页。D、纸张保护:选择合适的摩擦块材料,不能对书本有太大的磨损,否则会损坏书本。第2章 自动翻书机执行机构的设计2.1.摩擦式翻书机构的设计本设计中,我们采用摩擦式翻书机构。该机构主要模拟人手翻书动作,由
7、两部分构成:摩擦取页,转动杆翻页。两个动作分先后进行。为实现该动作,我们将采用两个凸轮机构来完成。2.1.1凸轮1部分设计凸轮1在凸轮半径增大时,推动摩擦块向右运动,翻动书页,使书翻起一定高度,从而方便翻书摆杆插入进行翻页。因此凸轮一的设计较为简单,其简图为:三维效果图如下:摩擦块摩擦块在设计凸轮机构的基本尺寸时,要考虑的一个非常重要的参数是压力角。在实际中为了提高机械效率、改善传动性能,我们要保证max【】,对于摆动从动件【】=4045。此翻书机构中应选取较小的基圆半径。这时可考虑按许用压力角要求求出。根据档书板的位置我们已确定凸轮中心从动件导路的偏置方位正确,偏据e已选定,根据公式 取=【
8、】,一般应使具体实际取值,应在实验后根据摩擦起页的实现情况取定。凸轮大径与小径长度之差即是摩擦块在页面上平动的距离,此距离也应该在实验后才能得出较好的数值,初步设计3到4厘米。2.1.2凸轮2部分设计凸轮2的作用控制摩擦块旋转的角度。凸轮2从基圆转向大圆位置时,压下摩擦块,为凸轮1水平推动摩擦块做准备。当凸轮1转动到基圆位置,水平推动动作结束后,凸轮2半径变为基圆半径,使得摩擦块上升,脱离书本。如果需要达到这种效果,需要两种凸轮配合好,所以需要满足一下条件: 2 2,这样,能保证滑块落在页面上即开始平动,而在平动完成时能立即离开页面,从而最大程度节省了翻页时间,提高工作效率。凸轮2的运动简图如
9、下:三维效果图如下:2.1.3.两个凸轮装配示意图2.1.4.摩擦块材料的选择在选择摩擦块材料的时候,我们需要考虑到摩擦块自身的摩擦系数以及书本的摩擦系数。由于不同的书本纸张的摩擦系数不同,所以我们尽可能的选择摩擦系数较大的摩擦块材料。这里我们选用硅橡胶。有机硅橡胶是由线性聚硅氧烷混入补强填料,在加热加压条件下硫化生成的特殊合成弹性体。它完美地平衡了机械性质和化学性质,因而能满足今天许多苛刻的应用场合要求。 而且橡胶自身的表面粗糙程度很大,所以我们选用硅橡胶作为摩擦块的材料。2.2.翻书杆机构的设计2.2.1.翻书杆机构运动原理翻书杆固定在托板上,当摩擦翻页机构将页面翻起一定高度后,翻书杆能转
12、合翻书机构的反书动作,从而达到,摩擦翻页连杆翻书松开夹子夹紧夹子整个翻书过程的流畅进行。- 23 -自动翻书机 细节效果图: 翻书夹二维示意图如下:翻书前:翻书中:2.3.2.托书架的设计 此托书架的作用在于放置书本以便于固定书本,中间镂空方便书背的放置,两边镂空是为了按装可移动书夹,以便于实现不同大小书籍的翻页过程。2.3.3.可移动书夹的设计为了保证书本放在托书架上的时候便于固定,且适用于不同大小的书本,同时要较好的配合整个翻书过程,所以在夹书板机构的的上面安装两个可移动书夹,用于实现以上目的。移动夹书架夹书夹2.3.4.脚踏板及连杆的设计为了适应不同年龄段或者处于不同姿势(站姿或坐姿)的
13、人群,我们特意设计了可伸缩式的连杆来控制翻书夹。同时为了考虑携带方便及重量轻便等因素,我们决定采用铝合金作为材料,铝合金密度低,但强度比较高,接近或超过优质钢,塑性好,可加工成各种型材,具有优良的导电性、导热性和抗蚀性,工业上广泛使用,使用量仅次于钢。脚踏板可伸缩式连杆2.3.5.托架机构的设计 为了配合脚踏板控制书夹张紧,托架部分的连杆同样采用伸缩式的,材料依然采用铝合金以达到轻便、简洁的目的。第3章 自动翻书工作流程图 开始夹书夹松开 踩下脚踏板 电机启动 摩擦块带起书页 翻书杆执行翻书动作 摩擦块回到起点夹书夹夹紧 松开脚踏板 电机停止 一次翻书过程结束第4章 自动翻书机设计创新点及优势
15、的价格也很便宜(在45元左右),相比其他上千元的产品,我们具有很大的优势。4.1.3.翻书机构简单、驱动电压较低此翻书机的翻书机构中核心部分只有两个凸轮的配合传动,再就是翻书杆与摩擦块的配合,结构简单,大部分为全机械传动,不易损坏,能长时间使用。且驱动电压较低12V,用锂电池完全可以胜任长时间的驱动。第5章 自动翻书机市场分析本次我们做的是全自动翻书机的设计,这个设计对于广大不方便翻书的人来说是一个很大的福音。首先,像演奏时翻阅乐谱这个必不可少,这时不可能演奏一半去翻页,乐谱也不能做的太大,这样不方便查看。这时,自动翻书机的功能就能体现了出来,它能帮助演奏者顺利流畅的演奏一篇乐曲。因此,本次设
16、计对于乐者有着意想不到的作用。其次,对于有手部残疾的人也很重要。他们可以通过这个翻书机来帮助他们完成书籍的阅读,了解并接触国际最新产品信息,帮助残疾人士自主阅读。可以说,在生活上给他们带来了很大的便利。由此可见,市场上对该翻书机的需求量还是较大的。而我们的设计能够满足市场的需求:第一该设计符合设计要求,可以较好的完成自动翻不同大小,不同厚度的书籍的动作。第二该设计全部由简单的零件组成,加工工艺要求不高,而且部分使用标准件,互换性好。第三,该设计成本低廉,厂家有一定的利润空间。第6章 自动翻书机设计总结通过此次机械创新大赛自动翻书机的设计,我们将课堂上学习的只是运用到实践中来。因为一个好的创意,
18、明老师,感谢王锡明老师的指导,因为我们的知识有限,有些问题看不到或看不通透,在老师的指导下,让我们能更好的发现我们作品的缺点,让我们能够更好的完善我们的作品。参考文献【1】机械设计基础,朱家诚主编,合肥工业大学出版社,2003.2【2】机械设计课程手册,主编,第3版 高等教育出版社2006.5请删除以下内容,O(_)O谢谢!conduction, transfer of heat or electricity through a substance, resulting from a difference in temperature between different parts of th
19、e substance, in the case of heat, or from a difference in electric potential, in the case of electricity. Since heat is energy associated with the motions of the particles making up the substance, it is transferred by such motions, shifting from regions of higher temperature, where the particles are
20、 more energetic, to regions of lower temperature. The rate of heat flow between two regions is proportional to the temperature difference between them and the heat conductivity of the substance. In solids, the molecules themselves are bound and contribute to conduction of heat mainly by vibrating ag
21、ainst neighboring molecules; a more important mechanism, however, is the migration of energetic free electrons through the solid. Metals, which have a high free-electron density, are good conductors of heat, while nonmetals, such as wood or glass, have few free electrons and do not conduct as well.
22、Especially poor conductors, such as asbestos, have been used as insulators to impede heat flow (see insulation). Liquids and gases have their molecules farther apart and are generally poor conductors of heat. Conduction of electricity consists of the flow of charges as a result of an electromotive f
