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1、(完整版)非谓语动词讲解(超全超实用)非谓语动词讲解非谓语动词: a.动词不定式 b. v-ing c。 过去分词概述:1.谓语动词:在句子中担任谓语的动词2.非谓语动词:是动词的特殊形式,在句中可以作除谓语外的所有成分非谓语动词使用条件一个句子当中,已经存在一个主句(谓语动词),又没有连词的情况下, 还有别的动词出现时。She got off the bus, leaving her handbag on her seat。She got off the bus, but left her handbag on her seat。动词不定式一动词不定式的时态和被动形式动词不定式是非谓语动词的

2、一种,由不定式符号(to)加动词原形构成。不定式的形式有五种:1.一般式to do I like to read English。2。进行式to be doing He seemed to be reading something at that time。3.完成式to have done He seemed to have cleaned the room.4.被动式to be done The work is to be done soon。5。完成被动式to have been doneThe boy is said to have been sent to hospital yest

3、erday。疑问词+动词不定式What, who, which, where, when, how, why等疑问词构成不定式短语,这种短语在句子中可作主语、宾语和表语等成分。二. 动词不定式的用法I。作主语 (1)不定式做主语时,可以直接放在谓语动词之前。To see is to believe Not to get there in time is your fault。(2)注:常用it做形式主语,将to do位于之后,使句子保持平衡。句型1:It + 谓语 +(+sb。)+时间/金钱+ to do It takes us an hour _to_ get there by bus. I

4、t costs you only 100 a month to cook at home.It seemed impossible to save money.句型2:Its + n。 (+ for sb) + to do Its our duty _to_ help the poor。It is a great enjoyment _to_ spend our holiday in the countryside.。 It is a great honor for us to be present at your birthday party。句型3: It is + adj (+ for

5、sb) to do sth(是形容事物的性质的 )It is + adj (+ of sb) to do sth(是形容人的品质的 )It is easy for me to finish this work before ten。 It is very kind of you to give me some help。Its impolite of you to speak to the teacher like that。疑问词+不定式 作主语When to start remains undecided。1. It is easy to get there by bus or taxi.

6、2. It takes about 3 hours to see all the birds。3. It is also impolite to speak with your mouth full when you are eating.4. Its our duty to take good care of the old。5. How long did it take you to finish the work?6。 It is stupid of you to write down everything the teacher says.7。 When to start has no

7、t been decided。8. It seemed selfish of him not to give them anything。9。 Its necessary for you to lock the car when you do not use it.10. It is useful for our health to do morning exercises.II。作宾语 接不定式做宾语I want to know this matter。I dont expect to meet you here(1)常见动词有:like, demand, expect, promise,

8、begin, determine, refuse, fail, manage, learn, seem, forget, want, prepare, pretend, plan, wish等They want to get_( get ) on the bus, didnt they? He said he wished _to be ( be ) a professor.(2)it作形式宾语I find/feel to work with him interesting I find/feel it interesting to work with himSubject+ find/thi

9、nk/feel/make/ consider it+adj/n + to do sth。 1.Wethought_it_better_to_startearly。2.Doyouconsider_it_betternot_to_go?3。Ifeel_it_myduty_to_changeallthat。 4。We think it _ important _ to _ obey the law。5。I know _ it _ impossible _ to _ finish so much homework in a day.(3)疑问词+不定式 作宾语常常放在这些动词的后面作宾语:tell,

10、advise, show, teach, find out, decide, discuss, learn, explainHe taught us how to use the tool。 No one could tell me where to get the book。The dictionary didnt tell the Frenchman how to pronounce the word.(4) 作介词but, except, besides的宾语.Cant choose but doCant help but do/have no choice to doDo nothin

11、g but doPractice: 1. Would you like to go to Thailand? (would like to do sth。)2. The driver failed to see the other car in time. 3. I think it our duty to obey the laws。4. Do you know how to play football?5。 I found it difficult to see him here。6。 Here are some ideas about how to find cheap, fun thi

12、ngs to do with your family on weekends.7. Many people like to go to a restaurant。8. I havent decided whether to go or stay. 9。 Everyone wants to have a happy weekend.10。 She hope Ill advise her which to choose.III。作宾语补足语1。 Illgetsomeone_to_repairtherecorderforyou. 2. Whatcausedhim_to_changehismind?

