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1、目录2012年北京邮电大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解2013年北京邮电大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解2014年北京邮电大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解2015年北京邮电大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解2016年北京邮电大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解2012年北京邮电大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解一、将下列缩略语、习语、术语和专有名词译成汉语,缩略形式还需写出英语全文。(15分)l.CIA【答案】美国中央情报局(Central Intelligence Agency)2LOHAS【答案】乐活族(Lifestyles of Health and Sustainabi

2、lity)3AIDS【答案】艾滋病(Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)4ISSN【答案】国际标准连续出版物编号(International Standard SerialNumber)5Like father,1ike son.【答案】有其父必有其子。6A word spoken is past recalling.【答案】一言既出,驷马难追。7antilock braking system【答案】汽车防抱制动系统8a license-plate lottery system【答案】车牌摇号9Asynchronous Transfer Mode【答案】异步

3、传输模式10botnets【答案】僵尸网络11consultation program on students academic performance【答案】学业会商制度12credit bank【答案】信贷银行13family/domestic violence【答案】家庭暴力14government-funded public institution【答案】事业单位15trade surplus【答案】贸易顺差二、将下列汉语译成英语,译成缩略语的需要写出缩略语英语全文。(15分)1国内生产总值【答案】GDP(Gross Domestic Product)2石油输出国组织【答案】OPEC(

4、Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries)3金砖国家【答案】BRICS(Brazil,Russia,India,China and South Africa)4自动取款机【答案】ATM(Automatic Teller Machine)5有钱能使鬼推磨。【答案】Money makes the mare go.6趁热打铁【答案】Strike while the iron is hot.7积极的财政政策【答案】positive financial policy8黄金和外汇储备【答案】gold and foreign exchange reserve

5、s9安居工程【答案】Housing Project for low-income families;Comfortable HousingProject10个税起征点【答案】the minimum threshold for personal income tax/individual incometax threshold11压力传感器【答案】pressure sensor12无线局域网【答案】WLAN(Wireless Local Area Network)13宿主【答案】host14来电显示【答案】CID(Caller Identification)15纳米管【答案】Nanotube三、

6、英译汉(60分):非常见地名和人名可保留不译。Passage One(40 points)Ghosts are a very real part of Mexican culture,and as we are here inNovember,just after the Day of the Dead celebrations,their presence lingers.Decorative skeletons and skulls are on display at many houses and hotels,nowhere more so than at a fantastic li

7、ttle hotel we discover at mother must-stop on the silver town trail,the state capital Guanajuato,a picture-perfectcolonial gem,full of partying students,craft markets and mariachi bands.The Casa de Espirilus Alegres(house of happy spirits)in Marfil,a villagejust outside,was a silver-processing hacie

8、nda in the 1700s,and is now abizarre and magical hotel so full of folk art its practically a museum.Sincethe 1950s it has been cared for by artists,including,since 1979,presentowner Carol Summers,from California.As soon as we open the Secret Garden-like door into the overgrowncourtyard I feel like I

9、ve entered a fairground ghost house.Every inch iscovered in grinning wooden skeletons,intricately painted tiles,patterned rugsand giant animal figures.Even the breakfast table,where we eat freshly baked chocolate-chip bread offcrazily painted ceramics,is covered in skeleton fabric.Theres an artistsw

10、orkshop in the basement,a help-yourself bar in a Rajasthani tent in a gardenfull of sculptures,and monstrous carved ceremonial masks on every wall.Allpre-Hispanic communities had a mask-maker,whose pieces were worn forritual“evil dances”.Mask-makers sprinkled a tree with blood or mezcalbefore cuttin

11、g wood for the mask,and some used hallucinogenic herbs andmushrooms before carving.【参考译文】幽灵是墨西哥文化中真实存在的一部分,在亡灵节庆祝刚结束那几天,庆典的气氛久久不能消散,这时正是我们的十一月份。装饰好的头骨和骷髅会放在房屋前进行展示,而且再也没有比小旅馆门前更多的地方了,每每沿着银色的城镇小路走到这里,妈妈们都会做一番停留。首府瓜纳华托犹如一颗镶嵌在图画中完美的宝石,到处都是开party的学生们,工艺品市场和墨西哥流浪乐队。在城市外面的小村庄Marfil里有一个欢乐之家,这是一个布满银色的大庄园,现在

