1、本科生毕业论文(设计)册 学院 XXX学院 专业 英语教育 班级 XXX级1班 学生 XXX 指导教师 XXX XXXX大学本科毕业论文(设计)任务书编 号: 论文(设计)题目: 英汉语序差异和在翻译中的调整 学 院: XXX学院 专业: 英语教育 班级: XXX班 学生姓名:XXX 学号: XXX 指导教师:XXX 职称:讲师 1、 论文(设计)研究目标及主要任务思维差异影响之下的英汉语语序差异,这一研究主要应用于翻译,为了达到信达雅,翻译中要对英汉语序进行适当的调整。 2、 论文(设计)的主要内容该论文包括四部分内容,第一部分介绍主要术语和论文研究思路;第二部分研究中国人和西方人的思维方式
2、的差异以及在着不同思维方式影响之下呈现出的不同的语序特点。第三部分是关于如何解决语序差异在翻译中造成的问题,即进行语序调整。第四部分对文章进行简单概括并且指出文章的不足。3、 论文(设计)的基础条件及研究路线从翻译中出现的语序问题出发,分析语序差异产生的原因,以及如何解决这一差异,主要研究路线是1为什么英汉语序有差异,具体差异是什么,如何解决差异。4、 主要参考文献戴浩一. 2009. 时间顺序和汉语的语序. 上海. 华东师范大学出版社. 戴炜栋. 2009. 新编英语语法教程. 上海. 上海外语教育出版社.冯庆华. 2011. 英汉语言比较与翻译. 北京. 高等教育出版社.5、 计划进度阶段
3、起止日期1初定题目查阅资料2012-12-2013-32列出提纲2013-3-2013-43确定初稿2013-4-2013-54论文定稿2013-5-085指 导 教师: 年 月 日教研室主任: 年 月 日注:一式三份,学院(系)、指导教师、学生各一份XX大学本科生毕业论文(设计)开题报告书外国语学院 英语教育专业 2013届学生姓名XX论文(设计)题目英汉语序差异和在翻译中的调整指导教师XXX专业职称讲师所属教研室商务英语研究研究方向翻译课题论证:我们在描述一个事件或想法的时候,会考虑先说什么,后说什么,语序问题就由此而生。语序是词语在短语,句子和篇章中的安排顺序。英汉语的语序是有差异的,究
5、两方面分析。语序差异对翻译影响很大。为了解决英汉翻译中语序造成的误解,要对语序进行调整,其调整也相应的从三面展开,按时间顺序调整,按因果逻辑顺序调整,按修饰语的位置调整。方案设计:从翻译中出现的语序问题出发,分析语序差异产生的原因,以及如何解决这一差异,主要研究路线是1为什么英汉语序有差异,具体差异是什么,如何解决差异。进度计划:2012年12月至次年3月 确定题目及查阅相关文献 2013年3月31号 列出提纲 2013年4月20号 确定初稿 2013年5月8 号 论文定稿指导教师意见: 指导教师签名: 年 月 日教研室意见: XXXX大学本科生毕业论文(设计)文献综述In the devel
6、opment of the western modern linguistics, the grammar studies are comprehensible and successful. Seen from the methods and the scope of study, the research on word order in different grammatical schools generally falls into two categories: “the first is to regard word order as an abstract underlying
7、 property of sentences and the other is to consider word order as an independent issue.” (Liu Xinming, 2004:19)In the case of the first category, according to the study of Siewierska (Siewierska,1988: 1), “word order was viewed as an abstract underlying property, and the problem to explain various p
8、ossible orderings is handled within all other aspects of the structure. Chomskys transformational grammar is a representative case.” The publishing of the work Syntactic Structure of Chomsky in the late 1950s marked the beginning of the Transformational Generative (TG) Grammar. In TG Grammar Chomsky
9、 (1957: 90) points out that the word order of the kernel sentence is determined by Phrase Structure Rules (Rewriting Rules), that is to say, in the process of X Y+Z , and whether Y or Z should come first is controlled by rewriting rules. However, in the procedure of transformation from deep word ord
10、er to the surface word order, there are several determinant rules including core transformations, deletion rules filters and stylistic rules. (Liu Xinming, 2004) The form of the linearization rules will mainly rely on the type of data that they give access to. Nevertheless, in spite of the considera
11、ble efforts made on the studies of word orders, some scholars find that Chomskys approaches are highly formalized and too abstract. According to the study of Koktova (Koktova, 1999: 5-6), “Chomskyan paradigm overestimates word order on the surface layer and attempts to describe word order only with
12、syntactic terms. What is more, it does not pay much emphasis on the information structure.Liu Mingqing (1991:141) points out that “word order in essence is the syntagmatic ordering of elements according to the grammatical relations. The feature of word order is linear and horizontal, which reflects
13、the structure of language. ”From the study of word order universals conducted by Greenburg (1963: 271), “it posits that there are six possible word order variations of Subject (S), Object (O) and Verb (V), and the three main types are SVO, VSO and SOV.” Greenburg(1978: 67)states that“ in any languag
14、e there is one dominant word order among the several possible variations”.Crystal holds that “SVO, OVS, VSO, OSV and SOV can all occur in English discourse, butonly the first one SVO is considered to be the “natural, usual and unmarked” one”.(Crystal,1997: 251). Determining the natural word order is
15、 not an easy job for all languages, which is the same case in both Chinese and English. The words in the sentence follow a certain order, which makes the sentence a meaningful unit. Usually the word order complies with several principles and fulfills several functions. Generally speaking, there are
