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牛津译林版版高考英语一轮复习《Unit1 Tales of the unexplained》.pdf

1、必修2Unit 1 Tales of the unexp I a i ned基础知识考点知识基础知识梳理抓主干S双基单 词 拓 展1.puzzled puzzling puzzle2.witness3.assume assumption assumed4.evidence evident evidentlyadj.困惑的,茫然的 adj.令人困惑不解的 v.使困惑n.难题 n.证人vt.见证 vt.假定;认为 n.假定,假设 adj.假定的 n.证据adj.明显的 adv.明显地5.basen.基础vt.以为基础basicadj.基础的basisn.基础,根据单6.existvi.存在词exi

2、stencen.存在拓7.disagreevi.不同意展disagreementn.分歧;争论8.strengthn.力量,力气strongadj.强壮的strengthen_vt.加强,巩固单 词 拓 展9.convince vt.使确信,使相信convincing adj.令人信服的convinced adj.坚信的,深信的10.unexplained adj.无法解释的explain v.解释explanation n.说明,解释11.incident n.小事;事件12.disappear 丫1消失;失踪disappearance n 消失;失踪13.constructionconst

3、ructconstructive单14.occur词occurrence拓15.aboard展16.possibility possible possiblyn.施工;建筑物vt.建造,组成adj.建设性的VI.发生n.发生的事情adv.&prep.在(船等)上;上(船等)n.可能性adj.可能的adv.可能地17.amazingadj.令人惊奇的单18.amazed amazementinjuryadj.吃惊的 n.惊奇,惊诧 n.伤害词injurevt.伤害;损害拓 展19.laughtern.笑,笑声20.laugh humourv.笑,大笑 n.幽默21.humourous award

4、adj.滑稽的;幽默的 n.奖vt,授予,奖励单 词 拓 展22.attack vt.&vi.&n.攻击;进攻attacker n.攻击者23,length n,长度lengthen vt.(使)加长long adj.长的24.examine examinationvt.检查n.检查,调查exam n.考试25.reserve vt.预订reservation n.预订;保护区26.survivevi.&vt.生存;挺过(难关)单survivaln.生存;幸存词survivorn.幸存者拓27.enthusiastic_ adj.热情的展enthusiasmn.热情;热心

5、n.折扣1.due to由于,因为 UP出现,现身3.make up编造;构成;化妆短4.look into调查语5.belong to属于记6.make one s way t前往忆7.take charge of负责,掌管8.dozens许多,很多 after追;追赶10.step up加紧,加强句 型 整 理1.1 pulled back the curtains and saw a large spaceship flying outside.我把窗帘拉开,看到外面有一只巨大的飞船在(空中)飞着。2.Standing inside were lots of str

6、ange creatures with white skin and large black eyes.里面站着许多白皮肤、眼睛又黑又大 的奇怪生物。3.The Yeti 至 said to be a large,hairy animal that walks on two feet like a human being.据说,野人是一种体型较大、全身长 毛、能像人类一样直立行走的动物。考点知识导练1.puzzled adj.惑的,茫然的解疑难提知能归纳拓展be puzzled about/over/at sth.对某事迷惑不解be puzzled+疑问词+to do/从句 不知道.puzzl

7、e over/about苦苦思索;仔细琢磨puzzle out弄明白,推敲出英文典例:He looked puzzled so I repeated the question.他好像没听懂,于是我把问题又重复了一遍。He was trying to puzzle out why he had been brought to the house.他想弄明白自己为何被带到这所房子。即学即用:完成句子这些令人费神的难题难住了我,我不知道怎么算出来。These _ puzzles _ me,and I was _ how to workthem out.我们仍然在琢磨事故是怎样发生的。We re st

8、ill_how the accident could havehappened.答案:puzzling;puzzled;puzzled puzzling about2.witness n.目击者;证人;证据 vt.目击;见证归纳拓展be(a)witness to sth.目击某事;看见某事发生(2)give/bear witness(to sth.)(为)作证,证明witness(sb.doing)sth.目击了(某人做)某事英文典例:P olice have appealed for witnesses to the accident.警方呼吁这个事故的目击者出来作证。(2)I taly,w

9、hich has a much weaker tradition of immigration,has witnessed a sharp increase in immigration in recent years.(2017浙江,阅读理解C)移民数量历来不多的意大利在近几年见证了移民数量的急剧上升。特别提示:witness用作及物动词,后接名词、代词、动名词或从句作宾语;witness用作不及物动词,意为“为作证,常和to搭配,to为介词。即学即用:语法填空The police found a witness _the road accident and askedher to give

