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1、职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 MarketingUnit 7职业综合英语职业综合英语 2 2E EN NG GL LI IS SH H F FO OR R C CA AR RE EE ER RS S新职业英语新职业英语第1页职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 MarketingContentsListening&Speaking4 Warming-up1Reading A2Reading B3Language Lab7Language Lab7Writing5Mini-project6Language Lab7Entertainment8第2页职业综合职业综合英语英语

2、 2 2Unit 7 MarketingWarm-upTask 1Task 2第3页职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 MarketingWarm-1Task 1 Look at the following pictures and identify the different selling methods.person-to-person sellingperson-to-person selling direct mail sellingdirect mail selling online sellingonline selling telephone selling tele

3、phone selling NotesNotes第4页职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 MarketingWarm-1-NotesPersonal selling:人员推销/个人推销 is is a a two-way two-way communication communication between between the the seller seller and and the the buyer buyer usually usually face-face-to-face,to-face,via via the the Internet,Internet,the th

4、e phone phone and and the the correspondence.correspondence.Unlike Unlike advertising,advertising,a a personal personal sales sales message message can can be be more more specifically specifically targeted targeted on on individual individual prospects prospects and and easily easily altered altere

5、d if if the the desired desired behavior behavior does does not not occur.occur.Personal Personal selling,selling,however,however,is is far far more more costly costly than than advertising advertising and and is is generally generally used used only only when its high expenditure can be justified.w

6、hen its high expenditure can be justified.第5页职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 MarketingWarm-2Task 2 New Yorks Times Square is one of the most desirable places for advertising.Look at the digital&neon billboards shown in photo and state which brands you recognize and give short statements about each of them.No

7、tesNotes第6页职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 Marketing第7页职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 Marketing BecauseBecause AmericaAmerica is is onon thethe move,move,spendingspending moremore timetime onon thethe roadroad andand lessless timetime in in thethe home,home,itsits mobilemobile societysociety makesmakes outdooroutdoo

8、r advertisingadvertising anan importantimportant andand effectiveeffective meansmeans ofof gettinggetting messagesmessages in in frontfront ofof peoplespeoples eyes.eyes.SinceSince consumersconsumers usuallyusually getget justjust a a fleetingfleeting glimpseglimpse ofof a a billboard,billboard,a a

9、businessbusiness mustmust designdesign thethe advertisementadvertisement toto bebe simplesimple andand bold.bold.A A picturepicture showingshowing thethe biggestbiggest benefitbenefit ofof youryour productproduct oror serviceservice alongalong withwith upup toto sevenseven wordswords makesmakes thet

10、he mostmost effectiveeffective billboard.billboard.Additionally,Additionally,purchasingpurchasing betweenbetween sixsix andand tenten billboardsbillboards locatedlocated nearnear eacheach otherother createscreates thethe mostmost effectiveeffective awareness-buildingawareness-building advertisingadv

11、ertising campaign.campaign.Back Back第8页职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 MarketingReading AReading ATextTask 1Task 2 Business Know-howTask 3第9页职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 MarketingText A-1Reading APayless ShoeSource:Paying Less for Fashion1 1 WhenWhen youyou thinkthink ofof NewNew YorksYorks FifthFifth Avenue,Avenu

12、e,whichwhich retailersretailers comecome toto mind?mind?Tiffanys?Tiffanys?Gucci?Gucci?Armani?Armani?OneOne namename thatthat probablyprobably doesntdoesnt comecome toto mindmind is is Payless.Payless.第10页职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 MarketingText A-2 2 2 Founded Founded in in 19561956 in in Kansas,Kansas,

13、PaylessPayless grewgrew rapidlyrapidly onon thethe basisbasis ofof whatwhat waswas thenthen a a revolutionaryrevolutionary idea:idea:sellingselling shoesshoes in in a a self-serviceself-service environment.environment.FiftyFifty yearsyears later,later,it it hadhad becomebecome thethe largestlargest

14、shoeshoe retailerretailer in in America,America,targetingtargeting low-low-budgetbudget families.families.Reading A第11页职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 MarketingText A-33 3 WhileWhile allall seemedseemed rosyrosy forfor thethe choose-it-yourselfchoose-it-yourself shoeshoe store,store,byby ,PaylessPayless wasw