16、mainly three types of functions namely, grammatical, emphatic or communicative and linking functions. The first and major function of word order is to express grammatical relations and determine the grammatical status of a word by deciding its place in the sentence. Two ways of arranging words are i
17、nclusive here; namely, direct word order and inverted word order, and we will discuss them one by one in later chapters.The second function of word order is emphatic and communicative function, which is to lay emphasis or prominence on the part of the sentence which contains more information or is m
18、ore important. In these cases, prominence and emphasis are achieved by putting the word in an unusual position, which is different from normal position in the sentence. For example, subjects, which are normally put in the beginning of the sentence, is place at the end of the sentence, or objects and
19、 predicative, which are usually are placed closer to the end of the sentence, are shifted to the beginning. By such shifting word order, the rhetorical effect of emphasis or prominence is reached.In the book the Outline of Chinese Grammar (1982) written by Lv Shuxiang, he discusses that the natural
20、word order in Chinese statement often follows the route of “starter-verb-ender”, and he also talked about the abnormal occurrence of word order in Chinese. Lv Shuxiang (1982) suggests four basic sentence types in Chinese, namely, narrative sentence, declarative sentence, judgment sentence and existe
21、nce sentence. Wang Li discussed in his book the Modern Chinese Grammar (1985:317) the notion of “inversion” in Chinese: “When the constitutes employed for purpose, description or statement depart from their normal position, they are called inversion.” During the period of 1950s, there was a heated d
22、iscussion about the identification of subject and object among scholars. The 1980s has witnessed a popularity of the study of word order in Chinese. It became a topic of hot interest and was studied from different perspectives. Zhang Zhenbang (1999) attempts to elaborate word order from semantic and
23、 pragmatic approaches, while Zhan Delu (1997) and Zhang Zhenbang (1999) try to analyze word order in Chinese from a functional approach. These all lay a solid foundation for the modern studies in word order in Chinese.编号:本科生毕业论文设计题目 英汉语序差异和在翻译中的调整 作者姓名 XX 指导教师 XXX 专业(系) 英语教育 班所在学院 XXX学院 级(届) XXXX级X班
24、 完成日期 2013 年 5 月 8 日Word Order Differences between English and Chinese and the Adjustments in TranslationBYXXProf. XXXX, TutorA Thesis Submitted to Department of EnglishTranslation in PartialFulfillment of theRequirements for the Degree of B.A in EnglishAt XXXX UniversityMay.8th, 2013IiiAbstractThe
25、question that which component should be said first and second comes into peoples minds when they want to describe an event or idea. The question is word order, word arrangement in phrase, clause and utterance. Chinese and English have different word orders which are resulted from respective thought
26、patterns. Word order is closely related with thought pattern: word order is the outward manifestation of thought pattern and thought pattern determines or influences word order. This paper analyses word order differences from the point of thought pattern. Chinese people tend to have a synthetic thin
27、king, from whole to part and westerners have a tendency of analytic thinking, from part to whole. The effect of thought pattern on word order is illustrated from three parts. 1 Time sequence: Chinese follows the principle of “what happens first is always described at the beginning and the next actio
28、n just follows.” English is not that strict, but generally speaking it adopts a linear arrangement: the important conclusion is placed at the beginning and the background information like time is put at the end. 2. The logical sequence of causality. The sequence in Chinese is “cause and effect” and
29、is mainly “effect and cause” in English.3. The position of modifiers. Word order has a significant impact on translation. Different word order may cause misunderstandings in translation. In order to remove the misunderstandings, word order has to be adjusted in translation. Respectively, the adjustm
30、ent is made from three parts: time sequence, logical sequence of causality and the position of modifiers.Key words Word Order Thought Pattern Adjustment iv中文摘要我们在描述一个事件或想法的时候,会考虑先说什么,后说什么,语序问题就由此而生。语序是词语在短语,句子和篇章中的安排顺序。英汉语的语序是有差异的,究其原因是由于语序和思维方式有关。语言和思维紧密联系,语言是思维的外在表现,思维影响着与语言。语序是语言重要的语法方式,思维方式是思维或社
