1、Legal Due Diligence Report on The Eastplats GroupXX集团法律尽职调查报告1. INTRODUCTION1.简介1.1 We understand that Hebei Taiheng Jiye Mineral Resources Co. Limited or its nominee (“Taihang”) has agreed to acquire all of the South African mining interests of Eastern Platinum Limited (“Eastplats”).1.1我方特此承诺XX矿产资源
2、有限公司或其简称(太行)获得XX有限公司(以下简称XX)在南非的所有矿产利益。1.2 We have been requested to conduct a legal due diligence investigation into the affairs of the South African subsidiaries of Eastplats, more particularly in relation to the status of the various prospecting rights and mining rights granted to those entities
3、by the DMR. 1.2我方将对XX公司南非分公司的具体事务进行法律尽职调查,主要针对DMR授权实体的探矿权以及采矿权。2. DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATION2.定义及解释In this report, the following terms shall have the meanings assigned to them hereunder, namely 在本报告中,以下术语应具有如下规定的含义:2.1 “Afriminerals” means Afrimineral Holdings (Pty) Limited;2.1Afriminerals:Afrim
4、ineral控股有限公司2.2 “BBBEE Act” means the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act, 2003;2.2BBBEE法案:XX经济振兴法案,20032.3 “BIL” means Barplats Investments Limited registration number 1987/004830/06, a public company duly registered and incorporated in accordance with the laws of South Africa;2.3BIL:指XX投资有限
5、公司,注册号1987/004830/06,此公司为一家根据南非法律合法注册及成立的上市公司。2.4 “BML” means Barplats Mines Limited, registration number 1986/005057/06, a public company duly registered and incorporated in accordance with the laws of South Africa;2.4BML:XX矿业有限公司,注册号X,此公司为一家根据南非法律合法注册及成立的上市公司。2.5 “Boschkloof Farm” means Portions 1
6、 and 2 and the Remaining Extent of the farm Boschkloof 331 KT situated in Limpopo Province and measuring 1892.0391 hectares in extent;2.5Boschkloof矿区:林波波省1区、2区以及Boschkloof331KT矿区的剩余部分,总测量面积为1892.0391公顷。2.6 “Boschkloof Prospecting Right” means the converted prospecting right granted to Rhodium Reefs
7、on 18 September 2007 under reference number 92 PR, in terms of which Rhodium Reefs was granted the right to prospect for PGMs, Chrome, Cobalt, Copper, Gold and Nickel on the Boschkloof Farm This right was subsequently restricted to only the Southern Portion of Boschkloof Farm. This aspect is dealt w
8、ith in more detail below.根据后续限制,本勘探权利仅限于在Boschkloof矿区的南部开展,具体详情见下文。;2.6Boschkloof探矿权:于2007年9月18日根据92PR号参考授予铑礁公司的修改后的探矿权,根据相关条款,铑礁公司有权勘探位于Boschkloof矿区的铂族金属、铬、钴、铜、金和镍1。2.7 “Commissioner” means the Commissioner of the Companies and Intellectual Farm Commission appointed in terms of section 189 of the C
9、ompanies Act;2.7委员:指根据公司法第189节相应条款指定的公司及智能矿区委员会的委员2.8 “Companies Act” means the Companies Act, No 71 of 2008;2.8公司法:指2008年第71号公司法。2.9 “De Goedeverwachting Prospecting Area” means Portion 1 and the Remaining Extent of the farm De Goedeverwachting 332 KT situated in Limpopo Province and measuring 3230
10、.0878 hectares in extent;2.9De Goedeverwachting探矿区:林波波省1区以及De Goedeverwachting332KT矿区的剩余部分,总测量面积为3230.0878公顷。2.10 “De Goedeverwachting Prospecting Right” means the converted prospecting right granted to Rhodium Reefs over the De Goedeverwachting Prospecting Area under reference number 1104 PR;2.10De
