2、1综合英语考研真题及详解Part One Topic Sentences(20 points)Complete the text by writing in the blank a topic sentence for the paragraph.Write your answers on the Answer Sheet.Earlier,we described as infernally difficult the task of writing minutes thatnot only record decisions but also summarize the gist of the
3、 discussion duringa meeting.We know the frustrations:you have to try to follow,to make noteson,and then to summarize the rambling repetitive,often irrelevant,andsometimes incoherent utterances of committee members.We have yet to findanyone who responds happily to a request to just take the minutes!(
4、1)_.The secretarys job should be to listen to what isbeing said,to extract the essence of each utterance,and to record as much ashe or she thinks will give a true and adequate impression of each speakerscontribution.A full participant in the meeting should be doing more than this.His/her job is not
5、only to listen carefully,and to extract the essence of eachutterance;it is also to evaluate each utterance,to formulate complementary orcontradictory contributions,and to express them coherently at appropriatemoments.It is impossible to fulfill both the secretarial role and the fullparticipatory rol
6、e at the same time.So we urge you to decline to be minute-taker if you are supposed to be a full participant in the meeting.It is also difficult to sift valuable points from redundancies and irrelevances.We regret that we know of no magic method or formula for doing this.Andwe know of no sure way of
7、 ensuring that you do not offend some committeemembers by reporting more of someone elses views than you report oftheirs.One tip we can offer is that,when you write the minutes,you avoidsimply reflecting the sequence and length of contributions from eachmember.It is probable that the notes you make
8、will be in chronological order,and will reflect roughly the amount said by each member.When you come towrite the minutes,you may find it effective to record the principal points ofview,irrespective of the exact sequence in which they were expressed,and toadd a note of which members supported each po
9、int of view(if that isrelevant).Focus on gathering points,not on extracting something from eachcontribution.(2)_.Tony Buzan advocates that key words andphrases are all that are needed to recall information,and these words andphrases can be related in spider-like shapes or molecular networks.Thenames
10、 of people supporting particular points of view can be attached to thekey words,if necessary.Practice is needed to use this technique efficiently.Your record looks messy,but as Buzan points out the word messy refers tothe look and not the content.(3)_.In minutes of the first type(brief,formalminutes
11、),no record should be made of proposals or amendments that werediscussed and rejected.No record need be kept of the vote.All that need berecorded is the positive decisions that were reached by a simple majorityvote(or other majority,if a special majority is written in to theorganizations constitutio
12、n).What the organization decided not to do is,soruns the theory,irrelevant;and it is irrelevant in the British democraticsystem whether the majority in favour or against was large or small.Such a theory may be acceptable for the formal running of institutionalbodies;but it is rarely judged acceptabl
13、e in business and industry.In largeresearch departments,for example,there is usually considerable value inrecording what products,policies or processes were considered orrejected(or left for later action)during a research programmed.Thought itmay seem tiresome to have to record such information for
14、the archive,thearchive may be vital as a means of preventing waste of time and money onre-inventing the wheels in later years.Equally important,your companysculpability for loss or damage may depend heavily on your ability to showthe possibilities and contingencies that were considered before a cert
15、ainpositive line of action was chosen.(4)_.The detail must be comprehensible not only tothose who were present at the meeting,but also to those who were not-andespecially to those who read the minutes sometime after the events/decisionsthat are recorded.(5)_.In meetings that lack good leadership,and
16、/or thatpride themselves on arriving at decisions by consensus,there is oftenconsiderable confusion about the precise wording of what has been decided.A good chairperson will state the proposition clearly before any vote is taken;but where that is not done,and where there is continued discussion aft
17、er sucha statement,we recommend that you establish a practice of reading out to themeeting immediately after each decision the words you have used to recordthat decision.Train you chairperson the allocate time to this checkingactivity,or be sure to intervene yourself,so that there can be no argument
18、subsequently about what was agreed.【答案】(1)It is difficult to be both a secretary and a full participant in a meeting.(2)Take down the key words and phrases.(3)Record the decisions reached by a majority vote of the organization.(4)Make the details of your minutes intelligible.(5)State clearly the dec
19、ision to the meeting after each discussion.Part Two Paraphrasing(20 points)Paraphrase the underlined part in English.Write your answers on the AnswerSheet.1In the United States it was reluctantly realized by some-subconsciously ifnot openly-that our country was no longer isolated in either politics
20、ortradition and that we had reached an international stature that would foreverprevent us from retreating behind the artificial walls of a provincial moralityor the geographical protection of our two bordering oceans.【答案】The United States has set up an international stature;the staturemakes us not b
21、e able to withdraw with an excuse of moral or ethics whenthere comes some problem,and also when the problems appear,when cannotevade by taking advantage of the geological isolation.2The automobile illustrates the point with great clarity.A technologicalinnovation like streamlining or all-welded body
22、 construction may be rejectedinitially,but if it is important to the efficiency or economics of automobiles,it will reappear in different ways until it is not only accepted but universallyregarded as an asset.Todays automobile is no longer unique to a givencompany or even to a given national culture
23、.Its basic features are found,withvariations,in automobiles in general,no matter who makes them.【答案】In the present world,automobiles cannot be the symbol or theindicator of a certain company or culture,thats to say,we cannot judge agiven culture from the cars,because,all the cars nowadays are genera
24、llyshare the same features,no matter where they are produced.3Modern art opens on a word whose reality is not“out there”in naturedefined as thing seen from a middle distance but“in here”in the soul or themind.It is a world radically emptied of history because it is a form ofperception rather than a
25、content.【答案】The world described by modern art is a world totally withouthistory,because what modern art describes is not a concrete world,but aworld in peoples mind.4I believe that death may be the most important part of life and life isinfinitesimally brief in relation to the immensity of eternity.
