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1、英汉语言中动物词语的联想意义On the Association of Animal Words in English and ChineseContentsI. Introduction1II.The Associative Meanings of Animal Words.1A. The same animal words with the same or similar associative meanings in English and Chinese.1B. The same animal words with different associative meanings in E

2、nglish and Chinese.3C. The different animal words with similar associative meanings in English and Chinese.5D. One animal word has rich associative meanings in one language but has no associative meanings in the other languages7III. The Causes and Influence of the Association of Animal Words in Cros

3、s-Cultural Communication.8IV.Conclusion.9Works Cited .10Abstract: The cultural meaning of animal words reflects the culture of a nation from a perspective, and the different cultural meanings of animal words in English and Chinese languages reflect the similarities and differences between these two

4、cultures. Some reasons account for this phenomena, such as different cultural background, different customs, different ways of thinking, ect. So, in my paper I will expound the phenomena from four aspects. The first is the same animal words with the same or similar associative meanings in English an

5、d Chinese. The second is the same animal words with different associative meanings in English and Chinese. The third one is the different animal words with similar associative meanings in English and Chinese. The last is one animal word has rich associative meanings in one language but has no associ

6、ative meanings in the other languages. With the development of our society, the globalization is becoming an unavoidable tendency, and human beings contact with each other more and more frequently. This explains the necessity to understand not only our own culture but other cultures to facilitate th

7、e cross-cultural communication. Moreover, the animal words play an important role in the culture, so it is necessary for us to understand the associative meanings of animal words so as not to make mistakes.Key words: animal words, associative meanings, intercultural communication摘要:动物词汇的文化意义从一个角度反映了


9、的文化。另外,动物词汇在语言文化中扮演了重要的角色。所以,为了在跨文化交际中避免犯错误,了解动物词汇的联想意义对我们来说是很有必要的。关键词:动物词汇,联想意义,跨文化交际I. IntroductionWith the development of our society, language plays an important role and it records the process of the development of our social civilization. Human and animals co-exist and contact frequently. Ther

10、efore, there are a great quantity of animal words and phrases in human languages. And human endow them with certain feelings and meanings according to animals appearances, habits, ect. English and Chinese all have long history and rich cultural heritage. In their languages, there are a lot of animal

11、 words with associative meanings. The animal words are the summary of human life, the mark of the development of human language and the symbol of the process of human civilization. Our society is developing very fast. The globalization is influencing our life. Western and Chinese cultures communicat

12、e with each other frequently. So it is helpful for us to understand and master the associative meanings of animal words.II. The Associative Meanings of Animal Words When we talk about associative meaning, we should know what the associative meaning is. As we all know, a word has not only its concept

13、ual meaning, but its associative meaning. The conceptual meaning is the basic meaning of a word. However, the associative meaning not only has the relationship with language, but also has deep relationship with culture. The associative meaning of a word is the extended meanings of it. Its appearance

14、 is related to the culture, environment, psychology, ect. So, the associative meaning of a word is the total meanings a person thinks of when they hear or see the word. A. The same animal words with the same or similar associative meanings in English and ChineseThere are many phrases which contain c

15、ertain meanings of animal words. It is very easy to understand their forms, and then we can associate the associative meanings of them. It goes without saying that because of the similarity of the ways of thinking, the same animal words may have the same or similar associative meanings.In English an

16、d Chinese languages, people have the same associative meanings to pig. In peoples mind, they think pig is ugly, dirty, lazy, greedy and rough. This is really unfair. People abuse pig but they eat pork. In Chinese language, there are many phrases about pig, such as “as fat as a pig”, “as lazy as a pi

17、g” and so on. These are dirty words which people use them to abuse others. The Pilgrimage to the West is one of the four famous books in China. It is a myth. In this novel, Zhubajie is an ugly, lazy, greedy and lust person and he is very hateful. In English, a pig refers to a greedy, dirty or bad-ma

18、nnered person. So people always use it to refer to a person who is greedy, lazy and dirty. There are also many idioms of pig which almost have derogatory meanings. For example, “eat like a pig or make a pig of oneself”, “you greedy pig”, “pigs in clover”, “buy a pig in a poke” and so on.The same cas