11、 Goedeverwachting探矿权:根据1104PR参考号授予铑礁公司对De Goedeverwachting探矿区拥有的修改后的探矿权。2.11 “Digby Wells” means Digby Wells & Associates (South Africa) (Pty) Limited, a subsidiary of Digby Wells & Associates (Pty) Limited, a company duly registered and incorporated in accordance with the company laws of the Republ
12、ic of South Africa;2.11迪格比威尔斯:迪格比威尔斯(南非)联合有限公司,其为迪格比威尔斯联合有限公司的分公司,一家根据南非共和国公司法合法注册及成立的公司。2.12 “DMR” means the Department of Mineral Resources (formerly the Department of Minerals and Energy) of the South African Government;2.12DMR:南非政府矿产资源部(原矿业和能源部)2.13 “EACL” means Eastplats Acquisition Co. Limited
13、, a public company duly registered and incorporated in accordance with the laws of the British Virgin Islands;2.13EACL:XX收购有限公司,一家根据英属维尔京群岛法律合法注册及成立的上市公司。2.14 “Eastplats” means Eastern Platinum Limited, a public company duly registered and incorporated in accordance with the laws of Canada;2.14XX:指X
14、X有限公司,一家根据加拿大法律合法注册及成立的上市公司。2.15 “EPHL” means Eastern Platinum Holdings Limited, a public company duly registered and incorporated in accordance with the laws of the British Virgin Islands;2.15EPHL:XX控股有限公司,一家根据英属维尔京群岛法律合法注册及成立的上市公司。2.16 “EHL” means Eastplats Holding Limited, a public company duly r
15、egistered and incorporated in accordance with the laws of the British Virgin Islands;2.16EHL:Eastplats(XX)控股有限公司,一家根据英属维尔京群岛法律合法注册及成立的上市公司。2.17 “Gubevu” means Gubevu Consortium Investment Holdings (Pty) Ltd, a private company duly registered and incorporated in accordance with the laws of South Afri
16、ca;2.17Gubevu:Gubevu联营投资控股有限公司,一家根据南非法律合法注册及成立的非上市公司。2.18 “HDSAs” means historically disadvantaged South Africans, being South African citizens, category of persons or community, disadvantaged by unfair discrimination before the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa Act, No 200 of 1993 came i
17、nto operation which should be representative of the demographics of the country;2.18HDSA人:指南非历史上的弱势群体,他们为生活在南非的公民、族群或部落,在1993年第200号南非共和国宪法法案颁布前受到不公平待遇的群体,他们为该国人口统计学的典型代表。2.19 “Kennedys Vale Mining Right Application” means the application submitted to the DMR : Limpopo Province by Rhodium Reef on 21
18、November 2011 under reference number 10009 MR, in terms of which 铑礁 applied for the right to mine PGMs, Gold, Chrome, Copper, Cobalt and Nickel on the Kennedys Vale Prospecting Area;2.19肯尼迪谷采矿权申请:指Rhodium Reef公司于2011年11月21日根据10009MR参考号向林波波省DMR提交的申请,Rhodium Reef公司据此申请在肯尼迪谷探矿区进行铂族金属、金、铬、铜、钴和镍的采矿权。2.20
19、 “Kennedys Vale Prospecting Area” means the prospecting area comprising the following farms:2.20肯尼迪谷探矿区:指包含以下矿区的探矿区:2.20.1 Portions 8, 9, 12, 15, 19, 22, 25, 27, 28, and 29 of the Farm Kennedys Vale 361 KT;2.20.1肯尼迪谷361KT矿区8、9、12、15、19、22、25、27、28及29区2.20.2 the Remaining Extent of Portions 1, 2, 3,
