1、 本科毕业论文 外文文献及译文 文献、资料题目:A study on relationship between lean production practices and manufacturing performance 文献、资料来源:International Symposium of Quality Management 文献、资料发表(出版)日期:2008.08 院(部):管理工程学院 专 业:工业工程 班 级:工业 121 姓 名:学 号:20120214005 指导教师:翻译日期:2016.5.25 -1-外文文献:A study on relationship between
2、lean production practices and manufacturing performance Abstract Our research addresses the confusion and inconsistency associated with“lean production”,“manufacturing performance”.We attempt to clarify semantic confusion surrounding lean production and its connection with manufacturing performance
3、by conducting an extensive literature review and empirical study.First,we identify key components of lean production and performance including supplier,customer,internally management and lean performance form literatures of lean production,supply chain management and Toyota Production System(TPS).Se
4、cond,using questionnaires survey and variety statistical processes to demonstrate positively relationship between lean production and manufacturing performance.In doing so,we provide unambiguous evidences that synergistic effects of lean practices are associated with better manufacturing performance
5、.Keywords:Lean Production;Lean Manufacturing Performance;Toyota Production System(TPS)1.Introduction From Ford Production System(FPS)to Toyota Production System(TPS),it means manufacturers compete in heterogeneous global markets where competitors have access to diverse labor,capital,and supply condi
6、tions.Lean production is a multi-dimensional approach that encompasses a wide variety of management practices,including just-in-time,quality system,work teams,cellular manufacturing,supplier management,etc.in an integrated system(Shah and Ward,2007).A majority of article on the topic of lean product
7、ion system focus on the defining lean production,information technology integration and lean practices and concept of lean production.Mid of 1990s,Articles related to lean production as measuring just in time,total quality management and the impact of other organizational variables on their implemen
8、tation were -2-published in academic journals.After 2000,numerous books and articles written by practitioners and consultants,and a few academic conceptual and empirical articles highlighting the overarching nature of lean production were published(Shah and Ward,2007).Our study will examine the rela
9、tionship between contextual factors and extent of implementation of a number of manufacturing practices that are key facets of lean system.Specifically,we focus on how three major aspects of lean production(customer,supplier,internally management)effect on manufacturing performance.2.Literature Revi
10、ew Reviewing the backgrounds and literatures,lean production is most frequently associated with elimination of waste commonly held by firms as excess inventory or excess capacity to ameliorate the effects of variability in supply,processing time,or demand(Shah and Ward,2007).In phase of practices,le
11、an practices are generally shown to be associated with high performance in a number of studies of world-class manufacturing(e.g.Sakakibara et al.,1997;Giffi et al.,1990).The most commonly cited benefits related to lean practices are improvement in labor productivity and quality,along with reduction
12、in customer lead time,cycle time,and manufacturing costs(Schonberger,1982;White et al.,1999).Most of the empirical studies focusing on the impact of lean implementation on operational performance are constrained to facets of lean,often just-in-time(JIT),total quality management(TQM),and total preven
13、tive maintenance(TPM)programs(Cua et al,2001).Shah and Ward(2007)derived an operational measure from the content and objectives of historical roots in TPS.There were three dimensions from empirical studies included supplier,customer,internally(Fig.1).Supplier related,the connection between supplier