10、 witness.He arrived home just in time _(witness)his brother beingtaken away by the police.答案:to to witness3.assume vt.假定,认为归纳拓展assume sb./ be认为某人/某物是I t is generally assumed that.人们普遍认为assuming conj假设 为真;假如assuming that.假设;如果on the assumption that.假定英文典例:I had assumed him to be a B elgian.我本以为

11、他是比利时人。Assuming(that)he s still alive,how old would he be now?假定他还活着,现在有多大年纪了?We are working on the assumption that everyone invited will turn up.我们假定了每一个人都会应邀出席并正就此作出安排。即学即用:完成句子人们普遍认为压力是工作过重所致。_ stress is caused by too much work.假定宇宙中布满了这些行星。_ the universe is peppered with these planets.我们假设这是一场燃气

12、爆炸事故。We are working _ it was a gas explosion.答案:I t is generally assumed that Assuming thaton the assumption that4.ev i dence n.证据归纳拓展(be)in evidence显眼,引人瞩目show/bear evidence of证明,作证,表明(3)be/become evident to sb.that.某人清楚evidence that.that引导同位语从句英文典例:“That is only evidence that traditions once exist

13、ed,he said.(2018全国m,阅读理解C)他说:“那是传统曾经存在的唯一证据。”The police were much in evidence at today s demonstration.在今天的示威集会上警察随处可见。I t has now become ev i dent to us that a mistake has been made.我们已经清楚出了差错。即学即用:完成句子墙上的洞是很明显的。The holes in the wall were very much_.你们一定都很清楚他犯了错误。I t must_all of you that he has mad

14、e amistake.答案:in evidence be evident to5.base n.基地,大本营;底部;基础 vt.以为基础base.on/upon=be based on/upon 以.为基础;以.为归纳拓展根据on the basis of在.的基础上;根据英文典例:What are you bas i ng this theory on?你这种理论的根据是什么?Many western companies have tried to imitate such Asian ways of doing things,which are based on general agree

15、ment.(2016上海卷)许多西方公司试图仿效亚洲人做事情的方式,这些方式是建立在协议基础 上的。即学即用:完成句子如今人们根据自己的看法选择饮食。P eople today make choices of their diets_whatthey believe.她因资历适合而被选中担任这项工作。She was chosen for the job_herqualifications.李教授进行了 10年的科学研究,他的发现就是建立在这10年研究的基础 上的。P rofessor Lee devoted ten years to his scientific research,_ he b

16、ased his discoveries.答案:based on on the basis of on which6.exist vi.存在;生存归纳拓展exist on靠 活下去;靠 生存exist in存在于(be)in existence现存的,存在come into existence开始存在,成立bring sth.into existence使 产生,使 成立英文典例:As a result,humans developed a range of character types that still exi sts today.(2016北京,七选五)结果,人类形成了现在仍然存在的

17、各种各样的性格类型。Few of these monkeys still exist in the wild.这些猴子野生的已为数不多了。This is the oldest Hebrew manuscript in existence.这是现存最古老的希伯来语手稿。P akistan came into existence as an independent country after the war.巴基斯坦在战后就以一个独立的国家存在了。即学即用:完成句子我靠我挣的工资简直难以糊口。I can hardly_the wage I m getting.我一直确信无疑,只要你还在世,我准会在

18、这里找到你。I was always certain I d find you here if you were still _答案:exist on in existence7.disagree vi.不同意,有分歧;不一致;不合适归纳拓展disagree with sb.on/about/over sth.就某事与某人 意见不合disagree with sb.(食物、气候等)对某人有不良影响;使某人身体不适agree with同意,赞成;与.一致;适合agree to同意,赞成agree on/about在.方面取得一致意见英文典例:He disagreed with his paren

19、ts on most things.他在多数事情上都与父母意见不一。The climate here disagrees with me.这儿的气候不适合我。(3)Do you think he 11 agree to their proposal?你认为他会同意他们的建议吗?They belong to the same party,but they don t agree on everything,他们属于同一个党派,但并不是在所有事情上都一致。即学即用:完成句子学生们就去哪儿野营意见不一致。The students_where to go camping.他开始不同意我的意见,但最终我

20、还是说服了他。I persuaded him who _ me at first!答案:di sagreed about/on/over disagreed with8.strength n.力气,力量;长处归纳拓展(have)the strength to do sth.(有)做某事的力气strengths and weaknesses优势与劣势build up one s strength增强体力with all one s strength竭尽全力英文典例:He pushed against the rock with al I his strength.他用全力推那块石头。She di

21、dn t have the strength to walk any further.她再也走不动了。即学即用:完成句子我没有力气再往上爬了。I don,t_climb any further.我们不能忽视公众舆论的力量。We can t ignore_public opinion.答案:have the strength to the strength of9.conv i nee vt.使确信,使相信归纳拓展convince sb.of sth.让某人相信某事convince sb.that-clause 让某人相信.convince do sth.说服某人做某事be/beco