20、4, 6 and 17, Portions 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, and 29, and the Remaining Extent of the Farm Belvedere 362 KT; and2.20.21、2、3、4、6和17区的剩余部分,7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、18、19、20、22、24、25、26、27和29区,Belvedere362KT矿区的剩余部分2.20.3 Portion 8, the Remaining Extent of
21、Mining Area 3 and the Remaining Extent of the Farm Tweefontein 360 KT,all situated in the Limpopo Province of South Africa and together measuring 4009.3465 hectares in extent; 2.20.3位于南非林波波省的8区、3矿区剩余部分、Tweefontein360KT矿区剩余部分,总测量面积为4009.3465公顷。2.21 “Kennedys Vale Prospecting Right” means the converte
22、d prospecting right granted to Rhodium Reefs on 23 November 2006, in terms of which 铑礁 was granted the right to prospect for Precious Metals and Base Minerals on the Kennedys Vale Prospecting Area;2.21肯尼迪谷探矿权:2006年11月23日授予铑礁公司的修改后的探矿权,据此条款,铑礁公司有权勘探位于肯尼迪谷探矿区的贵金属及基础矿产。2.22 “Lions Head” means Lions Hea
23、d Platinum Proprietary Limited, registration number 2002/012190/07, a company duly registered and incorporated in accordance with the company laws of the Republic of South Africa;2.22Lions Head:Lions Head铂金有限公司,注册号2002/012190/07,一家根据南非共和国法律合法注册及成立的公司。2.23 “Mareesburg Farm” means portions 1, 2 and th
24、e remaining extent of the farm Mareesburg 8JT, situated in the Lydenburg Magisterial District measuring 2129.158 hectares in extent;2.23 Mareesburg矿区:位于莱登堡地方行政管辖区内1区、2区以及Mareesburg8JT矿区的剩余区域,总测量面积为2129.158公顷。2.24 “Mareesburg Mining Right” means the new order mining right granted to Lions Head on 1 S
25、eptember 2010 under reference number 88 MR, in terms of which Lions Head was granted the right to mine for PGMs, Copper, Nickel and Chrome (limited to Chrome in the UG2) on the Mareesburg Farm;2.24Mareesburg采矿权:根据88MR参考号于2010年9月1日授予狮子头公司的新采矿权,据此条款,狮子头公司有权在Mareesburg矿区开采铂族金属、铜、镍和铬(限于UG2的铬)。2.25 “Mare
26、esburg Prospecting Right” means the converted prospecting right granted to Lions Head over the Mareesburg Farm under reference number MP 30/5/1/1/2/1142PR;2.25Mareesburg探矿权:根据MP 30/5/1/1/2/1142PR参考号授予狮子头公司在Mareesburg矿区的修改的探矿权。2.26 “Minister” means the Minister of Mineral Resources (formerly the Mini
27、ster of Minerals and Energy);2.26部长:矿产资源部部长(原矿产及能源部部长)2.27 “MOI” means a memorandum of incorporation as contemplated in terms of the Companies Act;2.27MOI:公司法条款中涉及的公司备忘录2.28 “MPRDA” means the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act, 28 of 2002;2.28MPRDA:矿产及石油资源开发法案(2002年第28号)2.29 “MSA” means
28、 MSA Geoserve (Pty) Limited, a company duly registered and incorporated in accordance with the company laws of the Republic of South Africa;2.29MSA:MSA Geoserve有限公司,一家根据南非共和国法律合法注册及成立的公司。2.30 “Old Companies Act” means the South African Companies Act 61 of 1973, which was replaced by the Companies Ac
29、t with effect from 1 May 2011;2.30旧公司法:指1973年第61号南非公司法,该法案由2011年5月1日生效的公司法取代。2.31 “PGMs” means platinum group metals, being Platinum, Palladium, Rhodium, Iridium, Osmium and Ruthenium;2.31铂族金属:指铂族金属,包括铂、钯、铑、铱、锇和钌2.32 “Registrar” means the Registrar of Companies and Close Corporations, being the pred
