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1、 Unit1 Welcome back to school 第一课时 一、情景选择。 1、班里来了一名新同学,你应该说:_ A. Welcome. B. Thank you. C. Oh ,no. 2、早上,你的同学对你说:“Good morning ”你会说:_ A. Good evening. B. Good morning. C .Good afternoon. 3你想介绍自己是从加拿大来的,你应该说:_ A. Im from Canada. B. Im China. C .My name is China. 二、我是小小翻译家。 ( ) 1. 同学们! A. Boy and girl!

2、 B. Boys and girls! ( ) 2. 今天我们班来了两位新朋友 ! A. I have a new friend ! B. we have two new friends today ! ( ) 3.我是艾米,我来自英国。 A. Im Amy. Im from USA. B. Im Amy. Im from UK. ( ) 4. 你呢? A. What about ? B. What about you? 三、Choose the right answer. (选择填空。) ( )(1)Hi! Im _. A. Zhang Peng B. zhang peng ( )(2)He

3、ll! Im _ the UK. A. to B. from ( )(3)We have two new _ today. A. friend B. friends ( )(4)I have _ friend. A. a B. an 四、活动运用,任务落实 Make a survey 姓名 年龄 籍贯 运用所学句型,如:Im Zhang Peng. Im 7 years old. Im from Shandong. What about you? 询问同伴,完成表格。第二课时 一、我知道(写出几位同学所属的国家)。 A. Zhang Pang : Im from China. ( ) B. A

4、my: Im from the USA. ( ) C. Mike: Im from Canada. ( ) D. Sarah: Im from the UK. ( ) 二、我来选 ( )1.USA A. 美国 B. 英国 C. 中国 ( ) 2. new A. 好的 B. 新的 C. 旧的 ( ) 3. student A. 朋友 B. 学生 C. 教师 ( ) 4. he A. 他 B. 她 C. 男孩 ( ) 5. UK A. 英国 B. 美国 C. 加拿大 三选择 ( )(1)Im from _ UK. A.a B. the ( )(2)Im from _ China A. a B. /

5、 ( )(3)Im from the _ . A. usa B. USA ( )(4)Im from _ . A. Canada B. Canada 四、读读写写 cat bag hand dad 五、活动运用,语篇提升 Amy Wu Yifan Sarah Mike UK China USA Canada 看表格,说一说。 Hi, Im Amy. Im from the UK第四课时 一情景反应: 1. 班里来了一位新同学,你想问他“你从哪里来?”你应该说:_ A. How are you? B. Where are you from? 2. 向别人介绍自己的朋友,你应该说:_ AThis

6、is my new friend , Amy. BIm Amy. 3. 向别人告别应该说:_ AGoodbye. B. Im sorry. 二选择 1.-_ are you from? - Im from China. A. What B. Who C. Where 2. This _my new friend, Amy. A. is B . am C. are 2. _my mother. A. Shes B . Hes C. She 三、Choose the right answer. (选择填空) ( )1.你想问对方来自哪个国家时,你可以问: A. Where are you? B.

7、Where are you from? ( )2.Where are you from? A. This is China. B. I am from China. ( )3. 3月8日,你想对你的妈妈说: A. Happy Teachers Day! B. Happy Womens Day! 四、活动运用,任务落实 姓名 年龄 籍贯 工作性质 用所学句型,如:Im Amy. Im a student. Im from the UK. What do you do? Where are you from? 询问你的同伴,完成表格。第五课时 一.写出下列单词的汉语意思。 he teacher s

8、he student ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 二. 火眼金睛。(找出不同类的词。) 1 ( )A he B boy C girl 2 ( ) A one B student C two 3 ( ) A teacher B Canada C China 4 ( ) A UK B USA C. She 三、活动运用,语篇提升 两人一组,模仿对话,将Where are you from? Im from.融进对话第六课时 一. 我来选。 ( ) 1. friend A. 老师 B 朋友 C 妈妈 ( ) 2. teacher A 老师 B 学生 C 今天 ( ) 3. China A 中国