13、v.+ sb.+ to doadvise, allow, ask, beg, cause, expect, encourage, force, get, hate, invite , order, wish, want, warn, remind, promise, permit, persuade, request+ sb。 to do注意:(1)在动词feel (一感),hear, listen to(二听),have, let, make(三使),notice, see, watch, observe, look at(五看)(即:吾看三室两厅一感觉)等后面的补足语中,不定式不带to,但

14、变为被动语态后,必须带to。v.+ sb。+ do Lets go to Thailand right now。 (let sb. do sth。)They saw the boy fall off the tree。 (see sb. do sth.) The boy was seen to fall off the tree。He is often heard to sing (sing) the song。Though he often made his deskmate cry (cry).Today he was made to cry(cry) by his deskmate。 (

15、make sb. do sth.)(2)help后面作宾语补足语的不定式可以带to,也可以不带to。 I often help him(to)clean the room. help sb。 (to) do sth。I helped him (to) find his things。 比较:The professor told the students how to do the experiment .The professor told the students to do the experiment。Practice: 1。 No one lets you sit in the off

16、ice。2。 I want you to know some rules。3。 I heard her sing today. She sang wonderful.4。 We watched the children play games.5。 Do you feel the house shake?6。The boss made the workers work for 12 hours a day。 7. We were made to make ten sentences with these words.8。 Im waiting for Tom to give the answer

17、。9。 Would you like her sing a song for us?10. Did anyone notice a strange man come into the bank?IV作定语I have something to tell you. (不定式作定语)1.被修饰词是不定式的逻辑主语She is always the last to leave the room。We need someone to help with the work.She is always the first to answer questions.2。不定式用来说明所修饰词的内容 I hav

18、e no chance to go there.He made a promise to be a good boy。There is no need to build a dam on the small river。 3. 不定式与它所修饰的词有动宾关系 Do you have anything to wash today? One of the most interesting places to visit in Singapore is Bird Park。不定式为不及物动词且和所修饰的名词是动宾关系时,须加介词 He bought a cup to drink water with

19、. I have nothing to complain about.He is looking for a room to live in。Practice: 1。 Each member can choose a film for the evening to watch together.2. He sat down at a table and waited for someone to take his order.3。Is this the best way to help him?4。 Please give me something to drink.5。 She has a

20、child to take care of.6. He is not the kind of man to do such things。7. It is already time to begin our class。8。 Thank you for giving me the chance to make the speech.9. She bought a bookshelf to put her books on。10。You are the only person to be late.V。作状语 不定式作状语可以表示目的、原因、结果。I came here to see you(目

21、的)We were very excited to hear the news(原因)He hurried to the school to find nobody there。 (结果)(1)作目的状语 表示谓语动作的目的,其逻辑主语通常是句子的主语。强调动词不定式所表示的目的时,动词不定式可用 in order to +V。 (原形)so as to +V。 (原形)但so as to 不用于句首。The student saved much money to buy a new mobile phone。He got up early in order to/so as to catch

22、 the first bus.= In order to catch the first bus, he got up early。People have learnt the importance of keeping a balanced diet to satisfy (satisfy) their nutritional needs。(2) 作结果状语不定式作结果状语时,多表示出乎意料的结果,其逻辑主语通常是句子的主语。作结果状语的不定式通常用一般式,为了表示强调可在不定式前加上only.I rushed to the station, only to find the train h

23、ad already gone.We came home to find our garden neat and tidy.不定式作结果状语时,常用于soas to,suchas to, enough to, tooto,only to等结构中.如:She was so late to miss half of the lecture。She is such a good teacher as to be repected by all her students。The house is large enough to hold two hundred people。The hat is to