30、ecessor to the Commissioner.2.32注册主任:指企业及封闭型公司的注册主任,为委员的前身2.33 “Rhodium Reefs” means Rhodium Reefs Limited, a public company duly registered and incorporated in accordance with the company laws of the Republic of South Africa;2.33铑礁:指铑礁有限公司,一家依据南非共和国法律合法注册及成立的上市公司。2.34 “Royal Anthem” means Royal Ant
31、hem Investments 134 (Pty) Ltd, a private company duly registered and incorporated in accordance with the company laws of South Africa;2.34Royal Anthem:Royal Anthem投资134有限公司,一家依据南非共和国法律合法注册及成立的非上市公司。2.35 “Spitzkop Farm” means the Farm Spitzkop 333 KT situated in Limpopo Province and measuring 4087.7
32、hectares in extent;2.35Spitzkop矿区:位于林波波省的Spitzkop333KT矿区,总测量面积为4087.7公顷。2.36 “Spitzkop Mining Area” means Portions 1, 2, 3, 10, 11, 12, 29, 30, and a portion of Portion 28 of the Spitzkop Farm;2.36Spitzkop采矿区:Spitzkop矿区1、2、3、10、11、12、29、30区以及28区的一部分。2.37 “Spitzkop Mining Right” means the new order m
33、ining right granted to Spitzkop Platinum on 6 July 2009, in terms of which Spitzkop Platinum was granted the right to mine PGMs, Gold, Copper, Cobalt, Chrome and Nickel on the Spitzkop Mining Area;2.37Spitzkop采矿权:2009年7月6日向Spitzkop铂金公司授予的新矿权,据此条款,Spitzkop铂金公司可以在Spitzkop采矿区开采铂族金属、金、铜、钴、铬和镍。2.38 “Spit
34、zkop Platinum” means Spitzkop Platinum (Pty) Limited, a private company duly registered and incorporated in accordance with the company laws of the Republic of South Africa;2.38Spitzkop铂金:指Spitzkop铂金有限公司,一家根据南非共和国法律合法注册及成立的非上市公司。2.39 “Spitzkop Prospecting Right” means the converted prospecting right
35、 granted to Spitzkop Platinum on 21 November 2005 under reference number 924 PR, in terms of which Spitzkop Platinum was granted to prospect for PGMs on the Spitzkop Farm;2.39Spitzkop探矿权:于2005年11月21日根据924PR参考号向Spitzkop铂金公司授予的修改的探矿权,据此条款,Spitzkop铂金公司可以在Spitzkop矿区勘探铂族金属。SECTION I CORPORATE DETAILS第一节:
36、法人情况3. CORPORATE STRUCTURE OF Rhodium Reefs LIMITED (“Rhodium Reefs”)3.铑礁有限公司(以下简称铑礁公司)公司结构3.1 The company was duly incorporated on 26 February 1986 under registration number 1986/00743/06, as reflected in the Certificate of Incorporation.3.1据公司注册证显示,该公司成立于1986年2月26日,注册号:1986/00743/06。3.2 The compan
37、ys Memorandum and Articles of Association were duly filed with the Registrar on 25 February 1986, although the Articles of Association were replaced in their entirety on 8 February 1995.3.2注册主任于1986年2月25日对该公司公司备忘录及章程进行合法备案,该公司章程于1995年2月8日被全部替换。3.3 We have procured a search in respect of the company
38、on the website of the Commissioner. The results of that search reflect that the company is duly registered and currently “in business”.3.3在委员网站上我方搜索了该公司,结果显示该公司为合法成立,目前处于运营状态。3.4 The main business and object of the Company is “mining and quarrying” as reflected in the Commissioner status report date
39、d 9 September 2014. 3.4据2014年9月9日委员状态报告显示,该公司主营业务为“采矿及采石”。3.5 The Company has all plenary powers (including the common powers stated in Schedule 2 to the Old Companies Act), to enable it to realise its main and ancillary objects. No powers are expressly excluded or qualified in the Memorandum of Ass