19、e happens to the word wolf in English and Chinese. It is associated with violent, cunning and greedy. In Chinese we can find 如狼似虎(ferocious),狼心狗肺(ungrateful),狼吞虎咽(wolf down)狼子野心(wolfish ambition)ect. In English, we meet “wolf down”, “throw to the wolves”, “have a wolf by eats”, “cry wolf”, “wolf in

20、sheeps clothing”, “a sheep among wolves” and so on. They all express derogatory meanings. Moreover, when a wolf represents a person, it means a man who is always ready to make sexual advances to a woman. So in English, there is a idiom “a wolf whistle” which means a man attracts a womans attention w

21、ith whistle when he sees a beautiful woman on the road. In Chinese people always use “Selang” to express this kind of person. Fox represents the person who is very cunning. In English, there have “he is a fox, as cunning as a fox”. Fox also has another meaning. It means sexually attractive woman. In

22、 Chinese it is a derogatory meaning and it means “Hulijing” who always seduces man. But in English it has the opposite meaning and it means a very beautiful woman.There are also many other animal words which have the same or very similar associative meanings in English and Chinese. For example, bee

23、symbolizes diligence and the quality of hardworking both in English and Chinese. So we often use the phrase “as busy as a bee” to describe a person who is busy and hardworking. Parrot is a bird which can copy peoples pronunciation. It represents a person who only copies other people and doesnt have

24、his own opinion. People use ass to describe a person who is stupid and obstinate both in English and Chinese. For instance, “he is rather an ass in some ways”, “make an ass of oneself”B. The same animal words with the different associative meanings in English and Chinese Because of different cultura

25、l backgrounds, the same animal words may produce different associative meanings. This reflects the differences between English and Chinese cultures and embodies the individuality of national cultures. Dragon is the most representative example. In Chinese culture, dragon is a capricious supernatural

26、animal. It is not a real animal but an animal which is imagined by human beings. In ancient China, the imperial King named themselves “Zhenlongtianzi”. Common people thought the dragon as their power of spirit. Now we Chinese people all believe that it is the symbol of Chinese nation. Chinese people

27、 not only at home but also abroad all name themselves “the offsprings of dragon”. We can find the image and trace of dragon almost everywhere, such as in painting, sculpture, calligraphy and building. Now dragon has become an immortal spirit and we call this as “dragon culture”. So there are many id

28、iomatic phrases in Chinese. For example, 龙腾虎跃(dragons rising and tigers leapinga scene of bustling activity),生龙活虎(doughty as a dragon and lively as a tiger),龙飞凤舞(like dragons flying and phoenixes dancinglively and vigorous flourishes in calligraphy) and so on. These all reflect the associative meani

29、ngs of dragon in Chinese culture. While in western culture, dragon is the representative of evil. It is the devil incarnation. In the Bible, the great dragon refers to Satan. And the old dragon is devil. In English, dragon also means a fierce bad-tempered old woman. Because the same animal words hav

30、e different associative meanings. People in western countries want to express the concept of dragon in Chinese, they will say Chinese dragon. In Asia, there are three developed countries and one developed area, Japan, Korea, Singapore and Hong Kong. We call them “Sixiaolong”. In order not to make mi

31、stakes in communication, we call them four tigers but four dragons.Because of the differences of aesthetic appreciation and social psychology, the same animal words will produce different associative meanings in English and Chinese cultures. Some animal words express good meanings in English, while

32、in Chinese they express derogatory meanings, such as dog, owl and so on. Under most conditions, Chinese people think dog is a very disgusting animal. In Chinese, the words which contain dog almost express derogatory meanings, such as 狗仗人势(like a dog threatening people on the strength of its masters

33、powerbe a fully under the protection of a powerful person),狼心狗肺(ungrateful),狗胆包天(monstrous audacity), ect. And people always abuse others with 狗腿子(lackey),癞皮狗(loathsome creature),狗眼看人低(act like a snob),狗拿耗子多管闲事(poke ones nose into other peoples business), and so on. In western countries, many people