9、B 美国 C 英国 ( ) 4. she A 他 B 她 C 女孩 二. 找朋友 ( )1. This is Miss White. A. 他是我的朋友。 ( ) 2. Hes my friend. B. 我叫迈克。 ( ) 3. Shes a teacher. C. 我来自加拿大。 ( ) 4.My names Mike. D. 这位是怀特老师。 ( ) 5.Im from Canada. E. 她是一位老师。Unit 2 My Family 第一课时 一、 我会排。(将下列句子排成一段通顺的对话) ( )Hes my father. ( )Nice to meet you. ( )Whos

10、 that man? ( )Hi, Dad ! This is my friend , Amy . ( )Nice to meet you, too.二、活动运用,任务落实 任务活动中运用:我是小记者 请学生采访,相互了解家庭成员。 参考句型:Whos that woman? Whos that man?三、利用手中的照片或其他道具,自编对话。 Nice to meet you.第二课时 一我会连。 1. woman A(口语)爸爸 2. mother B. 女人 3. dad C.(口语)妈妈 4. mum D.母亲 5. man E.父亲 6. father F.男人二Read and m

11、atch. (读一读,将对应词的序号写在括号里。) ( )1father A. mom ( )2man B. girl ( )3boy C. dad ( )4mother D. woman三我会找对子(找出下列单词的对应词)。 1.mom_ 2.woman_ 3.father_ 4.mother _ 5.she _ A. mother B. he C. man D. father E. Dad四、活动,介绍自己的家庭成员照片。 拿自己的家庭照片,介绍家庭成员。 This is my family. Look at this woman, shes my mother. Look at this

12、 man, hes my father. I love my father, I love my mother.U2第三课时一我是书学小能手。 ten legpen red二小小检察官:请把不同类的单词选出来。 ( ) 1.A. red B. pen C. pencil ( ) 2.A. father B. Canada C. mother ( ) 3.A.ten B. leg C. Seven三、Read and tick or cross.(读一读,判断每组单词中字母e发音是否相同,相同的打“”,不同的打“”。) 1. red leg ( ) 2. ten eight ( ) 3. sev

13、en pen ( ) 4. egg cake ( )第四课时一.我会选。 ( ) 1. Whos that boy ? A. Nice to meet you . ( ) 2. This is my friend . B. Hes my brother . ( ) 3. Whos that woman ? C. No, he isnt . ( ) 4. Is he your friend ? D. Shes my sister . ( ) 5. Whos that girl ? E. Shes my mother . 二 、情景反应。1.当你想询问照片上的女孩是谁时,你应该说:_ 2.当你想知

14、道对面的男孩是不是你朋友的哥哥时,你应说:_ 3.当你见到新朋友时,你应说_ 4.当你向别人介绍你的妈妈,你应说:_三、介绍家庭My family Hi! Im Anna .Im from_(A. China B. Canada). This is my_(A. family B. home).The man is my father. The woman is my mother. Whos that boy? Is _ (A.he B. she) my brother? Yes, he is.Whos that girl? Guess!(猜) _ (A. Is B. Are)she my

15、sister? No,she isnt. She is my cousin(表姐).I love my family!第五课时 一我会选单词。 1.This is my _ A .mother 2.This is my _ B. grandfather 3.This is my _ C. grandmother 4. This is my_ D. father 5.This is my_ E. sister 6.This is my_ F. brother二、Read and choose.(选出不同类的单词。) ( )1. A. boy B. sister C. girl D. man (

16、)2. A. father B. brother C. teacher D. grandfather ( )3. A. fish B. friend C. goose D. ant ( )4. A. big B. boy C. girl D. woman三 Make a family tree 画一颗大树, 把自己的家庭成员贴在家庭树的正确位置。第六课时 一、同义词连线。 grandfather mum father grandma mother dad grandmother pupil student grandpa 二、我会选。 ( )1、This _ my family . A. am

17、 B. is C. are ( ) 2. I _ my family . A. are B. am C. love ( ) 3. My mum is a beautiful _ . A. man B. woman C. boy三.如果你是刘小雨,介绍自己的family tree.Hello! Im Xia Xiaoyu. This is my family. This is my _.This is my _.This is my _.This is my _.This is my _.And this is my _.This is me! I have a happy family. 四.