15、as losinglosing marketmarket shareshare andand closingclosing stores.stores.TheThe retailretail landscapelandscape hadhad changed,changed,andand giantgiant discountdiscount one-stopone-stop shopsshops likelike Walmart,Walmart,Target,Target,andand KohlsKohls hadhad becomebecome thethe choicechoice of

16、of shoppersshoppers whowho paidpaid specialspecial attentionattention toto priceprice whenwhen theythey boughtbought oneone industryindustry insiderinsider,“You“You cancan nono longerlonger produceproduce thethe samesame boringboring shoesshoes yearyear afterafter yearyear andan

17、d hopehope thatthat priceprice alonealone willwill getget customerscustomers toto youryour door.”door.”WithWith lowlow pricesprices atat itsits onlyonly rule,rule,PaylessPayless hadhad lostlost itsits advantage.advantage.Reading A第12页职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 MarketingText A-44 4 To To reversereverse i

18、ts its falling falling market market share,share,Payless Payless had had to to plan plan a a completely completely new new strategy.strategy.To To get get things things started,started,it it hired hired a a new new CEO,CEO,Matt Matt Rubel,Rubel,who who came came with with extensiveextensive experien

19、ce experience in in thethe high-endhigh-end brandbrand knewknew thatthat PaylessPayless hadhad toto changechange itsits imageimage fromfrom thethe dustydusty storeroomstoreroom ofof cheapcheap shoesshoes intointo thethe funfun merchantmerchant ofof“We“We hav

20、ehave thethe abilityability toto makemake shoesshoes atat thethe mostmost affordableaffordable pricesprices anywhereanywhere in in thethe world,world,andand wewe wantwant toto marrymarry thatthat withwith thethe greatestgreatest creativity,”creativity,”saidsaid Rubel.Rubel.TheThe overalloverall obje

21、ctiveobjective ofof RubelsRubels strategystrategy waswas notnot onlyonly toto improveimprove thethe brandbrand image,image,butbut alsoalso positionposition PaylessPayless in in suchsuch a a wayway thatthat a a slightslight priceprice increaseincrease wouldwould seemseem likelike a a bargain.bargain.

22、RubelRubel wastedwasted nono timetime in in makingmaking bigbig changes.changes.Reading A第13页职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 MarketingText A-55 5 PaylessPayless ShoeSourceShoeSource hashas continuallycontinually updatedupdated itsits overalloverall imageimage sincesince .WithWith thethe revisedrevised missio

23、nmission andand visionvision statement,statement,alongalong withwith itsits newnew strategy,strategy,thethe companycompany waswas lookinglooking toto increaseincrease itsits marketmarket share.share.It It beganbegan toto attractattract customerscustomers throughthrough trendstrends andand stylesstyl

24、es,ratherrather thanthan solelysolely throughthrough discounteddiscounted prices.prices.Reading A第14页职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 MarketingText A-66 6 UnexpectedlyUnexpectedly,justjust asas RubelsRubels strategystrategy beganbegan toto taketake effecteffect,thethe worstworst globalglobal recessionrecessio

25、n sincesince thethe GreatGreat DepressionDepression brokebroke outout in in .LikeLike retailersretailers everywhere,everywhere,PaylessPayless tooktook a a hit;hit;butbut whilewhile manymany retailersretailers sufferedsuffered greatgreat losses,losses,storestore salessales atat PaylessPayless werewer

26、e muchmuch better.better.Reading A第15页职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 MarketingText A-77 7 DueDue toto thethe seriesseries ofof reformsreforms byby Rubel,Rubel,PaylessPayless is is returningreturning toto steadysteady growth.growth.LowLow productionproduction costscosts provideprovide a a competitivecompetit

27、ive advantageadvantage asas theythey continuecontinue toto increaseincrease profits.profits.InIn goodgood timestimes asas wellwell asas in in bad,bad,PaylessPayless hashas createdcreated a a formulaformula forfor valuevalue thatthat customerscustomers companycompany remainsremains c

28、onfidentconfident thatthat itsits strategystrategy toto makemake fashionfashion moremore accessibleaccessible toto ordinaryordinary peoplepeople willwill produceproduce favorablefavorable resultsresults regardlessregardless ofof futurefuture economiceconomic conditions.conditions.Reading A第16页职业综合职业