23、orce, or potential difference. The rate of flow, i.e., the electric current, is proportional to the potential difference and to the electrical conductivity of the substance, which in turn depends on the nature of the substance, its cross-sectional area, and its temperature. In solids, electric curre
24、nt consists of a flow of electrons; as in the case of heat conduction, metals are better conductors of electricity because of their greater free-electron density, while nonmetals, such as rubber, are poor conductors and may be used as electrical insulators, or dielectrics. Increasing the cross-secti
25、onal area of a given conductor will increase the current because more electrons will be available for conduction. Increasing the temperature will inhibit conduction in a metal because the increased thermal motions of the electrons will tend to interfere with their regular flow in an electric current
26、; in a nonmetal, however, an increase in temperature improves conduction because it frees more electrons. In liquids and gases, current consists not only in the flow of electrons but also in that of ions. A highly ionized liquid solution, e.g., saltwater, is a good conductor. Gases at high temperatu
27、res tend to become ionized and thus become good conductors (see plasma), although at ordinary temperatures they tend to be poor conductors. See electrochemistry; electrolysis; superconductivity. Almost everyone has experienced the Doppler effect, though perhaps without knowing what causes it. For ex
28、ample, if one is standing on a street corner and an ambulance approaches with its siren blaring, the sound of the siren steadily gains in pitch as it comes closer. Then, as it passes, the pitch suddenly lowers perceptibly. This is an example of the Doppler effect: the change in the observed frequenc
29、y of a wave when the source of the wave is moving with respect to the observer. The Doppler effect, which occurs both in sound and electromagnetic wavesincluding light waveshas a number of applications. Astronomers use it, for instance, to gauge the movement of stars relative to Earth. Closer to hom
30、e, principles relating to the Doppler effect find application in radar technology. Doppler radar provides information concerning weather patterns, but some people experience it in a less pleasant way: when a police officer uses it to measure their driving speed before writing a ticket. Sound and lig
31、ht are both examples of energy, and both are carried on waves. Wave motion is a type of harmonic motion that carries energy from one place to another without actually moving any matter. It is related to oscillation, a type of harmonic motion in one or more dimensions. Oscillation involves no net mov
32、ement, only movement in place; yet individual points in the wave medium are oscillating even as the overall wave pattern moves. The term periodic motion, or movement repeated at regular intervals called periods, describes the behavior of periodic waveswaves in which a uniform series of crests and tr
33、oughs follow each other in regular succession. A period (represented by the symbol T ) is the amount of time required to complete one full cycle of the wave, from trough to crest and back to trough. Period is mathematically related to several other aspects of wave motion, including wave speed, frequ
34、ency, and wavelength. Frequency (abbreviated f ) is the number of waves passing through a given point during the interval of one second. It is measured in Hertz (Hz), named after nineteenth-century German physicist Heinrich Rudolf Hertz (1857-1894), and a Hertz is equal to one cycle of oscillation p
