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1、新课标英语高三上模块十Unit 4 Learning Efficiently Period 1 ReadingTeaching Goals. Teaching aims:1. Enable the students to realize that different language learning strategies are taken by individuals.2. Introduce to the students several aspects of being a successful and efficient reader. Teaching important poin

2、ts: Get the students to know how to be a successful and efficient reader and work out a program to improve their reading. Teaching difficult points: Enable the students to use the information mentioned in the reading part to evaluate their reading and work out an improvement strategic program. Teach

3、ing methods:Cooperative learning, task-based learning. Teaching aids: A computer, a blackboard, a tape-record. Teaching procedures: Step Lead-in1. Greetings2. Show them a calculation question “ 1+2+3+100=?” The students surely will respond immediately with an answer 5050. Ask them who first worked o

4、ut the problem in the world with a much easier solution. (A ten-year-old boy (高斯(C.F. Gauss ) worked out the problem assigned by the teacher in a few seconds.)3Get a conclusion: From this example, we know the significance of method. Right methods can always help improve the efficiency of solving pro

5、blems. As to our study, we can also apply certain methods or strategies to make ourselves an efficient learner.Step Warming-up1. Assign Exercise 1. Discuss Ss answers.1. Set Exercise 2. 2. Ask Ss to help you make a list on the board of readon for learning English, for example: l to pass an examl to

6、get into university for further study in English l to read books in Englishl for travel purposesl to get a better job3. Having written the list, go through the most popular reasons for learning English and ask what skills they will need in order to succeed.4. Assign Exercise 2.5. When Ss have comple

7、ted their graphs, asks them to discuss with a partner whether they consider they are giving the right amount of time to each language area according to their reasons for studying English.Step Reading1. Ask Ss to discuss the six groups of question in Exercise 1. Spend some time checking their answers

8、 and reinforcing the ideas outlined above.2. Set Exercise 2. Step Reading1. Ask the Ss to read the text on their own, keeping in mind that their reason for reading the text is to complete the first exercise in Comprehending. In order to discourage Ss from reading in more detail than they need at the

9、 end of the exercise, give them a set time for read the passage and complete Exercise 1. Advise them not to look up unknown words in their dictionary, but to underline any they cannot work out the meaning for.2. Ask Ss to finish Exercise 2. They may read the text again if necessary, but only once, b

10、efore answering the question in Exercie2.3. Ask Ss to read the text once more in pairs or groups according to their ability. And do Exercise 3 & 4.Step Homework 1. Ask Ss to go over the text again and underline points they find difficult in the text.2. Ask Ss to evaluate their reading style and work

11、 out a program to improve their reading or giving others suggestions how to improve reading efficiency.新课标英语高三上模块十Unit 4 Learning Efficiently Period 2 Language PointsTeaching Goals. Teaching aims:1. Target Languagecentigrade, competent, allocate, booklet, recipe, in detail, slow down, frequent, cons

12、ult, caption, shabby, rainbow, brewery, acute, bent, cab, currency, cuisine2. Ability goalsEnable Ss to use the new words in the text or passagesEnable Ss to give correspondent definition of each new wordEnable Ss to learn useful strategy to expand their vocabulary . Teaching important points:Enable

13、 Ss to use the new words in contextEnable Ss to give correspondent definition of each new wordEnable Ss to learn useful strategy to expand their vocabulary . Teaching difficult points:Enable Ss to give correspondent definition of each new wordEnable Ss to learn useful strategy to expand their vocabu

14、lary. Teaching methods:Cooperative learning, task-based learning. Teaching aids: A computer, a blackboard, a tape-recorded. Teaching procedures: Step GreetingsStep Lead-inT: Yesterday we read the text on “How to become an efficient Reader”. Do you go through the text again after class? So Id like as

15、k one Ss to tell us what advices are given in the text.Step Language points in Reading1. Ask Ss to figure out whether they have difficult points in the reading passage. 2. Answer to them respectively.3. Here are 2 common difficulty points for reference.Language Points1. There are certain techniques

16、you can learn and then it is up to you to practice, practice and practice. 有某些技能技巧可供你学习,然后就全靠你自己练习、练习,再练习了。it is up to somebody 意思是 it is somebodys responsibility or duty, 可理解成“取决于某人;在于;该由负责”如:Shall we go out? 我们可以出去吗?Its up to you.由你决定。 I cant take the decision. Its not up to me. 我不能做决定,这不取决我。拓展up

17、to 还有表示“深度、高度、地位等”直到;(数目上)直到,至多;“接近于;达到”“胜任、适宜”等意思。Mary is small and just comes up to Bills chest. Everyone has his part to play, from the office boy up to the president. They worked here up to the last minute. Up to ten people can sleep in this tent. If your goods are up to the sample, they will ce

