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1、Lesson70Red for danger 危险红色危险红色第1页1.How do you think of the bullfight?2.Would you agree to hold this activity in China?3.Did you hear any story about it?第2页第3页1.Text During a bullfight,a drunk suddenly wandered into the middle of the ring.The crowd began to shout,but the drunk was unaware of the dan

2、ger.The bull was busy with the matador at the time,but it suddenly caught sight of the drunk who was shouting rude remarks and waving a red cap.Apparently sensitive to criticism,the bull forgot all about the matador and charged at the drunk.The crowd suddenly grew quiet.The drunk,however,seemed quit

3、e sure of himself.第4页1.Text When the bull got close to him,he clumsily stepped aside to let it pass.The crowd broke into cheers and the drunk bowed.By this time,however,three men had come into the ring and they quickly dragged the drunk to safety.Even the bull seemed to feel sorry for him,for it loo

4、ked on sympathetically until the drunk was out of the way before once more turning its attention to the matador./10/10第5页/10/10bullfightn.斗牛例句:Some people cant bear to watch a bullfight.有些人不忍心看斗牛。Bullfighter/matador n.斗牛士他很想当斗牛士例句:He always wanted to be a bullfighter/matador.第6页/10/10bulln.公牛Bulldog

5、 n.斗牛犬,牛头犬第7页/10/10drunkn.醉汉例句:It suddenly caught sight of the drunk.突然它看见了醉汉。adj.喝醉(常做表语)eg.He was drunk.adj.陶醉,兴奋(+with)例句:He was drunk with success.他因成功而陶醉。adj.drunken 喝醉,酒醉(常做定语)eg.a drunken man 第8页/10/10wanderwander 1)v.游荡,漫步 eg.He wandered around the school as if he had nothing to do.2)v.(指人,思

6、想)走神,胡思乱想 eg.His mind is wandering.我走了神。My attention wandered.第9页/10/10ring1)n.圈;环;环形物例句:Fatigue brought on dark rings under her eyes.劳累使她眼睛下部出现了黑圈。圆形竞技场地例句:By this time,however,three men had come into the ring and they quickly dragged the drunk to safety.2)n.环,戒指 ring-finger左手无名指 3)v打电话第10页/10/10un

7、awareadj.不知道,未觉察(+of/that)她不知道你要来。例句:She was unaware that you were aware that 从句/of sth.觉察到 eg.Are you aware that you are sitting on my hat?They should be aware of their rights.他们应该知道他们权利。第11页/10/10remark1.vt.谈到;评论;说(+that)例句:A local newspaper remarked that crime was on the decrease.一家地方报纸

8、评论说犯罪案件在降低。谈论,议论;评论(+on/upon)例句:Prof.Smith remarked on the difference between the two dictionaries.史密斯教授谈到了这两本词典不一样之处。remark on/upon sth.就发表意见 I want to remark upon your statement.我想就你陈说发表一下意见。第12页/10/10apparentlyadv.显然地例句:He was apparently much surprised at the news.他对那个消息显然感到十分惊异。adv.表面上,似乎 显

9、著地=obviously例句:Apparently she did not succeed.看样子她没有成功。第13页/10/10sensitiveadj.敏感;易受伤害(+to)例句:Donna is sensitive to strong smells.唐娜对强烈气味很敏感。神经过敏;易怒(+to/about)例句:He is sensitive about his failure.人家一提他失败他就生气。【医】过敏例句:The child is sensitive to eggs.那孩子对鸡蛋过敏。第14页criticism krtszm n.批评,评论批评,评论criticize v.

10、批评,评论批评,评论eg.He was criticized by his teacher because he didnt hand in his homework on time.critical adj.批评性,吹毛求疵批评性,吹毛求疵eg.Why are you always so critical?第15页/10/10charge1)冲 charge at 冲向 eg.The bull charged at the drunk.2)要价 eg.They charged me for 500 dollars for this dish.3)n.负责,照料 be in charge of

11、/take charge of 负责第16页/10/10clumsilyadv.拙笨地例句:The first pitch came in and shaya swung clumsily and missed.面对第一次投球,沙亚拙笨地挥了一下球棒,没有命中。Clumsiness n.拙笨例句:I seem to be suffered from clumsiness lately.最近我似乎显得很拙笨。第17页/10/10bown.弓例句:Believe it or not,she can draw a strong bow.你信不信由你,她能挽强弓。虹(rainbow)弦乐器弓;琴弓一拉

