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1、合作合同Cooperation Contractxx文化发展股份有限公司,一家根据中国法律规定有效注册和存续的公司,注册地址位于省xx室,由法定代表人xxxx先生代表其签署本合同(以下称“xx”);Zhejiang Xx Culture Development Co., a joint-stock company duly incorporated and existing under Chinese law, having its registered office in Room 327-330, Chuangye Mansion, No. 66 Yuanshi Road, High-te

2、ch Zone, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province, China, represented for the purposes hereof by the legal representative Mr Li Yongping(hereinafter ”Xx“)-作为一方- as one side - , a company incorporated under the law of Spain, C.F. , P.iva , with legal address in , Italy, represented for the purpose hereof by (h

3、ereinafter “ ”)-作为另一方-as the other side-xx和MK Sport以下合称为“双方”,单独称为“一方“。Xx and MK Sport are hereinafter collectively referred to as “the Parties”, and separately as “a Party”.鉴于:Whereas:1) xx文化发展股份有限公司是一家中国的上市公司,股票代码:xx,主要从事国际公关、跨境贸易、跨境并购、IP(知识产权)的打造和运营等业务。1) Zhejiang Xx Culture Development Corporatio

4、n is a company listed in China with stock number xx, engaged in international public relations, cross border trade, cross border Merger & Acquisition, creation and commercialization of IP (intellectual property). 2) MK Sport在西班牙拥有丰富的政治、商业网络和资源,能为xx在西班牙进行有效的资源对接,共同分享成长的收益。2) MK Sport has an extensive

5、 network in Spain in business and political sectors, and is able to provide with Xx the resources it is seeking for, with the aim to achieve a common growth of both Parties.3)双方有意开始友好合作,从而达成了如下协议。3) The Parties intend to start a mutual cooperation and have agreed on the following agreement.第一条 xx的业务

6、范围Art. 1 Activities of Xx 1.1 xx的业务范围包括:-作为一个采购中心,寻找能够在中国市场销售的西班牙消费品;-为客户寻找特定领域(如医药产业和体育产业等)的并购项目与技术引进;- 提供国际公关咨询服务,包含旅游推广、文化、展览、活动、培训学校等;- 引进体育、娱乐、文化、影视、教育等的海外IP资源。1.1 Xx is carrying out the following activities:- acting as a purchase center looking for consumer products made in Spain to be sold in

7、 Chinese market;- looking for M&A projects for its clients in specific areas such as pharmaceutic industry and sport.第二条 MK Sport的业务范围Art 2. MK Sports activities 2.1 MK Sport的业务范围如下:- 作为西班牙时尚、文化、体育、零售企业的咨询顾问,为其打造商业模式,并负责商业模式的实现;- 作为西班牙企业相关并购项目的顾问,寻找包括来自中国的投资者在内的潜在投资者。2.1 MK Sport is carrying out the

8、 following activities:- creation of formats for Spanish fashion, culture, retail companies and taking care of the realization of such formats;- acting as advisor for Spanish companies in relation to Merger & Acquisition projects, looking for potential investors including those from China.第三条 收益分成Art

9、. 3 Sharing of earnings3.1 假使MK Sport向xx介绍的并购项目成功完成,在此情况下,(1) 如果MK Sport作为西班牙企业一方的顾问,并由该西班牙企业支付费用,xx没有义务向MK Sport支付任何费用或补偿;(2) 如果MK Sport不是西班牙企业的顾问,且该西班牙企业不向MK Sport支付费用,xx要将中国企业所支付的佣金或成功费的40%给MK Sport,条件是MK Sport负责准备项目展示所需的英文材料、介绍、信息备忘录,以及满足xx所提的其他要求。3.1 In case MK Sport presented a M&A project to

10、Xx which is then successfully concluded, in such a circumstance,(1) Should MK Sport act as Spanish companys advisor and is paid by the latter, Xx has no obligation to pay any fee or reimbursement to MK Sport;(2) should MK Sport not be the Spanish companys advisor and is not paid by the latter, Xx sh

11、all pay 40% of its commission or success fee received from the Chinese company to MK Sport, on condition that MK Sport will be in charge of preparation of materials, presentation, info memo in English needed for the presentation of the project, and as requested by Xx. 3.2 如果xx向MK Sport 介绍的项目完成直接投资,x