22、me convinced of sth./that-clause确信/坚信某事英文典例:You 11 need to convi nee them of your enthusiasm for the job.你要使他们相信你殷切希望得到这份工作。(2)1 tried to conv i nee myseIf that the trouble was with the problem itself,not with me.(2016天津,阅读理解D)我努力使自己确信麻烦在于问题本身,而不在于我。I am convi need that she is innocent.我坚信她是清白无辜的。即学

23、即用:用conv i nee的恰当形式填空I didn t find the evidence you offered very_I ve been trying to _ Jean to come with me.(3)1 was _ that we were doing the right thing.答案:convincing convince convinced归纳拓展10.due to由于;约定,预定,预期due adj.应得的;正当的;应付的;预定的be due for sth.应有,应得到某物be due to do sth.预定/预期要做某事be due to sb.应给予某人

24、;应支付给某人英文典例:The town was cut off from the rest of the world due to heavy snow.(2016北京,完形填空)由于大雪这个镇子和外部世界隔绝了。Have they been paid the money that is due to them?他们应得的钱是否已得到了?词语辨析:because of“因为,由于,构成的短语在句子中通常作状语,一般不作 表语;后面可接名词、代词、动名词或what引导的名词性从 句等。due to“由于,因造成”,引导的短语在句中除可作状语外,也 可作表语。可将due to看作是owing t

25、o的同义短语。on account of当“因为”讲,后面常接名词。owing to构成的介词短语,在句中作状语或表语,作状语时,习惯上用 逗号和句子其他部分分开。thanks to“由于或因为,通常用于好的方面,译为“多亏”,但有时 也作反语。The police are advising motorists to reduce speed because of the fog.由于有雾,警察正在告诫驾车者减慢速度。That Shelley became a poet may have been due to his mothers influence.Shelley成为诗人可能是由于受母亲

26、的影响。We delayed our departure on account of the bad weather.由于天气不好,我们将起程时间推迟了。They decided to postpone the trip,owing to the bad weather.由于天气不好他们决定推迟旅行。Thanks to your help,we were successful.多亏了你的帮助,我们得以成功。即学即用:完成句子 多亏了你的合理安排,一切进展顺利。_your perfect arrangement,everything goes smoothly.因为腿不方便,他行走很慢。He w

27、alked slowly_/_/_his bad leg.她因病没去上班。She has been absent from work _ illness.答案:Thanks to because of/owing to/as a result of due up 出现,现身(=turn up,appear)归纳拓展show sb.up使人尴尬,使人难堪show sth.up(使)看得见,变得明显show in/out领某人进来/出去show off卖弄;炫耀;夸耀;使 更显眼/更有吸引力show sb.around领某人参观英文典例:And MP3 players,smar

28、t phones,and LCD TVs entered homes in 2002,before tablets and e-readers showed up in 2007.(2018全国 I,阅读理解D)在2007年平板电脑和电子阅读器出现之前,MP3播放器、智能手机和LCD电视机于 2002年进入家庭。But don t expect it to show up in too many driveways.(2017全国H,阅读理解C)但不要期望它出现在许多道路上。He showed me up by snoring during the concert.他在音乐会上呼呼大睡,真给我

29、丢脸。He likes to show off how well he speaks French.他喜欢向人展示他法语讲得有多好。即学即用:用适当的副词填空The cracks in the wall show _ in the sunlight.The hostess showed me _ and invited me to dine with her.Let s show him _ before putting him to work.答案:upinaround12.make up编造,杜撰;构成;化妆;弥补;和好归纳拓展make up for弥补;补偿be made up of由.

30、组成make for向 移动;有助于;促进make out理解;辨认出make it获得成功;准时到达;渡过难关英文典例:I told the kids a story,mak i ng it up as I went along.我给孩子们讲了个故事,是现编的。We need one more person to make up a team.我们还需要一个人才能组成一个队。Nothing can make up for the loss of a child.失去一个孩子是任何东西都无法弥补的。The doctors think he s going to make it.医生认为他能挺过

31、去。即学即用:用make短语填空Don t make _any more excuses for your coming late forwork,Jane.What you ve said will make_the good relations betweenthe two people.I t s natural to have dreams of success and fame,but only a few people in this world actually make_.I can t make what that sign says;it s still too far a

32、way.Why don t you make_with her and forget all about yourquarrel?答案:upforitoutup13.look into朝.里面看,往深处看;调查,审查归纳拓展look around/about到处寻找;搜寻look out向外看,小心look down on/upon 俯视,蔑视look ahead to展望未来look up向上看,查询英文典例:A working party has been set up to look into the problem.已成立一个工作小组来调查这个问题。She looks down on