12、蝴蝶结;蝴蝶领结她把鞋带打成蝴蝶结。例句:She tied her shoelaces in a bow.第18页/10/10bowvi.鞠躬,欠身(+to/before)顺从,屈服(+to/before)例句:Some people bow before money/dignitary.有些人在金钱/权贵面前俯首贴耳。第19页/10/10safetyn.安全,平安例句:The children were led to a place of safety.孩子们被带到一个安全地方。第20页/10/10sympathetically adv.悲怜地;富有同情心地例句:He is looking

13、at her sympathetically.他同情地望着她。adj.sympathetic 同情;有同情心例句:She is sympathetic over what has happened.她对已发生事抱有同情心。第21页4.GrammerSummary:与动词情况相同,形容词也能够与不一样介词搭配。与for,with,of,to,at,from,in,on和about连用形容词:第22页(1)与)与 for连用形容词(连用形容词(包含包含eager,enough,famous,fit,grateful,qualified,responsible,sorry,ready,suffici

14、ent(足够)(足够),thankful,valid等)等)They were eager for the performanceWe have enough apples for the children.My aunt is famous for her beauty.I was grateful for the old mans sage advice.She is quitequalified forthe work.The money i have saved issufficient forbuying a car第23页(2)与)与with连用形容词(包含连用形容词(包含angr

15、y,busy,consistentknsstnt 一致一致,content,familiar,patient,popular 等):等):Why was Mary angry with you?The bull was busy with the matador at the time.Actions must be consistent with words.She wasnt content with her life.(be satisfied with)Uncle Sam is always popular with children.第24页(3)与of连用形容词(包含afraid,

16、aware,unaware,careful,certain,kind,north,south,east,west,short,shy,sure等):The drunk was unaware of the danger.醉汉没有意识到危险。Wallis Island is a long way west of Samoa.瓦立斯岛位于萨摩亚群岛以西很远地方。I used to be afraid of ghosts.我以前很怕鬼。The drunk seemed quite sure of himself.醉汉像是很有把握似。Its very kind of you to come to th

17、e wedding.非常感激您来参加婚礼。She is careful of her dress.她注意衣着。Are you certain of his coming?你确信他会来吗?I was short of money at that time.那时我正缺钱。第25页(4)与to连用形容词(包含close,cruel,dear,new,obvious,polite,sensitive,rude,useful,similar等):Most people are sensitive to criticism.大部分人对他人批评很敏感。He was never rude to his par

18、ents.他对父母总是以礼相待。I cant understand why he was so cruel to his brother/good to that dog/polite to you.我无法了解他为何对他弟兄如此残忍对那条狗那么好对你如此客气。第26页Though the bicycle is old,it is very dear to me.即使这辆自行车破旧,但我很珍视它。All these words are new to me.全部这些单词我都是第一次碰到。Our house is close to a river.我们家紧挨着一条河。Its obvious to e

19、veryone that hes lying.大家都清楚他在撒谎。These books are useful to/for foreign students.这些书对外国学生有用。My car is similar to yours.我车与你车相同。第27页(5)与at连用形容词(包含good,bad,clever,expert,quick,slow等):Jane is good/bad at swimming.简擅长不擅长游泳。George is expert at/in flying a plane.乔治驾驶飞机技术高超。Sally is not/very clever at mathe

20、matics,but shes clever at making dresses.萨莉不是很擅长数学,但她擅长做衣服。Tom is quick/slow at learning new things.汤姆学新东西学得快慢。第28页(6)与 from连用形容词(包含away,different,far,safe等):It was very different from modern car races but no less exciting.它即使与当代汽车大赛不大相同,但激感人心程度并不亚于当代汽车大赛。While youre away from home,Ill look after th

21、e children.你不在家时,我会照料孩子。The lake is far from London.这湖离伦敦很远。The man was far from comfortable while being confined to the wooden box.那人被闷在木箱里时一点儿也不舒适。The village is safe from floods.这个村子没有遭洪水攻击危险。第29页(7)与in连用形容词(包含 fortunate,honest,weak等):(do well in)Youre fortunate in having a house of your own.你很幸运

22、,有自己房子。Frank is honest in business.弗兰克做生意老实。Im weak in/at chemics.我化学较差。第30页(8)与on连用形容词(包含dependent,intent,keen等):She was keen on tennis.她热衷于打网球。You shouldnt be so intent on making money.你不应该如此一心只想盈利。Are you still dependent on your father?你还靠你父亲生活吗?第31页(9)与about连用形容词(包含 worried,curious,doubtful,righ

23、t,uneasy 等):She is uneasy about her future.她为自己前途担心。He was curious about the strange noise.她对那奇怪响声好奇。Im doubtful about/of his words.我对他话怀疑。第32页1.For与for连用形容词:befor be well-known for 以知名 necessary 为所必须 proper 合乎于 profitable 对有益 be suitable for 对适当 gateful 因感激 eager 渴望得到/热切期望 responsible 对负责 sorry 对感到