29、综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 MarketingA-Trans-1Reading A 1 1 1 1 提到纽约第五大道,你会想起哪家店铺提到纽约第五大道,你会想起哪家店铺呢?蒂凡尼?古驰?还是阿玛尼?有一个你可呢?蒂凡尼?古驰?还是阿玛尼?有一个你可能没有想到名字,那就是配莱斯。能没有想到名字,那就是配莱斯。配莱斯鞋业:时髦且不贵配莱斯鞋业:时髦且不贵第17页职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 MarketingA-Trans-2Reading A 2 2 2 2 配莱斯企业配莱斯企业19561956年创建于堪萨斯州。它年创建于堪萨斯州。它发展得非常快速,这得益于其在当初非常创新

30、发展得非常快速,这得益于其在当初非常创新理念:用户能够自己挑选鞋子。五十年过去了,理念:用户能够自己挑选鞋子。五十年过去了,它已成长为面向低端消费家庭全美最大鞋店。它已成长为面向低端消费家庭全美最大鞋店。第18页职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 MarketingA-Trans-3Reading A 3 直到为止,这种自选式经营鞋店看起来一切都非常美好;之后配莱斯开始失去市场份额,店铺也纷纷倒闭。零售行业早已改头换面,假如买鞋用户非常看重价格,那他们就会选择像沃尔玛,塔吉特,科尔士这么一站式超级折扣店。一位行业内部人士说:“你要是年复一年一成不变地生产鞋子,就别指望单靠价格廉价就能

31、吸引用户上门。”以低价作为唯一经营法则配莱斯已经毫无优势可言。第19页职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 MarketingA-Trans-4Reading A 4 4 4 4 为了扭转不停下降市场份额,配莱斯不得不开始全为了扭转不停下降市场份额,配莱斯不得不开始全新营销战略。首先,它雇佣了一名新首席执行官,麦特新营销战略。首先,它雇佣了一名新首席执行官,麦特 鲁贝鲁贝尔。此人拥有丰富高端服装品牌市场经验。鲁贝尔清楚配莱尔。此人拥有丰富高端服装品牌市场经验。鲁贝尔清楚配莱斯一定要改变自己形象。它不能还是那个落满灰尘廉价鞋仓斯一定要改变自己形象。它不能还是那个落满灰尘廉价鞋仓库,而应成


33、2 2Unit 7 MarketingA-Trans-5Reading A 5 从起,配莱斯鞋业企业一直致力于提升自己整体形象。企业重新对任务和前景进行了规划和描述,采取了新营销策略,并有望扩大市场份额。它开始经过时尚时尚和款式来吸引用户,而不再是单纯地依赖于打折价格。第21页职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 MarketingA-Trans-6Reading A 6 然而出人意料是,就在鲁贝尔策略初显成效时候,继“大萧条”后最恶劣全球经济衰退在暴发了。同世界各地零售商一样,配莱斯也遭受了打击;不过相比于其它损失惨重零售商,配莱斯铺面销售额要好得多。第22页职业综合职业综合英语英语

34、 2 2Unit 7 MarketingA-Trans-7Reading A 7 7 7 7 因为鲁贝尔实施一系列改革办法,配莱斯因为鲁贝尔实施一系列改革办法,配莱斯正重返稳步增加轨道。在他们继续增加利润同时,正重返稳步增加轨道。在他们继续增加利润同时,低廉生产成本让他们更具优势。世道或兴或衰,低廉生产成本让他们更具优势。世道或兴或衰,配莱斯总能创造出用户喜爱价值配方。配莱斯企配莱斯总能创造出用户喜爱价值配方。配莱斯企业坚信不论未来经济形势怎样,让时尚走进普通业坚信不论未来经济形势怎样,让时尚走进普通人生活行销策略总能产生主动效果。人生活行销策略总能产生主动效果。第23页职业综合职业综合英语英

35、语 2 2Unit 7 Marketing n.a person,shop,or business that sells goods to the public Reading Aretailere.g.e.g.Furniture and carpet retailers are among those reporting the sharpest annual decline in sales.Tran:Tran:大量钱都被零售商花在了广告宣传上。A lot of money is spent by retailers on advertising.A lot of money is spe