14、and manufacturing performance.As organizations continue to seek performance improvements,they are reorganizing their supplier base and managing it as an extension of the firms manufacturing system.(Carter,1996;Cooper and Ellram,1993).Ragatz et al.,(1997)and Slats(1995)pointed out through integration
15、 of information and planning with supplier will reduce time cost of designing and solving problems.Benton and Krajewski(1990)reported suppliers lead-time and quality will affect manufacturer production,if supplier could not meet the lead-time and quality requirement of manufacturer.-3-Customer relat
16、ed,Bleeke and Ernst(1991)suggested customer relationship is strategic partner relationship between supply chain.They have common goals and interdependent relationship.The advantage of partnership means long term,stable and better corporation performance(Sethuraman,et al.,1988).Focus on customer rela
17、tionship will increase customer satisfaction,quality and production(Ellram,1991;Scott and Westbrook,1991;Turner,1993).Internally related,as previous described lean practices which included pull(JIT),Flow(continuous flow),setup(setup time reduction),TPM(total preventive maintenance),SPC(statistical p
18、rocess control),EMPINVE(employee involvement)(Shah and Ward,2007).Lean Production Practices Figure 1 Conceptual framework of research 3.Methods The empirical objective of this study is to explore how lean production affects manufacturing performance.In this study,we will focus on investigating the r
19、elationship between lean practices and manufacturing performance.The important point is how to measure lean practices in terms of its relationship with manufacturing performances.The organizational performances is not only measuring products and services but also including factors of employee,Suppli
20、er Related 1.Information feedback 2.JIT delivery 3.Developing suppliers Internally Related 1.Pull 2.Flow 3.Low setup 4.Controlled processes 5.Productive maintenance 6.Involved employees Customer Related 1.Involved customers Lean Performance 1.Raising production 2.Reducing lead time 3.Customer satisf
21、action 4.Lead in new product 5.Flexible production -4-organization,administration and environment.Venkatraman(1990)identified three dimensions of enterprises performances as finance,operation,and organization.There also were measures for plant performances adopted from existing studies.Because our r
22、eview of the related literatures exposed considerable overlap in theoretical and operational concepts,we used past research to obtain general insights into measurement.Our study will contain references to Shah and Ward(2007)for definition of lean production and Mckone et al.,(2001),Cua et al.,(2001)
23、,Shah.et al.,(2003)for measurement of lean performance.3.1 Sample The ranges of observation for this study were sampled Taiwanese traditional manufacturing industries,which included textile,garment,paper,steel,motor and mold.We surveyed the high-level administrators and senior employees of each firm
24、s.The instruments were measured on 5-point Likert type scale and data collected from late 2007 to 2008.The questionnaires were mailed to 190 manufacturing managers/senior employees form Taiwanese traditional manufacturing industries,and 186 usable questionnaires were returned.3.2 Pilot study The pil
25、ot study used 49 responses from manufacturing managers/senior employees in the same ranges of industries for the large-scale study.The analysis included:Corrected Item to Total Correlation(CITC)for purification purposes,exploratory factor analysis within each construct to access the internal rule of
