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1、Book5Unit6PartBLets talk第1页JackTomcity/villagecountry第2页Listen and answer:Whats the city like?It is very nice.T:Hello,Jack.Nice to see you.J:Hello,Tom.Nice to see you,too.Lets go to my home.T:Thank you.Whats the city like?J:It is very nice.第3页第4页Whats in the city?Pair work:看图,同桌讨论。尽情发挥你想象力吧。There ar

2、e manysome.beautiful parks,flowers,tall buildings,schools,buses,cars,supermarkets,wide roads,pretty clothes 第5页Are there mountains in the city?Yes,there are.Are there any bridges?No,there arent.Read and answer:any一一些些(普普通通用用于于问问句句中。中。)(自由朗诵会话,划出以下两个问题答案。)自由朗诵会话,划出以下两个问题答案。)第6页 T=J=T:Hello,Jack.Nice

3、to see you.J:Hello,Tom.Nice to see you,too.Lets go to my home.T:Thank you.Whats the city like?J:It is very nice.T:Are there any mountains in the city?J:No,there arent.T:Are there any bridges?J:Yes,there are,and there are many cars and buses.Lets read!第7页Are there any in the city?carsbuildingsfarmsYe

4、s,there are.No,there arent.roadshousesbikesbuses第8页Oh,no!I dont like the city.Lets go to my home!第9页(beautiful parks,lakes and rivers,flowers,tall buildings,schools,buses,cars,supermarkets,wide roads,pretty clothes,green trees,big houses,big dogs,cats)Group work:Ask and answer.(4人一组,帮人一组,帮Jack提问,并与组

5、内同学问答交流。)提问,并与组内同学问答交流。)Are there any _in the country?第10页 Are there any lakes and rivers?Are there any tall buildings?Yes,there are.No,there arent,but there are many big dogs and cats.第11页Give the talk a good title:(认真听,给会话故事取个名字吧!(认真听,给会话故事取个名字吧!)_T:Hello,Jack.Nice to see you.J:Hello,Tom.Nice to s

6、ee you,too.Lets go to my home.T:Thank you.Whats the city like?J:It is very nice.T:Are there any mountains in the city?J:No,there arent.T:Are there any bridges?J:Yes,there are,and there are many cars and buses.T:Oh,no.I dont like the city.Lets go to my home.J:OK.Whats the country like?Are there any l

7、akes and rivers?T:Yes,there are.J:Are there any tall buildings?T:No,there arent,but there are many big dogs and cats.J:Oh,no.I dont like the country.A City Mouse and a Country Mouse T=J=第12页 T:Hello,Jack.Nice to see you.J:Hello,Tom.Nice to see you,too.Lets go to my home.T:Thank you.Whats the city li

8、ke?J:It is very nice.T:Are there any mountains in the city?J:No,there arent.T:Are there any bridges?J:Yes,there are,and there are many cars and buses.T:Oh,no.I dont like the city.Lets go to my home.J:OK.Whats the country like?Are there any lakes and rivers?T:Yes,there are.J:Are there any tall buildi

9、ngs?T:No,there arent,but there are many big dogs and cats.J:Oh,no.I dont like the country.Lets read!A City Mouse and a Country Mouse T=J=第13页第14页Love our hometown!热爱我们故乡!热爱我们故乡!Enjoy the life!享受生活!享受生活!East or west,home is best.金窝银窝,不如自己草窝。第15页cityThere are many mountains,forests and lakes in the ci

10、ty,too.第16页countryThere are many tall buildings,parks,wide roads,cars and buses in the country,too.第17页Make a new talk!(两人一组,选择一个场景:city或country,创编一个新会话故事。)A City Mouse and a Country MouseA:Hello,_.Nice to see you.B:Hello,_.Nice to see you,too.Lets go to my home.A:Thank you.Whats the _ like?Are ther

11、e any _ in the _?B:Yes,there are.A:Are there any _?B:Yes,there are,and there are many _ and _.A:Great!I like the _.Lets go!JackTomcitymountainscityforestsriverslakescity第18页Homework(家庭作业)Be a little designer,design a place you dreamed.当一个小小设计师,设计一张你梦想地方。Use the new sentence,Interview your friends,say something about the hometown.利用今天所学新句型采访你朋友,说说所在故乡。第19页


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