24、o large to wear。He walks too slowly to get there on time.(3)作原因状语。 不定式与情感类形容词连用时,大多表示原因,用来作原因状语。这类形容词主要有: happy, kind, surprised, frightened, shocked, glad, delighted, dissapointed等。They were surprised to be informed of the news.She was very happy to hear that her son had been promoted.Practice:1。Im

25、 glad to show you around the zoo on such a beautiful day.2。 When people are too tired to cook after work, they often get a “takeaway”。3。 Tart apples are used to make apple sauce.4. One day he went to a cafeteria to have lunch。5。 I am too tired to think of anything now。6。I work hard to pass the exam。

26、7。You couldnt do that to save your life.8. The tea is too hot to drink。9。 English is too difficult for me to learn.10。 This question is too hard for me to answer. 作表语动词不定式往往放在连系动词be的后面作表语。(1)常说明主语的内容、性质、特征My wish is to become a teacher.Your job today is to clean the playground。To be kind to the enem

27、y is to be cruel to yourself。My suggestion is to put off the meeting。(2)动词不定式作表语,表示将来They are to marry next week.You are to deliver these flowers before 10疑问词+不定式 作表语The question is where to get the medicine.The difficulty is how to do the most of work with the least of money。Practice1。 His dream is

28、 to be a doctor。2。 The next step is to turn on the TV。3。 The purpose of education is to develop a fine personality in children。4。 Now my task is to finish the composition.5。 The question was how to do the job well.不定式的主动形式表示被动意义I have something important to do. In the accident, the driver was to bla

29、me。This question is difficult to answer。 The box is not easy to carry. 动词不定式综合练习1.I want to give up this job but I have to support my family。2. It will be difficult to live like this after they take back the house next July。3. It took me 3 days to learn the English song。4. The passage tells you what

30、 to do in the first few minutes。5。 Everyone should know how to call for help in their area。6。 The teachers also help them to do these things.7。 To be a winner, you need to give all you have and try your best.8。 Which of them would you most like to visit?9。 I feel it my duty to help others。10。 The ea

31、rth is better place to live on, but scientists are trying to make the best use of the moon。11。 The birthday child wears new clothes to mark the special time.12。 A flag is flown outside a window to show that someone who lives in that house is having a birthday.13。 The best way to improve your English

32、 is to join an English club.14. Something is still to find out。16。 How to make requests politely is important。17。 You must be patient and persistent if you are to succeed.18。 It was necessary for her to talk with his mother。19. As young adults, it is our duty to try our best to deal with each challe

33、nge。20. Id invite her to have dinner at my house.21. He was found to steal in the shop.22. She was the first woman to win the gold medal in the Olympic Games 23。 The man downstairs found it difficult to fall asleep.24。 Do you have the ability to read and write English ?25。 The Browns have a comforta

34、ble house to live in. 26。 There is nothing to worry about。27. I allowed the children to play in my room for another five minutes。28。 The doctor advised me not to go to bed too late.29。 We want to see Liu Yu achieve his dreams.30. Did you find it hard to solve the problem?动词的ing形式(v-ing/doing)一。 动词的i

35、ng的基本构成主动语态被动语态一般式doingbeing done完成式having donehaving been doneNo one likes being laughed at。I dont remember having ever been given a chance to do it.二。v-ing的功用v-ing 相当于adj. adv. n.的功能,所以,在句中可以作:主语,宾语,定语,状语,表语,宾语补足语1。 作主语Smoking does great harm to peoples health。Helping her is my duty.Collecting sta

36、mps is a good hobby。与动词不定式作主语的区别.(1)V-ing形式作主语,表示一般性、经常性的动作。表示一次性的动作多用不定时。 Walking/To walk is a good form of exercise for both young and old.To walk there /Walking there is impossible。(2)不定式作主语常用it作形式主语,ving作主语常位于句首。只有某些习惯用语如no use, no good作表语用时,才用it作其他形式主语.It is no good/use doing sth。It is a waste

37、of time/money doing sth.It is great fun doing sth.It is no use watching too much TV。It is no good talking to him, because he never listens。(3)句子主语若是不定式,主语也用不定式;句子表语若是ving,主语也用ving.To see is to believe./Seeing is believing。Talking to him is talking to a wall。2。 作表语, 表抽象的,一般的行为,表主语的特征、性质和内容。It sounds