12、则成为了一家充满着民间艺术气息的古怪魔法旅馆,实际上就像一个博物馆。自从20世纪50年代这家旅馆被画家们眷顾之后,就有了现在的店主加利福尼亚的Carol Summers。我们一打开秘密花园的门,就像进入了杂草丛生地庭院,仿佛自己置身于幽灵之家。每一个角落都有咧着嘴笑的木质骷髅,错综复杂的彩色瓷砖,满是图案的地毯和巨大的动物图像。甚至是我们吃新鲜出炉的巧克力面包的彩色瓷砖的早餐桌上都摆满了骷髅骨架。花园里的地下室中有一间是艺术家工作室,还有一个围着拉贾斯坦帐篷的自助酒吧,这个花园到处都是雕刻的印记,墙上还刻着很多仪式性的面具。前西班牙所有团体中有一个面具制造商,他的面具都被磨损后供仪式性“邪恶的

13、舞蹈”使用。面具制造商们在砍树做面具之前都会在树上洒上血或者是龙舌兰酒,有的则在雕刻面具之前使用迷幻剂和蘑菇(在墨西哥的古代玛雅文明中有致幻蘑菇的记载)。Passage Two(20 points)When she came to that part of the letter,in which her family were mentioned,in terms mortifying,yet merited reproach,her sense of shame was severe.The justice of the charge struck her forcibly for deni

14、al,and the circumstancesto which he particularly alluded,as having passed at the Nether field ball,andas confirming all his first disapprobation,could not have made a strongerimpression on his mind than on hers.The compliment to herself and hersister,was not unfelt.It soothed,but it could not consol

15、e her for the contemptwhich had been thus self-attracted by the rest of her family;and as sheconsidered that her sister s disappointment had in fact been the work of hernearest relations,and reflected how materially the credit of both must be hurtby such impropriety of conduct,she felt depressed bey

16、ond anything she hadever known before.【参考译文】当她读到他提起她家里人的那一段时,其中措辞固然伤人感情,然而那一番责难却也入情入理,于是她越发觉得惭愧。那真是一针见血的指责,使她否认不得;他特别指出,尼日斐花园建交舞会上的种种情形,是第一次造成他反对这门婚姻的原因老实说,那种情形固然使他难以忘怀,自己也同样难以忘怀。至于他对她自己和对她姐姐的恭维,她也不是无动于中。她听了很舒服,可是她并没有因此而感到安慰,因为她家里人不争气,招来他的訾议,并不能从恭维中得到补偿。她认为吉英的失望完全是自己的至亲骨肉一手造成的,她又想到,她们两姐妹的优点也一定会因为至亲骨

17、肉的行为失检而受到损害,想到这里,她感到从来没有过的沮丧。四、汉译英(60分)Passage One(40 points)中国周二公布的数据显示,三季度国内生产总值(GDP)同比增长9.1,而二季度增长率为9.5。新出炉的数据略低于分析人士预期的9.2。引发了市场一定程度的担忧。尽管如此,这样的增长率仍受到了经济学家的普遍欢迎,他们将此视为中国在努力遏制通货膨胀、同时有能力在不严重损害增长的情况下引导经济实现软着陆的证据。【参考译文】Chinese data Tuesday,which showed third-quarter gross domestic product up9.1%from

18、 a year earlier after 9.5%growth in the second quarter,came inslightly below analyst expectations of 9.2%growth and raised some concernin markets.Still,the growth rate was generally welcomed by economists whosaw it as evidence that China can guide its economy to a soft landing as ittries to quell in

19、flation without seriously hurting growth.Passage Two(20points)故天将降大任于是人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤,空乏其身,行拂乱其所为。所以动心忍性,曾益其所不能。【参考译文】When Heaven is about to place a great responsibility on a great man,italways first frustrates his spirit and will,exhausts his muscles and bones,exposes him to starvation and pov

