1、市场调研服务协议Market Research Service Agent Contract甲方 Party A:住所 Address:联系人 Contract Person:和 BETWEEN乙方Party B:住所 Address:联系人Contract person:甲乙双方通过和谐协商,就甲方委托乙方提供市场调研服务事宜达成以下协议:NOW THEREFORE, through amicable negotiation, the parties hereto mutually covenant that Party A will entrust Party B to provide M
2、arket Research Service and agree as follows:一、市场调研服务事项 Market Research Matters1.1市场调研项目名称 Market Research Project Name:甲方委托乙方进行 (以下称“协议项目”)的市场调研服务,乙方批准接受委托,为甲方提供协议项目的服务。Party A entrust Party B to do a Market Research Service for _(hereinafter referred to as “Agreement Project”). Party B accepts and
3、will provide such Agreement Project service. 1.2 市场调研项目内容、形式、地点、目的、期限及提交市场调研成果的具体方式,详见双方确认的附件: 项目建议书The content, format, location, target, time limit and the manner to submit the research result of this market research project, will be specified in the appendix “_ project proposal” which confirmed b
4、y both parties in advance. 二、服务费总金额和支付方式 Service fee and Payment terms2.1 本协议项下服务费总金额为人民币 元,如无其他约定,该服务费为最终费用,费用涉及本协议所需一切人工费、场地费、交通差旅费等,但不包含与本协议项下服务有关的所有税费(涉及但不限于增值税)。The service fee for this Contract is CNY _ Yuan, including but not limited to all the labor cost, site fee, transportation and travell
5、ing fee pursuant to the Contract. If no other mutual agreement achieved between both parties, this service fee hereunder shall be final. 2.2 甲方应以转账方式支付本协议项下的服务费,乙方账户信息如下: The service fee hereof shall be transferred to Party Bs bank account:账户名 Bank account name:开户银行 Deposit Bank:账号 Account Number:2.
6、3 本协议签订后三日内,乙方应向甲方开具协议总金额 %即人民币 元的正式发票,甲方应在收到上述发票后 日内向乙方支付该笔款项,作为项目前期启动费用。Party B shall invoice Party A for _% for all amounts CNY _Yuan hereof in three (3) working days after the contract signature. The invoice aforementioned shall be due and payable by Party A to Party B within _ days of date of r
7、eceiving such invoice. 2.4 乙方按照本协议之约定,完毕项目并提交市场调研成果,经甲方验收合格后三日内,乙方向甲方开具协议总金额 %即人民币 元的正式发票,甲方应在收到上述发票后 日内向乙方支付该笔款项。Party B shall provide and submit market research result by complying with the provisions set forth hereof. Once Party A accepts the project results, the balance of the Contract shall be
8、paid within _ working dates after receiving the invoice issued by Party A. 2.5 如甲方迟延支付约定的费用,则乙方有权顺延项目期限直至甲方付清相应的费用。In case any payment delays by Party A, Party B has the right to extent the project time limit until all service fees are paid off. 三、市场调研项目的进行 Execution of Market Research Project3.1 甲方
9、有权对乙方为调研项目所做工作进行监督检查,乙方批准在调研项目进行过程中接受甲方的监督检查,但甲方的监督检查不得影响乙方的正常调研作业。The parties hereby confirm, that Party A has the right to supervise and inspect the Agreement Project what Party is doing. Nevertheless, such supervision or inspection could not affect any Party As regular research operation. 3.2 假如乙
10、方的调研作业需要甲方提供必要的资料和数据等,甲方应及时提供,否则由此导致乙方延期开展工作的,由甲方承担责任。Party A shall provide any necessary documents or data promptly to Party B if needed for completing the Agreement Project. Party A shall bear the liability for all consequences arising therefrom. 四、市场调研项目的完毕及验收 Accomplishment and Acceptance of Mar
11、ket Research Project4.1 乙方应根据本协议约定以书面报告或电子邮件形式准时向甲方提交市场调研成果。Party B shall submit the Market Search result either by written report or email according to the Contract. 4.2 甲方应在乙方向甲方发出市场调研成果后按本协议及其附件规定的标准对调研成果及时进行验收,如发现存在不符合本协议及其附件规定的,应书面告知乙方。乙方应当自收到甲方书面告知之日起 个工作日内答复甲方,或在十个工作日内做出相应的修改。Party A shall ch
12、eck the Market Research result provided by Party B according to the acceptance criteria set forth in the Contract and the Appendix. In case any in consistence found, a written notice shall be sent to Party B. Party B shall reply Party A within _ working days or modify the research result within ten
13、(10) working days after receiving such notice.4.3 在乙方向甲方发出市场调研成果之日起 个工作日内没有对乙方做出书面异议表达的,视为甲方接受所有市场调研成果,并按本协议2.4条的约定履行相关义务。Whereas Party B does not submit any written objection within _ working days after receiving the Market Research result, an acceptance forms. Party a shall carry out obligations i
14、n accordance with Clause 2.4.五、知识产权及保密条款 Intellectual Property Rights and Confidential Terms5.1 乙方根据本协议或在本协议履行过程中专门为甲方或根据甲方提供的有关信息、资料而产生的市场调研成果,其知识产权归甲方所有;但不涉及(1)乙方的商标、标记、版权及其知识产权;(2)乙方的专有技术、研究技术、及享有所有权的研究方法。Party A shall own the intellectual property rights of the Market Research Result, which prod