40、ociation. 3.5该公司拥有充分的权力(包括旧公司法附件2陈述的公共权力),从而实现其主要目标及辅助目标。公司备忘录中并未明确排除或限制某项权力。3.6 There are no special conditions incorporated in the Companys Memorandum of Association.3.6公司备忘录中未包含特殊条件。3.7 In terms of the Articles of Association of the company, there must be at least 4 (four) directors and not more
41、than 12 (twelve) directors in office.3.7根据公司章程规定,公司在任董事不得少于4(四)人但不得多于12(十二)人。3.8 The registered address of the Company is reflected as Eastern Platinum Limited, Zandfontein, Brits, North West, South Africa, 0250. 3.8该公司的注册地址为南非西北布里茨尚得方但,XX有限公司,邮编0250。3.9 The Financial Year End of the Company is curr
42、ently the last day of December.3.9该公司目前财政年度截止日期为12月最后一天。3.10 DJ Barnard was appointed as the company secretary of the company with effect from 14 September 2011.30.10该公司指定DJ巴纳德为公司秘书,任期自2011年9月14日开始。3.11 On and with effect from 1 August 2013, the company changed its registered office to the following
43、 address: P O BOX 513 Brits, 0250.3.11自2013年8月1日开始,公司将其注册地址变更至:布里茨513邮箱,邮编0250。3.12 In terms of the report of the Commissioner dated 9 September 2014 the directors of the Company are:3.12根据2014年9月9日委员报告,该公司的董事包括:3.12.1 John Edward Andrew;3.12.1约翰爱华德安德鲁3.12.2 Robert Joseph Gayton;3.12.2罗伯特约瑟夫盖顿3.12.3
44、 John Merfyn Roberts;3.12.3约翰梅尔菲罗伯茨3.12.4 David Cohen;3.12.4大卫科恩3.12.5 Willem Hermanus Byleveld; and3.12.5威廉赫尔曼娜斯贝雷德和3.12.6 Ian Terry Rozier.3.12.6伊恩特力罗齐尔3.13 On 19 September 2013 Mlindeli Gandela was appointed as public officer of the company for the purposes of liaising with the South African Reve
45、nue Services.3.132013年9月19日,该公司任命明德里甘德拉为其公共官员,从而与南非税务服务机关联系。3.14 On 9 October 2013 Paul Johannes Lambard, in his capacity as financial manager, was authorised to sign all contracts and procurement related documents for and on behalf of the company.3.142013年10月9日,该公司授权财务经理保罗约翰尼斯兰木德代表该公司签署所有合同并获得相关文件。
46、4. Share Capital and Shareholding4.股本及股权4.1 The authorised ordinary share capital of the Company is 1000 (one thousand) ordinary par value shares of R1.00 (one Rand) each.4.1本公司法定股本为1000(一千)股,每股票面价值为1(一)兰特。4.2 The issued ordinary share capital of the company is 60 (sixty) ordinary shares, all of whi
47、ch are held by BML The remaining 940 shares may be issued at any time by resolution of the shareholders of the Company or by the directors (if the shareholders have placed the shares under the control of the directors).经公司股东或董事(如果股东将股票交由该董事控制)决定,剩余的940股可于任何时间发行。.4.2公司共发行60(六十)股普通股股本,全部由BML持有2。4.3 Cu
48、mulative redeemable preference shares of no par value were issued to Eastplats at a subscription price of R1.00 (one Rand) per share, as follows :4.3向XX公司发行的无票面价值的累积可赎回优先股每股认购价格为1(一)兰特,具体如下:4.3.1 1 February 2012-495000004.3.12012年2月1日:49,500,000股4.3.2 28 March 2012-360000004.3.22012年3月28日:36,000,000股4.3.3 26 April 2012-692000004.3.32012年4月26日:69,200,000股4.3.4 15 May 2012-74000000; and 4.3.42012年5月15日:74,00
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