24、遗憾 thankful 对感激 qualified 在有资格第33页2.With与with连用形容词:bewith annoyed对某人烦恼 satisfied对满意 disappointed with 对(某人)失望 concerned关心,参加 consistent 与一致 content 对满足 familiar(to)对熟悉 patient 对有耐心 popular 受喜爱第34页3.Of与of连用形容词beof composed 由组成 critical 对挑剔 aware 知觉 characteristic呈特征 careful(with)小心 short 缺乏 conscious

25、 意识到 ignorant 对不了解 worthy 值得做 north/south/east/west在面 第35页4.To与to连用形容词:beto acceptable 可接收 essential 对很主要 suitable 适合于 comparable 比得上 obvious 对清楚 useful 对有用 similar 与相同 identical 与相同 cruel 对残忍 new 对没经验 第36页5.Atbeat+doing与at连用形容词:beat bad 不擅长于 clever/good擅长于 expert(in)在熟练 skillful 做.熟练 indignant 对感到愤

26、慨 skillful(in)熟练 slow 对迟钝 第37页6.From与from连用形容词:befrom remote 远离 recovered 复原 distinct 与有差异 far 远离 safe 没有危险 第38页7.In*bein+doing与in连用形容词:bein fortunate 在很幸运 deficient 缺乏 weak 在微弱 concerned 对有牵连 confident 对信任 第39页8.On与on连用形容词:beon dependent 依赖于 intent/focus 专心于 keen 热心于第40页9.about与about连用形容词:beabout a

27、nxious 担心,想念 particular 对考究 cautious 慎重 curious 对好奇 doubtful(of)对有疑问 uneasy 对担心 enthusiastic对热心 第41页4.答案&解析1.依据课文第5-6行Apparently sensitive to criticism,the bull forgot all about the matador and charged at the drunk 能够判断,只有d.and attracted the bulls attention 与课文内容相符合,其它3个与课文事实不符。2.只有选b.before he was

28、removed 与课文内容相符,其它3个选择都不是课文所暗示情况,不符合课文所内容。3.前一句中谓语动词charged at 意思为“朝着冲上去”,本句只有选 才能同前一句意思温和,因为run at 有“朝着某个目标冲去”意思。朝某个方向跑去)目标不够详细;b.against(碰上,偶然遇见),d.for(为某种目标而跑)这两个选择都与前一句含义不吻合,所以选c.第42页4.本句谓语动词was sure 是过去时,后面从句动词也应该是过去时才合乎语法。a.b.d.这3个选择都不是过去时,所以都不是正确答案。5.本句中 let 后面只能跟宾语加不带to 动词不定式(let sb

29、.do sth.)才合乎语法.a.passing, pass, passing 都不能用在let 后面,只有d.pass 是不带to 动词不定式,所以应该选d.6.该句谓语动词是(had come)过去完成时,需要选一个对应时间状语.a.Up till that time 和 d.Until then 都有“到那时为止”意思,都能够用于过去完成时,但它们都不能同时表示瞬间动作动词(如go,come 等)完成时连用,故不能选a.d.;c.So far(到当前为止)只能用于现在完成时.只有b.By then(那时,此时)能够用于过去完成时.第43页7.本句谓语动词looked on

30、 是普通过去时,从句也应该是对应过去时态。a.turn, turn 都不合乎语法; was turning 是过去进行时,普通不适合于以before 或者after 引导状语从句中;只有 turned 是普通过去时,最合乎语法,所以应该选c.8.a.conscious of(意识到,知道),b.knowledgeable about(对有见识,有知识),c.sensitive to(对敏感),d.sensible about(对觉察,敏感)中,只有a.是unaware of 反义词,所以选a.9.前一句中动词grew(变得)是系动词,后面跟形容词做表语,本句需要选一个同

31、grew意义相同系动词。a.increased(增加),b.began(开始),d.behaved(表现)这3个词都不能做系动词,所以都不对。只有c.became变得)是系动词,同grew意思相同,所以选c.第44页10.该句需要选出与前一句中aside(到一边,向旁边)含义相近短语。 与aside 意思相反;b.on 与aside 意思不一样,不合乎题目意思;c.this 不是正确表示方式,意思不通;只有d.与aside 含义相符,所以选d.11.本句只有选d.felt sorry for 才能同前一句(It looked on sympathetically)意思最靠近。而a.liked 和b.loved 都不符合题目意思。c.sympathised 不合乎语法,应该是sympathised with.所以选d.12.a.taking care of,b.looking after 都是关照意思,不合题义.d.minding(留心,当心)也不符合题目意思,只有c.paying attention to(注意)最适合这个句子,所以选c.第45页第46页


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