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1、Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation? 教案Teaching article: Unit 1Teaching aims and demands decide, try, wonder, dislike, wonderful, bored. anyone, someone, everyone, something, nothing, anywhere, quite a few, of course, feel like, because of. Where did you go on vacation? I went to New York City. Did

2、you go out with anyone? No. No one was here. Everyone was on vacation. How was the food? Everything tasted really good.Teaching importance and difficulties Talk about past events (holidays and vacations).Teaching ways Revision.Learning.Practice.Reading.Teaching tools Tape-recorder, PPT, blackboard,

3、pen etc.Teaching time Six periods.Period 1 Section A (1a-1c)Teaching aims and demands: 1. Knowledge ObjectsKey vocabulary: (be) on vacation, New York city, the mountains, visited museums, went to summer camp.Target language:Where did you go on vacation? I went to the mountains.Where did Tina go on v

4、acation? She went to the mountains.The structure of the past tense, the past participle.2. Ability Objects: Talking about vacations in the past .Listening and writing skills. Communication competence.Key points:the vocabulary in the text, phrases(stayed at home, went to the mountains, went to New Yo

5、rk city.)about the expressions for the past tense, the use of the past tense.Difficult points:The pronunciation and forms of the past tense, new words, and using the past tense to talk about the past activities in daily life.Teaching Methods Task / situation-based teaching, pairwork. Aids: PPT (for

6、presentation), blackboard, pen, recorder ete.Teaching procedures:step1: GreetingT: Good morning, boys and girls. S:Good morning, Miss Wang.T: Sit down, please.S: Thank you Miss Wang.Step2:Lead-in and Warming-up1. Guess: Get Ss to guess what the teacher did on vacation.T: Boys and girls, long time no

7、 see, does anyone know where did I go on vacation? And what did I do on vacation? Everyone please try to guess and tell me, ok?S1: Stayed at home.S2: I seeI guess that you were on travel.S3: 2. Free talk: T: Wow, everyone has his own guessing for me, now I can tell you I went to Changsha this vacati

8、on for my PETS test.Then; Guide Ss to talk about their own vacation.T: Now, its your turn , how was your summer vacation?S1: Its great!S2: It was not bad and not good, I stayed at home.T: Different people have different feeling, where did you go on vacation?SsT: Just have a try, any volunteer could

9、talk to me?S1 hands up: I did my homework at home, so I didnt go anywhere else.T: Youre hard-working, thank you, sit down.Step 3: PresentationPresent new phrases and new words with the suitable pictures. Before presenting the words and phrases, guide students to guess what the pictures represent_wen

10、t to New York citystayed at homewent to the mountainswent to the beachvisited my unclevisited museumswent to summer campT: Look at this picture, what does it mean, try to guess?S1: the man went to the beach.T: Yes! The beach is very beautiful, right?S2: Yes!The else phrases and words continue, like

11、the example conversation.Step4: Match Match activities with the pictures now, then have the conversation with students like this:T: where did she go on vacation? Look at the picture 1.S1: She went to New York city. T: Where did they go on vacation?S2: They went to summer camp.T: Now, some students a

12、lso are talking about their vacations. Where did they go on vacation? Listen carefully and fill in the blanks.(Listening 1b)Step 5: Pairwork 1c.T: Time is over, have you finished 1b?Ss: Yes.T: Good, now, could anyone read out the answers?S1: Picture 1 is TinaT: Good job! Less go on, look at 1c, we w

13、ill play role in these conversations with 1as phrases and the structures of past tense. Id like to divide all of you into 4 groups, in each group the girls play role A, the boys play role B and reading out the conversations. Do you understand?Ss: Yes!T: Now lets begin! Where did Tina go on vacation?

14、Group1 girls read-go!Step 6: Summary and homework.Phrases: visited my/his uncle, went to summer campHomework: Preview 2a-2d for the next lesson.Write down the new phrases(stayed at home,went to New York city, visited museums, visited my uncle, went to summer camp, went to the mountains,went to the b

15、each)5 times.make conversations with the model, like this:Where did you/she/they/Tina go on vacation?I/She/They went to.Layout of Bb: On vacation, New York city, the mountains, summer camp, visited museums.Where did you go on vacation?I went to the mountains.询问某人假期去了哪里的结构:Where did you/she/they/Tina

16、 go on vacation?I/She/They went to.时态:过去时,相应动词要发生时态变化。Feedback of teaching:Period 2 Section A(2a-2d)Teaching aims and demands: 1. Knowledge objects,Key vocabulary: anyone, anything, Central Park, anything special, long time no see, on vacation, anywhere interesting waterfall, wonderful, quite a few,