35、er second. Higher frequencies are expressed in terms of kilohertz (kHz; 103 or 1,000 cycles per second); megahertz (MHz; 106 or 1 million cycles per second); and gigahertz (GHz; 109 or 1 billion cycles per second.) Wavelength (represented by the symbol , the Greek letter lambda) is the distance betw
36、een a crest and the adjacent crest, or a trough and an adjacent trough, of a wave. The higher the frequency, the shorter the wavelength. Amplitude, though mathematically independent from the parameters discussed, is critical to the understanding of sound. Defined as the maximum displacement of a vib
37、rating material, amplitude is the size of a wave. The greater the amplitude, the greater the energy the wave contains: amplitude indicates intensity, which, in the case of sound waves, is manifested as what people commonly call volume. Similarly, the amplitude of a light wave determines the intensit
38、y of the light. electromagnetic radiation,energy radiated in the form of a wave as a result of the motion of electric charges. A moving charge gives rise to a magnetic field, and if the motion is changing (accelerated), then the magnetic field varies and in turn produces an electric field. These int
39、eracting electric and magnetic fields are at right angles to one another and also to the direction of propagation of the energy. Thus, an electromagnetic wave is a transverse wave. If the direction of the electric field is constant, the wave is said to be polarized (see polarization of light). Elect
40、romagnetic radiation does not require a material medium and can travel through a vacuum. The theory of electromagnetic radiation was developed by James Clerk Maxwell and published in 1865. He showed that the speed of propagation of electromagnetic radiation should be identical with that of light, ab
41、out 186,000 mi (300,000 km) per sec. Subsequent experiments by Heinrich Hertz verified Maxwells prediction through the discovery of radio waves, also known as hertzian waves. Light is a type of electromagnetic radiation, occupying only a small portion of the possible spectrum of this energy. The var
42、ious types of electromagnetic radiation differ only in wavelength and frequency; they are alike in all other respects. The possible sources of electromagnetic radiation are directly related to wavelength: long radio waves are produced by large antennas such as those used by broadcasting stations; mu
43、ch shorter visible light waves are produced by the motions of charges within atoms; the shortest waves, those of gamma radiation, result from changes within the nucleus of the atom. In order of decreasing wavelength and increasing frequency, various types of electromagnetic radiation include: electr
44、ic waves, radio waves (including AM, FM, TV, and shortwaves), microwaves, infrared radiation, visible light, ultraviolet radiation, X rays, and gamma radiation. According to the quantum theory, light and other forms of electromagnetic radiation may at times exhibit properties like those of particles
45、 in their interaction with matter. (Conversely, particles sometimes exhibit wavelike properties.) The individual quantum of electromagnetic radiation is known as the photon and is symbolized by the Greek letter gamma. Quantum effects are most pronounced for the higher frequencies, such as gamma rays, and are usually negligible for radio waves at the long-wavelength, low-frequency end of the spectrum.
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