32、逻辑顺序调整,按修饰语的位置调整。关键词 语序 思维方式 语序调整 Table of Contents V Abstract .iiiAbstract in Chinese.ivTable of Contents.vChapterIntroduction.1ChapterWord Order Differences between Chinese and English42.1 The Reason for Word Order Differences.4 2.1.1 The Relationship between Language and Thought.42.1.2 The Relati
33、onship between Thought Pattern and Word Order52.2. An Overview of Chinese and English Thought Patterns.62.2.1 Synthetic vs. Analytical.62.2.2 Circular vs. Linear.72.3 Study on Word Order Differences between Chinese and English82.3.1Word Order Differences in Time Sequence82.3.2 Word Order Differences
34、 in Logical Sequence of Causality.92.3.3 Word Order Differences in the Position of Modifiers.11Chapter Word Order Adjustments in Translation14 3.1Word Order Adjustments according to Time Sequence143.2 Word Order Adjustments according to Logical Sequence of Causality153.3 Word Order Adjustments accor
35、ding to the Position of Modifiers.173.3.1 The Adjustment of Attribute.173.3.2 The Adjustment of Adverbial.20Chapter Conclusion.21Bibliography.22Chapter Introduction Crystal (1997) has defined word order as “the linear arrangement of words (and more generally components of various sizes) in a clause,
36、 sentence or utterance.” Word order is a reflection of language users thought pattern. Westerners and Chinese people have different thought patterns and thus their languages have different word orders. This paper takes word order differences as subject and probes into its adjustment in translation.W
37、ord order, however, is not as simple as it seems to be. Firstly, word order is hierarchical. Word order exists in two levels: sentence level and text level. The former takes phrase and sentence as unit and adjust words within a sentence, while the latter regards several sentences as a group and make
38、s arrangement beyond sentence. Secondly, word order is various: there is conventionalized form and non-conventionalized form or inversed form. The non-conventionalized form is so complex that it is impossible to exhaust all the cases and have a comprehensive understanding. Third, word order adjustme
39、nt is rather complicated. When and how it should be adjusted becomes hot topic in translation. Though difficult to investigate, word order can still be approached if we find out the reason for the differences. As we all know, language is closely related with thought. In the book on language , Wilhel
40、m Von Humboldt(2001) wrote “the spiritual traits and the structure of language of a people are so intimately blended that, given either of the two, one should be able to deserve the other from it to the fullest extentLanguage is the outward manifestation of the spirit of people.” Language is the car
41、rier of thought and externalizes the unseen thought. Therefore the arrangement of words in a language, word order is influenced by the thought pattern. If a look at different thought patterns is taken, the analysis of word order would be available. Chinese have a tendency of synthetic thinking and w
42、esterners tend to have analytic thinking. Synthetic thinking makes Chinese follow the “principle of time sequence, PTS”,(Dai,1985) that is word order corresponds with the natural time in mind. While English, a manifestation of analytic thinking has the “principle of importance sequence, PIS”, that i
43、s the constituent of a sentence is arranged by its importance. Take the following as example, a.他在桌子上跳。b. he jumped on the table. The constituent“在桌子上” comes first into people s mind before “跳”so the principle “PTS” is applicable. In 1b the importance of “jumped” ranks above “on the table” as Englis
44、h is a verb-oriented language and the principle is applied in example 1b. Different thought pattern also influences logical thinking of causality. Synthetic thinking makes Chinese people prefer a “from cause to result” order in Chinese sentence and westerners think in a reversed order in English sen
45、tence. At last, the thought pattern has an influence on the position of modifiers, too. All the above three aspects will be discussed in this paper and word order is adjusted according to time sequence, logic sequence and the position of modifiers.Word order differences between Chinese and English have caused problems in translation. This paper will help solve th
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