12、x应向MK Sport支付投资额的2%-3%作为佣金。3.2 Should Xx successfully make a direct investment in project presented by MK Sport, Xx shall pay a commission equal to 2%-3% of the investment amount to MK Sport. 3.3 如果MK Sport向xx或其关联企业介绍了消费品生产厂家或供应商,且xx或其关联企业之后从该等企业采购,则xx应向或者xx应促使其关联企业向MK Sport支付相当于采购价值0.5%的金额作为佣金。双方同意

13、,在跨境贸易项目中,MK Sport不得向供应消费品的西班牙企业索要任何佣金。任何供应商支付的佣金应由xx或其关联企业来收取,且xx应将或xx应促使其关联企业将收到佣金的50%支付给MK Sport. 3.3 In case MK Sport presented companies producing or otherwise supplying consumer products to Xx or if affiliated companies, which then purchased from such suppliers, Xx shall or Xx shall procure th

14、at its affiliated companies pay a commission equal to 0.5% of the purchase value to MK Sport. It is agreed that in the cross border trade project, MK Sport shall not ask for any commission from the Spanish companies supplier of the consumer goods. Such commission from seller side, if any, shall be r

15、eceived by Xx or its affiliated companies which will then pay 50% of the commission received to MK Sport. 3.4 其他项目的收益分成需要双方按项目协商决定。3.4 Sharing of earnings for other projects shall be agreed on by the Parties from time to time. 3.5 双方同意本合同中所提到的xx向MK Sport支付的任何费用为含税金额,且付款应在发票日期起30日内完成。3.5 It is agreed

16、 that any fee to be paid by Xx to MK Sport mentioned herein is tax inclusive, and that the payment under this Contract shall be paid within 30 days from the date of the invoice. 第四条 工作方式Art. 4 Work model 4.1 在未经另一方事先同意的情况下,双方同意不联系另一方所介绍的企业或个人。4.1 The Parties agree not to contact the companies, perso

17、ns presented by the other party, without the prior consent of the latter. 4.2 为了有效开展工作,任何一方可以在另一方事先同意的情况下直接联系后者介绍的企业或个人,并告知后者事情的进展。4.2 However, in order to carry out the work in an efficient way, either party can directly contact the companies or persons presented by the other party with the prior c

18、onsent of the latter, keeping the same updated by the situation. 第五条 双方的承诺和保证Art.5 Warranties and guarantees of the Parties5.1 双方意识到双方之间的合作对双方公司形象、市场声誉非常重要,双方在此承诺将本着诚实信用的原则开展有效的合作,在实施项目时考虑到双方的共同利益。5.1 The Parties are aware that the cooperation hereof is very important for the image and reputation in

19、 the market of both Parties, therefore, the Parties hereby undertakes to carry out an effective cooperation based on the principle of good faith, taking into consideration of mutual benefits of both Parties. 5.2 双方意识到工作效率对合作结果也有重大影响,承诺将会高效率地促进各项项目的实施,以避免错过市场机遇。5.2 Both Parties are aware that the wor

20、king efficiency also has a significant impact on the results of the cooperation, therefore, the Parties hereby undertake to effectively facilitate and speed the implementation of every single project so as not to miss market opportunities.5.3 双方承诺其签署本合同,开展本合同所述活动不构成、也不会构成对其他任何第三方的违约或侵权。5.3 Each Part

21、y undertakes that its signing of this Contract and the implementation of any activities described in this Contract does and will not constitute any breach of contract or infringement to any other third party.第6条 保密Article 6 Confidentiality6.1双方理解一方(“披露方”)为本合同之目的而向另一方(“接收方”)提供的信息可能是机密性的或敏感的,因此,接收方不得将

22、披露方提供的任何信息披露给第三方,但下列情况除外:(i) 为履行本合同而极有必要披露信息;或者 (ii) 接收方获得了披露方对披露信息的书面同意;或者 (iii) 该等信息已被公众所知;或者 (iv) 法律强制要求披露相关信息 (“保密义务”)。双方将促使其任何董事、员工、代理、代表和合作伙伴遵守本合同规定的上述保密义务。上述保密义务在本合同到期或提前终止后继续有效。6.1 The Parties understand that information given by a Party (“Disclosing Party”) to another Party (“Receiving Part

23、y”) for the purpose of this Contract may be of a confidential and/or sensitive nature and shall not be disclosed to any third party, unless: (i) the disclosure of information is extremely necessary for the performance of this Contract, or (ii) the Receiving Party has been given a written consent fro