15、uced based on this Contract or achieved according to the information, materiel provided by Party A; Party B shall retain the exclusive intellectual property rights of the following: (1) Party Bs trademarks, logos, copyrights and other intellectual property rights;(2) Party Bs know-how, technologies,
16、 proprietary methodologies, and other research method which has ownership on it. 5.2 “保密信息”是指协议一方享有的与知识产权及商业实践有关的信息,涉及但不限于:(1)商业计划、财务信息、产品与服务费用、供应渠道、广告及营销计划、客户名单、定价方式、项目及商业计划书、人员及商业网络信息;及(2)与调研方法、环节、专有技术、具体情况等有关的信息;(3)调研成果、数据。“Confidential Information” shall mean the information relating to the inte
17、llectual property and business practices of either part, including but not limited to: (1) business plans, financial information, products, services, costs, sources of supply, strategic, advertising and marketing plans, customer lists, pricing methods, project and commercial proposals, personnel, an
18、d business relationships; (2) information relating to research and development, methodologies, processes, know-how, specifications;(3) Research result and data.此外,双方均批准不披露本协议的相关内容、项目建议书、调研对象及工作往来邮件的内容给本协议双方之外的第三方。Inter alia, the parties hereby agree not to disclose any content of this Contract, proj
19、ect proposal, research objection and e-mailing back and forth for the project hereunder, to any third party.5.3 接受保密信息的一方不得从事以下行为:(1)非为履行本协议项下义务的需要而使用保密信息;(2)向任何第三方透露该保密信息,除非是向信息接受方的雇员为履行本协议义务的必要而做的披露且必须事先告知并得到其批准受此处保密义务的约束。Neither party receiving confidential information from the other party shall:
20、 (1)use confidential information for any purpose other than to fulfill its obligations under this Contract; (2) disclose such confidential information to any third party, except for those of the employees of the receiving party with a need to know the information in order to perform their obligation
21、s hereunder and provided that they are made aware of and agree to be bound by the obligations of confidentiality contained herein. 5.4 保密义务不合用于以下几种信息情况:(1)信息在收到或发出时已经处在公共领域或之后被公众广泛获知;(2)信息接受方在收到信息时已经拥有了该信息,且并非从信息披露方直接或间接的获得的 ;(3)从第三方获得或合法接受,且信息披露方没有对信息接受方设立任何保密限制的信息;(4)信息接受方在未违反协议的情况下独立研发而得到的信息;或(5)
22、依照法院或政府机构命令或所合用法律、法规的规定而透露的信息。The obligation of confidentiality, however, shall not apply to information which: (1) at the time of receipt or dissemination, or thereafter becomes generally available to the public; (2) the receiving party possessed at the time of receipt thereof from the disclosing p
23、arty, and was not acquired directly or indirectly from the disclosing party; (3) is acquired or rightfully received by the receiving party from a third party and without confidential limitation on the receiving party; (4) is independently developed by the receiving party without breach of this Contr
24、act; (5) is required to be disclosed pursuant to court order, government orders, applicable laws or regulations requirement5.5 保密期限:在本协议有效期内及届满后两年内,协议双方仍负有保密义务。Confidentiality period: within two (2) years after the termination of this Contract, the parties are still bound to the duty of confidential
25、ity. 六、 保证条款 Warranty6.1 甲方应遵守所合用的有关法律、法规和其他规范性文献的规定,不得规定乙方从事违反上述法律规范的市场调研服务。Party A will comply with all the applicable laws, regulations and other normative documents, and will not ask Party B to provide any service might constitute a breach to the foregoing laws and regulations. 6.2 乙方应保证其已经采用了一切
26、必要的合理的关注,以保证提供应甲方的数据或其他资料的客观、真实、有效;并且不得侵犯任何第三方的知识产权及其它权益;没有违反国家法律和法规。Party B has taken all necessary reasonable attention in order to guarantee that all the date or other information provided to Party A is objective, true and valid; will not violate the intellectual property rights or other rights o
27、f any third party; does not break applicable laws and regulations. 七、违约责任与责任限额 Breach and Liability7.1 任何一方不履行本协议约定的义务或履行义务不符合本协议约定的,视为违约,应停止违约行为,并承担继续履行、采用补救措施或补偿损失等违约责任。Any party does not perform the duty hereunder or performs its duty not consistent with this Contract, shall be deemed as breach.
