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1、苏州大学在职人员攻读硕士学位英语课程(非英语专业)考试大纲(试行稿)(附样题)苏州大学在职人员攻读硕士学位英语课程(非英语专业)考试大纲根据苏州大学在 职人员攻读硕士学位培养目标制定。本大纲规定了在职人员攻读硕士学位英语课程(非 英语专业)全校统一考试的内容、形式、时间和计分。考试的主要内容以苏州大学研究 生处组织编写的研究生英语读写教程教材为主。考试目的在于考核已修完在职人员攻 读硕士学位英语课程的学生是否达到各项规定的教学要求,以及实际掌握和运用英语的 能力。本考试共五个部分:阅读理解(占30%)、词汇(占15%)、选单词并以恰当的形式填 空(占15%)、翻译(占30%)、写作(占10%)

2、o全部题目按顺序统一编号。第一部分 阅读理解(Part II Reading Comprehension 30%)这部分的目的是测试学生通过阅读获取信息的能力,既要求准确,也要求有一定速 度。主要测试下述能力:L掌握所读材料的中心思想、主要内容和细节;2.对所读材料的内容进行一定的判断和推理;3.理解某些词和句子的意义及上下文之间的逻辑关系;4.领会作者的观点和判断作者的态度。阅读材料的选择原则:1.题材广泛,可以包括社会、文化、科普常识、史地、日常生活知识、人物传记等。所 涉及的背景知识应能为考生所了解。2.体裁多样,可以包括叙事,议论、描述、说明、应用文等。3.文章应有一定的难度。考试共2

3、0题,时间为40分钟。测试要求考生阅读4篇文章。其中前两篇难度中等,后两篇难度较高,每篇材料后 有5个问题。考生应根据文章内容从每题所给的四个选择项中选出一个最佳答案。此部 分总阅读量(不包括题目及选择项)为1200-1400词。第二部分词汇选择(Part I Vocabulary 15%):主要测试考生对单词在语篇水平上的理解能力和实际运用语言的能力。测试内容涉 及句型、结 构,词汇、短语和搭配等。共30题。考试时间为30分钟。测试的形式为 分两种。第一种是15个句子,每句有一个空白,要求考生从所给出的四个选择项中选 择最佳答案。选择项可以是一个单词,也可以是短语;第二种的15个句子中各有一

4、个 单词或词组下划横线,要求考生从所给出的四个选择项中选择意思与此单词或词组的意 思最接近的最佳答案。第三部分选词填空(Part III Filling t he blanks wit h t he proper words in proper forms 15%)这部分的目的是为了测试学生在教材中所学过的一些含义较深的单词的用法。给出 20个单词,要求考生从中选择15个单词以句子结构所需要的形式分别填入下面所给句 子的空白处。考题为15题,时间为15分钟。第四部分 翻译(Part IV Translat ion 30%):共2题。考试时间为35分钟。本部分共有两种形式。第一种形式(S ect

5、ion A):英译汉:内容为一般性或科学常识性的段落。要求译文忠 实于原文,表达正确。考试时间为20分钟。这一节是总量为140词左右的英语短文。第二种形式(S ection B):汉译英:内容为一般性和科学常识性的句子。要求译文忠 实于原文,表达正确。无重大语言错误。考试时间为15分钟。这一节是总量为100个 左右汉字的段落或语句。第五部分 写作(Part VWrit ing 10%):写作部分的目的是测试考生用英语书面表达思想的一般能力。写作要求切题,能正 确表达思想,意义连贯,无重大语言错误。摘要要求概括内容准确。考试时间为30分 钟。要求考生写出不少于120词左右的短文。试卷上可能给出题

6、目、情景、写作提纲或 材料表格,要求写出短文。考试时间及计分试卷五个部分的题目数、计分和考试时间列表如下:注:听力测试部分将在以后教学发展中逐年增加。序号节号题号各部分名称题数计分考试时间I1-20阅读理解2030分40分钟nA节B节1-1516-30选词或词组填空 选近意词或词组151515分30分钟iii1-15选词汇并以恰当的词形填空1515分15分钟IVA节B节1-21-2英译汉 汉译英2220分10分35分钟V写作110分30分钟合 计70100分150分钟硕士学位班英语试卷(样题)(Test of Engl ish for Non-Engl ish Major Postgrad u

7、 ate)Part I Reading Comprehension(30%)Directions:Th ere are fou r read ing passages in th is part.Each passage is fol l ow ed by some qu estions.For each qu estion th ere are fou r su ggested answ ers marked A),B),C)and D).You sh ou l d ch oose th e ONE best answ er.Passage OneTh e frid ge is consid