26、Because of myreligious faith,I shall return to the Father in an afterlife that is beyonddescription.I believe,that though my life was short in years,it was full ofexperience,joy,love and accomplishment.【答案】I think death is the most important thing in life,and compared withthe endless afterlife,the p
27、resent life is fairly small and short.Im a follow ofreligion,so I believe death will bring me to God and will open me anafterlife,the wonderfulness of which cannot be described by words.Part Three E-C Translation(25 points)1The relation between parent and child has cruel moments for the parenteven w
28、hen money is no object,and the material worries are delegated toservants and school teachers.The child and the parent are strangers to oneanother necessarily,because their ages must differ widely.Read Goethesautobiography;and note that thought he was happy in his parents and hadexceptional powers of
29、 observation,divination,and story-telling,he knew lessabout his father and mother than about most of the other people he mentions.【参考译文】即使金钱不构成限制因素,即使物质忧虑都被仆人或教师承担了,父母与孩子之间的关系对父母来说也仍然存在一些痛苦时刻。父母和孩子必然彼此陌生,因为他们的年龄差距很大。读歌德的自传时,我们注意到,虽然他在父母家十分高兴,格外具有观察力、预知力和故事讲解能力,他对父母的了解却比他对所提到的大部分人的了解要少。2Foreign direc
30、t investment is the major form of international investment,whereby residents of one country acquire assets in a foreign country for thepurpose of controlling and managing them.Why does FDI occur?Aninstinctive answer to the question by many people may be that the rates ofinvestment returns are higher
31、 in a foreign country.This answer,thoughtseemingly plausible,is actually farfetched.Just think of the fact that Britain isboth a major source of FDI in the United States and an important destinationfor FDI from the country.We cannot say the rates of investment returns inthe United States is at the s
32、ame time higher than those in Britain whichexplains investment into it and lower which justifies capital flow to theopposite direction.【参考译文】对外投资是国际投资的主要方式,凭借对外投资,一国居民可获取另一国的资产并对其实施掌控和经营。为什么要进行对外投资?许多人对该问题的直觉回答可能是“对外投资,利润更高”。这一回答貌似说服力十足,实则相当牵强。以英国为例吧,它是美国获取外资的一个主要来源,同时也是美国外资投放的一个重要目的地。我们不能说美国的投资利润率比
33、英国高,又比英国低,不能用高来解释外资进入的原因,用低来解释其对英投资行为。Part Four C-E Translation(30 points)Translate the six short paragraphs into English.Write your translation on theAnswer Sheet.1世界上存在着不少不稳定的因素,地区冲突和摩擦此起彼伏,恐怖主义活动猖獗,南北差距拉大,非传统安全威胁上升,人类面临许多严峻挑战,国际社会实现持久和平、共同繁荣任重而道远。【参考译文】In todays world,there are still quite some f
34、actors of instability anduncertainty.Frequent regional frictions and conflicts,rampant terroristactivities,the widening North-South gap and rising nontraditional securitythreats all pose severe challenges to mankind.The international community iscurrently facing an uphill struggle to achieve lasting
35、 peace and commonprosperity.2为尽早启动新一轮多边谈判,与会代表呼吁各方,尤其是发达成员表现出足够的灵活性。在日内瓦负责谈判的代表保持灵活性固然重要,而来自他们各自政府的灵活政策推动更具有重要性。【参考译文】To start earlier a new round of multilateral negotiation,the negotiators appealthat every member,especially the developed members should show sufficientflexibility.Its important that
36、 the negotiators in Geneva be flexible,and thesupport of the flexible policy from their governments respectively will bemore important.3修建青藏铁路这条世界上海拔最高和线路最长的高原铁路,是人类铁路建设史上前所未有的伟大壮举。青藏铁路建设者们在挥汗谱写这部“天路传奇”的同时,也为我们创造了一项又一项世界之最。【参考译文】Building the longest railway at the highest elevation in the world was
37、indeeda brilliant feat of engineering unmatched in the history of railwayconstruction.The construction crews built the“sky railroad”by the sweat oftheir brow,and their accomplishments have created a number of worldrecords.4尽管古人把书说成“浩如烟海”,书的世界却真正的“天涯若比邻”,这话绝不是唯心的比拟。世界再大也没有阻隔。【参考译文】Despite the ancient
38、 saying about books being like a vast ocean,the distantworld of books could be actually deemed as close as a next-door neighbor,which is not merely an idealistic metaphorical assertion.For in the world ofbooks there are no longer any barriers.5生活的经验固然会叫人忘记许多事情。但是有些记忆经过了多少时间的磨洗也不会消失。故乡里那些房屋,那些街道至今还印在