18、 I介绍自己的家庭ntroduce your family tree to your parents.This is my family. This is myUnit 3 At the zoo 第一课时 一 英语汉语手拉手。 1.Look at that giraffe. A.哇!它真高啊! 2.Ha!It s short and fat! B.一只熊! 3.A bear! C.哈!它又矮又胖! 4.Wow!Its so tall! D.看那只长颈鹿。 二重新排列下列句子使之成为一段通顺的对话。 ( )1. Wow!Its so tall! ( )2. Ha!It s short and f

19、at! ( )3. Look at that giraffe. ( )4. A bear!三、 Read and choose.(选择填空。) ( )1. Its _ tall. A. so B. short C. to ( )2. Its short_ fat. A. or B. and C. but ( )3. Look _ the elephant. A. on B. in C. at四小组表演对话。 学生拿出自带的全家福照片,两人一组,仿照Lets talk.介绍并表演。 五. Lets chant. 自编歌谣:(采用“两只老虎”的曲调。) Look at that giraffe.

20、Look at that giraffe. Its so tall. Its so tall. The bear is short and fat. The bear is short and fat. short and fat, short and fat.第二课时 一 选择合适的单词。 A: fat B: thin C: big D: small E: short F: tall 1.The mouse is _ and _ . 2.The panda is _and _. 3.The giraffe is _. But the deer is _. 二选出不同类的单词。 ( )1.A.

21、tall B. dad C.short ( )2.A. father B.mother C.fat ( )3.A. thin B.short C. China 三请你为每个句子找到对应的小动物的图片。 ( ) ( ) ( ) 1.I have a long tail. I am cute. I like peaches. 2.I have two long ears and a short tail. 3.I have a long nose and a short tail. I have big ears and small eyes 四.Tick or cross(判断正误,打“”或 “

22、”) ( )1. The monkey is fat.( )2. The rabbit is tall.( )3. The pen is tall and the pencil is short.( )4. The desk is short and the chair is tall.( )5. The watermelon is thin and the pear is fat.第三课时一、我是辨音小能手,勾出划线部分读音相同的选项。 A: six B: like C: gift D: pig E: milk F: six G: nice H: it二趣味连线(随机连)。 big smal

23、l long short tall fat thinrabbit duck panda dog cat monkey三读一读,写一写。 big six pig milk四、Read and tick or cross.(读一读,判断每组单词中字母e发音是否相同,相同的打“”,不同的打“”。) 1. big pig ( ) 2. nine six ( ) 3. milk gift ( ) 4. 4. six pig ( )第四课时一英语汉语手拉手。 1. It has small eyes and big ears. A:到这来,孩子们!看那头大象。 2. It has a short tail

24、. B:它小眼睛大耳朵。 3. Wow!It has a long nose. C:它有一个短尾巴。 4. Come here,children!Look at the elephant. D:哇!它有一个长长的鼻子。二、选择正确的答案。 1.The elephant _so big. A. is B. are 2.It_a long tail. A. have B. has 3.You _tall. Im short. A. are B. is 4.Look at the giraffe! _so tall. A. Its B. Hes 5.The giraffe _a long neck.

25、 A. have B.has 三、连一连 giraffe 鹿 short 矮的 tall 长颈鹿 deer 高的四、参观“动物园” 把带来的动物玩具摆在桌子上,把教室布置成一个“动物园”,仿照例子,说一说 Look at the giraffe .Its tall Look at the deer! Its short第五课时 一 我会选词填空. big small long short tall 1.Look at the monkey. It has a _tail. 2.Look at the rabbit. It has a _tail. 3.The elephant is _. 4.