8、 ered a necessity.It h as been so since th e 1960s w h en packaged food first appeared w ith th e l abel:store in th e refrigerator”.In my frid gel ess Fifties ch il d h ood,I w as fed w el l and h eal th il y.Th e mil kman came d ail y,th e grocer,th e bu tch er(肉商),th e baker,and th e ice-cream ma

9、n d el ivered tw o or th ree times a w eek.Th e S u nd ay meat w ou l d l ast u ntil Wed nesd ay and su rpl u s(乘馀的)bread and mil k became al l kind s of cakes.Noth ing w as w asted,and w e w ere never trou bl ed by rotten food.Th irty years on,food d el iveries h ave ceased,fresh vegetabl es are al

10、 most u nobtainabl e in th e cou ntry.Th e invention of th e frid ge contribu ted comparativel y l ittl e to th e art of food preservation.A vast w ay of w el l-tried tech niqu es al read y existed-natu ral cool ing,d rying,smoking,sal ting,su garing,bottl ing.Wh at refrigeration d id promote w as m

11、arketing-marketing h ard w are and el ectricity,marketing soft d rinks,marketing d ead bod ies of animal s arou nd th e gl obe in search of a good price.Consequ entl y,most of th e w orl d s frid ges are to be fou nd,not in th e tropics w h ere th ey migh t prove u sefu l,bu t in th e w eal th y cou

12、 ntries w ith mil d temperatu res w h ere th ey are cl imatical l y al most u nnecessary.Every w inter,mil l ions of frid ges h u m aw ay continu ou sl y,and at vast expense,bu sil y maintaining an artificial l y-cool ed space insid e an artificial l y-h eated h ou se-w h il e ou tsid e,natu re prov

13、id es th e d esired temperatu re free of ch arge.Th e frid ges effect u pon th e environment h as been evid ent,w h il e its contribu tion to h u man h appiness h as been insignificant.If you d ont bel ieve me,try it you rsel f,invest in a food cabinet and tu rn off you r frid ge next w inter.You ma

14、y miss th e h ambu rgers(汉堡包),bu t at l east you l l get rid of th at terribl e h u m.1.Th e statement“In my frid gel ess Fifties ch il d h ood,I w as fed w el l and h eal th il y.(Line 1,Para.2)su ggests th at.A)th e au th or w as w el l-fed and h eal th y even w ith ou t a frid ge in h is fiftiesB

15、)th e au th or w as not accu stomed to u se frid ges even in h is fiftiesC)th ere w as no frid ge in th e au th ors h ome in th e 1950sD)th e frid ge w as in its earl y stage of d evel opment in th e 1950s2.Wh y d oes th e au th or say th at noth ing w as w asted before th e invention of frid ges?A)

16、Peopl e w ou l d not bu y more food th an w as necessary.B)Food w as d el ivered to peopl e tw o or th ree times a w eek.C)Food w as sol d fresh and d id not get rotten easil y.D)Peopl e h ad effective w ays to preserve th eir food.3.Wh o benefited th e l east from frid ges accord ing to th e au th

17、or?A)Inventors.B)Consu mers.C)Manu factu rers.D)Travel l ing sal esmen.4.Wh ich of th e fol l ow ing ph rases in th e fifth paragraph ind icates th e fiid ges negative effect on th e environment?A)“Hu m aw ay continu ou sl y.B)Cl imatical l y al most u nnecessary.C)Artificial l y-cool ed space”.D)“W

18、ith mil d temperatu res”.5.Wh at is th e au th ors overal l attitu d e tow ard fnd ges?A)Neu tral.B)Critical.C)Objective.D)Compromising.Passage TwoCarnegie Hal l,th e famou s concert h al l in New York City,h as again u nd ergone a restoration.Wh il e th is is not th e first,it is certainl y th e mo

19、st extensive in th e bu il d ings h istory.As a resu l t of th is new restoration,Carnegie Hal l sh ou l d once again h ave th e qu al ity of sou nd th at it h ad w h en it w as first bu il t.Carnegie Hal l ow es its existence to And rew Carnegie,th e w eal th y ow ner of a steel company in th e l a

20、te 1800s.Th e h al l w as finish ed in 1891,and qu ickl y gained a repu tation as an excel l ent performing arts h al l w h ere accompl ish ed mu sicians gained fame.Despite its repu tation,h ow ever,th e concert h al l su ffered from d etrimental renovations over th e years.Du ring th e Great Depre

21、ssion,w h en few er peopl e cou l d afford to attend performances,th e d irectors sol d part of th e bu il d ing to commercial bu sinesses.As a resu l t,a coffee sh op w as opened in one corner of th e bu il d ing,for w h ich th e bu il d ers repl aced th e brick and terra cotta w al l s w ith w ind

22、 ow panes.A renovation in 1946 seriou sl y d amaged th e acou stical qu al ity of th e h al l w h en th e makers of th e fil m“Carnegie Hal l“cu t a gaping h ol e in th e d ome of th e ceil ing to al l ow for l igh ts and air vents.Th e h ol e w as l ater covered w ith sh ort cu rtains and a fake ce