24、m the Disclosing Party to such disclosure, or (iii) the information becomes in public domain, or (iv) such information disclosure is requested by law (“Duty of Confidentiality”). The Parties will procure that any of its director, employee, agent, representative and partner will observe the Duty of C

25、onfidentiality under this Contract. The said Duty of Confidentiality will survive after the expiration or termination of this Contract.第7条 有效期、 合同终止和解除Art. 7 Term and termination7.1 本合同自双方签署之日起生效(“生效日”),有效期持续至以下两者中较晚发生的日期:(i)2017年12月31日,或者(ii)双方间正在合作的项目结束之日( “期间”)。7.1 This Contract comes into force

26、starting from the date of execution of this Contract by the Parties (Effective Date), and will be effective until the following dates, whichever occurs later: (i) December 31, 2017, or (ii) the day on which any ongoing project between the Parties is concluded (Term).7.2本合同任何一方均有权以提前两个月书面通知对方的方式提前解除本

27、合同。7.2 Each Party has the right to terminate this contract before the expiration of the Term by delivering a written notice to the other Party at least 2 months before the termination.7.3 如果一方发生严重违约,经对方催告履行或采取补救措施后15天内仍未履行或采取补救措施,另一方可通过发送书面通知的方式立即解除本合同。7.3 If a Party seriously breaches this Contract

28、 and fail to perform its obligations hereunder or remedy within 15 days from the request by the other Party, the latter shall have the right to immediately terminate this Contract by delivering a written notice to the breaching Party.7.4在本合同自然终止或提前解除情况下,如果一方还未按本合同履行付款义务,应继续履行,但收款方发生第7.3条所述严重违约情况除外。7

29、.4 In the event of expiration or early termination of this Contract, if one Party has not yet fulfilled the payment obligations under this Contract, it shall continue to perform the payment obligation to the other Party, unless the latter has seriously breached the Contract as described in Art 7.3 a

30、bove. 第8条 赔偿Art. 8 Indemnity如果一方违反本合同中的任何义务,其应赔偿另一方因其违约而遭受的任何损失、处罚、成本和费用,并保证另一方不受该等损失、处罚、成本和费用的影响。Each party will indemnify and hold harmless the other party from and against any damages, penalties, costs, and expenses incurred by the other party as a result of any breach of this Contract by the bre

31、aching Party.第9条 适用法律、和争议解决 Art. 9 Applicable law and dispute resolution9.1 本合同的订立、效力、解释、履行和争议的解决均受意大利法律的管辖。9.1 This Contract and its validity, interpretation, execution and dispute resolution shall be governed by the laws of Italy. 9.2凡因本合同引起的或与本合同有关的任何争议,均应仅提交至米兰法院解决。9.2 Any dispute arising from o

32、r in connection with this Contract shall be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of Milan Court. 第10条 其他Art. 10 Miscellaneous10.1 因双方在合作过程中可能将产生新的合作项目和机会,或者客观情况今后有可能发生变化,双方承诺在上述情形下,如果有必要签订补充协议,双方有本着诚实信用和互惠互利的原则,友好协商,达成新的协议。10.1 Should any new project or opportunities occur during the cooperation

33、relationship between the Parties, or any objective situation change in the future, both Parties undertake that in the above circumstances, if there is the need to sign a supplementary agreement, the Parties shall negotiate on the basis of good faith and mutual benefit in order to reach a new agreeme

34、nt. 10.2 在不影响第10.1条基础上,对本合同的任何其他修改或补充,由双方签订书面的补充协议后生效。补充协议一经签订,构成本合同的组成部分。10.2 Without prejudice to what set forth in Art. 10.1 above, any other amendment or integration of this Contract shall come into force after written supplementary agreements are signed by the Parties. The supplementary agreeme

35、nts thus entered into shall become a part of this Contract. 10.3本合同用中文和英文写成,两种文字具有同等效力。10.3 The contract is written in Chinese version and in English version. Both languages have the same effect.10.4 本合同一式两份原件,双方各执一份原件。10.4 This Contract has 2 original copies, each party shall hold 1 original.本合同由双方法定代表人于2016年6月 日签署。This Contract is signed by the legal representatives of the Parties on this day of June , 2016. xx文化发展股份有限公司Zhejiang Xx Culture Development Co.法定代表人Legal Representative: xxxx Li Yongping签名 Signature: 签名 Signature:5


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