26、The mouse is_. 5.The giraffe is_. 6.The deer is _. 二找出不同类的单词。 ( )1.A.four B. tall C. two ( )2.A.deer B. giraffe C. short ( )3.A.tall B. short C. boy 三Read and choose. ( )1. Look _ the deer. A. at B. in C. on ( )2. It _ short. A. am B. is C. are ( )3. You _ tall. A. am B. is C. are ( )4. I _ short. A

27、. am B. is C. are ( )5. It _ long ears. A. has B. have C. is 第六课时 一选词填空。 A:mouse B: panda C: dog D: goldfish(金鱼) ( ) 1.It has a long body and short legs. ( ) 2.Its small and thin. ( ) 3.It has a long tail and big eyes. ( ) 4.Its big and fat. Its black and white.Unit 4 Where is my car? 第一课时 一我会选。 1.A

28、:_is my pencil box? B: Its under the desk. A. What B. Where C. Who 2.A:Where is my ruler? B: _. A. Here you are. B .Its on your desk. C. Thanks. 二、 我会做。(选择合适的方位词) on in under 1. A:Where is my jeep? B:Its _the chair.2. A:Where is the bike? B:Its _the desk.3. A:Where is the bus? B:Its _the box.第二课时 一

29、将下列图片与相应的单词连线。desk chair 二、火眼金睛(选出不同类的单词)。 ( )1.A.under B. in C. desk ( )2.A.chair B. desk C. on ( )3.A.on B. man C. under ( ) B. chair C. on 三看图,选出与图相对应的句子或对话,把序号填在( )内。 ( ) ( ) ( ) A. The car is on the box. B. Look, the bus is in my bag. C. -Mom, where is my ball? -Look, Its under the chair.

30、第三课时 一、 读一读,写一写。 dogboxbody orange第四课时 一 情景选择。 ( )1.如果你找不到帽子了,你应该说: A. This is my cap. B. What is your cap? C. Where is my cap? ( )2.你想祝愿别人玩得开心,你会这样说: A. Have a good time! B. No, it isnt. 二我会选。 ( )1.Mike: Where is my ball? Mom: _ A. Here you are. B. Its under the chair. ( )2. -Is it in your bag? -Ye

31、s, _ A. it is. B. it isnt.第五课时 一 英语汉语手拉手。 ball 小汽车 cap 帽子 car 地图 boat 球 map 小船 二、我会选。 ( )1.-Where is my boat? -_in your toy box. A.Its B. It ( )2. -Is it in your toy box? -No, _ A. it is. B. it isnt.第六课时 二火眼金睛(选出不同类的单词) ( )1.A.desk B. in C. chair ( ) B. ball C. under ( )3.A.boat B. on C. unde

32、r ( )4.A.cap B. in C. on 三描述下列物品所在的位置,用上所学的方位词。 on under in 1.The pencil box is_the desk. 2.The ruler is _the book. 3.The bag is _the desk.Unit 5 Do you like pears? 第一课时 一.英语汉语手拉手。 1.I like apples. A. 我不喜欢葡萄。 2.Do you like pears? B你喜欢梨吗? 3.I dont like grapes. C我喜欢苹果。 二、我会选。 1.Lucy:Do you like grapes

33、,Mary? Mary:_ A.Thank you. B. No,I dont like grapes. 2.Wu Yifan: Lets have some grapes. John:_ A. OK. B Here you are.第二课时 一、给下列图片找到相应的英文名字。orange pear bananas apple二、我会认。 1.-Do you like pears? A B 2. I like bananas. A. B 3. Lets have some oranges.-OK. A. B 三、火眼金睛,找出不同类的单词。 ( )1.A.pear B.ball

34、 ( ) B.banana C.long ( )3.A.girl B. orange C. pear 第三课时 一、 书写今天所学的单词。 funrunduck under二、填写下列单词中所缺的字母并与相应的图片连线。 _range _ear _pple第四课时 一 情景交际。 1. 如果你不喜欢葡萄,你可以说:_ A.I like grapes. B. I dont like grapes. 2. 别人帮助了你,你应该说: AThanks. B. sorry. 3.你想要吃苹果,你应该和你的朋友说:_ A Have an apple,please. B.Can I ha