26、 unidimensionality,correlation analysis for convergent and discriminable analysis and Cronbachs alpha for reliability.The analysis results of pilot study,Cronbachs alpha of control variables(customer relationship,supplier relationship,internally management,manufacturing performance)were 0.81、0.74、0.
27、93、0.86,which all met standard 0.7 of Hair et al.,(1998),and all items with CITC values were above 0.30.4.Data Analysis and Discussion Reliability,Cronbachs alpha in pilot and large-scale studies were above 0.7,as customer relationship(0.842),supplier relationship(0.773),internally management(0.929)
28、and manufacturing performance(0.903)(P0.01).Validity,the construct validity issues were -5-measured by principle component analysis and average come out at 0.7,if which was over 0.3,it would be significant according to Zaltman and Burge(1975).Correlation,we used Persons r to find the relationship be
29、tween the construct.Result of Persons r showed supplier and internally management(0.661),customer and internally management(0.544),customer and supplier(0.667),supplier,customer,internally management and manufacturing performance(0.664,0.712,0.490).As Persons r is near+1,all constructs will be posit
30、ively correlated.Multiple regression and path analysis were adopted for further modeling our research variables relationship.As the path analysis results,Beta and R2 of variables relationship were directly and positively;e.g.manufacturing performance with supplier relationship(Beta:0.644,R2:0.411),i
31、nternally management(Beta:0.712,R2:0.504),customer relationship(Beta:0.490,R2:0.236).The relationship between each other also was directly and positively,as internally management with supplier(Beta:0.661,R2:0.434)and customer(Beta:0.544,R2:0.292),customer and supplier(Beta:0.667,R2:0.442).Multiple r
32、egression analysis with manufacturing performance and facets of lean production,we could find there also were significant effects on manufacturing performance with supplier involvement,controlled processes and employee involvement(Table 1).Table1 Regression analysis with manufacturing performance an
33、d lean production Beta Adjusted R2 t F P Suppliers Information feedback 0.119 0.419 3.031 43.807 0.03*JIT delivery 0.113 1.409 0.161 Developing supplier 0.442 5.563 0.000*Pull 0.046 0.579 0.743 40.987 0.458 Flow 0.093 1.320 0.188 SETUP 0.131 1.823 0.070 TPM 0.104 1.891 0.006 SPC 0.300 4.195 0.000*EM
34、P 0.284 3.957 0.000*-6-Customers Information feedback 0.140 0.224 1.918 29.54 0.057 Involved customer 0.411 5.620 0.000*Dependent Variable:Manufacturing Performance *P0.05 *P0.01*P0.001 5.Conclusion This research suggests four major findings.First,the results from our empirical studies,suppliers inv
35、olvement and information feedback,would help manufacturing performance of most factors.Krause et al.,(1998)also proposed suppliers involvement and development would be positively related to manufacturing performance.In other aspect,Vonderembse and Tracey(1999)found supplier selection and involvement
36、 would influence manufacturing performance.Second,internally management appears to make a substantial contribution to manufacturing performance.Baranson(1987)pointed out internally management included product design,production technology,organization planning and business system,and they were the ke
37、y factors of enterprise competitive advantage.From results of our study,the factors of internally management;as controlled process,low setup,productive maintenance and involved employees,will be more effectiveness in improving manufacturing performance than others.Third,in customer relationship aspe
38、ct,customer involvement will be positively related to manufacturing performance.Kellogg,Youngdahl and Bowen(1977)showed customer involvement would be instead of the role of supervisor,and influence employees work attitude,behavior.It meant customer involvement help manufacturing performance positive