38、interesting.The book seems boring。My job is looking after children.3. 作宾语,既可以作动词的宾语,也可以作介词的宾语。She sat there without speaking.以下动词或短语只v-ing形式作宾语:admit(承认), avoid(避免,躲避), appreciate(感激), consider(考虑), enjoy(享受,喜欢), escape(逃脱), finish(完成), keep doing(一直做), mind(介意), suggest(建议), delay(耽误), deny(否认), ex

39、cuse(原谅), practice(练习), resist(抗拒)等动词.I have finished reading the novel.Do you mind buying a dictionary for me on the Internet?The little boy admitted taking away the money in the drawer。She kept waving to her husband until he was out of sight.cant help(禁不住), give up(放弃), feel like(想要), keep on(继续),

40、 think of(考虑), set about(着手,开始做), dream of(梦见,梦想), have difficulty/trouble (in)(做有困难), be busy (in)(忙于), put off(推迟)等短语。 When my father heard the news, he couldnt help laughing.I dont feel like going to see the film.He was busy (in) preparing his lessons。He kept on working until midnight though he w

41、as tied.在下列短语中,to是介词,后面应用ving作宾语。be/get used to, look forward to, devote to, pay attention to, object to, get down to等。I look forward to seeing him again.Are you used to living there alone?下列动词或短语,既可以跟v-ing作宾语,也可以跟不定式作宾语,但意义上有区别。 表示经常性的行为后接v-ing;love, like, prefer, hate 表示具体的行为常用动词不定式。I like swimmin

42、g, but I dont like to swim this afternoon.但要注意,如果like, love, prefer前有would,后面择接动词不定式。Would you like to go shopping with me?What would you prefer to eat tonight?下面几组词接v-ing作宾语和动词不定式作宾语含义不同。 doing sth。 忘记已做过某事.forget to do sth。 忘记要做某事 doing sth。记得做过某事remember to do sth. 记得要做某事 doing sth. 后悔做过某事regret

43、to do sth. 遗憾要做某事doing sth. 意味着 mean to do sth。 打算做某事 doing sth 禁不住做某事 cant help (to)do sth。 不能帮忙做某事 to do sth。 努力做某事try doing sth 试着做某事 to do sth。停下来去做某事 stop doing sth 停下正在做的事情 to do sth。 继续做原来的事情 go on doing sth. 继续做正在做的事动词need, require, want作“需要”讲时,以及be worth其后用v-ing的主动形式表示被动意义。Your coat wants w

44、ashing.= Your coat wants to be washed.The method needs improving。This pair of shoes requires mending.The question is well worth discussing4作宾语补足语,补充说明主语的性质或状态。常跟动词的ing作补语的动词有:表示感觉和心理状态的动词。常见的有see,watch,hear,feel,smell,find,notice,observe,catch等等.I could feel my heart beating fast。使役动词.常见的有have,set,k

45、eep,get, leave等。They had the light burning all night。5. 作定语.We have got a swimming pool in our school.Do you know the boy standing at the gate?6。 作状语,它作状语时,通常都表示主语正在进行的另一动作,用来对谓语动词表示的动作加以修饰或作为陪衬。它可以表示时间、结果、条件、让步、方式或伴随动作,相当于相应的状语从句。表示时间。Hearing the news, they all jumped with joy。Seeing its mother, th

46、e baby smiled。 当强调与谓语动词同时发生时,在v-ing 前可以用连词when或while。Be careful when crossing the street.表示原因。Being ill, he went home。表示条件。Working hard, you will succeed.表示结果。The snow lasted a week, leading to a serious traffic jam in the whole area。表示伴随,ving形式表示的动作和谓语动词所表示的动作同时发生.它没有相应的状语从句代替。She sat at the desk reading a newspaper。They walked on the way home, singing and laughing.三ving的复合结构ving前可以加一个物主代词或名词所有格来表示这个v


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