36、nt by retailers on advertising.第24页职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 Marketing direct advertising,criticism,or a product at someoneReading Atargete.g.e.g.The paper is targeted specifically at young people.Tran:Tran:这次活动将针对美国保险企业。The campaign will target American insurance The campaign will target American

37、 insurance panies.第25页职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 Marketing n.a plan to show how much money a person or organization will earn and how they will manage spending on an activity/projectReading Abudgete.g.e.g.The firm has drawn up a budget for the coming financial year.Tran:Tran:国会经过了新教育预算方案。Congress Congre

38、ss has has approved approved the the new new educational educational budget.budget.第26页职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 Marketing expanse of scenery that can be seen in a single view;painting depicting an expanse of natural sceneryReading Alandscapee.g.e.g.Those cottages blend perfectly with the landscap

39、e.Tran:那是一幅春天风景油画。That is an oil painting of a landscape in spring.That is an oil painting of a landscape in spring.第27页职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 Marketing n.someone who is an accepted member of a group and who therefore has special or secret knowledge or influence Reading Ainsidere.g.e.g.According to

40、insiders,the committee is having difficulty making up his mind.Tran:戈登是华尔街所发生事内幕知情者。Gordon is an insider to whats happening on Wall Gordon is an insider to whats happening on Wall Street.Street.第28页职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 change the direction,order,position,result,etc.of something to it

41、s opposite;turn the other way round or up or inside outReading Areverse e.g.e.g.Please reverse the position of the pictures.Tran:政府无法扭转经济下滑趋势。The government has failed to reverse the economic The government has failed to reverse the economic decline.decline.第29页职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 Marketing a.cov

42、ering a large area Reading Aextensivee.g.e.g.Her knowledge of music is extensive.Tran:Tran:这次婚礼在报纸上被广泛地报道。The wedding received extensive coverage in the The wedding received extensive coverage in the newspapers.newspapers.第30页职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 Marketing a.not expensiveReading Aaffordablee.g.e.g

43、.They offer quality service for an affordable price.Tran:Tran:我们将完善和规范经济适用房制度。We will improve and standardize the system of We will improve and standardize the system of affordable housing.affordable housing.第31页职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 Marketingto do something immediatelyReading Awaste no time in doi

44、ng somethinge.g.e.g.There is a collection of books recently made accessible to the public.Tran:Tran:只有坐船才能到那座岛上。The island is only accessible The island is only accessible by boat.第32页职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 Marketing make something more modern or suitable for use now by adding new infor

45、mation or changing its design;to give someone the most recent information Reading Aupdatee.g.e.g.Well update you on this news story throughout the day.e.g.e.g.I would advise you to update the software.Tran:Tran:这个数据需要一周更新一次。The data should be updated once a week.The data should be updated once a wee

46、k.第33页职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 Marketing a.changed in some ways Reading Arevised e.g.e.g.Now we have the revised schedule as followings.Tran:Tran:这是这本百科全书修订版。This is a revised edition of the encyclopedia.This is a revised edition of the encyclopedia.第34页职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 Marketing n.key work acti

47、vities or goals which reflect a companys/persons values/visionReading Amissione.g.e.g.The minister was sent to Spain on a mission.Tran:Tran:我人生使命就是帮助穷人。My mission in life is to help poor people.My mission in life is to help poor people.第35页职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 Marketing produce or achieve the

48、 results you wantReading Atake effecte.g.e.g.It was nearly an hour before the sleeping pill took effect.Tran:Tran:这些办法才刚才见效。These measures are just beginning to take effect.These measures are just beginning to take effect.第36页职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 Marketing n.a period when the economy of a geograph

49、ic region or industrial sector is not successfulReading Arecessione.g.e.g.The job market has been badly hit by the recession.Tran:Tran:经济衰退造成成千上万人破产。The recession has caused thousands of bankruptcies.The recession has caused thousands of bankruptcies.第37页职业综合职业综合英语英语 2 2Unit 7 Marketing a.having a f

50、eature advantageous to competition;well suited for competitionReading is a systematic attempt to strengthen our competitive ability.e.g.e.g.He doesnt look athletic,but he is competitive on the football pitch.Tran:Tran:请报你方最有竞争力价格。Please offer your most competitive price.Please


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