20、erty,harasses him by troubles and setbacksso as to stimulate his spirit,toughen his nature and enhance his abilities.2013年北京邮电大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解一、将下列缩略语、习语、术语和专有名词译成汉语,缩略形式还需写出英语全文。(15分)1GPS【答案】全球定位系统(Global Positioning System)2SOHO【答案】家具办公(Small Office Home Office)3APEC【答案】亚太经济合作组织(Asia-Pacific Eco

21、nomic Cooperation)4IAEA【答案】国际原子能机构(International Atomic Energy Agency)5to fall short of the best,but be better than the worst【答案】比上不足,比下有余。6Rob Peter to pay Paul.【答案】拆东墙补西墙。7Everything comes to him who waits.【答案】坚持就是胜利。8Life begins at forty.【答案】四十不惑。9Truth will come to light sooner or later.【答案】纸包不住

22、火。10Bit Error Rate【答案】误码率11VPN【答案】虚拟专用网络(Virtual Private Network)12RFID【答案】射频识别(Radio Frequency Identification)13CCPIT【答案】中国国际贸易促进委员会(China Council for the Promotion ofInternational Trade)14ISO【答案】国际标准化组织(International Standard Organization)15Arbitration clause【答案】仲裁条款二、将下列汉语译成英语,译成缩略语的需要写出缩略语英语全文。(

23、15分)1双边贸易【答案】bilateral trade2离岸价【答案】FOB(free on board)3国际货币基金组织【答案】International Monetary Fund(IMF)4党群关系【答案】the relation between the party and the masses5以人为本【答案】people oriented;people foremost6独立自主的和平外交政策【答案】independent foreign policy of peace7子网掩码【答案】Subnet Mask8用户身份识别模块【答案】subscriber identity mod

24、ule(SIM)9啦啦队【答案】cheering squad10扫黄打非【答案】eliminate pornography and illegal publications11豆腐渣工程【答案】jerry-built project12鱼米之乡【答案】a land flowing with milk and honey13英雄所见略同【答案】Great minds think alike.14谋事在人成事在天【答案】Man proposes and God disposes.15物以类聚,人以群分【答案】Birds of a feather flock together.三、英译汉(60分):

25、非常见地名和人名可保留不译。Passage One(20 points)Every day brings news of new developments in mobile payments and mobile-pass technology.So when can we finally get rid of our wallets?Not for along time,unfortunately-at least a decade.Even if your current smartphone is technologically capable of handlingpayments,

26、passes and membership cards,and IDs,the real infrastructure willtake up to a decade to get fully sorted out.For payments,especially,smartphones are taking on a lot of the functions of our wallets without fullyreplacing any of them,“Before all venues accept payments with a smartphone,consumers cannot

27、ditch their wallets,”Oren Levy,CEO of in-app payment platform ZooZ,saidvia email.“Otherwise,I will be able to pay at one store but not at the nextone.For all merchants to accept payment with a smartphone it will take atleast 10 years.”Forrester Research estimates only one-fourth of U.S.consumers wil

28、l own anNFC-enabled phone by 2016,with 100 million shipping in 2012.Until a solidmajority of consumers own such devices,merchants have little incentive tocreate an infrastructure as receptive to smartphone payments as it is to cashand credit cards.That is the largest hurdle wallet-abandoning hopeful

29、 face.【参考译文】移动支付和移动通(mobile-pass)技术每天都爆出新闻。那么,什么时候手机会最终淘汰钱包?很遗憾,不会太久,不过至少也要10年。尽管目前的智能手机在技术上完全可以处理支付、会员卡和通行证、身份证等问题,但基础设施的完全成熟尚需十年。尤其是支付,智能手机具备很多钱包的功能,但并没有完全取代钱包。内置支付应用平台ZooZ的首席执行官奥伦利维(Oren Levy)在电子邮件中写道:“除非所有场所都接受智能手机支付,否则消费者还是离不开钱包。要不然,我在这家店铺能用手机支付,另一家却不行。至少还需要10年,所有商家才能接受智能手机支付。”弗雷斯特研究公司(Forreste