39、我的脑子里。【参考译文】Lots of things are apt to fade from memory as ones life experiencesaccumulate.But some memories will withstand the wear and tear of time.Those houses and streets in my hometown are still impressed in my memory.6也许是我的精、气、神都不足吧,不但自己写不出长的东西,我读一本刊物时,也总是无挑逗的看,不论是小说、散文或是其他的文学形式,最后才看长的。【参考译文】Pe
40、rhaps due to my failing energies,not only have I refrained from writinganything long,but also,in reading a magazine,for example,I usually finishits shorter pieces of writing first,before going on to the longer ones.Part Five Summary(25 points)Write a summary of the following passage in Chinese.Write
41、 in no more than300 Chinese characters.Ten years ago,competition between Airbus and Boeing brought America andEurope to the edge of a trade war;but the dispute was resolved and a pactsigned in 1992.Now Americas Federal Trade Commission is examiningpricing at Boeing and Airbus;and the administrations
42、 is preparing anotheronslaught on subsidies to Europes Airbus Industrie consortium.TheEconomist has learned that consultants have been hired in Europe andAmerica to gather financial information on Airbus,with a view to tearing upthe 1992 agreement.It is the damage that Airbus has inflicted on Boeing
43、 that has pushed Americato this point.At the height of a boom that began two years ago,Boeing,thetraditional market leader,lost control of its factories,upset its customers withlate deliveries and plunged into its first loss in 50 years.It wrote off$4billion,when it should have booked record profits
44、.Airbus,meanwhile,hasincreased its market share from barely a third in the early 1990s to over a halfnow.These figures have driven the American administrator to think aboutattacking Airbus again.But the politicians perception is lagging behind thefacts.Beginning with it firing of the head of the pas
45、senger-jet division inSeptember,Boeing has started on the long road to recovery.The two rivals factories illustrate the challenge that Boeing faces.At Boeing,workers swarm all over the aircraft as they build them and fit them out.At theToulouse wide-body factory of Aerospatiale,which assembles Airbu
46、ssA330S and A340S,a handful of people work on four or five planes?Cockpits,fuselages and wings are flown in from factories all around Europeand snapped together by giant machines.This manufacturing method,dictated by Airbuss consortium structure,happens to mirror modern ideasabout how manufactures s
47、hould work-whereas Boeing epitomizes massproduction circa 1940.In Seattle everybody always seems to be working flat out;Airbuss flow ofwork seems more ordered.Boeing has 216 workers for every aircraft(550jets made by 119,000 people),compared with 143(230 by 33,000)forAirbus-a 51%productivity differe
48、nce,just the sort of gap that enabledJapanese car makers to snatch a quarter of the American car market fromDetroits Big Three.While the figure masks differences in process as well asproductivity,it is large enough to make Boeing pay attention.Boeing the metal-basherBoeings chairman,Phil Condit,says
49、 that Boeing tried to accelerate itsproduction too fast,without changing a production-engineering system thathad barely altered since the Second World War.It was fine for bashing outhundreds of identical B-52 bombers,but modern jets have 4 million parts andare customized for individual airlines.A ne
50、w system to control the supplyand stock of all these parts,cutting inventory costs,is being introduced inMarch;at the same time,Boeing is trying to trim the number of specialfeatures it has to produce for different airlines,without making its customersfeel they are getting a pure off-the-peg product
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