39、ly and directly.Fourth,Bhaskar et al.,(1977)suggested the meaning of supply chain management was integration of all tiers in supply chain.It meant the importance of sharing information and planning between all members,and which would decrease waste of uncertain demand in supply chain.This research f
40、ind there are positively and directly relationships between customer,supplier and internally management.The result shows our research construct meet previous literatures of supply chain management.-7-中文译文:精益生产实践和制造绩效的关系研究 摘要摘要 我们的研究解决了与“精益生产”、“制造绩效”有关的困惑和矛盾。我们通过引用广泛的文献综述和实证研究来阐明围绕精益生产和与其相关联的制造绩效之间的语
41、义混乱。首先,我们确定了精益生产和绩效的关键组件,包括供应商,顾客,内部管理和精益绩效形成的精益生产文件,供应链管理和丰田生产系统(TPS)。第二,我们用问卷调查和各种统计过程来论证精益生产和绩效管理之间的明确关系。在这一过程中,我们明确的论证了精益实践的协同效应与更好的制造绩效是有关系的。关键词关键词:精益生产;精益制造绩效;丰田生产系统 1.引言 从福特生产系统(FPS)到丰田生产系统(TPS),这意味着制造商在参与多样的全球市场竞争中获得了多样化的劳动,资本和供应条件。精益生产是一种包含广泛管理实践的多维方法,它包括在一个集成系统中的准时生产,质量体系,工作团队,单元制造,供应管理等(沙
42、阿和沃德,2007)。大多数精益生产体系文章的主题集中在定义精益生产,信息技术集成以及精益实践和精益生产的概念上。20 世纪 90 年代中期,作为衡量准时生产,全面质量管理和其他组织变量在它们的实施过程中所产生影响的与精益生产相关的文章在学术期刊上发表。2000 年以后,由从业实践者和咨询人员写的众多书籍和文章,以及一些具有概念性和经验性的学术文章被发表出来,它们强调了精益生产的总体性质(沙阿和沃德,2007)。我们的研究将要调查上下文因素和大量的生产实践精益体系关键方面实现程度之间的关系。具体地说,我们专注于精益生产的三个主要方面(顾客,供应商,内部管理)如何对制造绩效产生影响。2.文献综述
43、 回顾背景文献,精益生产是与持有过多库存或过剩产能的公司联系最紧密的,这类公司在供应变化、处理时间或需求上来改善效果,以消除普遍浪费(沙阿和沃德,2007)。在实践阶段,精益生产通常是与许多高绩效的世界级制造研究相联系而被展示出来的(1997 -8-年 Sakakibara 等人,1990 年 Giffi 等人)。与精益生产相关最常被引用来的好处是提高劳动生产率和质量,以及减少客户的交货时间,周期和制造成本(1982 年,勋伯格;1999 年,怀特等人)大多数关注精益实现对操作性能影响的经验性研究限制了精益的方方面面,包括准时化生产(JIT),全面质量管理(TQM)和全面预防维护(TPM)项目
44、(2001 年,柯等人)。沙阿和沃德(2007 年)推断来自具有历史根源的 TPS 的目标与内容是一项操作尺度。从实证研究上讲包括供应商,顾客,内部三个维度(图一),以及相关供应商,供应商和制造性能之间的关系。随着组织继续寻求性能改进,他们正在重组他们的供应商并且把它作为公司制造系统的扩展来管理它(卡特,1996 年;库伯和艾拉姆,1993 年)。Ragatz 等人(1997 年)和 Slats(1995 年)指出通过综合与供应商相关的信息及计划将减少设计的时间成本并且解决问题。本顿和尼夫(1990 年)指出,如果供应商不能满足制造商及时供应和质量要求的话,供应商的交货期和质量将会影响到制造商
45、的生产。客户相关方面,布里克和恩斯特(1991)建议客户关系是供应链之间的战略伙伴关系,他们有共同的目标和相互依存的关系,这种伙伴关系的优势意味着长期稳定和更好的公司绩效(Sethuraman 等人,1988 年)。关注客户关系将会提升客户满意度,质量和生产(艾拉姆,1991;斯科特和韦斯特布鲁克,1991;特纳,1993)。内部相关方面,正如之前描述的精益实践一样,包括拉(JIT),流(连续流),设置(减少设置时间),TPM(全面预防性维护),SPC(统计过程控制),EMPINVE(员工参与)(沙哈和沃德,2007)精益生产实践 相关供应商 1.信息反馈 2.JIT交货 3.开发供应商内部相
46、关 1.拉 2.流 3.低设置 4.控制流程 5.生产维护 6.涉及的员工客户相关 1.涉及到的客户精益绩效 1.提高生产率 2.缩短交货时间 3.客户满意度 4.在新产品 5.灵活生产 图 1 概念框架研究 -9-3.研究方法 这项实证客观的研究,其目的是探究精益生产如何影响制造绩效。在这项研究中,我们将重点调查精益实践和生产绩效之间的关系。很重要的一点是如何衡量精益生产与制造绩效之间的关系。这具有组织性的履行不仅是衡量产品和服务还包括员工的因素、组织、管理和环境。万卡特拉曼莱马克里斯(1990)确定了三个维度的企业表现,分别是:金融,运作和组织。也有从现有的植物表现研究中采取的措施。因为我
47、们回顾的相关文献在理论和操作的概念上有很多重复的地方,因此我们用过去的研究获得一般意义上的见解用于评估。我们的研究将包含引用的沙阿和沃德(2007)对精益生产的定义,以及 Mckone 等人(2001),Cua 等人(2001),Shah 等人(2003)对精益绩效的测量。3.1 案例 本研究的观察范围以台湾传统的制造业为抽样样本,它包括纺织、服装、纸张、钢铁、汽车和模具。我们调查了每个公司的高层管理员和高级职员。从 2007 年底到 2008 年进行了对潜油电泵李克特式量表仪器的测量和数据的收集。问卷寄给了台湾传统制造业中的 190位生产经理/高级雇员,186 份有效问卷返回。3.2 初步研
48、究 初步研究使用了 49 份从同一类型产业返回的对生产经理/高级员工进行的调查来进行大规模范围的研究。分析包括:为提纯纠正总相关项目(CITC),基于每个构建访问线性内部规则的探索性因素分析,收敛和可辨别的相关分析和克伦巴赫的阿尔法可靠性。试点研究的分析结果,克伦巴赫控制变量的阿尔法表(客户关系、供应商关系、内部管理、生产绩效)是 0.81、0.74、0.93、0.86,所有都满足 0.7 以上的标准(1998),并且所有 CITC的项目值都高于 0.30。4.数据分析和讨论 从可靠性上讲,克伦巴赫在试点中的阿尔法量表和大规模研究均高于 0.7,客户关系(0.842)、供应商关系(0.773)
49、,内部管理(0.929)和生产绩效(0.903)(P 0.01)。从有效性上讲,建构效度的问题通过主成分分析和高出平均值 0.7 来测定,如果哪项超过 0.3,根据左特曼和伯吉斯(1975)的说法,它将特别容易引起注意。相关的,我们通过使用佩尔松的r来找到构造之间的关系。由于佩尔松的r显示的是供应商和内部管理(0.661),客户和内部管理(0.544),客户和供应商(0.667),供应商、客户、-10-内部管理和生产绩效(0.664,0.712,0.490)之间的关系。随着佩尔松的r加上 1,所有结构将呈正相关。进一步采用多元回归、路径分析建模来研究变量之间的关系。路径分析结果显示,和R2的变
50、量关系是直接正相关的。如生产绩效与供应商关系(:0.644,R2:0.411),与内部管理(:0.712,R2:0.504),与客户的关系(:0.490,R2:0.236)。它们彼此之间的关系也是直接正相关的,例如内部管理与供应商(:0.661,R2:0.434)与客户(:0.544,R2:0.292),客户和供应商(:0.667,R2:0.442)。通过制造绩效和精益生产方面的多重回归分析,我们会发现在供应商参与,流程控制和员工参与方面对制造绩效存在重大影响(表 1)。表 1 制造绩效和精益生产的回归分析 调整后的 R2 t F P 供应商的信息反馈 0.119 0.419 3.031 43
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