17、 most of the time. Target language: Did you go with anyone?Yes, I did/ No, I didnt.Did you buy anything special?Yes, I did/No, I didnt.2. Ability objects, Talking about the past activities with indefinite pronoun.Key points: indefinite pronoun: anyone, someone, everyone, no one,anything, something,

18、everything, nothing, anywhere, somewhere, everywhere, nowhere, anybody, somebody, everybody, nobodysentences structure: Did you go with anyone? Did you buy anything special? I went with my mother.不定代词被修饰时,形容词后置,like this: anything special.Difficult points: Indefinite pronoun, using indefinite pronou

19、n to talk about the past vacation activities.New words and phrases: Long time no see, Central, special, waterfall, quite a few, most of the time.Sentences: Did you go out with anyone?Yes, I did/No, I didnt.Did you buy anything special?Yes, I did/No, I didnt.Teaching Methods Pairwork, writing method,

20、 situational teaching, group work.Aids: PPT(for presentation), blackboard, pe , recorder etc.Teaching procedures:Step1.GreetingT: Good morning, boys and girls. S: Good morning, Miss Wang.T: Sit down, please.S: Thank you Miss Wang.Step 2:Lead-in and RevisionT: Boys and girls, listen to me now, since

21、we have learnt something about vacation last time, Id like to ask someone to answer my question, who want to be the first one?S1, S2, S2hands up.T: Ok, let S1 help salve the problem. Where did Tina go on vacation?S1: She went to the mountains.T: Wow, you have a great memory, thank you very much! And

22、 from 1b could you remember something else about Tinas vacation, Did she go with anyone?S1: T: Come on, try to answer it, if you forget it, you can choose your friends to help you and me to answer this question.S1 choose S2. T: S2 please help your friend S1, thank you.S2: Yes, she did. She went with

23、 her family.T: Great! Youre brilliant girl/boy. Sit down please. Everybody pay attention to the new sentenceDid she go with anyone? Today we are going to learn the “Indefinite pronoun”, such as “anyone”.Step3 PresentationT: Look at the PPT,” anyone” means ”任何人”.The “Indefinite pronoun” is use for so

24、mething or someone unclearly and not specific. Look at the page22a,before listening, Id like to show your some new words.The picture in PPT is call what?Ss: Park.T: Yes! And try to describe the park, what about the appearance or place it is in?Ss: Maybe it is Central Park or Park Central? Im not sur

25、e.T: Ok, youre so brilliant. It is called “Central Park” now. Pay attention to 2a.Listen, where did you people go on vacation? Complete the chart. Everyone should be quite and carefully.(turn on the video to listen the mp3 for 5min)T: Now, listening time is over. Have you finished the chart?S1,S2 ha

26、ve you completed the chart? If youre ready, we will check the answers, ok?Ss: Thats ok!(Then, show the answers on the PPT and have some translations for students)PeoplePlacesGraceNew York CityKevinWent to the beachJulieStayed at homeT: From this chart, we know some importations about Grace, Kevin an

27、d Julie. They go on vacation in difference places. It is really exciting, right?S1: It is great! S2: Sounds good.T: Since all of you have finished, lets go on the next part 2b, listen again. Check for “Yes, I did” or “No, I didnt” for each question. I will give you 5 min to finish this part. Ready g

28、o!T: Time is over. I know someone has completed the answer, lets play the recording a second time to check “Yes, I did” or “No, I didnt” on screen.Step4 Pair work1. Let 2 Ss read the conversation between Grace, Kevin and Julie.2. Let Ss work in pairs and try to role-play the conversation.3. Ask some

29、 pairs to act out their conversations.Step5 Role-play1. First let Ss read the conversation and match the people and places they went.2. Let Ss act out the Conversations in pairs.3. Some explanations in 2d.Step6 Homework:用英语询问你的一位好朋友,他(她)假期去了哪里?看到了什么?并将此对话写在作业上。A: where did you go? A: Did you seeB:I

30、went to B: Yes, I did/No, I didnt.Layout of Bb:anyone, someone, everyone, no one,anything, something, everything, nothing,anywhere, somewhere, everywhere, nowhere,anybody, somebody, everybody, nobodyyourself, myself.Where did you go on vacation?I went to New York City.Where did she go on vacation?Sh

31、e went to the mountains.Did you do anything special?Did you go anywhere interesting?Most of the time:大多数时间Feedback of teaching:Period 3 Section A (Grammar focus-3C)Teaching aims and demands: 1. Knowledge Objects Key vocabulary: hen, pig, seem, bored, diary, Target language: How was the food?Everythi

32、ng tasted really good!Did everyone have a good time?Oh,yes. Everything was excellent.(复习所学的重难点句型及句式结构,总结学习:anyone, someone, everyone, something, anything, nothing等不定代词的用法。练习运用所学的句型及句式结构.) 2.Ability Objects: use the past tense for communication, to improve students environmental awareness, love for n