18、rtainly sell well in the market. The interpreters English was not up to the task. What have you been up to lately?2. For example, suppose in biology you were studying how plants reproduce, then you could fin d an English text about this on the Internet. 例如:假设在生物学中,你正在研究植物如何繁衍,那你会在因特网上找到有关这方面的文章 supp

19、ose 可以看成连接词,意思是 imagine what will/would happen if. 它所引导的从句表示“主观设想的情况”因此,有些动词用虚拟语气 例如: Suppose you fall and hurt yourself when youre out alone in the mountains? 另外,suppose, supposing 用做连接词时,还可以用来表示建议,表示“怎么样?” Suppose we put it off till next week? Supposing you have another try?3. You may find you hav

20、e more than one strong learning style, which is a bonus because being able to learn in more than one style increases your chances of finding activities that suit you. 你或许会发现自己有不止一种倾向的学习风格,这是一种意外的收获,因为能够以多种风格学习会增大找到合适的学习活动的机会bonus在本句中意思是 anything pleasant in addition to what is expected, 可以理解为“意外令人高兴

21、的事”Step Discovering useful words and expressions1. Exercise1. First go through the words and their meaning with Ss and ask them to finish the blank-filling within 6 min. Then check the answers.2. Exercise 2. Ask Ss to working out the meaning of words using the context. 3. Ex2 on page 25. Ask the Ss

22、to read the text and try to guess the meaning of each bolded words in the context and try to explain them in English. Then ask them to look up the words in English-English dictionary, and check whether their former definitions are right or wrong.3. Ex 3 Play a game in pairs, one student gives a defi

23、nition and another student guesses the correspondent word. Step Consolidating ExerciseGo over the Exercises in the workbook if time permits.Step V. Homework Complete all the Exercises on page 76 &77.新课标英语高三上模块十Unit 4 Learning Efficiently Period 3 Grammar: Revising of the Subjunctive Mood. Teaching a

24、ims:1. Enable the Ss to grasp the structure and meaning of the Subjunctive Mood 2. Enable the Ss to apply the Subjunctive Mood to the context. Teaching important points:Enable the Ss to grasp the structure and meaning of the Subjunctive Mood and apply this grammar to detail context . Teaching diffic

25、ult points: The meaning of the Subjunctive Mood and its appliances. Teaching methods:Inductive and deductive methods, task-based learning and cooperative learning. Teaching aids: A computer, a blackboard. Teaching procedures: Step I Lead in1. List three sentences on the screen.1) If I were Andy Lou,

26、 I would be in Hong Kong now. 2) I wish I were a millionaire. 3 )We suggest that everyone should help the AIDS patients.Ask Ss in what kind of circumstance do we use the Subjunctive Mood.虚拟语气是一种特殊的动词形式(verb structure),用来表示说话人所说的话不是一个事实 (fact),而只是一种假设(hypotheses ) 愿望(wishes)、建议(suggestion) 或怀疑doubt等等

27、。Step Knowledge Recalling1. Ask the Ss to recall some knowledge theyve learned in Book6.Step Further Explaining虚拟语气应该注意的几点:1.虚拟语气在条件句中 1)表示不太可能出现的情况”, 条件从句一般用过去时,主句用would do, should do 或 might /could do; 2)表示“本可能发生却未发生的事情”,条件从句用过去完成时,主句用would have done, should have done, might / could have doneThe o

28、ld men would find it difficult to get a job if they left the farm. I should be surprised if it was less than five pounds. If I frightened those birds, they might fly off and I would never see them again. If I were you, I would accept the offer.If I were asked to define my mood, Id say “bored”. If he

29、 had taken his doctors advice, he might not have died so soon. If he had realized that, he would have run away while there was still time. If she had not married, she could have become special in the filed.2.虚拟语气在条件句也可用来表示“将来不太可能出现的情况”,条件从句用 should do, were to 或一般过去时,主句用 would do, should do, could/m

30、ight do.If it should rain tomorrow, the sports meet would have to be put off. I could see the surface of the moon with my own eyes if I were to go to the moon some day. What would you do if he failed to come tomorrow?注意:含有 should 的条件句,主句可以用一般现在时或一般将来时例如: If there should be another flood, what shall

31、we do? Ask her to leave a message if she should come.3. 在正式英语文体中,if 从句中的第一个动词如果是should, were 或 had, 可将此动词置于句首,替代 if例如: Were it all true, it would still not excuse their actions. Had the captain been more careful, his ship would not have sunk? Should any visitors come, I would say you are not here.4.