30、r Research)估计,到2016年,仅四分之一的美国消费者会拥有NFC功能的手机,而2012年的生产商发货量为1亿台。只有大批消费者拥有了这样的设备,商家才有动力建设基础设施,像接受现金和信用卡一样接受智能手机支付。这是希望淘汰钱包的人面临的最大障碍。Passage Two(40points)In a working economy,one should gain a sense of meaning from ones workwhen one makes a lasting,visible difference;and when one makes adifference,one s

31、hould be rewarded for(and in proportion with)it.Now,inthe name of dynamism and accomplishment,one probably shouldnt beguaranteed a fortune doing what one loves;I dont suggest that everywannabe Hemingway and Picasso should be raking in the bucks like a mega-banker.But the fact that it seems nearly im

32、possible to build a stable,secure,happy life in the segment formerly known as the middle class by doingworthwhile work that makes a real human difference is the exception thatproves the rule,illuminating just how deeply,and perhaps fatally broken oureconomy is.You and I face the difficult choice of

33、trading meaning for money;we weighthe searing moments of real human accomplishment against the soul-suckingwork of earning the next car payment by polishing up another meaninglessPowerPoint deck packed with tactics to win games whose net result is thecreation of little of real value for much of anyo

34、ne who s not a sociopath.Thisis the deepest kind of theft;not merely prosperity having been looted fromsocieties,but significance having been stolen from human lives.【参考译文】在劳动经济里,一个人会从自己的劳动中感受到意义,他给世界带来了永久的、明显的改变;当一个人带来改变,他就应当受到(相应的)奖励。如今,借着物力论和成就的名义,从事所热爱工作的人很可能没有获得财富的保证;我并不是说每一个人都应该效仿海明威和毕加索,像大银行家

35、那样大把地赚银子。但事实是,身处以前所谓的“中产阶层”,做着有意义的工作,真正为人类造福,却几乎无法获得稳定、安全、幸福的生活,无异证明了这条规则已不再适用,说明我们的经济已经是如何地破败不堪、积重难返。你我都面临着用意义交换金钱的艰难选择。我们在令人心潮澎湃的真正的人类成就感与消磨灵魂的“工作”之间权衡,这工作只为赚钱以支付下一期车贷,内容只是润色又一个毫无意义的PPT文档,里面满是策略,用以赢得游戏,而这游戏几乎不会为大多数善良的人们创造任何真正的价值。这是隐蔽性最强的盗窃,不仅把社会繁荣洗劫一空,而且偷走了生命的意义。四、汉译英(60分)Passage One(40 points)200

36、3年,卧龙研究中心启动了第一期圈养大熊猫野化放归培训项目,但没有熊猫妈妈的陪伴和参与。草草2008年后被选中进入第二期培训项目,开始陪伴淘淘。大熊猫淘淘的妈妈草草今年十岁,2010年8月草草产下淘淘,并从小就陪在淘淘的身边。中国保护大熊猫研究中心的工作人员称赞她在保护和培训淘淘的过程中是一位“称职的妈妈”“好老师”。在妈妈的帮助下,淘淘四个月大时就学会了爬树,六个月大时就学会了辨别方向、自己采摘食物,这些都比圈养大熊猫平均早一到两个月。而且,它的运动能力和定向能力都比圈养大熊猫更强,这跟“母兽带仔”的野化培训方式有着很大的关系,科研人员说。【参考译文】In 2003,Wolong resear

37、ch center started the first project to move the captivepandas to semi-wild environment without mothers company.Caocao beganto accompany with Taotao since it was chosen into the second project in2008.Taotaos motherCaocaowas ten years old,and had lived with Taotao allthe time since it gave birth to Ta

38、otao in August,2010.The staffs of ChinaConservation and Research Center for the Giant Panda praised Caocao as agood mother and good teacher during her process of accompanying andprotecting Taotao.Taotao learned to climb trees in its fourth month,to tell the bearings andpicking food in its six month

39、with its mothers help,all of which would beearlier than the captive pandas for one or two months.Besides,Taotaosathletic and directional abilities could be much stronger than those being keptin captivity.The scientific research said that this kind of phenomenon hadmuch relationship with the wild tra

40、ining of“mothers with babies”.Passage Two(20points)【参考译文】The landscape is really beautiful,however,its not my hometown here.I havebeen adrift in this place for nearly one hundred years.Green hills,houses,tombs,lands and twisting waters are the same as the ones in my homeland,but I cant put up with t