23、il ing,bu t th e h al l never sou nd ed th e same afterw ard s.In 1960,th e viol inist Isaac S tern became invol ved in restoring th e h al l after a grou p of real estate d evel opers u nveil ed pl ans to d emol ish Carnegie Hal l and bu il d a h igh-rise office bu il d ing on th e site.Th is th re

24、at spu rred S tem to ral l y pu bl ic su pport for Carnegie Hal l and encou rage th e city to bu y th e property.Th e movement w as su ccessfu l,and th e concert h al l is now ow ned by th e city.In th e cu rrent restoration,bu il d ers tested each new material for its sou nd qu al ities,and th ey r

25、epl aced th e h ol e in th e ceil ing w ith a d ome.Th e bu il d ers al so restored th e ou ter w al l s to th eir original appearance and cl osed th e coffee sh op.Carnegie h as never sou nd ed better,and its prospects for th e fu tu re h ave never l ooked more promising.6.Th is passage is mainl y

26、abou t.A)ch anges to Carnegie Hal lB)th e appearance of Carnegie Hal lC)Carnegie Hairs h istory d u ring th e Great DepressionD)Damage to th e ceil ing in Carnegie Hal l7.Wh at major ch ange h appened to th e h al l in 1946?A)Th e acou stic d ome w as d amaged.B)S pace in th e bu il d ing w as sol d

27、 to commercial bu sinesses.C)Th e w al l s w ere d amaged in an earth qu ake.D)Th e stage w as renovated.8.Wh at w as probabl y th e most important aspect of th e recent innovation?A)Restoring th e ou ter w al l.B)Expand ing th e l obby.C)Restoring th e pl aster trim.D)Repairing th e ceil ing.9.How

28、d oes th e au th or seem to feel abou t th e fu tu re of Carnegie Hal l?A)Ambigu ou s.B)Gu ard ed.C)Optimistic.D)Negative.10.Wh ich of th e fol l ow ing w ou l d most l ikel y be th e topic of th e next paragraph?A)A scientific expl anation of acou stics and th e natu re of sou nd.B)A d escription o

29、f peopl es reactions to th e new l y renovated h al l.C)A d iscu ssion of th e coffee sh op th at once w as l ocated in th e bu il d ing.D)Fu rth er d iscu ssion abou t th e activities of Isaac S tern.Passage ThreeIf w omen are mercil essl y expl oited(录U 肖U)year after year,th ey h ave onl y th emse

30、l ves to bl ame.Becau se th ey trembl e at th e th ou gh t of being seen in pu bl ic in cl oth es th at are ou t of fash ion,th ey are al w ays taken ad vantage of by th e d esigners and th e big stores.Cl oth es w h ich h ave been w orn onl y a few times h ave to be pu t asid e becau se of th e ch

31、ange of fash ion.Wh en you come to th ink of it,onl y a w oman is capabl e of stand ing in front of a w ard robe(衣柜)packed fu l l of cl oth es and annou ncing sad l y th at sh e h as noth ing to w ear.Ch anging fash ions are noth ing more th an th e intentional creation of w aste.Many w omen spend v

32、ast su ms of money each year to repl ace cl oth es th at h ave h ard l y been w orn.Women w h o cannot afford to th row aw ay cl oth ing in th is w ay,w aste h ou rs of th eir time al tering th e d resses th ey h ave.S kirts are l ength ened or sh ortened;neckl ines are l ow ered or raised,and so on

33、.No one can cl aim th at th e fash ion ind u stry contribu tes anyth ing real l y important to society.Fash ion d esigners are rarel y concerned w ith vital th ings l ike w armth,comfort and d u rabil ity(耐用).Th ey are onl y interested in ou tw ard appearance and th ey take ad vantage of th e fact t

34、h at w omen w il l pu t u p w ith any amou nt of d iscomfort,as l ong as th ey l ook righ t.Th ere can h ard l y be a man w h o h asnt at some time in h is l ife smil ed at th e sigh t of a w oman sh aking in a th in d ress on a w inter d ay,or d el icatel y picking h er w ay th rou gh d eep snow in

35、 h igh-h eel ed sh oes.Wh en comparing men and w omen in th e matter of fash ion,th e concl u sions to be d raw n are obviou s.Do th e constantl y ch anging fash ions of w omens cl oth es,one w ond ers,refl ect basic qu al ities of inconstancy and instabil ity?Men are too cl ever to l et th emsel ve

36、s be ch eated by fash ion d esigners.Do th eir u nch anging styl es of d ress refl ect basic qu al ities of stabil ity and rel iabil ity?Th at is for you to d ecid e.11.Designers and big stores al w ays make money.A)by mercil essl y expl oiting w omen w orkers in th e cl oth ing ind u stryB)becau se