28、The breaching party shall immediately cease the breach and bear the breach liability, including but not limited to, continue to perform duty, take remedial measures or compensate for a loss.7.2 甲方明确认可及批准在任何时候,任何情况下,乙方或其董事、员工或代理均不对与市场调研成果有关的以下后果负责:(1)任何利润或收入损失,购买替代产品或服务的成本,(2)任何类型的特殊、间接、偶发、处罚性或间接损害,或
29、者(3)任何超过(累计)本协议项下,甲方向乙方支付的所有费用的损失。Party A expressly confirms and agrees that at any time, under any situation, Party B and its board of directors, employees or agents will not be liable for the following consequences arising from the market research result: (1) any lost profits or revenue, cost of p
30、rocurement of substitute goods or services; (2) special, indirect, incidental, punitive, or consequential damages of any knid whatsoever; (3) for any direct damages in excess of (in the aggregate) the amounts paid by Party A to Party B.八、 协议的变更和解除 Modification and Termination8.1 本协议生效后,除法律、法规和其他规范性文
31、献另有规定或本协议另有约定外,未经甲、乙双方书面协商一致,任何一方不得自行变更、终止或解除本协议。After the effective of this Contract, unless otherwise required by laws, regulations and other normative documents or agreed in writing by the negotiating parties, neither party can modify or terminate this Contract.8.2 任何一方要变更、终止或解除本协议的,应先向对方发出书面告知,然
32、后进行协商。Any party requires to modify or terminate this Contract shall negotiate with the other party by sending a written notice in advance. 8.3 甲方因自身因素规定变更或解除本协议约定的市场调研的,乙方应允,但甲方应于合理的时间内提前告知乙方。按照截止协议变更或解除之日乙方所已经完毕的工作比例,甲方应当按比例向乙方支付协议终止前完毕工作的相应费用。假如甲方预付的款项超过应付金额,乙方应当将多支付的部分退还给甲方。Parties hereby confirm
33、 that the Market Research hereunder shall be modified or terminated, in the event of a request arising from Party A due to its selfish reason. However, such request should be sent to Party B in advance in a reasonable time. Party A shall pay all the relevant fees of the project which has been done u
34、ntil the termination of the Contract according to the completed percentage of whole project. In case the prepaid amount excceds the payable amount, Party B shall return the extra part.九、争议的解决 Dispute Resolution9.1 本协议合用中华人民共和国法律。所有涉及本协议的争议,应一方面通过和谐协商加以解决。如协商不成,应将该争议提交至北京国际经济贸易仲裁委员会(CIETAC)。该会依据其现行有效
35、的仲裁规则进行仲裁。该仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方具有约束力,并可在任何有管辖权的法院或其他有权机构强制执行。This Contract shall be governed by the laws of Peoples Republic of China. All the disputes arising out of or relating to this Contract shall be resolved through negotiation first. The dispute shall be referred to and finally determined by China In
36、ternational Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC) once negotiation fails, in accordance with currently valid arbitration rules. Such arbitration award shall be final and legally binding upon both parties, and can be enforced by any competent court or authority. 十. 其他 Miscellaneous10.1本协
37、议未尽事宜,双方可经和谐协商达成补充协议,补充协议与本协议不一致之处,以签定期间在后者为准。任何于本协议签订前经双方协商而未记载于本协议之事项,对双方皆无约束力。What is left unmentioned in the Contract, a supplementary shall be constituted by amicable negotiation. In the event of any conflict between the supplementary and this Contract, the one signed latter prevails. Any matte
38、rs negotiated by both parties before which do not mentioned in this Contract cannot bind the parties. 10.2 本协议一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。This contract (including its appendix) has two counterparts, of equally legal effectiveness, which is held by each party.10.3本协议自双方签字并盖章之日起生效,双方履行完毕本协议及其有关的所有义务时,本协议终止
39、。This contract will become effective from the signature date and will terminate once all the duties set forth hereunder are fulfilled. 以下无正文 No content below 甲方 Party A : (盖章)Chop授权代表 Authorized Representative:日期Date: 年year 月 month 日day乙方 Party B : (盖章)Chop授权代表Authorized Representative:日期Date: 年year 月 month 日day
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