32、 if only 和 suppose (supposing), 也可以引导虚拟从句 If only I had more time, I could go there to help them. Supposing it were fine tomorrow, would you go climbing the mountain with us? 5. If it were not / had not been for 也是常见的虚拟句型,意思是“要不是”例如: If it had not been for your help, we would not have achieved so mu

33、ch in our work. If it were not for the wise decision, we could not be living a happy life.6. 虚拟语气用于I wish的宾语从句中:表示现在时间,动词用一般过去时和过去进行时 (be动词用were /was)表示过去时间,动词用过去完成时和过去完成进行时表示将来时间,动词用 would/ could 等+动词原形 I wish I knew how to operate this computer. I wish he werent so lazy. I do wish everything would

34、 be as quiet as before.I wish we hadnt been working overtime yesterday.注意:这里I wish 所表达的意思与 if only差不多以上的句子都可以用if only 来代替 I wish 例如: If only I knew how to operate this computer. If only we hadnt been working overtime yesterday.7. Its (about/high) time +从句,表示“该做而未做的事”,是一种婉转的建议,从句中的动词用一般过去时例如: It is h

35、igh time we began to work. Weve enjoyed the evening, but its time we went home. Its about time the boy learned to behave himself.8. 表示“要求、建议、命令” 等动词demand, require, suggest, insist, advise, order 等后接宾语从句时,从句谓语动词一般用虚拟语气,即should + 动词原形(do/be done), should 也可以省略例如: He insisted that John (should) do the

36、 job. We suggest that the meeting (should) not be postponed. The union demanded that the wages (should) be raised by 20%.常用的这类动词是:ask (要求), advise(建议), command(命令), decide(决定), demand(要求), insist(坚持), move(提议), order(命令), propose(提出), require(要求), request(请求), suggest(建议), urge(主张)如果这些动词不是表示“要求、建议、命

37、令”等意思时,这时宾语从句一般不用虚拟语气。例如: He insisted that I was wrong. (这儿 insist 意思是“坚持认为”) The expression on her face suggests that she knows the secret.(这儿 suggest 意思是“表明”Step Consolidating and Applying the rule Exercise to be shown on the PPT and one student at a time to do the exercise orally. Step Summary an

38、d Assignment1. Make a summary of todays task.2. Assign Ss to finish relative Exercises listed in workbook.Period 4 Listening & Speaking. Teaching aims:1. Train the Ss listening and speaking skills. Teaching important points: Enable the Ss to master to listen to how to materials on learning (reading,

39、 giving a talk, etc) strategies. Enable the Ss to have a group discussion on the topic mentioned in the listening part using function phrases of giving advice or suggestions. Teaching difficult points: How to listen effectively on the listening material and how to organize the discussion well. Teach

40、ing methods:Listening, task-based learning and cooperative learning. Teaching aids: A computer, a blackboard, a recorder. Teaching procedures: StepLead-in1. Greetings.2. T: In the last period, weve learned there are mainly three kinds of learners. So what are they? And today we are going to listen h

41、ow different learners might tackle a reading task.Step Listening1. Pre-listening (Ask Ss to turn to page 38 and have a discussion on how to help a tactile learner improve their reading.)2. Listening task(Exercise 2- answer the questions)3. Listening task(Exercise 3 filling the blanks)Keys to tasks 2

42、1. Try reading the text and listening to a recording of it at the same time.2. Read the text aloud and move in some way as you read.3. Photocopy the text and cut it into paragraphs. Then try to put the paragraphs in theright order.Keys to task 31. Auditory leaner.2. She finds it easier to learn whil

43、e she is reading.3. No, she doesnt. She feels that listening while reading is a useful study technique for her. She expects that as her reading improves shell no longer need to listen at the same time.4. He is also having problems with the new words in the text.Step Discussion1. What do you think of

44、 Annie and Yufangs advice? Is it good advice or not?2. Discuss what aspects of learning English you find most difficult. Give each person in your group some helpful advice based on the kind of learner he or she is.Use expressions:You should Why dont youHow about? Its worth a go.Do you know what else

45、 might be able to do?Do you think it would help me?Ive thought of something you could do.You never know. I could see if it helps. 3. Read the proverb and discuss in your group how the y apply to learning EnglishIts never too late to learn.Better late than never.If at first you donTo succeed, try, an

46、d try again.Well begun is half done.He who makes no mistakes makes nothing.There is no royal road to learning.Dont bite off more than you can chew.Drops of water out wear the stone.Step Listening tasks on page 75 & 79.If time permits, go over all the listening tasks and tell Ss to aware how to grasp

47、 key information and taking notes in this listening part.Step V Assignment Ask Ss to listen to all the recording again. And prepare for next periods dictation.Period5 Integrating Skills. Teaching aims:1. Introduce to the Ss that different people have different learning styles.2. Check their learning styles and work out how to improve their learning.3. Integrate knowledge acquired in this Unit, practicing reply to an E-mail and giving suggestions.


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