34、 love dog. They raise dogs as their pets and believe dog is mans best friend. So there are many commendatory phrases which contain dog. For instance, “to be top dog”, “a lucky dog”, “a gay dog”, “as faithful as a dog”, “love me love my dog”, “every dog has its day”, ect. Sometimes, the comparison of

35、 dog has obvious derogatory meaning in English, but it is not as strong as in Chinese. For example, “treat someone like a dog”, “live a dogs life”, “dog eat dog”. In English, people also abuse others by using “you dog” or “a dog in the manger”, but this can not affect the position of dog. Chinese pe

36、ople also like some qualities of dog, such as faithfulness, reliability and cleverness. But they feed dog simply because it is very useful. It can help people to look after their houses.In China, owl is a bird which always goes out and acts at night. Because its crying sounds sad, people often assoc

37、iate its crying with misfortune and they think owl is the sign of unlucky. While western people consider owl is an intelligent bird and it is the symbol of intelligence. In childrens books and cartoons, the image of owl is calm, serious and clever. When animals dispute something, they will let owl t

38、o judge. So, in English, there has the idiom “as wise as an owl”. Because owl is used to acting at night, owl is referred to people who often sit up all night or are used to acting at night in English. In Chinese traditional culture, bat and happiness have the same pronunciation, people always use i

39、t to express good luck. It is the symbol of auspicious and happiness. However, in English culture, people always associate it with ugliness, vampire, darkness and sin. So there are some phrases like “as blind as a bat”, “have bats in ones belfry”, “like a bat out of hell”, “as crazy as a bat”, ect.

40、In China, peacock is a bird which is very beautiful and Chinese people think it is an auspicious bird. But sometimes someone who likes himself, we will say he is a peacock. In English, peacock refers to people who are very proud and like to make pretence. So they have the phrases “as proud as a peac

41、ock” and “play the peacock”.Magpie refers to people who like to chatter and babble on and on in English. While in Chinese, it is an auspicious bird. It is the symbol of auspicious and lucky. So in China, when people hear the crying of a magpie, they will believe that some happy event will happen.Bec

42、ause fish has the same pronunciation with surplus in Chinese, people often buy the pictures with fish in Spring Festival. This means people have surplus every year and peoples life is better and better. But in English, it describes fish as bad people or bad things. For instance, “a poor fish”, “a lo

43、ose fish”, “fish in the air” and so on.Petrel is the example of study in Chinese. A lonely petrel in the rain which is flying over the sea bravely is the example of young people. In 2008 Olympic Games, we have five Olympic Mascots and petrel is one of them. So we can see petrel has an important posi

44、tion in China. In western countries, a petrel in the storm predicts the disaster, trouble and violence will come to someone.Phoenix is the King of birds in Chinese. People consider male is Feng and female is Huang. In ancient China, when a man woos a woman, this is called Feng woos Huang. Sometimes,

45、 phoenix means something very rare and precious. In western countries, phoenix represents reviving in myth.We are all very familiar with cat. Chinese people like cat because it is very lively and lovely and it can catch rat. So it is very useful. In Chinese culture, it is also the symbol of long lif

46、e. In some places, when someone walks or drives at night and sees a cat running in front of him, some unfortunate thing will happen to him. In western countries, people think cat does not do anything all day except causing troubles. People hate cat especially black cat. There are many phrases about

47、cat. For example, “no room to swing a cat”, “like a cat on hot bricks” “the cat shuts its eyes when stealing cream” and “the cat out of the bags”. C. The different animal words with similar associative meanings in English and ChineseBecause of different cultural backgrounds, different animal words h

48、ave similar associative meanings in English and Chinese cultures. That is, in English and Chinese, different animal words express similar associative meanings. Although in the two languages, they use the different animal words, the animal words express similar associative meanings. These animal words have the relationship with the different history of English and Chinese. Also, this embodies the different cognition to objective things of western and Chinese.Bull and horse are two totally different animals, but bull in Chinese culture


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