35、ve some apples? 二英语汉语手拉手。 ( )1.Have some fruits. ( )2.Sorry,I dont like pears. ( )3.Here you are. ( )4.Can I have some orange ? A.对不起,我不喜欢梨。 B.我能吃些橘子吗? C.给你。 D请吃一些水果吧。第五课时 一 我会连。watermelon strawberry grapes 二、火眼金睛(选出不同类的单词,把序号写在题前括号内)。 ( )1. A. grape B. orange C. pen ( )2. A. apple B. ruler C. banan

36、a ( )3. A. boy B. girl C. strawberry ( )4. A. strawberry B. mother C. grapes第六课时 一书写下列单词。 underredorange二、找朋友。(给下列单词与相应的图片连起来)。apple watermelon pear strawberry grapesUnit 6 How many ? 第一课时 一、选择正确的答案。 1.John :_ birds do you see? Wu Yifan :I see three. A. How B. How many C. What 2.How many _do you see

37、? A. kite B. cat C. kites 二、英汉连线。 1、Look at the kites! A、你看见多少风筝? 2、How many kites do you see? B、看那些风筝! 3、Wow, so beautiful! C、哇,真漂亮! 4、The black one is a bird . D、黑色的那个是一只鸟。 三、改变所给单词的一个字母,使其变成一个数词。 1. too ( ) 2.night ( ) 3. nice ( ) 4.hen ( ) 5. sit ( ) 6. your ( )第二课时 一、我会连。二、根据图片选择正确的答案。 ( ) 1. (

38、 ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. Aeleven pandas B. thirteen cats C. fourteen dogs D. twelve cars E. fifteen birds 三我会算。 1.nine+two=_ 2.eight+seven=_ 3.four+nine=_ 4. five+seven=_ 5.three+eleven=_ A. fifteen B.thirteen C.eleven D. fourteen E. twelve第三课时 一、写出五个元音字母的大小写。 _ 二、填写下列单词所缺的字母。 1.h_nd 2.l_gs 3. d_g

39、 4. d_ck 三、英汉连一连. 1.five fingers A. 一张可爱的脸 2. ten little toes B. 五个手指 3. one cute face C. 一个大鼻子 4. one big nose D. 十个小脚趾第四课时 一、读一读,连一连。 1. 2. 3. 4. B.bird C.kite D.crayons 二、选择正确的答案。 1. -How many cats do you see? -_ A. I see 12. B. I have 13. 2、-How many _ do you have? -I see 14 . A. kite B

40、. kites 3、You _ 16 crayons. A. have B. has第五课时 一、先计算,再连线。 、 + A. sixteen 2、 + B.twenty 3、 + C.eighteen 4 、 + D.seventeen 5、 + E.nineteen 二、读一读,选择最佳答句。 ( ) 1. How many pencils do you have? A.Great! ( ) 2. Lets fly a kite. B.Thank you. ( ) 3. How many bags do you see? C.I have fifteen. ( ) 4. Whats th

41、is ? D.I see twelve. ( ) 5. How beautiful! E.Its a crayon.第六课时 一、找出每组单词中不同类的一个。 ( ) 1. A. fifteen B. cat C. bird ( ) 2. A. sixteen B. big C. twenty ( ) 3. A. short B. seventeen C. eleven ( ) 4. A. father B .mother C. eighteen 二、看数字或算式,比大小,填写,或。 1. sixteen_twenty 2.nineteen _fifteen 3. seventeen_eighteen _thirteen 5. twelve+three_fourteen 6.eleven+five_twenty 三、小小翻译官,快来试一试。 ( )、Whats this ? A、看那个气球! ( ) 2、Open it and see! B、你看见多少只鸟? ( ) 3、How many birds do you see? C、打开看看! ( ) 4、You have sixteen crayons!D、这是什么? ( ) 5、Look at that balloon!E、你有十六支蜡笔20 20


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