41、he cuckoos sad cry when I woke up at midnight.2014年北京邮电大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解一、将下列缩略语、习语、术语和专有名词译成汉语,缩略形式还需写出英语全文。(15分)1CBD【答案】中央商务区(Central Business District)2APEC【答案】亚太经济合作组织(Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation)3CPU【答案】中央处理器(Central Processing Unit)4HTTP【答案】超文本传输协议(Hyper Text Transport Protocol)5Joy put

42、s heart into a man.【答案】人逢喜事精神爽。6A new broom sweeps clean.【答案】新官上任三把火。7Births of a feather flock together.【答案】物以类聚,人以群分。8Money talks.【答案】有钱能使鬼推磨。9Catch the ball before the bound.【答案】先下手为强。10OTC【答案】非处方药(Over The Counter)11CPI【答案】居民消费价格指数(consumer price index)12GSM【答案】全球移动通信系统(Global System for Mobile

43、Communication)13Liquid Crystal Display【答案】液晶显示器14WHO【答案】世界卫生组织(World Health Organization)15GRE【答案】美国研究生入学考试(Graduate Record Examination)二、将下列汉语译成英语,译成缩略语的需要写出缩略语英语全文。(15分)1帽子戏法【答案】hat-trick2光放大器【答案】light amplifier3数据挖掘【答案】DM(data mining)4委任状【答案】letter of attorney/commission5四项基本原则【答案】the Four Cardin

44、al Principles6多党合作【答案】multi-party cooperation7商品经济【答案】commodity economy8外向型经济【答案】export-oriented economy9连锁商店经营【答案】chain-store operation10网络服务提供商【答案】Internet Service Provider11即插即用协议【答案】Universal Plug and Play12盗亦有道【答案】Robbers also have their paths.13否极泰来【答案】Every cloud has a silver lining.14做一天和尚撞一

45、天钟。【答案】The more you leave something to chance,the less chance there isfor you.15醉翁之意不在酒。【答案】The drinkers heart is not in the cup.三、英译汉(60分):非常见地名和人名可保留不译。Passage One(20 points)Nobody would mistake a human for a chimpanzee,yet we share more DNAthan mice and rats do.How can that be?Advances in genomic

46、s are starting tounravel the mystery.Line up the genomes of humans and chimps side by side and they differ bylittle more than 1 per cent.That may not seem like much,but it equates tomore than 30 million point mutations.Mound 80 per cent of our 30,000 genesare affected,and although most have just one

47、 or two changes(Gene,vol 346,p 215),these can have dramatic effects.The protein made by the humangeneFOXP2,which helps us to speak,differs from its chimp counterpart byjust two amino acids,for example.And small changes in themicrocephalin(微脑磷脂)and ASPM genes may underlie big differences inbrain size

48、 between humans and chimps.【参考译文】人类和黑猩猩外貌迥异,没有人会搞错,但这两者间的基因相似度却很高,高过野鼠和家鼠之间的基因相似度。这怎么可能呢?基因组学研究正在解开这个谜底。把人类和黑猩猩的染色体组并排比较,二者差异略高于百分之一。看似不多,但却相当于三千多万的点突变。我们30,000个基因的约百分之八十都会受影响,尽管多数仅有一两处变异(见基因第346卷第215页),但影响可能十分巨大。比如,人类FOXP2基因所制造的蛋白质作用于我们的语言能力,只有两个氨基酸与黑猩猩的相应蛋白质不同。此外,微脑磷脂和ASPM基因里的细微差别可能决定了人类和黑猩猩大脑尺寸的巨

49、大差异。Passage Two(40 points)Traditional Chinese education was,in some respect,very similar to that ofAthens in its best days.Athenian boys were made to learn Homer by heartfrom beginning to end;Chinese boys were made to learn the Confucianclassics with similar thoroughness.Athenians were taught a kind

50、 of reverencefor the gods which consisted in outward observances and placed no barrier inthe way of free intellectual speculation.Similarly,the Chinese were taughtcertain rites connected with ancestor-worship,but were by no means obligedto have the beliefs which the rites would seem to imply.And eas


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