33、atureKey points: use the target language for talking about holiday traveling. key words ,phrases, and sentence structure. reading skill.Difficult points: Improve reading skill Usage for key words ,phrases, and sentence structure.Teaching Methods Pairwork, writing method, situational teaching, role-p

34、lay.Aids: PPT(for presentation), blackboard, pen, recorder etc.Teaching procedures: Step1.Warming-up and revision1. Free talk. Ask Ss the questionsWhere did you go on vacation? Ss try to answer the questions.2. Review the usage of “复合不定代词”.Step2.Grammar focus1. Let the students read the sentence str

35、ucture from Grammar Focus ,and do the following exercises. 你去了什么地方去度假?_ _ you go on _ _? 我去了纽约市。I _ _ New York City.你和什么人一起去的吗?_ _ go out with _?不,没有别人在这儿,每个人都在度假。No,_ _ was here,_ _ was on _ _ _.(.见课件练习题)2. After the students finishing all of the exercises, open the book and check the answers with

36、students, then, correct the mistakes and remember the correct expressions in a special wayStep3 Try to find1. Summary for indefinite pronouns. some, any, no, every -one,-thing可以组成八个不定代词,他们分别是someone,_, _,_,_,_,_,_. 带some复合的复合不定代词常用于肯定句中,带any的复合不定代词常用于否定句火一般疑问句中,例如: 我想吃点东西。Id like _ _ _ to eat. 今天有人给

37、我打电话吗? Did _ call me today? 当形容词修饰不定代词时,应放在其后面,例如: 这本书里有什么新东西吗? Is there _ _ in this book? 今天没有什么特别的事。 Theres _ _ today. 当some, any, no, every构成的复合不定代词作主语时,都作单数看待,其谓语动词用单数第三人称形式,例如: Something is wrong with my watch. Well, everyone wants to win. Nobody knows what the future will be like. There is som

38、ething for everyone at Greenwood Park. 除no one 以外,其他复合不定代词都写成一个词。2. Let student read the exercises, above all, and find the feature of the use for indefinite pronouns in each small groups.3. Look at the PPT and check the answers.Step4 PracticeWork on 3a. Let Ss look at the conversation in 3a.First l

39、et one student read the words in the box. Tell Ss to read the conversation and fill in the blanks. Guide: Firstly, read the conversation and master the brief meaning. Secondly, have a revision to the indefinite pronouns and their features or usages. Next, read every sentence carefully and guess the

40、answers, for example: 第一句话是一个一般疑问句,空格前有do一词,可知空格处应填anything一词,意为“做什么事情”,其他类似。(学生们,按老师指导的方法进行阅读,并逐句推敲每空应填什么词,在实际的运用提高自己的阅读能力、分析能力及综合运用能力。)Finally, check the answers with Ss and explanations for some students confusions.Explanation:反身代词Work on 3b: Tell Ss to fill in the blanks in the e-mail message wi

41、th the words in the box. Guide: (the some as 3a “Guide”)Step5 Group work Work on 3c:Ask your group questions about their vacation. Then tell the class your results. Fill in the blanks according to the answers. Try to make a report in each group. Then let one student read the report to the class (in

42、the end, choose out the greatest group)Step6 Exercises If time is enough, do some more exercises on big screen. Fill in the blanks with the correct indefinites pronouns. a._ found Mr. Lets keys and gave them back to him yesterday. b.Did you see _ in the big box? No, I didnt. theres _ in it. c._ help

43、ed the little boy. He did it himself. d. My watch doesnt work. _ is wrong with it. e.Hello,_? Hello, Mr. Smith! f.Hows it going, Jack? Great! _is going well. g. Did you go to the beach with_?Yes, I went there with my cousin.Step7 HomeworkRecite the part of Grammar focus.学法大视野3a-3c词汇表词汇抄写Lay out of B

44、b:Section A Grammar focus-3canyone, anything everyone, everythingsomeone, something no one, nothingDid you go out with anyone?No. no one was here, everyone was on vacation. Did you buy anything special?Yes, I bought something for my father./No, I bought nothing. How was the food? Everything tasted g

45、ood.Feedback of teaching:Period 4 SectionB 1a-1eTeaching aims and demands: 1. Knowledge Objects Key vocabulary: delicious,expensive,cheap,terrible,boring,anything spcial. Target language:the structure of these new sentences:Where did ? What did? How was? / How were? Did she/he?2. Ability Objects: Make students enjoy the holidays, value the happy life at present.Key points:1. Master the new words and expressions from the text.2. To improve listening and speaking skills by doing listening exercises.Difficul


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