33、people who haven t been to college.她瞧不起没上过大学的人。即学即用:语法填空Everyone looks down_you,just because you ve not got a job.Thank you very much for the information,sir.P 11 get one of our detectives to look_the matter.(3)Look_when you re crossing the street.When you ride in the street you must look _in case y

34、oubump into someone.答案:on/upon into out about/around14.belong to属于;为.的成员归纳拓展belong to不用于进行时态和被动语态。belong表示应该在某处,适合在某处”时后可接in,on,among,under,with等。belongings n.财产,所有物英文典例:Think of the people who be Iong to book groups.(2016全国H,阅读理解C)想想那些属于读书小组的人们吧。She packed her few be Iong i ngs in a bag and left.她把

35、她的几件东西装进包里便离开了。即学即用:语法填空The lion _(belong)to meat-eating animals.(2)We all know that the USA is a country _(belong)to thedeveloped countries.答案:belongs belonging15.I pulled back the curtains and saw a large spaceship flyingoutside.我把窗帘拉开,看到外面有一只巨大的飞船在(空中)飞着。归纳拓展see+宾语+do(不带to的动词不定式),表示看到宾语做某事 的全过程,宾

36、语与不定式之间是逻辑主谓关系。see+宾语+doing,表示看到宾语正在做某事,宾语与分词之 间是逻辑主谓关系。see+宾语+done,表示看到某事被做,分词和宾语之间是动 宾关系。英文典例:I saw him put the key in the lock,turn it and open the door.我看见他把钥 匙插进锁孔、转动钥匙,然后打开了门。She was seen running away from the scene of the crime.有人看见她从犯罪现 场跑开。特别提示:与see用法相同的动词有:notice,watch,hear,feel,observe等。当

37、主动语态的宾补是不带to的不定式时,在变成被动语态的时候则一定要加上不定 式符号to。如:He was seen to go into the restaurant.有人看见他走进餐馆。主动语态的宾补在变成被动语态时称为主语的补足语。如:I saw a plane flying to the north.=A plane was seen flying to the north.我看到一架飞机正朝北方飞去。即学即用:完成句子我感到风从开着的窗户吹到我的脸上。I felt_on my face from an open window.几分钟前我看到他离开了。I_a few minutes ago

38、.为了学好英语,我们应当尽可能多地找机会听别人说英语。To learn English well,we should find opportunities to hear_ as much as we can.答案:the wind blowing saw him leave English spoken16.Standing inside were lots of strange creatures with white skin and large black eyes.里面站着许多白皮肤、眼睛又黑又大的奇怪生物。本句为倒装句。正常语序是:Lots of strange creatures

39、 with whiteskin and large black eyes were standing inside.归纳 拓展当表语是分词、副词、形容词、介词短语,主语比较长且主语 是名词时,为了保持平衡或强调表语,常把表语放在句首,引起 句子完全倒装。句型结构为:分词/副词/形容词/介词短语+be+主语。表示处所、方位、时间等的副词或介词,如here,there,now,then,up,down,in,out,off等放在句首,且主语是名词,谓语通 常是be,lie,sit,stand,come,go,exist,live等不及物动词时,句子用完全倒装。如果主语是代词则不倒装。英文典例:Go

40、ne are the days when we used the foreign oil.我们使用洋油的日子已经过去了。Out flew a bird when he opened the door.他一开门突然飞出一只鸟来。At the top of a hill stands a tree,which is said to be 200 years old.山顶上有棵树,据说已有200年的历史了。即学即用:完成句子当警察把手枪瞄准那个罪犯时,他从三楼跳了下去。_ the criminal from the third floor when the policeman pointed his

41、 pistol at him.墙上挂的是我去年在山里拍的一些照片。_ are the pictures I took in the mountains last year.簪案:Down jumped Hanging on the wall17,The Yeti is said to be a large,hairy animal that walks on two feet I ike a human being.据说,野人是一种体型较大、全身长毛、能像人类一样直立行走的动物。归纳拓展主语+is said+to do.I t is said that+主语+.P eople say that

42、+主语+.三种结构可互换,意为“据说”;人们说”。除say之外,常见的还有以下结构:I t is believed that.人们相信.I t is reported that.据报道.I t is supposed that.大家推测I t is thought that.大家认为.I t is considered that.据认为.I t is proved that.据证明.英文典例:He is said to have been a brilliant scholar.据说他曾是个了不起的学者。I t is said that she lived to be over 100.据说她活了 100多岁。即学即用:句型转换I t is reported that the woman teacher has been missing for half a month.The woman teacher_missing for half a month.Football is said to be a compulsory subject._ football will be a compulsory subject.答案:is reported to have been I t is said that


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