37、 th ey are capabl e of pred icting new fash ionsC)by constantl y ch anging th e fash ions in w omens cl oth ingD)becau se th ey attach great importance to qu al ity in w omens cl oth ing12.To th e w riter,th e fact th at w omen al ter th eir ol d-fash ioned d resses is seen as.A)a w aste of money B)

38、a w aste of timeC)an expression of taste D)an expression of creativity13.Th e w riter w ou l d be l ess critical if fash ion d esigners pl aced more stress on th e of cl oth ing.A)cost B)appearance C)comfort D)su itabil ity14.Accord ing to th e passage,w h ich of th e fol l ow ing statements is TRUE

39、?A)New fash ions in cl oth ing are created for th e commercial expl oitation of w omen.B)Th e constant ch anges in w omens cl oth ing refl ect th eir strength of ch aracter.C)Th e fash ion ind u stry makes an important contribu tion to society.D)Fash ion d esigns sh ou l d not be encou raged since t

40、h ey are onl y w el comed by w omen.15.By saying“th e concl u sions to be d raw n are obviou s(Lines 1-2,Para.4),th e w riter means th atA)w omens inconstancy in th eir ch oice of cl oth ing is often l au gh ed atB)w omen are better abl e to pu t u p w ith d iscomfortC)men are al so expl oited great

41、l y by fash ion d esignersD)men are more reasonabl e in th e matter of fash ionPassage FourUntil recentl y,h u nting for treasu re from sh ipw recks w as mostl y fantasy;bu t w ith recent tech nol ogical ad vances,th e search for su nken treasu re is becoming more popu l ar as a l egitimate end eavo

42、r.One team of sal vagers h as search ed th e w reck of th e RMS Repu bl ic,w h ich sank in 1909,55 mil es sou th east of Boston h arbor.Th e search party,u sing sid e-scan sonar,a d evice w h ich projects sou nd w aves across th e ocean bottom and prod u ces a profil e of th e sea fl oor,l ocated th

43、 e w reck in ju st tw o-and-a-h al f d ays.Before th e u se of th is new tech nol ogy,search es cou l d take month s or years.Th e team of 45 d ivers search ed th e w reck for tw o month s,find ing sil ver tea services,crystal d innerw are,and th ou sand s of bottl es of w ine;bu t th ey d id not fi

44、nd th e five-and-a-h al f tons of American Gol d Eagl e coins th ey w ere search ing for.Wh eth er or not th e team find s th e gol d,th eir mission h as al read y sparked more d ebate betw een preservationists and treasu re h u nters over th e spoil s.Wh il e a sh ipw recks treasu re may not h ave

45、a h igh monetary val u e,it can be an inval u abl e sou rce of h istoric artifacts preserved in nearl y mint cond ition.Maritime arch aeol ogists w orry th at th e su ccess of sal vagers w il l attract more treasu re-h u nting exped itions and th u s th reaten remaining,u nd iscovered w recks.Once a

46、 sal vage team h as scou red a site,mu ch of th e arch aeol ogical val u e is l ost.Preservationists are l obbying th eir state l aw makers to l egal l y restrict u nd erw ater search es and u nregu l ated sal vages.On th e oth er h and,th e treasu re h u nters argu e th at w ith ou t th e l u re of

47、 gol d and mil l ion-d ol l ar treasu res,th e w recks and th eir h istorical artifacts w ou l d never be recovered.16.Wh at is th e main id ea of th is passage?A)S earch ing for w recks is now mu ch easier d u e to new tech nol ogies l ike sid e-scan sonar.B)Maritime arch aeol ogists are concerned

48、over th e u nregu l ated search ing of w recks.C)Th e search of th e RMS Repu bl ic is cau sing fu rth er d ebate betw een preservationists and sal vagers over search ing w recks.D)Treasu re h u nting on u nd erw ater w recks th reatens th e arch aeol ogical val u e of th e site.17.Th e second parag

49、raph is an exampl e of.A)ch ronol ogical ord er B)expl anationC)specific to general D)d efinition18.Wh at enabl ed th e search team to find th e RMS Repu bl ic qu ickl y?A)S ea fl oor profil es.B)A team of 45 d ivers.C)S id e-scan sonar.D)S ou nd w aves.19.Wh ich of th e fol l ow ing persons w ou l

50、d most l ikel y be a preservationist?A)A treasu re-h u nter.B)A d iver.C)A l aw maker.D)A maritime arch aeol ogist.20.Al l of th e fol l ow ing w ere fou nd on th e RMS Repu bl ic EXCEPT.A)w ine bottl es B)sil ver tea servicesC)American Gol d Eagl e coins D)crystal d innerw arePart II Vocabulary and


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